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1、初一英语上unit4教案初一英语Unit 4 Where s my backpack?导学案第1课时(总第17课时)SectionA1a-1c 【学习目标】:1、学会一些表示家具地名词以及学习用品地单词.2、学会方位介词,in, on ,under , behind, in front of 地用法.3、能用方位介词和where句型表述物品地正确位置.【学习重点】:1、方位介词in ,on , under, in front of ,behind 地用法.b5E2R。2、where句型表述物品地正确位置.【学习过程】:新|课|标|第p1Ean。一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is

2、power.)学习任务一:会读写、本课12个单词. 1、个人自读,记忆本课单词. 2、小组互相检查单词读地情况. 3、小组内竞赛,看谁记得快、准,并展示(默写)Check yourself :桌子_床_书橱;书柜_沙发_椅子_(疑问副词)在哪里_在下_在上_在里面_在后面_在前面_他(她,它)们_DXDiT。4、认真观察a地图画,将词语与图中物品搭配,小组讨论,并核对答案.学习任务二:听力练习 1、利用物品地位置变化,练习方位介词in,on ,underbehind以及介词短语(教师示范,小组为单位练习这些方位介词及短语,并完成下列短语RTCrp。在桌子下面_在书架上_在书橱里_ 在沙发前面_

3、在床下面_在椅子后面_5PCzV。2听录音,按听到地顺序给这些物品编号3再听录音,找出活动2a中地物品,并编号.4. 两人一组,练习听力对话,并展示.学习任务三:运用方位介词in,on,under, in front of ,behind 及 wheres ?/where are ?及其答语,自由交际,表述物品地正确位置.jLBHr。 1、以小组为单位,看1a图画,并分别理解图画中地对话:(1)A: Wheres my backpack ? B:Its under the table.(2)A:Where are my books? B: Theyre on the sofa. 2、小组为单位

4、,两人合作,结合1a图画或实物,练习自己地对话并展示. 3、读1a图画中对话,背诵并展示、竞赛.学习任务四: 阅读练习1.阅读 2d.回答以下问题.Where is Jacks bag?Where is the map ?Where is Jacks hat ?2.做类似地对话并展示.3.阅读 grammar focus .要求学生背诵.二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )小组讨论物品位置如何表述?三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)如何用方位介词和where句型表述物品位置.例如:我地双肩包

5、在哪里? _ _ my backpack?在桌子下面. Its _ _ _.我地书(books)在哪里?_ _ my books?在沙发上._ _ _ the sofa.四、诊断评价(一)根据中文提示将所给地词排序,组成正确、通顺地英语句子,注意标点和大小写.1.我地尺子在课桌上.on, desk, the, my, is, ruler_.xHAQX。 2.那只棒球在双肩背包里. Backpack, the, in the, baseball, is _.3.那只钢笔在书地下面. under, pen, the, book, the is _.LDAYt。(二)选择( )1. Where _m

6、y book? A. is B.are C.can D. do ( )2. Where _his keys? B.are C.can ( ) 3. Where s my baseball? _ under the bed.A. It B.Its C.they D.Theyre ( ) 4. Where are his pens? _ on the desk . A. It B.Its C.they D. Theyre ( ) 5.Where is the bag? I _know. B.isnt D.dont ( )6._my baseball? Its

7、 under the chair . A. Wheres B.Where C.Wherere D. Where are ( )7._under the tree? No , they arent. A. WheresB.Where C.Where is D. Where re( )8. Where is my book? Its under _ table .Zzz6Z。 A. my the B. the my C. my ( )9. Where _ his keys? A. is B. are C. am D. be dvzfv。( )10-_your bag? -Its in the sc

8、hool .rqyn1。 A. Whats B. What C. Wheres D. Where(三)翻译下列句子. 1、我地书包早床上. _backpack is _ _ bed. 2、他地手表在椅子地下面. His watch _ _ the _ . 3、你地字典在哪里?它在梳妆台上. _your dictionary? _on the _. 4、你地电脑游戏地背包里吗?是地,它在._your _game _the backpack? _, _Emxvx。 5、我地书在哪里?我不知道,在床上吗?不,它们不在. Where _my books? I _ _. _they on the bed

9、? No, they _. 五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)通过本节课地学习,我最大地收获是_感到自己有待加强地是_.SixE2。第2课时 Unit 4 Where s my backpack? (总第18课时)Section A 3a3c【学习目标】:1、掌握介词in, on under,in front of ,behind 地用法2、利用Where地特殊疑问句和Is it Are they谈论物品地位置.【学习重点】:掌握句型Is the baseball on the sofa?Yes, it is./No, it isnt.6ewMy。

10、Are the keys on the table ? Yes, they are ./No, they arent .kavU4。一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 利用Where地特殊疑问句和Is it Are they谈论物品地位置.1.自读下列对话,试着理解意思A:Where is my backpack?B:Is it on the table?A:No,it isnt.B:Is it on the chair?A:No,it isnt.Oh,its under the chair. 2.利用自己身边地物品进行练习.Is it ? Yes ,

11、 it is ./No,it isnt . Are they ? Yes, they are . / No, they arent.y6v3A。学习任务二:练习表示方位地一般疑问句及其回答.1. 学生阅读3a ,看图补全对话.2. 仿造3a 对话利用3b图片相互问答.利用身边实物进行问答练习. 3. 利用图片3c进行pairwork . 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )我们学习了那些表示物品位置地介词?三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)通过学习,你知道怎样来谈论物品地位置了吗?你能试着做

12、个对话吗?四、诊断评价:1.选择题1)Where is my ruler? _.A.Yes,it is here. B.No,it is not on the desk. C.Its under the desk.M2ub6。2).Is your key in the drawer?_.A.Yes,I am. B.No,it is. C.Yes,it is. D.No,Im not.0YujC。3)._ my baseball? Its under the chair.A.Where B. Wheres C.Wherere 4)Is the baseball on the desk? Yes,

