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1、自考公共英语文本资料unit14Text A The importance of being kind and polite本课主要单词1frankly adv. 坦白地,直率地;坦率地说1)He frankly admitted that he had made a mistake. (他坦率地承认自己犯了个错误。)2)She asked me to tell her frankly what I wished to do. (她让我坦率地告诉她我希望做什么。)3)Frankly, he is not easy to get along with. (坦率地说,他这个人不好打交道。)4)Qu

2、ite frankly, I dont care about what they may say. (坦率地说,我不在乎他们会说什么。)frank adj. 坦诚的v. 盖免费邮戳于(邮件);准许自由通过1)They gave us a frank reply. (他们给了我们一个坦率的回答。)2)They have franked these letters. (他们已经给这些信件盖了邮资已付的邮戳。)3)We are trying to frank him through customs. (我们正努力使他免检通过海关。)2boring adj. 令人厌烦的;乏味的bored adj. 感

3、到厌烦的bore v. 使厌烦,使厌倦n. 令人讨厌的人或事boredom n. 厌烦,厌倦;乏味1)It was such a boring journey that he didnt want to say anything about it. (这次旅行很乏味,他什么也不想提及。)2)I am bored. I dont have anything to do. (我无事可做,感到乏味。)3)Most of the book had bored him, with the exception of one chapter. (除了其中的一章,这本书的大部分内容使他感到乏味。)4)Sam

4、is such a bore that no one wants to have anything to do with him. (山姆是个很令人讨厌的人,谁都不想与他打交道。)5)She seems so depressed by the boredom of her city life. (城市生活的乏味似乎令她沮丧。)3honestly adv. 诚实地;的确honest adj. 诚实的honesty n. 诚实dishonest adj. 不诚实的;不正直的1) Honestly, I dont know what youre talking about. (说实在的,我不知道你在

5、讲些什么。)2) You have to answer the following questions honestly. (你得诚实地回答下列问题。)3) He is honest, he doesnt tell lies. (他是老实人,不说谎。)4) First of all, you should be honest about why you want the money. (首先,你应该坦率地说为什么要这些钱。)5) We have no doubt as to his honesty. (对他的诚实我们毫不怀疑。)6) How can you believe such a dis

6、honest person. (你怎么能相信这样一个不诚实的人?)7) He got his money in dishonest ways. (他以不正当的方式搞钱。)4impress v. 给深刻的印象impression n. 印象;效果,影响impressive adj. 给人以深刻印象的1)What I saw and heard there impressed me deeply. (那儿的所见所闻给我留下了深刻的印象。)2)I was impressed by his high efficiency. (他的高效率给我留下了深刻的印象。)3)My advice seemed to

7、 make no impression on him. (我的劝告似乎对他不起作用。)4)She made a very good impression on her employer. (她给雇主留下了极好的印象。)5)The impressive scene will be always in his mind. (那个难忘的场面将永远留在他的脑海中。)5collection n. 收集;收藏品collect v. (去)取;接;聚集1) He has a large collection of books. (他有大量的藏书。)2) The collection of butterfly

8、 specimens takes up all his spare time. (他所有的业余时间都用于采集蝴蝶标本了。)3) He likes collecting stamps. (他爱好集邮。)4) I have to go and collect my daughter. (我得去接女儿了。)5) A large crowd collected in front of the building. (那座楼前聚集了一大群人。)collect 也可以做副词用,意思是“由受话人付费”,如:I will call London collect. (我将给伦敦打一个对方付费的电话。)6misun

9、derstand v. 误解,误会misunderstanding n. 误会;争执1)Dont misunderstand us, we are here to help, not to make trouble. (别误解我们的意思,我们是来帮忙的,不是惹麻烦的。)2)She misunderstood what her friend said, and went away in a fury. (她误解了她朋友所说的话,怒气冲冲地走了。)3)They had a misunderstanding, but they have become friendly again. (他们曾有过争执

10、,不过又言归于好了。)4)I dont hope the minor misunderstanding will affect our friendship. (我不希望这点小误会会影响我们的友谊。)7friction n. 摩擦;不和,争执1)Constant friction caused the rope to break. (不断的摩擦使绳子断了。)2)The efficiency of the machine is higher because there is less friction. (由于摩擦力较小,这台机器的效率更高了。)3)Family frictions can in

