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1、现代大学英语精读4Lesson7SpringSowing现代大学英语精读4 Lesson 7 Spring Sowing哈尔滨学院授课教案 章 序 Lesson Seven Spring Sowing Liam OFlaherty 名 称 周 次 第 9 周 至 第 10 周 授课时间 2005年4月18日至2005年4月29日 1. Part One: Introduction to the Text 教 2. Part Two: Explanation of the text in detail 学 3. Part Three: Vocabulary pretend, compare, b

2、urst, dot, rebel 目 4. Part Four : Grammar Sentence analysis 的 Some uses of “as” 要 Absolute construction 求 Tenses & verb forms 5. Part Five: More work on the Text. 1. The emphasis in teaching should be on content and clear presentation. 2. Emphasize the importance of understanding the values and mora

3、l principles of life, the nature of happiness. 教 3. Let students understand that in Ireland at that time, most people still depend on 学 farming for a living, and the main crop was the potato. Modern science and 重 technology had not yet caught up with the land. There was little machinery. 点 Practical

4、ly everything was still done by hand. A typical farmer believed in traditional virtues: hard work, simple living, discipline, and above all, a strong sense of responsibility, responsibility for the happiness of your wife/husband, parent, and children. 1. Liam OFlaherty is considered one of the most

5、important modern Anglo-Irish authors together with James Joyce. He was born in 1896 on an island in Ireland, which must have had very big influence on his character as well as on his writing. He once said: “I was born on a storm-swept rock and hate the soft growth of sun-baked lands where there is n

6、o frost in mens bones.” 2. “Spring Sowing” is taken from the authors first collection of short stories which 教 bears the same title published in 1924. The story describes the first day of the first 学 spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the backgrounds of a 难 traditional agricultural cou

7、ntry. 点 3. In Ireland at that time, most people still depend on farming for a living, and the main crop was the potato. Modern science and technology had not yet caught up with the land. There was little machinery. Practically everything was still done by hand. A typical farmer believed in tradition

8、al virtues: hard work, simple living, discipline, and above all, a strong sense of responsibility, responsibility for the happiness of your wife/husband, parent, and children. 教学场所 In the Classroom or Language Laboratory 环境 English-speaking Environment 授 课 课堂讲授(? ); 实验( ); 实践( );双语( ) 课时分配 12节 方 式 教

9、 学 教学手段 网络教学( ); 多媒体(? ) Teaching and Practice 方 法 教 学 Tape-Recorder, Pictures of peasants working in the field 用 具 第 1 页 教 学 内 容 提 要 备 注 Lesson Seven Spring Sowing Part One: Introduction to the Text 1. “Spring Sowing” is taken from the authors first collection of short stories which bears the same

10、title published in 1924. The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the backgrounds of a traditional agricultural country. 2. In Ireland at that time, most people still depend on farming for a living, and the main crop was the potato. Modern scien

11、ce and technology had not yet caught up with the land. There was little machinery. Practically everything was still done by hand. A typical farmer believed in traditional virtues: hard work, simple living, discipline, and above all, a strong sense of responsibility, responsibility for the happiness

12、of your wife/husband, parent, and children. Part Two Detailed Discussion of the Text 1. What the author describes here, of course, is largely a thing of the past. The story describes the first day of the first spring planting of a newly-wedded couple against the backgrounds of a traditional agricult

13、ural country. 2. In Ireland at that time, most people still depend on farming for a living, and the main crop was the potato. Modern science and technology had not yet caught up with the land. There was little machinery. Practically everything was still done by hand. A typical farmer believed in tra

14、ditional virtues: hard work, simple living, discipline, and above all, a strong sense of responsibility, responsibility for the happiness of your wife/husband, parent, and children. 3. In spite of their almost primitive living and working conditions, however, they also had their joys and love, and t

15、heir longings for the future as does the newly-married couple described here. For Mary and Martin Delaney, this was an extremely important day, because it not only would determine the crop they would harvest in autumn, but would also show what kind of wife and husband they would prove to be each oth

16、er and what kind of family they were going to have. 4. Detailed Discussion of the Text (see Reference Book) 第 2 页 Part Three Vocabulary The usage of pretend, compare, burst, dot, rebel 1. pretend (1) to behave as if sth is true when in fact you know it is not (2) to claim that sth is true (3) to ima

