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1、广东开心版英语三年级下册期末考试复习卷三年级下册英语第一单元复习卷 姓名:_1、重点单词: big大的 small小的 they他/她/它们 sad伤心的 happy高兴的 tall高的 short矮的 Hot热的 cold冷的2、重点句型: 【完全形式和复合形式的转变】 Im = I am youre = you are hes = he is shes = she is Were = we are theyre = they are人称代词:I(我) you(你) he(他) she(她) it(它) we(我们) they(他们) you(你们) be 动词: am(只能与I搭配) I

2、am. are(和第二人称和复数人称搭配) you / we / they / + are . is (第三人称或者单数人称搭配) he / she / it + is 3、练一练。 1选出错误的句子。 ()1.A.Yourebig. B.Imbig. C.Hembig.()1.A.Theyrebig. B.Weresmall. C.theyrebig.()1.A.Hessad. B.Sheshappy. C.Heshappy()1.A.Theyrecold. B.Wearecold. C.Werehot.()1.A.Areyousad. B.Areyousmall C.Areyourcold

3、.2写出下列词的对应词。 1.happy() 2.tall() 4.big() 5.yes() 6.she()3、写出下列词的缩写形式。 Weare() Youare() Theyare() Sheis() Heis() Itis() Iam() Whatis() Whois()4、单项选择。()1)_isthisItsadesk. A. What B. Who C. How.()2).Jennyis_.Tonyissad. A. short B. cold C. happy( )3_youhappyYes,I_. A.IsamB.AreamC.Amam()4)Isthisat

4、ableB:_. A.Yes,Iam.B.Yes,itis.C.No,theyarent.()5).A:WhosheB:_. A. Shesmymother.B.Hesmybrother.C.Itsabird.5、连词组句。,small,Jenny(.)_2.are,we,tall(.),are,happy()_4.JennyandTony,are,cold(.)_6、左右搭配。()1、Doyouliketennis A.Imfine,thanks.()2、Howareyou B.HisnamesPeter.()3、Whosshe C. No,itisnt.()4、Isth

5、isapinkpencil D.Ilikesoup.()5、Whatdoyoulike E.Shesmysister.()6、Whatshisname F.Yes,Ido. 三年级下册英语第二单元复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词: color颜色 red红色 yellow黄色 blue蓝色 green绿色 orange橙色 brown棕色 pink粉红色 purple紫色 2、重点句型: What color is this?(这是什么颜色?) Its +颜色.(它是.颜色) Is it + 颜色( Is it blue它是蓝色的吗?) Yes,it is / No,it isnt Is it a

6、 /an+ 物体?(Is it a cat Is it an apple) Yes,it is / No,it isnt3、练一练。 1找出不同类的一项,把答案的序号填在括号内。( ).A. green B. yellow C. book ( ).A. bag B. blue C. black( ).A. black B. white C. crayon ( ).A. duck B. dog C. bag( ).A. Good morning B. Stand up C. Good afternoon2根据情境选择正确的选项。( )1. 你想让同桌出示蓝色,应说: .Show me blue.

7、 .Show me red.( )2. 你想让穿黑色衣服的同学站起来,应说: .Brown, brown .Sit down . .Black, black. Stand up.( )3.这是一支紫色的铅笔,翻译成英语: . It is a purple pencil. . It is a yellow pencil. ( )4.你与Sarah初次见面,你应该说: . Nice to meet you . B. Good morning . ( )5.当别人跟你说“Nice to meet you ”,你应怎样回答 . Nice to meet you . . Nice to meet you

8、, too3,读一读,给下列图片标上序号。1. orange 2. green 3. yellow 4. red 5. brown 6. blue 7. white 8. black ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三年级下册英语第三单元复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词: bed床 pillow枕头 window窗户 door门 clock时钟 lamp台灯 black黑色 white白色 number数字 二、重点句型: 询问别人那是什么? What is that? It is a/an . Is that a/an.? Yes,it is. / No,it is

9、nt.3、练一练。 1、默写。 床_ 枕头_ 窗户_ 门_ 钟_ 灯_ 黑色(的)_ 白色(的)_ 2、选择题。1)( )_ is that Its a blue desk. A. When B. What C. How2)( )_ that a black dog Yes, it is. Its a black dog. A. Are B. Am C. Is3)( )Look! Its _ banana. No, its _ apple. A. an; a B. a; an C. a; a4)( )Is it a pencil _. (是的,它是。) A. Yes, it isnt. B.

