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1、0888自考电子商务英语练习册全部最全资料复习资料阅读理解Books whichdeal with modern life1.“how to books -These books modern life.2.these “how to”-give peopleto do3.before better-Readsucceed at it4.if called-“howsuccess5.which headlinepassage?-books in AmericaShopping-bag ladieshermits whore -lady beggars2.

2、they fillbecause-theycold out.3.whichis not true?-shopping-bagNew York.The book isordered by subject areas.1,the passageform-anabout e-business.2.if onebest read-appenddix A3.knowledgeinternet-part three4.if one wantscasesbest read- pare two5.what ispassage?-the organization of the book.When didbear

3、?let them float away.1.the members of except that-they must602.doctors-have diffentswinming3.accordling totrue that-cold waterin winter 4.the polarfor-they find itinteresting5.the passageabout-a grouplovesThere is ,perhaps,a brave fighter.”1. accordling to is-more excitingsport2.Americans firstskiin

4、g-at lake19323.besidesmore virtues-a sportto learn 4.according tofact-that it canor not The impact ofpath to profitzbility1.between1994-1997-want the second they-have takeninternet3.what doesmean?-the earlieste-commerce4.the earliestof-19945.what doesmean?-the aim of takingprofit.Of a

5、ll the animalschimp is the champ.1.which is best title?-the chimps brain.2.the main idea of that-intelligence test3.the delayed-response animalss-memory4.the passage elephant-are slowerchimps5.according to3pound brain is-less cleverRelaxation therapystress of daily life.1.the first paragraphis that-

6、youre nervous2.whichnot true?-the changes ofpressure.3.the second therapy is-to controlstress4.the last parsgraph therapy-is morepillsCurley says the mostobvious at the can beby technology-can provideefficiency2.according to curleythat-their goalsunderstood3.e-businessin that-the paceIT in

7、vestment.4.for startersinvestment is-to havetradeoff5.executives arethat-e.-business sharebusinessHave you ever been in athan you what waydreams?- ingto understand3.professorthat-our fearsdaydreams4.the writer ofthat-daydreaming is -dreams5.which of the passage?-s

8、cientist believethemMost animals havethe corals will die1.some birds likebecause-they can2.the underline wordrefers to-birds and can befor-oxygen4.what doesdiscuss?-someexistence.There are manyand features.1.for redenvelopnot true?-customers dontsite.2.the merchantsin-all of the above3.mys

9、imon is a site that-helps customersdecisionsputerservers-belong to products5.smith+nobel-window treamentsThe great fire of Londonjust of the past1.the firein-pudding seems that thethat-many famousdestroyed3.why did thepepys?-to givethe wasthe text?-house standingpull down.5.which

10、of thebig fire?-wind,narrow,woodCBC is a famousused of credit cards1.about how many1996? about1997?-40%3.if the categories1997?-six4.which of the table?-II only.The internet willthe tax advantages.1.The world tradeto-assist developing the world2.e-business to-build a cybersuiteca

11、n-exhibitservices4.whichnot true?trade cysbersuite5.whay ispassage?-an introductionIf you want to learnabout birds.1.which chaptercan fly?-chapter are curiousyou read? which chaptergeese?-chapterIV4.which chapterof birds?-chapterVIII5.if you want to knowrefer to?-chapterXIVCo

12、mputer people talk apeople-literate.1.which ofandcomputers?-computer easier2.we canmeans-understangingto use if3.the underlinedcomputertowns-bringcomputers4.davidpurpose of-popularizing computersTo deliver the type oflocal representatives 1.the distinctionof-the customersinformation2.some peoplebeca

13、use-they have technical expertise.3.what isteam?-the support personnel4.josh hillikerto-show intelsuccessfully5.the centealis-customer supportFor some time pastcontrol1.according to which-willof success2. papousek a baby-would continuegiven papouseks order to-have on4.the babiesbecause-they

14、the lights5.according to papousek of-a basicworldChinese audieneces willhis bravery1.steve spielberg-islist2.schindler diedis-not true.3.the state ofbravery-A and C Kookmin bank hasdiverse demands1.the passage wasform a-new can bein-20013.a goodrequires-all of the above4.a nextthat it-all