11、terfere with a childs schoolwork. (家庭中的争吵会影响孩子的学业。)4)The friction between the two countries is getting more and more serious. (两国之间的摩擦在加剧。)8conflict n. 冲突,抵触v. 冲突,抵触1)The conflict between the two villages lasted for years. (两个村子之间的冲突持续了数年。)2)They came into conflict over the ownership of the house. (

12、他们就房屋的所有权问题产生了激烈的争执。)3)His statement conflicted with what his friend said. (他的说法与他的朋友所言截然不同。)4)My idea might conflict with his. (我的观点,可能会与他的观点相冲突。)9enforce v. 实施,执行;强制;强调1)The president of our university said time and again that it was necessary to enforce the school regulations. (我们大学的校长一再说执行校规很有必要

13、。)2)People were dissatisfied with the governments inability to enforce its law. (人们对政府无力执行法律十分不满。)3)Very often parents enforce their own will on children. (父母常常把自己的意愿强加给孩子们。)4)Illness enforced him to lie in bed. (疾病迫使他卧床。)5)You need to enforce you arguments by producing facts and figures. (你需要提出事实与数

14、据来加强你的论点。)10interact v. 相互影响,相互作用,相互交流interaction n. 相互影响,相互作用1)Mothers and babies internet in a complex way. (母婴以一种复杂的方式相互交流。)2)Students are encouraged to interact in class in English by the teacher. (老师鼓励学生在课堂上用英语互动。)3)There is a need for more interaction between parents and children. (父母和孩子之间需要更多

15、的相互交流。)4)They are doing some research on the interaction between seawater and lava. (他们正对海水与溶岩的相互作用进行研究。)inter-是一个前缀,表示“相互”;“在中间”。如:interchange (互换);intercommunicate (互相联系;互相通信);interdependent (相互依赖,互相依存);international (国际的);interstate (州际的);interuniversity (大学间的)11consensus n. 合意;(意见等的)一致;舆论1)There

16、 was a kind of unspoken consensus between them. (他们之间有一种默契。)2)The consensus was to abandon the project. (大多数人的意见是放弃该项计划。)3)It is very difficult for them to reach a consensus on what they are going to do. (要就他们将要进行的事情达成大致意见是很困难。)4)You have to build a consensus with them if you really want to get thei

17、r help. (如果你真想得到他们的帮助,你得与他们达成一致意见。)12guideline n. 指导方针,准则,标准1)They are going to adopt new guidelines for national economy. (他们将采取新的国民经济指导方针。)2)Today the moral guidelines are not as obvious as they were. (现在的道德准则不再以前一样明确了。)3)The chemical additives still exceed guidelines set to protect public health.

18、 (化学添加剂仍然超过了为保护公众健康而确定的标准。)13unacceptable adj. 不能接受的,不受欢迎的acceptable adj. 可接受的accept v. 接受1) It is entirely unacceptable to break the law for the sake of money. (为了钱而犯法是完全不可接受的。)2) The proposal was unacceptable. (这个建议是不能接受的。)3) This is a proposal that is acceptable to all sides. (这是一个各方面都能接受的建议。)4)

19、They didnt accept the invitation to attend the evening party. (他们没有接受出席晚会的邀请。)14adolescent adj. 青春期的;青少年的n. (16岁以下的)青少年adolescence n. 青春期(13-16岁的发育期)1) He was afraid that his son had anything to do with the adolescent gang. (他担心他儿子与青少年犯罪集团有牵连。)2) This film aimed at adolescents. (这部电影专为青少年拍摄。)3) His

20、adolescence was not a happy time for him. (他的青春期过的不快乐。)4) Before his parents could realize it Tom had already reached the age of adolescence. (父母还没意识到这个问题,汤姆已到了青春期年龄。)15swear v. 诅咒;发誓n. 誓言1)Dont swear in front of the children. (别在孩子们面前骂人。)2)Will you swear that you were not on the scene? (你愿意起誓说你当时不在

21、现场吗?)3)I swear that I will never trust him any more. (我保证再也不相信他了。)4)He swore by his honor that he would return the money in two weeks. (他以自己的名誉发誓保证在两周内还钱。)5)They refused to swear on a Bible. (他们拒绝手按圣经发誓。)6)Dont take his swear seriously. (别拿他的誓言当真。)16indifferent adj. 冷漠的,不关心的indifference n. 冷漠1)If pa

