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1、英语长难句6种梳理方法英语长难句 6 种梳理方法难点梳理 长难句到底难在哪里? (1)中心词加了较多修饰语,后置的定 语给理解带来较大困难。(2)简单句加了较多修饰语,尤其是非谓语 动词,含义丰富,形式灵活。 (3)含有三大从句的复合句。 (4)并列 成分、对等结构的存在。 (5)同位语、插入语的运用。 (6)特殊句式 的使用:倒装、强调句型和省略。方法展示提主干,去枝叶何为句子主干?即句子的主语和谓语。1.句子主语主语(SubjeCt)是一个句子的主题(theme),是句子所述说的主体。它的 位置一般在句首。主语一般有名词、代词、数词、动名词、不定式、 主语从句来充当。(1) A man c

2、alled you just now.(名词)(2) Most Of US like SUrfing the Internet.(代词)(3) One in ten Were for the Plan.(数词)(4) It is kind of you to give meso much help. 不定式)(5) Helping others is helping yourself.(动名词)(6)Whether he will come is UnCertain.(主语从句) (7)Its said thathe will not come back again .(主语从句)2.句子谓语

3、谓语(PrediCate)或谓语动词(PrediCate Verb)的位置一般在主语之后。谓语有简单谓语和复合谓语两种。 简单谓语是由一个行为动词构成的, 比较容易识别。复合谓语包括情态动词 + 动词原形、连系动词 + 表语、 动词短语及被动语态 be done进行时态be doing完成时态has/ have done 将来时态 WiIl do / be going to do 等。(1)YouCan make a differenCe if you are Confident.(2)Hewas folloWed by the fans.(3)I Was about to go out Wh

4、en my Phone rang.请尝试找出这句话的主干So When Ed arrived for our game not only With the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also With a stomaCh you Could hardly notiCe , I Was so surPrised that I Was sPeeChless.【句意】 因此,当伊德来参加我们的比赛时, 我发现他不仅将衬衫的底部扎进 裤里,而且几乎注意不到他的肚子,我感到很惊奇,以致无话可说。【分析】句子主干为: I Wa

5、s surPrised。判断是并列句 or 复合句 并列连词连接并列句常见的并列连词有 and,but,yet,or,so,for ,not only.but also, while (然而)。 从属连词连接复合句常见的从属连词引导状语从句的有 when, after, before, till , Until, Since, though, although, because等;弓丨导 定语从句的有 that,who,whom,which,where,when 等;引导名 词性从句的有 what,that ,which,who,whether,when,how 等。 判断下列句子是并列句还是

6、复合句。1.We should do everything that is useful to the people.2.The man who/that/whom my mother is talking to is Mr Wang.3.He not only wants to be a good husband, but also a good son.4.Shall we go out for a walk, or stay at home and watch TV?5.1didnt know true happiness until I met you.6.1declare that

7、you are unwelcomed here.7.The truth is you are a liar.8.1heared the news that you are married.参考答案:1.We should do everythingthatis useful to the people(. 定语从句)2.The manwho/that/whom my mother is talking to is Mr Wang.(定语从 句)3.He not only wants to be a good husbanbjut also a good son(并列句) 4.Shall We

8、go out for a walk, or Stay at home and WatCh TV?(并列句) 5did nt know true happ in ess Un til I met you.(时间状语从句)6declarethat you are Unwelcomed here.(宾语从句)7.The truth isthat you are a lia r . (表语从句)8heared the newsthat you are married.(同位语从句)请尝试判断下面句子类型。1.Whether you get along well with your professors

9、 or not has a huge effect on your self growth as it is a measure of how well you can respect authority and obey requirements.【句意】你与教授相处是否融洽, 对你的自身发展起着重要的作用, 因为这是 衡量你是否尊重权威和服从要求的标准。【分析】此句为复合句,句中Whether引导主语从句,as引导原因状语从句, how well 引导从句作介词 of 的宾语。2.The fact that members of one culture do not express the

10、ir emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions.【句意】 一种文化背景下的人不像另一种文化背景下的人一样直率地表达他 们的情感,这一事实并不意味着他们没有这些情感。【分析】本句的主干为 The fact does not mean that . ,其中, that they do not experience emotions 是从句作 mean 的宾语。 that members of one culture do not express the