10、No, it is. C. Yes, it is.3、连词成句。1. that , is , what_2. a , brown , door , is , that _3. chair , a , its ,red_.4. isnt , the , cat , green_.5. isnt , No , it_.4、选择最佳答案,把字母编号填在括号里。( )1. A: Is that a chair B: _A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I am.( )2. A: Whats that B: _ A. No, it isnt. B. Its a blue desk.( )3.

11、 A: Do you like tennis B: _ A. No, I dont. B. No, it isnt.( )4. 你想问同学那是什么, 你可以这样问: A. Whats that B. Whats this( )5. 你想问同学那是不是一只黄色的狮子, 你可以这样问: A. This lion isnt yellow. B. Is that a yellow lion( )6. 你想问这是什么,你会这样问: A. Whats that B. Whats this5、选出不同类的词,把字母编号写在括号里。( )1. A. yellow B. white C. pink D. wat

12、ch( )2. A. desk B. tall C. table D. chair( )3. A. blue B. pillow C. clock D. lamp( )4. A. happy B. bed C. sad D. cold( )5. A. book B. door C. pen D. pencil6、看题回答问题。1. Whats this_.它是一个闹钟。(翻译句子)2. Is that a white cat_. 是,它是。(翻译句子)_. 不,它不是。(翻译句子)3. 它是一张黄色的桌子吗?不,它是一张蓝色的桌子。(翻译句子)_. _. 三年级下册英语第四单元复习卷 姓名:_

13、一、重点单词: these这些 pear梨子 watermelon西瓜 strawberry草莓 cherry樱桃 orange橙子 peach桃子 grape葡萄 二、重点句型: Whats these (那些是什么) 回答:They are apples 引出:They are +物品的复数形式。(它们是) Are these bananas?引出:Are these +物品的复数形式?(它们是.吗?) 回答:Yes,they are / No, they arent.引伸:拓展【this, that, these, those的区别】this: 这、这个 (用于单数名词),离物品比较近t

14、hat:那、那个(用于单数名词),离物品比较远these:这些(用于复数名词),离物品比较近those:那些(用于复数名词),离物品比较远 【名词单数变复数规律】 1.一般+ s :banana-bananas orange-oranges pear-pears 2.以ch,sh结尾的+ es:peach-peaches 3.以y结尾的,把y改为i,再+es:strawberry-strawberries cherry-cherries三、练一练。1写出所缺的字母。1. 2. 3. 4. gr e str wb rry ch rry w ter elon5. 6. 7. 8. p ch p r

15、 b n na or ge 2 写出下列单词的复数形式。 1) banana 2)pear _ 3)orange 4)cherry _ 5)strawberry 6)peach _ 7)grape 8)watermelon _ 3把图和相应的单词用线连起来。 red yellow pink green orange Strawberries banana orange grapes peach 4、选词填空。1)Are these (grape/ grapes) Yes, they are.2)Whats (this/ these) Its a .(pear/ bananas)3)Are th

16、ese peaches No, they . (are/ arent ) Theyre . (banana / oranges) 4)What are (this / these) Theyre red cherries. 5)Is (this / these) a watermelon Yes, it . 5、单选题。1)( )What are They are . A . this, peach B. these, peach C. these, peaches2)( )Whats that a pink lamp. A . Theyre B. Its C. They are3)( )Ar

17、e they green No, they A . are B. is C. arent 4)( )Is that a black door Yes, A . it isnt B. it is C. they are 5)( )“水果”的单词是 A . color B. animal C. fruit D. room 6)( )They are two A . cherry B. peachs C. strawberries 三年级下册英语第五单元复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词: morning早上 on在.上面 box盒子 socks袜子 under在.下面 pants裤子 open打开 be