15、ows for interface5.lee sang that-more advancedby IBMArt ,said Picasso,how maps are is a lie that resemblesthat-they mustimagination3.most mapbecause-the user overlooksreality4.refer to-the techniques used to crest maps5.the lastmainly-what thereader isPediatrican Dr,tonytha

16、n ever before1.the relationhealth-does exsit2.accidents happen-far morefamilies3.according toare-bothmental4.the impression that-the number going upIf you do not findto the can be inferredwriter-discussedon internet2.crawler is -service3.the disadcangage it-provides tooinformation4.who

17、 can directories?-bothwebmaster5.which of not true?-searchon ieternetMusic which is original isof all to pass.1.a piece of music-has style2.we canin-a piece ofin harmony3.a piece ofgood if-itway4.according to thethat-pop introduced5.this passagewith-how to judge musicIf we were askedvery helpful1.wh

18、ich ofthe passage?-a writtenany questions2.we know verybecause-the peopleby a fire3.remembered to-stories of, song and events4. rememberedwhen-no can be inferredhad-kepteventSo your customers haveon any software1.after the customersexcept-send paraghph 1,-the ess

19、ential issues3.the softwarethat-will labour4.the solutionsexcept-being plug and play5.this passage from-the script of a lectureThe flying fox isof a tree.1.the passage tells usbat in-the way they rest2.flying foxes tend to-lose a daybreakto-come back to the sun4.flying foxesfights-to occupyp

20、 to flyingyoung?they helpdangerPersonal interviewinginterpret can be concluledarea-personaleffective2.sometimesbecause-boththe the secondmeans-an the firstrefer to- personal interviewing5.according to the lastis-the interviewerwaysThe digital revolu

21、tionat a loss says wind.1.the passage wasfrom-an paper2.the paper by-jerry wind and vijay mahajan3.from the that-e-business consumerspared the lastmeans-companiesexpectationsMost people agree thatbe better off1.which of the passage?-there can infer is tha

22、t.-he probablytaxes3.youcan inferare the can inferis that-she the lastmeans-in a better conditionSome people argue thatis the best1.what is thepassage? the secondmeans-highest point3.according to of its-successes cup4. according tohe will-lose enjoyment5.what is

23、 games?-nationsat leastThese days,retailare are facedplatform1.the most in the overloaded information2.the KM toolsexcept-certain success in 3. the KMcan-trainonline4.ut can be inferredthat-PCsolutions5.what is the PC?-KMoverloadPeople over the age of 65senior citizens1.people of 65-are senior citiz

24、ens2.many senior citizens-feelunsafe3.other senior citizens-all of the above4. senior citizensbecause-the more active5.implied but-most oflifeIn the u.s ,boy andcollege expenses1.the studengts in all America-dont pay any-must pay of money3.the taxdoesnt?-yes,it does4.according

25、 to-after finishing secongdary school5.about 50 per-work while studying some money forNew york e-commercein Armonk N.Y1.the reporterfrom- New york2.from the that-investors 19993.which of flicker?-a company having a store4.when was this?-20015.which of the university?itseducation. 1. 他已成为各种贸易和商务的强有力的

26、手段It has become a powerful medium and business transactions of all kinds 2. 电子贸易指网上财务往来电子商务则指有形式的网上交易E-commerce refers to financial transactions over the Web and e-business refers to all forms of transactions over the Wed3. 客户服务已经是并将继续是一个主要的竞争因素Customer service has been and continues to be a major c

27、ompetitive factor4. 电子商务的交易通常涉及几个互动的步骤E-business transactions often involve several interactive steps5. 那将给你以极大的竞争优势That will give you a serious advantage over your competition6. 当你的公司电子商务化后,你与客户之间的关系就改变了When you become an e-business you transform your relationship with your customers7. 客户关系管理在你的商务程序中起决定作用Your most critical business process is customer relationship management8. 我们必须尽最大可能的利用我们已有的资源We must make the best possible use of the resources we have9. 男孩子们依次被召入会见考官The boys were summoned in turn to see the exam

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