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Uni 1011.docx

1、Uni 10 112012届高二英语复习资料 Unit 10一、填出正确词性v.n.adj.adv.motivatemotivatemotivationmotivatedfluentfluencyfluentfluentlyachieveachieveachievementexistexistexistenceexistentvarietyvarietyvariousvariouslydeterminedeterminedeterminationdeterminedpleasedpleasepleasurepleasedproductproduceproductproductiveproduc

2、tivelyshameshameshameashamed/shamefulannoyannoyannoyanceannoyed / annoyingimportantimportanceimportantimportantlybehavebehavebehaviorpracticepractise / practicepracticepracticalpracticallyfreefreefreedomfreefreelytranslationtranslatetranslation(人)translatortruetruthtruetruly二. 单词拼写:1. I am d_ (决心) t

3、o go and nothing can stop me.2. He was punished because he was (粗鲁的)to his teacher.3. Its not polite to be (好争吵的) with customers.4. He is (热情的) about the subject though he doesnt know much.5. We are all amazed because he can speak English so f_.6. The little boy (表现) with great courage in the face o

4、f the gunman.7. The government is (呼吁) to everyone to save water.8. The can you to make progress.(动机)9. That was an important .(成就)10. people need to be more (意识到)of the dangers of the world around them.11. We run our school with a_ (先进的)thought.12. This is a (真正)beautiful picture.13. The boys (娱乐)t

5、hemselves with games.14. P_ is a kind of art of taking photos.15. Governments should protect smaller languages and recognise the importance of keeping a v_ of cultures and languages.16. This firm is known for its high-quality p_.17. After finishing the dinner, mother r_ the dishes from the table.18.

6、 Police asked p_ if they had seen the accident happen.19. You should be a_ of yourself for telling such lies.20. Ill need f_ for this shot as the light isnt good enough here.三、语法练习:1. 1) _(see) from the mountain, we felt great.2) When we _ (see) from the mountain, we felt great.3) _ (see) from the m

7、ountain, our school looked like an ant.2. 1) When _ (heat), liquid can be changed into vapour. 2) When it _ (heat), liquid can be changed into vapour.3. 1)_ (follow) the rules, you can find the correct answers.2)_ (follow) by the children, you can find the correct answers.4. There was an accident _

8、(happen) on my way home.5. 1) I was _(amaze) by the long history of ancient Asia, he decided to visit China.2) Most of the students were _ by the teachers _ question. (puzzle)6. - Have you considered _ (change) your job as a teacher? - Yes. I like the job because a teacher is often considered_(be) a

9、 gardener.7. 1) The thief fell to the ground and _ (break) his feet. 2) The thief fell to the ground, _(break) his feet. 8. 1) I was driving along the street when I _ (notice) my car ran out of petrol. 2) I was driving along the street when _ (notice) my car ran out of petrol.9. We all look forward

10、to _ (visit) your beautiful country.10. My companions are not used to _(drink) strong coffee.11. 1) The teacher suggested his _ problems by himself.2) The teacher suggested he _ problems by himself.四完成句子:1. We should never_(推迟)what we have to do today.2. Man should protect animal _(频危)by law.3. _(目前

11、), what he can do is to wait.4. Please dont _ my secret _(泄密)!5. More and more girls in the countryside have to _(退学)school in the countryside.6. Many workers have _(失业) recently.7. 他半夜才回家,更有甚者,他还喝醉了。He came home after midnight, and_8. 妇女在中国所起的作用是重要的。Women in China _9. 他当真拒绝我的提议了吗?Did he really _ my

12、 proposal?10. 吸烟对我们的健康有很坏的影响。Smoking _ our health.11. 他口袋里只剩下10块钱了。 He only _ in his pocket.12. 没有任何迹象表明他会发脾气。 _ that that he will lose his temper.13. 我的舅妈真的是一位在读学生,确切地说,是一名45岁的大学生。 My aunt is indeed a student,_, a college student at the age of 45.14. 政府应该采取措施保持生态平衡。The government should take measur

13、es to _15. 如何处理这些垃圾好呢?2012届高二英语复习资料 Unit 11一、填出正确词性v.n.adj.adv.politicalpoliticspoliticalpoliticallynationnationnationalnationallybelievebelievebeliefbelievablebelievablypoorpovertypoorpoorlypainpainpainpainfulpainfullyannounceannounceannouncementexplainexplainexplanationapplyapplyapplicationapplied

14、analyseanalyseanalysisemployemployemployment/employer / employeeemployed(反)unemploymentargueargueargumentencourageencourageencouragementencouraged / encouragingagreeagreeagreementagreeable(反)disagreeadvertiseadvertiseadvertisement/advertising(人)advertiservisualvisionvisualvisuallycontributioncontrib

