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1、新目标九年级第一次月考翻译句子专项练习九年级第一次月考句子专项练习1. He is _ _(害怕)the dark. 2. I used to _much time _(花许多时间) games with my friends.3. Worrying about so much will make you _ _(太累)4不应该允许孩子们放学后玩游戏Children shouldnt _ _ to play games after school.5. 我们为中国的数千年文化而感到骄傲。We _ _ of our Chinas thousands of culture6.I didnt go h

2、ome after school until my mother called me back._7. What have you learnt in the past two years ? Bob asked us ._8.The boys were so brave that they ran all the way after the thief and caught him at last._9.Mr Green wanted to be thinner. He stopped driving his car, and rode a bike instead._10.Get up a

3、 little earlier, and you will caught the first school bus and will get to school on time._11. Im not allowed to go out on school nights.-Hes not allowed to go out on school nights, either.(合成一句)_I _he _allowed to go out on school nights.12.Reading aloud every morning improves my spoken English.(同义句)

4、I improve my spoken English_ _aloud every morning.13.I like playing basketball one year ago, but now I dont want to play it. (同义句)I _ _ _ playing basketball. 14. Our Chinese people take pride in Yang Li wei .Our Chinese people _ _ _ Yang Li wei .15.Its ten years since his uncle joined the Army .His

5、uncle _ _ a _ _ ten years ago .16. I asked Mary , Will you fly to New York next month?I asked Mary _ _ _ fly to New York next month.17. Dont give up learning English,_ _?18. 他决定集中(精力)在英语上,因为他刚考试不及格。He decided to _ English, because he just failed the exam. 19 .如果我们不处理我们的问题,我们很容易变得不快乐._our problems, w

6、e can easily become unhappy. 20.他的妈妈承担不起要支付的孩子的教育费用.His mother_ her childs education. 21.我们应该关注我们的生活方式.We should _our lifestyle .22.一些学生应该被允许休息两天帮助别人.Some students should be allowed to _to help others. 23.在她妈妈的帮助下,她去年完成了那项工作._, she finished the work last year .24.每天看太多的电视能妨碍我们的学习。Watching TV too muc

7、h _our studies .25.你最好在课堂上记英语笔记。You had better _ in class.26.他哥哥相信他将会实现他的梦想。His brother believes he will _.27.作为学生,努力学习是我们的职责。_.28.我们通过向老师寻求帮助学习英语。_29. Are you still afraid of snakes?(改写同义句)Are you still snakes?30. The students clean the room every day.(改为被动语态)The is every day by the students.31. Mu

8、st the boy wear white suits? (作否定回答)No, .32. Lily has an English-Chinese dictionary.(改为一般疑问句) Lily an English-Chinese dictionary?33. I usually study English by making flashcards.(就划线部分提问) you usually study English?34. It took me forty minutes to go to work last year . (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ it _ to go to wo

9、rk last year ?35.They had a meeting last week . (改为一般问句)_ they _ a meeting last week ?36.Tom used to be a teacher , _ _ ? (反意疑问句)37.Wang Hong is a good girl . (改为感叹句) _ _ _ _ Wang Hong is !38.Its very hot today . (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ like today ?39.我通过向老师寻求帮助来学习英语。I study English _.40.大声阅读来练习发音怎么样?What ab

10、out _ pronunciation?41.我通过哪种方式学到了很多。Ive learned a lot _.42.我没有搭档一起练英语。I dont have a partner to _. 43.她补充说和朋友们交谈一点都没有帮助。She added that _ friends was not helpful _.44.在某些事情上我们变得很兴奋,最后干脆用中文说。 We _ something and then _ in Chinese.45.我在语法方面出错。I _ grammar.46.随后我认识到如果无法每个单词都弄明白,那也没关系。 _,I realized that _yo

11、u dont understand every word.47.最好的学习新单词的方式是通过阅读英文杂志。The _ new words was _ English magazines.48.开始,她说的太快,并且我不能听懂每一个单词。_, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word.49. 如果有拼写不出来的新单词,你就查查字典。If you dont know how to spell new words,_them _ a dictionary.50. 他通过编(写)对话来学习英语。He learns Englis

12、h _conversations.51.随着时间的消逝,友情也会淡漠消失。Time_,good friendship may be_.52.我们要如何处理这些棘手的事情呢?How do we _ our problems?53.我们绝大多数人也许都和师友、父母发过火/生气过/闹过别扭。 Most of us have probably _ our friends,parents or teachers.54.作为年轻人,在老师的帮助下尽力处理好受教育过程中面临的每个挑战是我们的职责。 _young adults,it is _ each challenge in our education _

