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新生代英语基础教程2 Unit7电子教案.docx

1、新生代英语基础教程2 Unit7电子教案教 案课程名称 新生代英语基础教程2课 时 _班 级 _专 业 _教 师 _系 部 _教 研 室 _教 材 新生代英语基础教程2Teaching Plan教学单元Unit 7 “How did you hear about this job?”单元主题 Job interviews课时安 排8教学内容 Show Time“How did you hear about this job?” ReadingMake or break? Chat TimeAre you ready for your interview? WritingA thank-you

2、letter Grammaradverbs of manner My StoryWhat do you do?教学目标教学活动建议Warm-upTo get students to talk about the main topic of this unit in a comfortable and relaxed manner Have students look at the picture and ask them to tell you something about it as much as they can. Then, go through the questions and

3、complete each answer. In addition, you can ask a few warm-up questions such as “Do you have job?” and “Where do you work?” You may need to teach the word resume (number 2), in order for students to complete that question. Tell students that a resume is a summary of someones work experience and educa

4、tion. It is something we use when we apply for a job.Vocabulary BuilderA and BTo teach students new vocabulary related to work Have students listen and repeat the words. For the definitions, start with the words manager and supervise. Tell students that a manager looks after a place of business. He

5、or she does this by supervising workers. Make sure students are aware that manager is a noun and supervise is a verb. For the words interview and experience, you can refer to the picture in the warm-up section. The woman is at a job interview. This is a formal meeting in order to apply for a job. Ma

6、ny students know the word experience from video games, where it is commonly known as EXP. As always, relating new vocabulary to the students lives is the best way to teach them. For the word application, tell students that it is a form used to try and get something. The words salesclerk, part-time a

7、nd cash register have all been mentioned in previous units. Students should already be familiar with these three words. Once students are familiar with the new words, have them do the exercises, correcting any mistakes. For more vocabulary related to jobs, see. C and DTo improve students listening a

8、nd comprehension skills Tell students they will hear a conversation between Ken and Bianca. They are discussing their part-time jobs over the summer. Then, listen to the conversation and have students complete the sentences. Correct any mistakes. For Exercise D, first have students brainstorm as man

9、y jobs as possible. Choose one job and let students make a job description, e.g. “Im a teacher. I teach English and” Then let students read the job descriptions in the exercise and encourage them to guess what jobs they may be without looking at the list. They can share their reasons with a partner.

10、 Correct any mistakes.Show TimeATo teach students speaking skills through the video First, have students watch the video in its entirety. Ask basic comprehension questions such as, “Who are the main characters in this video?” “Where are they?” “What are they doing?” “Why are they doing that?” “How a

11、re they doing it?” Next, have students take turns explaining what is happening in each picture. You can do the first picture, and then have a more confident student try the second one. To make it more fun, you could choose two students, and then have them race to explain what is happening in the pic

12、ture. The student with the fastest and best explanation wins. B, C and DTo improve students listening comprehension through the video Watch the video. Then look at Exercise B, and ask students to complete the True/False statements. Next, students can complete the dialogue in Exercise C. Have a group

13、 of students read out the dialogue with one student playing the role of Mr. Patel, and the other as Hector. For an extension activity, you can also have students rewrite the conversation, using different names. Students can also role-play a job interview using the vocabulary taught in this unit. To

14、check the answers for Exercises B, C, and D, students can exchange books and listen as you go through the answers. ReadingA and BTo improve students reading comprehension and learn about job interview tips Explain to students the meaning of tips. Then ask students if they can think of any tips someo

15、ne might need for a job interview. Next, read and have students listen to the text. Let them read each of the questions and choose the best answer.C, D and ETo get students comfortable when speaking about housing Put students in pairs and have them practice talking about job interviews. Every two mi

16、nutes have students stand up and change partners. Do this three or four times, depending on class size . For Exercise D, have students imagine themselves as candidates and ask them, “What will you wear if you go for an interview? ” Then let them use their ideas or thoughts to judge the three candida

17、tes and finish the exercise. Remind them that these are open questions. Next, ask them “Besides outfit, what else should you pay attention to?” You can give them some hints like punctuality, politeness, etc. For Exercise E, let students find the difference in each pair of pictures. Let them comment

18、on the interviewees and decide which is appropriate. Have students aware that outfits and manners are important in a job interview.Chat TimeTo improve students listening, speaking, writing and acting skills through the conversation Explain to students that they will hear a conversation in which Harr