22、rents are indifferent to their success, children will fail to make progress. (如果父母漠视孩子的成功,孩子就不会进步。)2)He is absolutely indifferent to other peoples miseries. (他对别人的痛苦漠不关心。)3)He put on an air of indifference. (他摆出了一副满不在乎的神气。)4)She was annoyed by her sons indifference to her. (她儿子对她的冷漠态度令她恼怒。)17discipl

23、ine n. 纪律,训练;学科v. 训练;使有纪律;惩罚1)The discipline of hard work would do you a lot of good. (艰苦工作的磨练会对你大有好处。)2)The young teacher couldnt keep discipline in her classroom. (那个年轻的教师无法维持课堂秩序。)3)Scientists of many disciplines would work together to solve the problem. (许多学科的科学家们将一道来解决这个问题。)4)They must learn to

24、 discipline themselves. (他们必须学会锻炼自己。)5)He was disciplined for being late. (他因迟到而受罚。)18individual n. 个人,个体adj. 个别的,单独的;独特的1)The freedom of the individual was greatly emphasized in his talk. (他在讲话中十分强调个人的自由。)2)Handwriting varies from individual to individual. (每个人的笔迹都不相同。)3)Each individual leaf on the

25、 tree is different. (树上的每一片叶子都各不相同。)4)There was nothing individual about him except a deep scar across his right cheek. (他除了右脸颊有条深疤外别无特征。)本课简介 在人类共同生活的社会里有一些共认的社会准则,这些准则为大多数人所接受。如果你不能遵循这些准则,你则会被看作为一个缺少文明礼貌举止的人。善待他人,尊重他人能给我们带来一种优势,而这种优势会帮助我们成功。正因为如此,我们应该学会在看电影时保持安静;在点燃香烟前征得他人同意;注意选择接听移动电话的场合;与老师交谈时摘下

26、随身听的耳机;满口含着食物时不随意开口讲话;该尊称他人时不随性而为乱称呼。这些看似不重要的小节恰恰是最能反映一个人的社会公德的。本课主要语言点1. Unless you want to end a relationship, you dont tell another person what you think of her or him like this.unless在本句中的意思是“if not” (除非,如果不),如:1) You will fail the exam unless you study harder. (你若不更加努力学习,考试会不及格。)2) We will go o

27、n with the experiment unless something unforeseen happens. (如果不发生意外,我们将继续试验。)3) I will not go to the party unless he invites me. (如果他不邀请我,我就不去参加聚会。)4) Nothing, unless a miracle, can save him. (除非出现奇迹,他无法得救。)end在本句中用作动词,意思是“结束”。如:1) The meeting did not end until midnight. (会议开到半夜才结束。)2) The anti-Japa

28、nese War ended in 1945. (抗日战争于1945年结束。)3) He refused to end his four-week tour in such a manner. (他不愿以这种方式结束为期四周的旅行。)2. Failing to be impressed by a friends collection of stamps, yawning when a golfer tells you about what great shot he made are all things that educated people try not to do.本句中三个并列的动

29、名词短语做主语,整个句子是一个“主语+系动词+表语”的句型。如:1)Smoking is not good for your health. (吸烟有害你的健康。)2) Making experiment is one way of learning. (实验是学习的一条途径。)be impressed by 意思是“给深刻印象”。如:1)I was impressed by his talent. (他的才干给我留下了深刻的印象。)2)He was impressed by the gorgeous sunset. (绚丽的夕阳给他留下了深刻的印象。)golfer意思为“高尔夫球运动员”,这

30、个词是由golf加后缀-er构成的,英语中这一类词很多。如:baker (面包师傅),gardener (园丁),miller (磨坊主),singer (歌唱家),user (使用者。)1) He tried not to let out the secret. (他试图不泄露秘密。)2) We tried not to be misled by them. (我们努力不被他们误导。)3. There are no laws enforcing respect.本句是一个There be + noun + V-ing 结构,表示存在(有),there失去表示场所的意义。如:1) There

31、was a fire burning in the fireplace. (壁炉里火在燃烧。)2) There were two bulldozers knocking the place flat. (两台推土机把那儿夷平。)句中的enforce是一个及物动词,意思是“实施;强制”。如:1) It is necessary to enforce discipline in the army. (在部队里执行纪律是必要的。)2) He strongly objected to enforcing obedience on children. (他强烈反对强迫儿童服从。)4. These guidelines represent what a majority of people consider acceptable and what they consider unacceptable.represent在本句中做及物动词用,意思是“代表;体现”。如:1) The blue lines on the map represent rivers. (地图上的蓝线代表河流。)2) These views dont

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