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1、常用英文缩写及速记法doc资料常用英文缩写及速记法常用英文缩写及速记法AAMOFas a matter of fact事实上AARat any rate无论如何ADNany day now随时AFAIKas far as I know据我所知AFKaway from keyboard暂时离开键盘AFKBRBaway from keyboard, be right back暂时离开键盘,马上回来ASAPas soon as possible尽快A/S/Lage/sex/location年龄、性别、住址B2Wback to work回去工作了B4N/BFNbye for now暂时聊到这里BAKb

2、ack at keyboard我回来了BBLbe back later稍后回来BBSbe back soon马上回来BCNUbe seeing you再见BF(B/F)boyfriend男朋友BMNbut maybe not也许不BRBbe right back马上回来BTDTbeen there, done that顺利达成任务BTDTBTTbeen there, done that, bought the tape顺利达成任务,买到了录音带BTDTGTTSbeen there, done that, got the tshirt顺利达成任务,拿到了 T 恤BTDTGTTSAWIObeen

3、there, done that, got the tshirt, and wore it out顺利达成任务,拿到了 T 恤,又穿破了BTWby the way顺便提一下BYKTbut you knew that可是你早就知道了CIOcut it out算了CMIIWcorrect me if Im wrong我没有把握CU/CYAsee you再见CUL/CUL8Rsee you later待会见DIYdo it yourself自己来DYJHIWdont you just hate it when难道你不讨厌这样吗EAKeating at keyboard离不开键盘EOLend of l

4、ecture演讲结束EOMend of message讯息结束F2F/FTFface to face面对面FAPPfor all practical purposes实际上就是FOFL/FOTFLfalling on the floor laughing笑倒在地FTRfor the record列入记录FWIWfor what its worth不论真假FYAfor your amusement开玩笑的啦FYEOfor your eyes only限收件者阅读FYIfor your information供你参考g/grin微笑G/big grin较大的微笑G2G /GTGgot to go我

5、要走了GALget a life别来烦我了GD&Hgrinning, ducking, and hiding微笑、闪避,然后躲起来GD&Rgrinning, ducking, and running微笑、闪避,然后逃走GD&RVVFgrinning, ducking, and running, very, very fast微笑、闪避,然后快速逃走GF/G/Fgirlfriend女朋友GGgotta go 或 good game我要走了,或这个游戏不错GIWISTgee, I wish I said that早知道,那样说就好了GMTAgreat minds think alike英雄所见略同

6、GoATgo away, troll走开,滚开HAKhugs and kisses拥抱及亲吻HAGDhave a great day祝你有美好的一天HANDhave a nice day祝你今天愉快HEHa courtesy laugh礼貌的微笑HHOShaha, only serious哈哈,只是开个玩笑HTHhope this helps 或 hope that helps希望这样有用IAEin any event无论任何情况HWhomework 或 hardware家庭作业或硬件IANALI am not a lawyer我又不是律师ICI see原来如此ICBWI could be w

7、rong 或 it could be worse我可能错了,或情况可能更糟IDTSI dont think so我不这么认为IINMif Im not mistaken如果我判断得没错IIRCif I recall correctly如果我记得没错IIUCif I understand correctly如果我了解得没错IMCOin my considered opinion根据我的审慎判断IMEin my experience根据我的经验IMHOin my humble opinion依我个人浅见IMNSHOin my notsohumble opinion恕我直言IMOin my opin

8、ion依我看来IOWin other words换句话说IRLin real life现实生活ISTMit seems to me我认为ISWYMI see what you mean我了解你的意思ITRWin the real world在现实生活中J/joking开个玩笑JCjust chillin只是有点失望JICjust in case以防万一JK/J/Kjust kidding 或 that was a joke只是开个玩笑罢了JTYWTKjust thought you wanted to know只是以为你想知道JWjust wondering只是有点好奇Kokay好KWIMkn

9、ow what I mean?你了解我的意思吗?L/laughing大笑L8Rlater稍后LJBFlets just be friends让我们作个朋友吧LOLlaughing out loud放声大笑LTNSlong time no see好久不见MHBFYmy heart bleeds for you我也为你感到难过MHOTYmy hats off to you我要脱帽向你致敬MOTASmember of the appropriate sex适当性别的人MOTDmessage of the day每日提示MYOBmind your own business别多管闲事NBDno big

10、deal没什么大不了NBIFno basis in fact没有根据NOYBnone of your business不关你的事NPno problem没问题NRNno response necessary 或 no reply necessary不需要答复OICoh, I see噢!我知道了OMoh my 或 old man, as in husband我的天,或老头OOIout of interest没有兴趣OOTBout of the box立即可用的OTLout to lunch外出用餐OTOHon the other hand另一方面OTTHon the third hand第三手的

11、PAWparents are watching父母监视中PCpolitically correct政治立场正确PDApublic display of affection公开表示亲昵PESTplease excuse slow typing我的打字速度很慢,请多包涵PI/PICpolitically incorrect政治立场不正确PKB(或P/K/B)pot, kettle, black 或 pot calling the kettle black五十步笑百步PMBIpardon my butting in请原谅我插入PMFJIpardon me for jumping in请原谅我闯入PO

12、Sparent over shoulder 或 parents over shoulder父母在背后监视POVpoint of view观点PPLpeople人PTBpowers that be当权者R/rare是REHIrehello(following a short time away) 或 hi again我又回来了RFCrequest for comment请指教RLreal life现实生活ROTFLrolling on the floor laughing捧腹大笑ROTFLOLrolling on the floor laughing out loud笑得直不起腰S/smile微

13、笑SCNRsorry, could not resist对不起,我忍不住SITDstill in the dark仍不明朗SOPstandard operating procedure标准作业程序SPMDsome people may differ有些人可能不同SUPwhats up?有什么事?TBEto be expected敬请期待THX/TXthanks谢谢TIAthanks in advance先谢了TANJthere aint no justice简直没有公理TICtongueincheek随便说说罢了TPHBthe pointyhaired boss秃头老板TPTBthe powe

14、rs that be当权者TTBOMKto the best of my knowledge就我所知TTFNtata for now再见TTYLtalk to you later待会再谈TVMthanks very much非常谢谢TVMIAthanks very much in advance在此先多谢了TYVMIAthank you very much in advance在此先谢谢你了Uyou你UWyoure welcome不客气VBG/very big grin非常大的微笑WBwelcome back欢迎回来WCDwhats cookin doc?在忙什么?WHBTwe have be

15、en trolled早就告诉过我们了WOAwork of art简直是艺术极品WRTwith regard to (或 with respect to)很荣幸WTGway to go做得好WTHwhat the heck?这是什么东西?Y/yawning打呵欠YHBTyou have been told 或 you have been trolled早就告诉过你了YHBWyou have been warned早就警告过你了YHGMTPOTGyou have greatly misinterpreted the purpose of this group你太过扭曲人家的意思了YHMyou have mail你有信YMMVyour mileage may vary你的消费量可能不一样YOYOyoure on your own你得靠自己了YWSYLSyou win some, you lose some有得有失

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