18、tween在.(两者)之间 skirt裙子 jacket夹克衫 2、重点句型: (1)询问某一件东西在哪里?(单数) Where is the + 一件物品的名称? It is + 方位介词(in、on、under、between). 例子:Where is the book It is on the desk. (2)询问两件或者两件以上的物品在哪里?(复数) Where are the +物品名称(复数)? They are + 方位介词(in、on、under、between). 例子:Where are the pens They are in the box. 完全形式和复合形式:

19、(1)wheres = where is (2)wherere = where are 三、练一练。 1、选出不同类的词,把字母编号写在括号里。( )1)A. under B. bed C. on ( )2)A. between B. socks C. pants ( )3)A. skirt B. jacket C. in ( )4)A. what B. where C. class ( )5)A. open B. morning C. look 2、单项选择题。 1)( ) is my book A . Where B. Who C. What2)( )Where my pencils A

20、. am B. is C. are3)( )Open books A . I B. your C. you4)( )Where are my A . socks B. sock C. skirt 5)( )Its bed. A . the on B. on C. on the 3、改错。 ( )1) They is under the pillow. _ A B C ( )2) The ruler are in the box. _ A B C ( )3) The skirt are on the chair. _ A B C ( )4) Where my clock _ A B C ( )5

21、) Its on the bed. _ A B C4、连词成句。 1)my ,socks ,Where ,are_? 2)are, the ,pillow ,They ,under _. 3)pants ,The ,the ,in ,box ,are_. 三年级下册英语第六单元复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词: have(has)有 fork叉子 spoon汤匙 plate盘子 here这里 cup杯子 tent帐篷 glass玻璃杯 knife刀 chopsticks筷子 bowl碗3、重点句型:Do you have . (你们有.吗?) 回答:Yes,I do. / No,I dont. I

22、 have . 引出:Do/Does + sb + have.?(某人有.吗?)I/You/We/They have.(肯定句型) He/She has. I/You/We/They dont have (否定句型) He/She doesnt has.名词单数变复数规律: 1.一般+ s :fork-forks spoon-spoons cup-cups 2.以x,s,o,ch,sh结尾的+ es:glass-glasses dish-dishes 3.以y结尾的,把y改为i,再+es:strawberry-strawberries cherry-cherries 4. 以f、fe结尾的要将

23、f、fe变为v,再加es: leaf-leaves knife - knives 语法:陈述句变一般疑问句 (1)有be动词(is、are)、情态动词(can、would)提前: eg:He is a boy. Is he a boy(2)无be动词,助动词(do/does)作首,V变原形。 eg:He has a cup. Does he have a cup dont = do not (用于第一、二和复数人称 ) doesnt = does not (用于第三人称 )三、练一练。1、看图,选出相应的单词。 ( )1) A. bowls B. knives C. forks ( )2) A

24、. cups B. plates C. glasses ( )3) A. forks B. spoons C. chopsticks( )4) A. pink B. clock C. window( )5) A. cherries B. grapes C. strawberries2、英汉互译。 1)我有一个玻璃杯子。 _.2)他有两个碟子,她有两双筷子。 _.3) We have two bowls. _。4)Do you have a fork Yes,we do . _。3、写出下列单数物品的复数形式。 eg: fork -forks glass - ( ) knife - ( ) cu

25、p - ( ) spoon - ( ) plate - ( ) bowl- ( )4、情景交际。 ( )1)当别人递给你东西时,你应该怎么回答别人:_ A. Thank you B. Here you are C. Yes, I do. ( )2)当你要向别人借东西时,首先说:_ A. Excuse me B. Oh no! C. Here are you. ( )3)你想问对方有没有玻璃杯时,你问:_ A. Do you have cups B. Does he have glasses C. Do you have glasses ( )4)别人问你有没有帐篷,你没有,你应该怎么回答:_ A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,I do. C. No,I dont. ( )5)别人问你,Jenny 有没有盘子,她有,此时,你回答:_ A. Yes,she does. B. No,she doesnt. C. Yes,he does. 三年级下册英语第七单元复习卷 姓名:_一、重点单词: have(has)有 fork叉子 spoon汤匙 plate盘子 here这里 cup杯子

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