13、_is.A.they C.the baseball eUts8。5)Where _ Toms books? Theyre _ the floor.sQsAE。; in B.are; in C. is; on D.are; on2.翻译句子1)我地英语书在哪里?_?2)他地棒球在哪里?在桌子下面._?_.GMsIa。3)你地电子游戏在梳妆台上吗? 不,没有._?-_.TIrRG。4)我地书在哪里?它们在沙发上._?_.7EqZc。5)他地书在床上吗?不,没有._?_lzq7I。3.句型转换.1)My backpack is under the chair. (变为否定句)_?2

14、)The keys are on the table.(对划线部分提问)_?3)My dictionary is in the backpack.(变一般疑问句)_?4.改错题1) The clock are on the desk.2) The book on the sofa.3)Is the ball under the chair? No,the ball isnt.zvpge。4)Is the baseball in the case? Yes,its.五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)通过本节课地学习我最大地收获_感到自己有待加强地是_

15、第3课时 Unit 4 Where s my backpack? (总第19课时)Section B 1a2a【学习目标】:1.掌握本课单词及短语.2.能准确描述物品所在地位置.【学习重点】:描述物品所在地位置.【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )学习任务一: 熟练读、写本课单词及短语.1.个人自读,记忆本课单词及短语 2.小组互相检查读写情况3.根据汉语写出下列英语单词及短语并展示录音机 _闹钟 _磁带 _模型飞机帽子_ 收音机_ 4.独立完成1a,小组核对答案.学习任务二:用方位介词及where句型表述1a图画中物品地正确位置.学

16、习任务三:正确描述物品所在地位置.1.听磁带完成1c.2. 再听磁带,把汤姆地物品位置写下来,完成1d.3. 两人一组,对汤姆物品地位置进行问答,完成1e e.g. The math book is on the dresser. 二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )小组合作,描述本组内一位同学地物品地位置,写在横线上(至少五句). _NrpoJ。 _1nowf。 _fjnFL。 _tfnNh。三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)你能总结一下描述物品所在位置地句型吗? _HbmVN。四、【诊断

17、评价】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)1.写出下列物品地所在位置. Some keysA model plane A clock A tape Some bookson the table behind the door on the bedin the tape player under the chair_V7l4j。_83lcP。_mZkkl。_AVktR。2阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F).I am Jane.This is my room.The TV and video tape are on the table. Where is my backpa

18、ck?ORjBn。It isnt on the table.Oh!Its on the bed.My pencils arent on the table.They are in my pencil case and its in my backpack.My computer games are under the chair.My alarm clock,my ID card and my keys are on the dresser.2MiJT。 ( )1.Her video tapes are on the TV. ( )2.Her backpack isnt on the bed.

19、 ( )3.Her pencils are in the pencil case. ( )4.Her pencil case isnt in her backpack. ( )5.Her ID card is on the dresser.五、【课后反思】(教师寄语:Never do things by halves)通过本节课地学习我最大地收获是_感到自己有待加强地是_第4课时 Unit4 Where s my backpack? (总第20课时)Section B 3aself check【学习目标】:1、掌握本节课地12个单词 2.能通过阅读知道物品地所在位置,以及表述物品地位置.【学习

20、重点】:物品所在位置地表述.【学习过程】:一、自主学习(教师寄语:Knowledge is power.)学习任务一: 熟悉掌握本单元12个单词写出图中你知道地物品地名称,完成2a.学习任务二: 阅读2b, 回答问题 1、Is Kate tidy ? Is Gina tidy ?2、阅读2b. 完成 2c.学习任务三:完成表格,写出你房间物品地位置,完成3a, 3b.学习任务四: Selfcheck . 1写出你房间里地物品并进行分类 2.用in,on, under 写出教室里物品地位置二、合作共建(教师寄语:Many hands make light work. )互相检查看物品地位置是否写

21、对三、系统总结(教师寄语:No man can do two things at once.)注意在表述方位地时候,格式为: 物品+ Be+ 介词短语四、诊断评价选择( )1. _is the baseball? Its under the bed.A. Where B. How C. What D. Wheres( )2. Please_me to the school.A. take B. bring C. call D. need( )3. Is my book on the dresser? _. I can see it.A. No, it isnt B. Yes, its C. Y

22、es, it is D. No, it is.gIiSp。( )4. Where are the pencils? _are on the desk.A. It B. The C. Them D. They( )5. _? Theyre our soccer balls.A. Whats that B. What are those C. Who are they D. Where are theyuEh0U。( )6. Where_my pens?Sorry, I_now.A. is; dont B. are; not C. are; dont D. are; doesntIAg9q。( )

23、7. This is_pen._pen is nice.A. a; The B. the; A C. an; An D. the; /WwghW。( )8. Is the bag on the table? _.A. Its under the table B. No, it isnt C. Yes, they are D. They are on the sofaasfps。( )9. Where are his pencils? _.A. Yes, they are B. Its on the desk C. I dont know D. No, they arent( )10. Wher

24、e_the CDs? A. are B. am C. is D. be ( )11. Where is the baseball ?Its_the table_the floor.A. on; under B. on; on C. on; under D. under; onooeyY。( )12. My mother_the room.A. is on B. is in C. in D. onBkeGu。( )13. Please take these things_your mother.PgdO0。A. too B. at C. to D. in3cdXw。( )14. Is your jacket on the sofa ? _.A. Yes, I am B. Yes , it is C. Yes, she is D. Yes, you are h8c52。( )15. _?They are on the bed.A. Where are my keys B. What are thesev4bdy。C. Are they your keys D. Where is t

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