17、gine that sth is true 2. compare (1) ( with) to examine in order to note the similarities or differences of (2) ( to) to represent as equal, similar, or analogous (3) ( with) to be worthy of comparison; to be considered as similar 3. burst (1) to break open or apart suddenly or violently (2) to be b

18、ursting with: to be full of (3) to move into or out of a place suddenly or quickly (4) to be bursting to do sth: to be eager to do sth (5) to burst into tears/laughter/song = to burst out crying/laughing/singing: to suddenly start crying, laughing, or singing (6) to burst out: to suddenly say sth fo

19、rcefully 4. dot (1) (n.) a small round mark or spot (2) (v.) to mark sth by putting a dot on it or above it (3) to be dotted with: to have sth spread over a wide area 5. rebel (1) (against): to oppose or fight against someone in a position of authority Part Four Grammar Focus 1. Sentence analysis 2.

20、 Some uses of “as” 3. Absolute construction 4. Tenses & verb forms Part Five More work on the Text. 1. Oral Work; 2. Vocabulary Exercises; 3. Grammar Exercises; 4. Written Work (Topic): The Hardships and Joys of Farmers 第 3 页 节 序 内 容 学 时 绪 论 第七章 Lesson Seven Spring Sowing 第一节 Introduction to the tex

21、t 1 第二节 Teaching the Text (Para1Para3) 1 日 第三节 Teaching the Text (Para4Para6) 1 程 及 第四节 Teaching the Text (Para7Para12) 1 课 第五节 Teaching the Text (Para13Para15) 1 时 第六节 Teaching the Text (Para16Para19) 1 分 第七节 Teaching the Text (Para20Para26) 1 配 第八节 Pre-class work 1 第九节 Oral work 1 第十节 Vocabulary 1

22、 第十一节 Grammar 1 第十二节 Summary and Quiz 1 1. What do you know about the young couple? Do they love each other? 2. What are their lifes ambitions? Why is it that the two of them feel particularly 复 excited this day? Why is it so important? 习 3. Is it just the fact that it is spring sowing, the day that

23、 is going to determine, at least partly, what kind of a harvest they are going to have? Is there anything 思 symbolic about this day? 考 4. What do you think is the main strength of the story? A gripping plot? An 题 intriguing portrayal of the characters? Or the beautiful description of the sounds, col

24、ors and actions? Give some examples to illustrate your point. 第 4 页 1. What values and moral principles are being idealized here? Is it still the same today? Do you agree that the traditional work ethic is out of date? Are such qualities as hard work, diligence, thrift, responsibility, discipline, s

25、imple and honest living, rugged individualism 讨 and self-reliance, etc still valued? 2. What changes have taken place in social ethics since our grandfathers time? Is there 论 anything that remains unchanged? Is our interest in this kind of story about the past 练 simply a matter of idle curiosity? 3.

26、 Lets pretend that you are Martin Delaney or Mary living in the 21st century. What kind 习 of a person would you like to have as your wife or husband? What qualities would you like to find in your spouse? What lifes ambitions would you have? What would you be doing on a typical spring morning? 拓 1. L

27、earn more about how spring sowing is done in our country 2. Learn more about Toffler, the man who wrote Future Shock. He uses the concept of three 展 waves to describe the distinct stages of human civilization: the agricultural or 学 pre-industrial stage; the industrial stage, and the Third Wave- the

28、post-industrial or the Knowledge Economy stage. 习 课 书面版(?) 完成形式 电子版( ) Write a short essay of 150200 words commenting 程 on the hardships and joys of farmers as described in 作 the story Before May 10th 提交时间 业 必 1. Contemporary College English 读 2. Books or articles on the nature of happiness 书 目 学生 学

29、习 质量 In good order 监控 与 评价 教 A typical farmer believed in traditional virtues: hard work, simple living, discipline, and above all, a strong sense of responsibility, responsibility for the happiness of your 学 wife/husband, parent, and children. It might just be possible that values, life styles and peoples dreams, are like fashion. 后 They come and go. It just might. At a time when everybody is yearning for a car and dreaming of becoming a rich manager, this story might have a sobering effect. 记 第 5 页

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