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1、希望英语第一册unit1教案资料讲解学 时 教 案 (总第 1-6 学时)授 课 题 目Unit 2 Family授 课 学 时6课 型讲授 讨论 习题 复习 其它:教 学 目 标1. Ss develop a vocabulary list suited to the theme.2. Ss can use the vocabulary from Task 1 and the sentence patterns outlined for Task 2 to create sentences.3. Ss are able to ask and answer questions about fa

2、mily and give a report based on the answers given to the questions. 4. Ss are able to understand the meaning of a word from its context.5. Ss can select the key words from a passage in order to get the main idea.6. Ss will further improve their grammar by studying the special usage of continuous ten

3、se.教学重点1. Ss are able to ask and answer questions about family and give a report based on the answers given to the questions. 2. To be able to use the key words and expressions in the passage.3. To understand the meaning of a word from its context.4. Ss can select the key words from a passage in ord

4、er to get the main idea.教学难点1. Ss are able to ask and answer questions about family and give a report based on the answers given to the questions. 2. Ss can select the key words from a passage in order to get the main idea.教具、课件Comprehensive course, blackboard, platform, chalk PPT教学过程备 注1-2学时:Step1:

5、 Greeting to the whole class as usual.Step 2: Speaking Task1 Ss read Speaking Task 1.Ss choose one of the pictures.Ss list words or phrases about this picture.Then Ss share their work with their others Ss check their answers with the Suggested Words.Suggested Words:groom bride suit & tie wedding gow

6、n newlywed computerkeyboard mouse affectionate concentrated tools gardeningstraw hat rubber boots squat outdoor sports lawn T-shirtjeans gym shoeTask 2 Ss read and do Speaking Task 2. Ss work in small groups and describe the pictures on page 18 to their classmates. Sample Sentences:A. In the center

7、of the picture is a family running hand in hand in high spirits.B. It seems that both the mother and the son have a lot of fun in gardening.Task3 Steps:Ss read Speaking Task 3.Ss take turns asking their partner the follow questions and make notes. Then organize their notes and report to the class us

8、ing the given paragraph as a model. Model Report Alice is a girl of 18. Shes been living with her grandma ever since her parents got divorced when she was 10. She loves her grandma very much, but she hopes to meet someone who can understand her better. She is now planning to go to university and sta

9、rt her own life.Step3: Reading Reading A: The Younger Generation New Words:critical, blame on the spur of the moment, plan things ahead trust, shockmotive, superior rebellious, ignoreco-operation, impressTeacher shows the new words on the screen and gives theSs some brief explanations .Make sure the

10、 ss master allthe new words .Step4:Consolidation重点:难点:课外学习引导及作业布置1.Master all the new words and phrases2.Preview Reading A3.Finish task5 and task6授 课 日 期The week课 后 反 思 3-4学时:Step1:Greet the whole class Step2: Revision Review the new words and phrases learned last class.Step3: Deal with Reading ATas

11、k 1 Steps:Ss read Reading A Task 1.Give Ss some time to do the task. Ask Ss to speak out their own answers and give the reasons why they chose that word or those words.Suggested Answers:1. She betrayed her friends by breaking her promise, (hurt or disappoint)2. Dont underestimate what you can do to

12、help. If your child needs help with a drug problem you maybe the best person to help. (form too low an estimate / opinion of)3. He later said it was not a planned action. It was done on the spur of the moment, (notplanned beforehand / in advance)4. A policeman has the authority to arrest law-breaker

13、s, (right to act in a specific way)5. Their rebellious son has been giving them a lot of headaches; he never does what they want him to do. (hard to control)Task 2Steps:Ss read Reading A Task 2.Select some Ss to share their choices for the first paragraph. Ss explain their choices.Ss check their cho

14、ices with the list of key words. Repeat the previous steps for the other paragraphs.Language points in the passage Paragraph 1critical: a. tending to find faulte.g. He has apologized for his critical remarks about the referee. be critical of:e.g. His report is highly critical of the trial judge. bla

15、me (for): v. to hold responsibleblame.on /for.:e.g. They blamed the failure on George.They blamed George for the failure. be to blame: be responsible e.g. She is not to blame for the accident. complain (about): v. to express dissatisfaction or unhappiness e.g. The neighbors complained to the police

16、about the of touch (with): having / not having the latest information about something/somebody e.g. Please write. It would be nice to keep in touch.Im out of touch with my middle school classmates now.Paragraph 3challenge: n. a demanding or difficult task; a stimulating test of abilitie

17、se.g. The new governments first challenge is the economy.This job is too dull. I want one with more challenge.upset: v. to cause something to go wrong; to make somebody worried or unhappy e.g. Her plans were upset by the weather. What he did upset all his friends?Paragraph 5 motive: n. a cause or re