11、ir emotions as openly as do members of another 为 fact 的同位语从句,其中 as do members of another 是状语从句, 助动词 do 位于主语 members of another 前形成倒装,主语后省略了 express their emotions。确定中心名词,识别后置定语 后置定语通常以不定式、分词、介词短语、定语从句等形式体现。此 外,定语也可能不是一个, 可能出现两个或者三个的情况,必要时应 逐一分析。例如:( 1) I got a chanceto give a speech at the meeting.(

12、 2)The girl wearing sunglassesis LiuXuan. ( 3) I like the book written by DongQing.(4)The boy with a book in his hand is Jim(. 5)The manwho helped you is my boss(. 6)The boy with a book in his hand written by DongQing is Jim.(7)The man with a book in his hand who helped you is my boss.请尝试找出下面句子的定语部分

13、Economists from the University of Sussex analysed findings from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, a 15-year research project charting the fortunes of a group of thousands of teenagerswho attended high schools in the US in the mid-1990s.【句意】 来自萨塞克斯大学的经济学家们分析了国家青少年健康纵向研究的 研究结果,这项研究

14、是一个历时 15 年的课题,它记录了数千名在美 国 20 世纪 90 年代中期上中学的一组青少年的财产情况。【分析】句子主干为 EConomists analysed findings from the University Of SuSSeX 作 economists 的 定 语 ; from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolesce nt HeaIth 作 findings 的定语;a 15-year research ProjeC作 the National Longitudinal Study of AdolesCent Health 的同

15、位语; Charting . 作 PrOjeCt 的定语; who引导定语从句修饰 teenagers正确理解非谓语动词 非谓语动词是句子中的次要动词,保留了动词的部分特征,有时态、 语态,但其有自己的特征。 尤其是当分词作定语和分词作状语时,学 生非常容易混淆。 分词作定语相当于定语从句, 分词作状语相当于状 语从句或并列句。(1)She is a pupil admired by all her classmate(s. 定语) =She is a pupil who is admired by all her classmates.( 2)This is the novel transl

16、ated into a few languages(. 定语) =This is the novel that has translated into a few languages.(3) Written in a hurry, this article WaS not So good原因状语)=BeCauSe it was Written in a hurry, this article was not so good.( 4) FolloWing the teacher, the StudentS Walked into the office(. 伴随状 语) =The StudentS

17、 folloWed the teacher, and the StudentS Walked into the office.请尝试找出句子中的非谓语动词并说出其在句中的作用。DiScovered by the PortugueSeadmiral of the Same name in 1506, and Settled in 1810, the iSland belongS to Great Britain and haS a population of a feW hundred.【句意】这个岛屿,于 1506年被同名的葡萄牙海军上将发现, 在 1810年有人 居住,现在属于英国,人口数有

18、几百人。【分析】句中DiSCoVered by和Settled是两个过去分词短语,在句中作状语。识别同位语 由两个或两个以上同一层次的语言单位组成的结构, 后项是前项的同 位语。(1)Mr Zhang, our preSident, aSked uS not to puniSh Studen(tS2. )Tony, one of the moSt CleVer boyS in our SChool, iS planning to attend the uniVerSity.请找出下面句子的同位语。In hiS lateSt book,Doing Our Own Thing :The Degra

19、dation of Language and MuSiC and Why We Shou、ld Like、Care,John MC Whorter, a linguiSt and ControVerSialiSt of mixed liberal and ConSerVatiVe ViewS, SeeS the triumph of 1960S Counter-Culture aS reSponSible for the deCline of formal EngliSh.【句意】语言学家和辩论家John MCWhOrter (持有)自由派与保守派的混合观 点,在他最近的书做我们自己的事情:语

20、言和音乐的衰落,以及我 们为什么应该、喜欢或在意中,这位学者认为 60 年代反文化运动 的胜利要对正式英语的衰败负责。分析】 插入语 Doing Our Own Thing:The Degradation of Language and Music and Why We Should Like、Care 是 his IateSt book的同位语;a Iinguist and con troversialist of mixed IiberaI and con SerVatiVe VieW也是同位语, 用于说明 John McWhorter 的身份。看清介词短语 介词短语在句子中充当表语、定语

21、、状语等。 (1) In spite of thedifficuIties , We Went onWith our Work .(2)Apps areof great use.(3) Did you Iike the Iast grand fashion shoWof the 20th century ?请尝试找出下面句子的介词短语,并分析在句中的作用。For the time, attention, and money of the art-IoVing pubIic, cIassicaI instrumentaIists must compete not onIy With opera

