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本文(江苏省滨海县第一初级中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 5 Films导学案.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

江苏省滨海县第一初级中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 5 Films导学案.docx

1、江苏省滨海县第一初级中学九年级英语上册 9A Unit 5 Films导学案9A Unit 5 Films导学案学习目标: 1. 了解电影拍摄时的有关术语。 2. 学习运用should等词语来提出建议。学习重难点: 1. 能够说出所学过的有关电影拍摄时的术语。2. 能够运用should等词提出建议。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、听P80录音,并回答问题。1. Who does Eddie think he is? 2. Does Hobo think so? 3. What is Eddies advice? 二、写出下列短语。1. 明日的电视巨星 2. 停止做白日梦 3. 应该更现实一些 4.

2、 好镜头 5. 很喜欢表演 6. 更愿意成为导演 课堂活动Step 1 Arouse students interest in film-making by talking about all the different people who are involved in making a film.Step 2 Explain: “action” means “start” or “go”. A “take” is a scene or part of a film. “Stand by” means “to wait and be ready for action” in Part A,

3、 and then complete the blanks.Step 3 Learn the conversation in Part B.Step 4 Introduce some more about the posts in making a film.Step 5 Ask students to work in pairs to make dialogue like Part B. A: Would you like to be ? B: Yes, Id love to. What about you? A: I dont like very much. Id rather be a

4、Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step 6 Comic strip1. Listen to the tape and answer: Who is a superstar, Eddie or Hobo?2. Listen again, repeat after it, and then answer some more details: (1) Who does Eddie think he is? (2) Does Hobo think so? (3) What is Eddies advice?3.

5、Practise reading the conversation and try to act it out.课堂反馈一.选择。( ) 1.The actors didnt do well, so the director would say“ !”A. Action B. Good take C. Stand by D. Take two( ) 2.Hollywood is famous for its .A. computers B. plants C. films D. sports( ) 3.He would rather at home.A. staying B. to stay

6、C. to staying D. stay( ) 4.Why dont you to buy a CD?A. go B. going C. went D. to go( ) 5.Why not stop ? Its bad your health.A. smoke, for B. smoking, for C. to smoke, of D. smoking, of三完成句子1你知道那个女孩是谁吗? Do you know _ _ _ _?2. 我父母想见你。My parents meet you.3. 他们宁愿去钓鱼,也不愿待在家里。They go fishing stay at home.

7、4. 你听得懂他正在说什么吗?Do you understand now? 教师评价 教学反思滨海县第一初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0502 课题 Reading (I) 主备人 吴冬梅 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标:1. 了解好莱坞影星奥黛丽赫本的演艺事业及成就。2. 培养并逐步提高阅读技巧。学习重难点: 1. 掌握课文中的重要生词和表达用语。2. 能够熟悉奥黛丽赫本的演艺事业及成就。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、跟录音读熟并背上P82-85生词。二、预习并读熟课文,回答问题。1. Was Audrey Hepburn famous only in the USA?

8、 2. When and where was Audrey Hepburn born? 3. What event marked the beginning of Hepburns successful career? 4. Why do people also remember Hepburn as a great humanitarian? 5. Which charity did she work closely with in the last few years of her life? 课堂活动Step 1 Revision1. Ask the students: Where do

9、es Eddie think he should be? 2. Show the picture of Hollywood, introduce Hollywood. Then ask Ss if they know some actors or actresses in Hollywood. 3. Show some pictures of the Hollywood superstars.Step 2 Presentation Show the pictures of Audrey Hepburn, ask Ss if they know her.Maybe some of them do

10、nt know her. But her picture is so beautiful that its sure that they will become interested in her and they will attracted by her beauty and charm.Step 3 Reading and Listening Ask the students to read the report about Audrey Hepburn, play the tape for them to listen.Play the tape again, pause if nec

11、essary to explain some new words or names of films. Ask the students to answer the questions.Step 4 Fill in the blanksAsk the students to listen to the tape then try to retell the article. 课堂反馈一、根据句子中文、首字母及所给单词的正确形式填空。1.The students stood up when the teacher _(进入)the classroom. 2. Mr Green put a lot

12、 of _(努力)into arranging the concert. 3. Gong Li is a famous Chinese (演员). 4. The old man died of (癌症). 5. His death was a great (lose) to the whole world. 6. Edison devoted much of his time to (invent) new things7. Dong Qing made her first a_ on TV and it was a great success .二、完成句子。1. 在进入电影界以前,她把大部

13、分的精力放在了芭蕾舞的训练上。She _ _ most of her _ _ _ _ before she _ the film _.2. 赫本的美貌和魅力吸引了这位作家的注意。Hepburns _ and _ _ the writers .3. 科莱特坚持认为赫本是出演这部戏主角的完美人选。Colette that Hepburn was the girl to _ in the play.4. 赫本取得的成就不仅仅是在电影业。Hepburns went the film .5. 十天后,赫本在睡梦中安详地去世了,享年63岁。Ten days _, at the _ of 63, Hepbu

14、rn _ _ in her sleep. 教师评价 教学反思滨海县第一初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0503 课题 Reading (II) 主备人 吴冬梅 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标:1. 学习能够如何根据时间顺序来描写人的一生。2. 能够理解和文中的重点短语和句型。学习重难点: 1. 学习并且能够灵活运用本课时所学知识点。2. 能够根据时间顺序来描述奥黛丽赫本一生的演艺事业及成就。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、读熟课文,并试着复述奥黛丽赫本一生的演艺事业及成就。二、预习并写出下列短语1. 不但而且 2. 哀悼这位伟大的美人 3. 开始上芭蕾舞课 4. 成为一名芭蕾