15、utecontribution(人)contributorconsiderconsiderconsiderationconsiderateconsideratelyconcludeconcludeconclusionhumourhumourhumoroushumorouslybravebraverybravebravelyenvironmentenvironmentenvironmentalenvironmentally二. 单词拼写。1. The bomb exploded,which caused a serious explosion.2. The government should t

16、ry to solve the poverty problem in some poor countries.3. How does the political system work in your country? (政治)4. The policeman demanded the girls name and address. (要求 )5. The bank made the announcement over the weekend.(宣布)6. Our school boasts excellent staff, including a number of teachers of

17、distinction. (殊荣)7. Jack gives his application letter to the Music Club. 8. He seemed quite delighted at the idea. 9. You are the only one to blame! (责备)10. Lack of job opportunities results in severe unemployment.11. People in that city argue that their city is the most lively city in the world. (

18、争论)12. Thanks to your encouragement, I finally realized my dream.13. We do our best to advertise the sale of your products. 14. Indeed he has a solemn (严肃的) face, but he is very humorous at heart.15. Stephen William Hawking has made great contributions to our society.16. Stephen William Hawking is c

19、onsidered to be one of the greatest scientists in the world.17. I believe English will become my faithful servant and lifelong friend. ( 忠诚的 )18. It is everyones responsibility to protect the environment.19. There is no profit in running a cinema in this town.20. No one should mistreat innocent kids

20、. (单纯的)三、语法练习1. The group of Eight, or G8, _was_formed_(form) by eight of the worlds wealthiest nations in 1998.2. AIDS is another problem _of_ great concern, _so_ sex education and health care administration are extremely important.3. _Applications _ (apply) to host the games had also been made by

21、Moscow, New York and Paris.4. Prince William, _who_ is now in New Zealand, said he was _delighted_ (delight) _that_ the 2012 Olympic Games would be held in London.5. In the end, it came down to a _choice_ (choose) between Paris and London.6. The paparazzi sometimes risk _breaking_ (break) the law to

22、 take photos _which_ they can sell for good profits.7. It is _likely_ (like) to be just the name of a company, part of _which_ may be a general location.8. _Because of_(由于) the advertising boom, people _are used to_ (use) seeing high standards of visual design.9. Over the last decade, the government

23、 _has worked_ (work) hard at using advertisements _to educate_ (educate) the public on fighting AIDS, _saving_ (save) water and helping the poor.10. We should do everything we can _to stop_ (stop) this airport.四完成句子:1. 不少观众被要求对这部新电影做出评论。Lots of audience were asked to comment on the new movie.2. 只要你按

24、时吃药,这药肯定对你有效。As / So long as you take the medicine on time, it is sure to have an effect on you.3. 房价在下降,有些人感到高兴;然而还有些人却为此担心。Some people are delighted that the house price is going down, while others are worried about this.4.他不喜欢去那些嘈杂的舞会;相反,他喜欢静静地呆在书房里看书。He dislikes to go the noisy party. Instead, h

25、e prefers reading in the study quietly.5. 这起严重事故究竟该怪谁?Who is on earth to blame for the serious accident ?6靠着将废报纸变成时装,她在这次的设计比赛中脱颖而出。By turning waste newspapers into fashionable clothes, she stood out in the design competition.7我们小组由很多有经验的天文学家组成。Our team consists of many experienced astronomers.8他给了我

26、如此好的建议以致我提前完成任务。He gave me such good advice that I finished the task ahead of time.9所有赞成这份议案的请举手。All in favor of this proposal please raise your hand.10. 不要尝试这么短的时间做那么多。Dont make an attempt to do so much in such a short time. 11. 读书不求甚解是没有用处的。It is no use reading without understanding.12. 归结起来有两条出路:

27、你要么改进工作,要么辞职。It comes down to two choices: you either improve your work, or you leave.13. 当爸爸走进来的时候,她假装正在看书。When father came into the room, she pretended to be reading. 14. 通过把传统理念和现代科技相结合,他发明了一种新的仪器。By combining traditional ideas with modern technique, he invented a new device.15. 总之,Nick的卡车上装的是满满的

28、新鲜水果。(conclude, load)To conclude, Nicks truck was carrying a load of / loads of fresh fruits.五、翻译短文前天,在一家银行附近的十字路口发生了一宗交通意外,这次意外导致了一次重要的交通堵塞我被困其中,既焦虑又恼怒。我花了一个多小时才到达学校。我向老师解释原因,但他却说我在找借口。虽然我沉迷于玩电脑游戏,平均每晚花2个小时。但我认为,与学习相比,电脑游戏是微不足道的。学习还是占据了我大部分的时间。我这次迟到与电脑游戏没有关系The day before yesterday, a traffic accid

29、ent happened at the crossroads near a bank, which caused a serious traffic jam. I got stuck in it, stressed out as well as angry. It took me over an hour to get to school. Even though I got the reason across to my teacher, he said that I was just making an excuse. I am actually addicted to computer games, and I usually spend ,on average, two hours playing games every evening. But I believe that, compared with / to work, computer games

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