22、houses, dance troupes, theater companies, and museums, but aIso With the recorded performances of the great cIassicaI musicians of the 20th century.【句意】 如今为了获得艺术爱好者的时间、 关注和金钱, 古典音乐演奏家们不 仅要和歌剧院、舞蹈团、剧团以及博物馆进行竞争,而且还要和那些 录制了 20 世纪古典音乐大师的演奏的音乐产品竞争。【分析】本句的主干是 cIassicaI instrumentaIists must compete not on

23、Iy With opera houses., but also With the recorded Performances.。.句首 For 弓丨 导的介词结构为句子的目的状语,表示“为了”。谓语部分 COmPete.with后是宾语,说明与主语竞争的对象,由notonly.but also. 连接。介词结构 of the great classical musicians of the 20th century 是 PerfOrma nces的后置定语。实例应用 技巧应用 试着用以上方法分析下面句子。【句子 1】Sometimes working outdoors, sometimes i

24、n an office, sometimes using scientific equiPment and sometimes meeting local PeoPle and tourists, I am never bored.【简析】此句主干是I am never bored而其前面出现了含 有非谓语动词和介词短语组成的四个状语,分别是 working outdoors, in an office, using scientificequiPment 和 meeting local PeoPle and tourists,因此,本句是简单句。【句意】我从来不会无聊,我有时在户 外工作,有

25、时在办公室工作,有时使用科研设备,还有的时候见见当 地人和游客。【句子 2】Although my job is occasionally dangerous, I dont mind because dan ger excites me and makes me feel alivb简 析 此句是句套 从句,也就是复合句,第一层是 although 弓导的让步状语从句,第二 层是 because 弓导的原因状语从句。句中主谓成分明显,句意理解难 度相对较低。【句意】 尽管我的工作有时是危险的, 但是我不介意, 因为这种危险令我感到 兴奋,使我充满活力。【句子 3】 Having collec

26、ted and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow and how fast. 【简析】此句难点有三处, 一是非谓语动词现在分词 doing 的完成时, 相当于一个时间状语从句;二是 predict 后为宾语从句;三是宾语从 句中需要识别出中心名词 lava, 而其后的 from the volcano 是其后置 定语。【句意】 收集和分析完信息之后,我帮助其他科学家预测火山 的岩浆将会从哪里喷出以及以多块的速度喷出。【句子 4】D

27、eClari ng that he WaS opposed to USing this Unu Sual ani mal husba ndr饲( 养) technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for suCh an experiment although no one had proposed to do so and asked an independent panel of experts Chaired by PrinCeton President Harold Shapiro to rep

28、ort baCk to the White House in 90 days With reCommendations for a national poliCy on humanCloning.【简析】 这个句子相比前面几个句子要复杂很多,分析这个句子,首先,抓住 主干,分清主次;此句中的谓语形式的动词及其对应的主语有: Washad proposedno PnaBSked h(asked前面有 and, 说明 asked与前面某个谓语动词并列,根据逻辑意义 asked应与Prdered并列)。这一句的主干为 “he ordered.and asked.,. “De”claring that

29、.作状语”。 其次,分清并列句和复合句; Declaring that 和 ordered that 后面都是 宾语从句,although后面为让步状语从句;and asked 为并列句。 最后,确定中心名词,识别后置定语;本句中,后置定语有: chaired by Prin Cet On PreSide n。【句意】 他宣布自己反对使用这种非同寻常的畜牧繁殖技术来克隆人类, 并下 令不准联邦政府基金用于做此类试验 尽管还没有人建议这么做 他还请一个普林斯顿大学校长 Harold ShaPirP为首的独立专家组 在 90 天内向白宫汇报关于制定有关克隆人的国家政策的建议。【句子 5】First

30、 put forward by the FrenCh mathematiCian Pierre de Format in the 17th Century, the theorem (定理) had baffled (阻碍)and beaten the finestmathematiCal minds, inCluding a FrenCh woman sCientist who made a major advanCe in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to stud

31、y at the ECo-lab PolyteChnique.【简析】本句夹杂分词短语、动名词及两个定语从句。 “First put forward by theFrenCh mathematiCian Pierre de Format in the 17th Century 为过去分词 短语作状语; “including.为介”词短语作状语; “whomade.andwho had to.为两个并列的定语从句,修饰 a French Woman SCientist所以 句子的主干为 the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical min ds,此为主要信息。【句意】这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家 Pierre de FOrmat提出,曾使一 批杰出的数学大师为难, 其中包括一个法国女科学家, 她在解决这个 难题方面取得了重大的进展,为了能够在ECo-Iab Polytechnipue学习, 她曾女扮男装。

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