15、舞蹈演员 5. 把她的大部分精力投入到 6. 步入电影事业 7. 通过向我们展现自然之美 8. 被改编成一个剧本 9. 标志着她事业成功的开始 10. 主演一位年轻的公主 11. 出演她的最后一部电影 12. 把她的大量的时间投入到慈善事业中 课堂活动Step 1 Activities1. Practise reading the text together and then one by one, and make up sentences orally like this: I like / do not like Audrey Hephurn because My favourite A

16、udrey Hepburns film is because 2. Work in groups of four to make an interview with some questions:(1) Was Hepburn born in the USA?(2) What had been her dream before she entered the film industry?(3) Which film made her famous? (4) How many Oscars did she win?(5) What are some of the well-known films

17、 that Audrey acted in? (6) When and where did she die? Why she died? 3.Complete the following table with the information they have got:Audrey HepburnDate of birthPlace of birthDate of deathPlace of deathTalentsFilmsAwards Step 2 PresentationExplain language points and practice using them.课堂反馈一、选择题。(

18、 )1. In Always, Audrey played the role _ an angel.A. of B. in C. off D. on ( )2. Audrey won an Oscar _ Best Actress _ her role in this film.A. as, in B. as, for C. for, for D. for, in ( )3. He devoted all his efforts _ children.A. to educating B. educate C. education D. education( )4.We have _a lot

19、of wild animals,because of the _ of their living areas. A. lose; loss B. lost; lose C. lost; loss D. lose; lost( )5. She _ a model before she _ a superstar.A. have been; became B. had been; become C. had been; became D. has been二、根据所给中文、句意和首字母,填入正确的单词。1. T_ her acting years, Hepburn acted in only on

20、e TV series.2. Everyone must admire the _ (beautiful) of a mothers love.3. Its our duty to protect the (环境).4. At the (开始) , they built another bridge over the river5. We should solve the problems between us _(peace). 教师评价 教学反思滨海县第一初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0504 课题 Vocabulary 主备人 吴冬梅 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目

21、标:1. 认识并使用表示各种类型的电影的词汇。2. 学习通过英文释义猜测词汇意思。学习重难点: 掌握并使用表示各种类型的电影的词汇。自主备课(学习)课前导学一、预习书上P86内容,并完成A和B两部分的练习。二、写出下列短语。1. 讲述美丽爱情故事的电影 2. 讲述刺激或危险的事件的电影 3. 讲述美国西部生活的电影 4. 关于未来的幻想的电影 5. 使人们感觉害怕的电影 6. 使用图片或模型代替真人的电影 课堂活动Step 1 Leading-in1. Talk about the contents in Part Reading: How many Oscars did Audrey Hep

22、burn win? For what did she win the Oscar?2. Work in pairs to remind of something about Hepburns films.3. T: Audrey Hepburn won an Oscar for Best Actress for her role in the film Roman Holiday. Have you seen this film?Step 2 Presentation1. Show a section or some pictures about the film Roman Holiday,

23、 and ask: Whats this film about? Do you think the two main characters love each other? What kind does this film belong to? Get students to answer and write romantic film on the blackboard.2. Show some other films to present their characters: Tom and Jerry: a cartoon Star Wars: a science fiction film

24、 about an adventure in space True Liers: an action film about an American spy High Noon: a western about cowboys in America Scream: a horror film about a mysterious murder3. Practise learning the types of the film.4. Complete the exercises in Parts (A&B).课堂反馈一、选择。() 1. Not only he but also I _ inter

25、ested in seeing films.A. is B. are C. am D. be () 2.The old man lived alone and _ the age of 89, he a rainy winter evening. A. at, passed away in B. on, past away in C. at, passed away on D. on, past away on() 3. You _ play with the knife. You _hurt yourself.A. mustnt; may B. mustnt; must C. shouldn

26、t; must D. cant; should() 4.Do you know _ ? He is Toms father.A. what he is B. how he is C. who he is D. what is he()5.It is impossible for little children to do much work within 20 minutes.A. so, so B. so, such C. such, so D. such, such ( )6. Would you remember him the time of the big event ?A. to

27、remind, of B. reminding, of C. to remind, about D. to remind, to( )7. He is jumping about in _.A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. excitement二完成句子1. 这部小说是以历史事实为根据的。 This novel historical facts.2. 她没有待在家里而是去上学了。 She went to school at home. 教师评价 教学反思滨海县第一初级中学 初三英语 导学案 编号 9A 0505 课题 Grammar (I) 主备人 吴冬梅

28、 审核人签名 班级 姓名 学号 日期 学习目标: 学习并学会使用过去完成时。学习重难点: 掌握并能够使用过去完成时讨论行为活动。21自主备课(学习)课前导学一、查找资料了解过去完成时的定义和构成,预习书上P87-89并概括归纳过去完成时的构成: 二、翻译下列短语。1. 第一个到达电影院的人 2. 买票和饮料 3. 在电影院外等他 4. 在这部电影中扮演主角 5. 上气不接下气 6. 不得不去警察局 7. 把她的杂志落在教室里 8. 其他许多动作片 课堂活动Step 1 Leading-in 1. Revise the usage of the present perfect tense: Ed

29、die has lived with Millie since he was born. Eddie has lived with Millie for four years.2. Get students to sum up the formation of the present perfect.Step 2 Presentation1. Revise something of Reading to lead in the past perfect:A: What had Audrey Hepburn done before she became a Hollywood superstar? B: She had been a model before she became a Hollywood superstar.2. Tell Ss that we form the past perfect tense with “had” + past participle.3. Read the grammar e

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