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1、临沂市莒南县初三一轮复习质量检测初中英语2020年临沂市莒南县初三一轮复习质量检测初中英语英语试卷第一卷选择题、听力考试共 20小题,计20分一听句子,选择与句子内容相对应的图片。每个句子读两遍。请看第一组的四幅图片。听三个句子,回答 13小题。A B C D1. 2. 3.请看第二组的四幅图片。听三个句子,回答 46小题。4. 5. 6. 二听对话,依照对话内容,选择最正确答案。对话和咨询题都读两遍。7. A . Not last September.B .Last SeptemberC . Not SeptemberD . September8. A . Go to the partyB

2、.Go to workC . Stay at home D .Look after Meimei9. A . One dollar and thirty- eight centsB . One dollar and seve nty centsC. One dollar and nineteen centsD . One dollar and forty- two cents10. A. He was sickB .He is sickC . He is fine. D .He was not fine.11. A . In Beiji ngB .At the train statio nC

3、. At the bus stopD . In a restaura nt12 . A . A cup of coke.B .A hamburger.C . An apple pie.D . A glass of juice13 . A . She was first.B .She was sec ond.C . She was third.D . She was fourth.14 . A . Some places of in terest,B . About pla ne.C . About London.D . The wag of traveli ng三听短文,依照短文内容,判定以下

4、句子正误, 正确的用” A 表示,不正确的用” B表示。短文读两遍。听短文前,你有 20 秒钟的时刻阅读以下句子。15 Jack and Billy went to sell cakes in town.16 Their mother told them the same words.17 Billy sell two cakes that morning.18 Billy spent his five cents on Jacks cake.19 Jack had his own cakes for breakfast.20 Both of them could take 60 cents

5、home that day.请翻到第二卷,先找到第五大题的 A部分,你们将有 5秒钟的时刻预备。二、单项填空题共 15 小题,计 l5 分21 Did you do well in English test?Yes, I got AA the; the B an; an Cthe; a D the; an22 You can teach me English and I can teach you Chinese.A What a pity! B Thats a deal!C. The same to you. D. Im sorry to hear that23 He has for two

6、 years. Two years a long time.A left home; are B left home; is Why dont you put them in the fridge?26 I havent bought anything good in this shop.28 Which of these sweaters will you take?29. Man-made satellites have been into space by many countries .A. set up B . sent off C . sent up D . sent for30

7、. Make yourselves home and help yourselves the fruit.A . in; with B .in; to C . at; with D . at; toWhat about you?B . makes; angryD . made; to feel an grilyC . potatoes D . bananaA . makes; to fed angryC . made; feel an grily.34 . Can I help you, sir?Yes, I d like five .A . meat B . potato 35 . May

8、I come in, please?A . With pleasure B . Its a pleasure C . Yes. do please D. Come in if you like 三、完形填空题共 10小题,计10分Laura lived in a small village near the sea . One day she decided to go for a swim in the sea . She knew that the sea near the 36 had a strong tide浪,but she was a good swimmer, so she w

9、asn 37 . Laura left her friends lying on the sands and ran into the sea . She swamquite far out from the beach and waved 招手to her friends in the distanee. After a short while she decided to swim 38 . She tried her best . but she couldn t get any closee tbeach .川 lefide kept 39 her back . She waved h

10、er arms in the air to let her friends know that she was - 40_, but they just waved back , for they did nt know what she 41 . After a long time, Laura become very 42 and she could nt swim any more. Her legs could hardly move and she 43the water was nt deep! When at last she went back to the beach, on

11、e of her friends asked, Did you45 your swim? Yes, it was lovely, she an swered. She n ever told them what really happe ned.A : I sure you will enjoy staying there . What does he grow on the farm?B: 48A : What are you going to do there?B : I llgo there and help him pick fruitA : 49 It sou nds fun .B

12、: It really does . And the fruits are very delicious . I enjoy them very much . A : Are they sold in the city of Linyi?B : Of course. 50 My cousin will send them to other countries someday, tooA . He grows apples, peaches and grapes.B . And they are also sold in many cities in China.C. He has a farm

13、 in the countryside.D . You11 pick fruit !E.Id like to go there on summer holidays.F.He likes growing rice on the farm.G.I can enjoy the delicious food.B .依照短文内容,判定以下句子正误。正确的用” A表示,不正确的用” B表示。每题1分,共5分Eat ing is importa nt to every one . But not many people have time to think about what to eat .Fast

14、food is easy, says Sarah Hudsor。a 14-year-old high school student fromAmerica . She is enjoying her lunch at McDonald 麦当劳.It squick and it is delicious . If they made healthy food . I wouldn t buy. it She eats fast food about twice a week .t giveNow each American eats about three hamburgers and four

15、 bags of French fries or: potato chips every week . That is 2 , 520 calories卡路里.A person needs about 2, 000 calories for a whole day .Most America ns know that fast food isn t gooB uorttheems that they can itup . In fact. more and more people are eating fast food , and fast food restaurants are part