13、our teachers.55.我们不能以中断友情来解决问题,这样对朋友不公平。We cant _a problem _ a friendship.Its unfair.56.我们必须学会如何将问题变成挑战。We must learn _ these problems _ challenges.57.我以前怕黑。I _ the dark.58.但是我现在对运动更感兴趣。 But now Im _ sports.59.我开着卧室的灯睡觉。I go to sleep _my bedroom light _.60.最后,她做出艰难的抉择:送他上男孩寄宿学校。_,she _ difficult _:t

14、o _ him to a boys boarding school.61.马丁给母亲打了通电话,令他感到惊奇的是),这通电话改变了他的生活。Martin called his mother,but _,this phone call changed his life.62.她也叮嘱我说虽然父亲已不在我们身边,他仍在天国关注着我,并且总为我做的每件好事感到自豪。She also told me that _ my father was _ with us,he was watching me,and would always _ everything good I do. 63.我努力想让母亲更

15、多地注意到我(的存在/我的进步)。 Ive tried to make my mother _.64. 幸运的是,他的母亲很有耐心,并且从不放弃努力对他的帮助。_,his mother was very patient,and didnt _ him.65.我踢足球并且我是校游泳队成员I play soccer and Im _ swim team.66.他的母亲尽可能好的照顾他。His mother _ him _ she could.67.我被允许选择我自己的衣服,但是我不被允许扎耳洞。Im _ choose my own clothes, but Im not allowed to _

16、my ears pierced.68.他们不是做作业而是闲聊。They talk _ doing homework.69.九年级的学生应该被允许熬夜。Students in Grade Nine _until late at night.70.我们的老师们相信如果我们那样做,我们会更多地注意衣服而非学业。Our teachers believe that if we did that,we _ our clothes than our studies.71.许多青少年都有业余爱好,但是有时这些爱好会妨碍学业。Sometimes these hobbies can _ schoolwork.72

17、.去年夏天我有一个机会去当地医院做志愿服务。Last summer I had an _ to _at the local hospital.73.只有到那时,我才有机会实现我的梦想。Only then will _ my dream.74.我应该被允许为我自己做决定。 I should be allowed _ myself.75.我们认为他需要在作业上多花些时间。We think he needs to _ his homework.76.我们不反对跑步。We have nothing _ running!77.既然他正在长大,他需要考虑如果他最后不能成为一名职业运动员应该怎么办。_ he

18、 is getting older, he needs to think about _ if he doesnt become a professional runner _. 2011/10/4 by Cyril Realsky九年级第一次月考句子专项练习1. He is afraid/terrified of the dark. 2. I used to spend much time on games with my friends.3. Worrying about so much will make you too tired4. 不应该允许孩子们放学后玩游戏Children sh

19、ouldnt be allowed to play games after school.5. 我们为中国的数千年文化而感到骄傲。We are proud of our Chinas thousands of culture6.I didnt go home after school until my mother called me back.直到我母亲打电话叫我回去我放学后才回家。7. What have you learnt in the past two years ? Bob asked us .在过去两年里你们学到了什么?鲍勃问我们8.The boys were so brave

20、that they ran all the way after the thief and caught him at last.那些男孩们是如此的勇敢以至于他们一直追在小偷的后面并且终于抓到了他。9.Mr Green wanted to be thinner. He stopped driving his car, and rode a bike instead.格林先生想要瘦一点。他骑自行车,不再开车。10.Get up a little earlier, and you will caught the first school bus and will get to school on

21、time.早一点起床,你就能赶上首班校车并且准时到校11. Im not allowed to go out on school nights.-Hes not allowed to go out on school nights, either.(合成一句)Neither I nor he is allowed to go out on school nights.12.Reading aloud every morning improves my spoken English.(同义句)I improve my spoken English by reading aloud every m

22、orning.13.I like playing basketball one year ago, but now I dont want to play it. (同义句)I used to like playing basketball. 14. Our Chinese people take pride in Yang Li wei .Our Chinese people are proud of Yang Li wei .15.Its ten years since his uncle joined the Army .His uncle has been a soldier ten

23、years ago .16. I asked Mary , Will you fly to New York next month?I asked Mary if she would fly to New York next month.17. Dont give up learning English, will you?18. 他决定集中(精力)在英语上,因为他刚考试不及格。He decided to concentrate on English, because he just failed the exam. 19 .如果我们不处理我们的问题,我们很容易变得不快乐.Unless we

24、deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. 20.他的妈妈承担不起要支付的孩子的教育费用.His mother cant afford to pay for her childs education. 21.我们应该关注我们的生活方式.We should pay attention to our lifestyle .22.一些学生应该被允许休息两天帮助别人.Some students should be allowed to have two days off to help others. 23.在她妈妈的帮助下,她去年完成了那项工作.With the help of her mom, she finished the work last year .24.每天看太多的电视能妨碍我们的学习。Watching TV too much can get in the way of our studies .25.你最好在课堂上记英语笔记。You had better take English notes in class.26.他哥哥相信他将会实现他的梦想。His brother believes he wi

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