19、is gives Vivian advice about her upcoming job interview. Introduce the key vocabulary words for this conversation. Tell students to listen carefully and write down what they hear in the blank spaces. If necessary, pause the recording so that students have time to write. Next, have students practice

20、talking about jobs monitoring them while they do so. For Exercise C, have students review some basic expressions and sentences used in an interview. Then let students role-play the interviewer and Vivian. Invite some good role players to perform a conversation in front of the class.WritingTo improve

21、 students writing skills and learn to write a thank-you letter Introduce the elements of a thank-you letter. Ask students to read through the example and then finish Exercises A and B. Check their work. Explain the example. Pay attention to language points. Tell students that the four aspects as is

22、shown in Exercise B is what need to be contained in a thank-you letter. Ask students to write their own versions.GrammarTo teach students about adverbs of manner Start by explaining to students the definition of an adverb. The best way to do this is to show them some examples. You can use the defini

23、tion and example given in the book. Next, you must go through the spelling rules for adverbs. Start by writing LY on the board. Write up the rule and give an example. Now, have students give you more examples, until you have filled up that section of the board. Do the same for ILY, ALLY and IRREGULA

24、R. Also, be sure to go through the Notes at the bottom of the box, as two important exceptions are listed there. Once students have a good idea about the spelling rules, you can play a quick game to review them. Have two students come to the front and then say an adjective. Students are supposed to

25、write the correct adverb on the board. The first one to complete it correctly gets a point for his or her team. Finish by having students complete the exercises, and then ask them to exchange books and go through the answers, correcting any mistakes. My StoryTo improve students listening comprehensi

26、on and speaking ability through the video Tell students that they will see a video in which real people talk about their jobs. Then, watch the video and have students complete the true or false statements. In some cases, you may need to pause the video to help the students. Next, have students tell

27、you the answers, correcting any mistakes. Watch the video again and have students fill in the missing words, pausing the video if necessary. Check the students answers, correcting any mistakes. For the discussion section, give students your answers to the questions. Next, you can have several studen

28、ts give their answers to the class. Finally, have students discuss the questions in pairs and/or in groups.课后学习设计作业 Finish all the exercises in Unit 7. Read the text in this unit again and try to summarise its content. Write a thank-you letter to your mother.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDER 参考译文肯: 夏天

29、过得怎么样,比安卡?比安卡: 很忙。我在一家咖啡馆做兼职。肯: 你喜欢在那里工作吗?比安卡: 是的,我喜欢。我了解了一些顾客。你呢?肯: 在夏天我也有一份兼职工作。那工作不错。比安卡: 真的吗?你在干什么?肯: 我在兼职做海滩救生员。比安卡: 酷。肯: 真是太棒了我希望明年夏天我能再做一次。SHOW TIME 语言解析1. Im the store owner and manager. 我是商店的老板和经理。本句指同一人有不同身份,manager 前面不要加任何冠词。2. He said that you are looking for a part-time sales clerk, whi

30、ch is perfect for me, because Im a student. 他说你们正在寻找一个兼职销售员,这对我来说最合适,因为我是学生。 本句是多重复合句。该句可分为三个层次,第一层是句子主干为 He said that,其中 that 引导的从句作宾语;第二层是由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句,which作定语从句的主语;第三层为because引导的原因状语从句。3. What was it that you did as an “assistant”? 作为助理,你到底都做些什么工作?本句使用了强调结构“It is (was) + 强调部分+ that (who) +

31、 句子的其余部分”. It在句中无意义,只起引出被强调部分的作用。被强调的部分指人时,除可用that外,还可换用who(强调宾语指人时也可用whom)。4. I answered the phones and took messages. 我接电话并记录留言。 answer 这里意为“接,应答(电话等)”e.g. Please answer the phone. 请接一下电话。5. Im majoring in business, and taking classes in accounting, and someday I would like to be a store manager like yourself, Mr. Patel. 我正在主修商科,学习会计课程,将来我想成为像你一样的商店经理,帕特尔先生。 major 这里是作为动词,意为“主修专业”;此外还可以作为名词和形容词。1)作为名词,意为“主修科目,专业;专业学生”。 e.g. “Whats your major?” “Im an Economics major.” “你是哪个专业的?”“我的专业是经济学。”2)作为名词,意为“(大小、

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