18、ason for actione.g. In a case of murder, the police question everyone who might have a motive. cut off: to separate from otherse.g. Without a car we feel very cut off. turn out: to prove to be the case; to result e.g. We shall see how things turn out.Davids forecast turned out to be quite wrong. It

19、turned out that his experiment was a great success.superior (to): a. higher in position or better in quality / valuee.g. He thinks hes superior to us because his fathers an important manParagraph 6 approve of: to like; to be pleased aboute.g. I dont approve of people wasting time. assume: v. (+ that

20、-clause) to take or accept as being true without proofe.g. I assumed that he was there.passive: a. not activee.g. His passive attitude made things easier for me. ignore: v. to refuse to accept or take noticee.g. For decades her talents were ignored by the film industry. responsible: a. having the du

21、ty to look after someone or somethingand will be blamed for failing to do thate.g. You are responsible to your mother for keeping the house tidy.Paragraph 7impress: v. to affect or influence deeplye.g. What impressed him most was their speed.initiative: n. the first movement or act which starts some

22、thing happeninge.g. She was disappointed by his lack of initiative.Task 3Steps:Ss read Reading A Task 3.Ss skim the passage to find the ideas outlined in Task 3.Ss list the sentences in the correct order.Choose some Ss to present their answers.Give the key.Task4Steps:Ss read Reading A Task 4. Explai

23、n to Ss what supporting details are. Ss work in pairs to finish the task. Provide the answers that Ss have missed. Ideas Children complain that their parents.When doing things, parents and children are different.Young people shock their parents in various ways.Young people sometimes look at things p

24、assively.Young people can impress others.Details are out of touch with modern ways; do not trust them; talk too much; have no sense of humorparents plan carefully; children do things on the spur of the moment;parents dont like things unexpected;children like challengesdrive at ninety miles per hour;

25、 wontstudy for final examination; clothes;hairstyle; music; vocabulary rebellious and proud; dont want their parents to approve; cant winsense of responsibility and initiative;cooperationStep Four: Homework重点难点课外学习引导及作业布置1.Finish all the exercises after the text2.Review what we have learned.授 课 日 期T

26、he week课 后 反 思 5-6学时:Step1:Lead- in new lesson.Step2:grammar continuous tenses1. explain the grammar rules 有些动词表示的动作不能延续,如: arrive, come, do, finish, start, stay等他们的进行时表示将来的概念,尤其是表示近期按计划或安排要做的事情。Liu Xiang is leaving for Paris for the match on Wednesday. 刘翔将于周三赴巴黎参赛。 Paul is returning to Australia to

27、morrow after six months in Europe.保罗在欧洲逗留了六个月,明天将要返回澳大利亚了 现在进行时常与always, all the time, forever, constantly等频度副词或短语连用,表示反复出现或习惯性的动作或状态,常带有感情色彩。e.g. Our monitor is always helping others. 我们班长总是帮助别人。 The river is constantly flowing into the sea. 这条河不断流入大海。 连系动词的进行时强调被描述情况或状态的暂时性。表示两个用途:一是表示一种短暂的、反常的状态。

28、如:He is being kind.他装出和蔼可亲的样子(一时而不能持久的性质)二是表示一种探询口气,使语言客气、生动、亲切。例如:e.g.I hope you are keeping well.(语气委婉) 我希望你保持健康。Are you feeling any better?(语气亲切) 你感觉好了些吗? 在时间、条件状语从句中现在进行时可以表示将来正在进行的动作。e.g.Look out when you are crossing the street.Dont wake him up if he is still sleeping at 7 tomorrow morning2. f

29、inish off the tasksTask 1 Study the following grammar tips for continuous tenses and match them with the sentences in the column on the right.Task 2 Put the following into Chinese.1.Jack is constantly leaving his things about. 杰克总是把他的东西乱放。 2. Their uncle is arriving very soon. 他们的叔叔就要来了。3.She is bei

30、ng nice to you. 她这会儿对你还挺好的。3. If they are not doing it, what am I to do?假如他们不干,那我该怎么办呢?Task 3 Translate the following into English1.他老是撒谎。 He is always telling lies.2.飞机就要起飞了。 The plane is taking off.3.这会儿我不觉得累。 Im not feeling tired.4你这可不大客气呀。 You are not being polite.Step 3.Reading B Explaining new

31、 words and expressions parenting n. the skills of looking after children as a parente.g.They aim to improve family relationships and parenting skills in order to reduce the possibility of family break-up.e.g. Parenting is not fully valued by society.creatively ad. in a creative mannere.g. This article tells us how to think, work and live more creatively.e.g. Genet teaches you to think creatively.consistent a. being in agreement with itself; coherent

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