16、 of American life . 96% of American school children know McDonald . sBecause they love the French fry , it s no surprise that children are getting bigger . In America , 33 % of them are overweight or: too heavy. That makes it hard for them to move around, go upstairs and even breathe. They will prob

17、ably have health problems later in life. Of course it s not just young people who are gett ing heavier. Its all America ns.51. Sarah is a 14-year-old high school stude nt.52. Sarah likes McDon alds because she knows it sells healthy food.53. A pers on n eeds 2,520 calories a week.54. Most America ns

18、 still have fast food though they know it is not good for them.55. Its not good for one to have fast food.C.依照短文内容。选择最正确答案。Todays Weather Report56. The temperature in is the lowest in the picture.A. SydneyB . ParisC. LondonD .Moscow57. Which is the best place for swimming in the river today?A. Sydne

19、yB . Toro ntoC . Hong KongD .Tokyo58 . If you want to go to London today, dont forget to takeA . a jacketB . a rain coatC . a suitD .school clothes59.What do you think about Sydney today?A. It s summer. B . It s win dy. C. It s cloudy. D . It s win ter.60.Which of the following sentences is fight ac

20、cording to the picture?A. Most of Asia n coun tries have sunny weather.B . Some South America n coun ties are rainy today.C . If you go to New York today, you should take an umbrella.D . If Xiao Wang is leaving Toronto for Hong Kong, he should take more clothes.E 阅读表达。阅读下面短文,依照短文内容完成第二卷第五大题 B部分的66 7

21、0小题。How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day . During the practice the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again . So 66he won t have to think about assing the ball in the game,he will just do it .67You c

22、an train yourself to think in English in this way , The first step is to think of the words that you use daily,simple everyday words like book ,shoe or tree. For example,when ever you see a book ”,you should think of it in En glish in stead of in your mother Ian guage .Liste n first andAfter you hav

23、e learned to think of several words in English , then move on to the next step-think of sentences in English . 68听是学英语的一个专门有用的方法 don care too much about whether you fully un dersta nd what you re heari ng. Try to repeat重复what you hear . 70The you listen , the you learn . After you reach a higher lev

24、el ,start having conversations with yourself in English . This will lead you to think in English .第二卷非选择题五、听力与阅读简答题A听对话,依照对话内容,完成下面的表格,每空词数不限。对话读三遍。听对话前,你有15秒钟的时刻阅读表格内容。 共5小题.计5分In formatio n SheerWhat are they doing toni ght?Mr. Taylor61He isMrs. Taylor62She isKate63 She isPaul64He isMike65He isB阅读

25、第一卷第四大题 D篇短文,依照短文内容简要回答以下咨询题。 共5小题,计10分66.请将短文第一段中划线的句子改成同义句。He think about passing the ball in the game .67.请将短文第二段中划线的句子翻译成汉语。68.请将短文第三段中的中文句子翻译成英语。69.依照短文内容完成句子。The first step is to think of the words , and the second step is to .70.依照短文内容填空,每空一词。The you listen , the you learn .六、词汇运用共 20小题,计20分A

26、丨依照句意选择正确的单词填空。71. There are two enter, entranceof the cinema . You may go though either of them .72. Last night we met a friend of our, oursin the market.73.They aren t here noWhey have gone to the doctors, doctor.s74.How quick , quickly Betty answered the teacher s question75. The weather today be

27、comes even bad, Worse.why not take a rain coat with you?76.Feng xiaoga ng is one of the most famous direct ion , director. in China .B丨在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,词首字母已给。What are you busy with yourself , Mom? the girl of six years old asked her mother .Making dinner for the neighbor aunt“ Why? ”Bec

28、ause the other day the aun t lost her dear daughter in the earthquake and is so sad now . We must take g 77 care of her these days.Why n eed our care?”Because from then on the aunt can t do what she liked to along with her daughlOking dinner and doing housework are also becoming so d 78 . I don t kn

29、ow what do. My dear,can you come up with an i 79 to make the aunt feel better? ”All of a sudden , the girl went to the neighbor s house and k 80 at the door.What can I do for you? ” asked the neighbor.I heard my mother say you re very sad without your daughtThe girl handed theband-aid创可贴 tightly h 8

30、1 in her hand to the neighbor.Tears ran dow n from the n eighbor s eyds. She took the girl in her a 82 and said,” Thank you . Your band-aid will h 83 .”C用所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。One day, a rabbit was plating near the field . Suddenly it 84 catchand carried away by ahungry lion . The farmers working in the fields saw this and cried , Look! The lion 85 takeaway our rabbit and it 86 eatour rabbit!The clever rabbit was n t afraid andioon had fill idea .It said to the lion , Dear Mr Lion , We 87 knoweach other for a long time and I thinkyou are my friend . You want to play with me

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