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本文(广东广州市牛津深圳版七年级英语下册Unit18词汇短语复习无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东广州市牛津深圳版七年级英语下册Unit18词汇短语复习无答案七年级英语下册U1-U 8词汇短语复习一、重点单词及短语Unit 1中文英文中文英文人 n.鼓励 v.快乐的 adj.支持 n.工作努力的 adj.获得成功的 adj.耐心的 adj.成员 n.聪明的 adj.段落 n.很可能 adv.除.之外忘记 v.照顾气味 n.讲笑话照顾 n.嘲弄想念 v.对.要求严格玩笑 n.放弃笑 v.上班仍然是 v.夜以继日严格的 adj.Unit 2中文英文中文英文法国 n.滑雪 v.法国的 adj.塔 n.旗帜 n.完成 v.葡萄酒 n.电梯 n.标记号 v.台阶 n.可能的 adj.楼梯 n.欧

2、洲 n.接收者 n.百货商店 n.日期 n.葡萄园 n.问候 n.优秀的 adj.地址 n.南方 n.以.而闻名位于 v.百货商店海岸 n.更喜欢完美的 adj.去度假更喜欢 v.去观光Unit 3中文英文中文英文瞎的 adj.底部 n.无线电广播 n.终于 adv.节目 n.机场 n.有用的 adj.出现 v.营救 v.扮演 v.表示.的意思 v.攀登 v.接待员 n.黑暗的 adj.允许进入 v.没有什么 pron.宠物 n.到达任何地方 adv.独自道歉 v.带着(某人)到.带领 v.入睡吠叫 v.醒来醒来 v.趴下毛巾 n.消防车Unit 4中文英文中文英文拯救 v.家具 n.松树 n

3、.想像 v.讨论 v.疾病 n.树枝 n.挖 v.根 n.洞 n.与.做斗争 v.搬 v.反对 prep.容器 n.例子 n.吸收有害的 adj.来自气体 n.例如产生 v.确切地说氧气 n.环顾四周主要的 adj.由.制成方便的 adj.数以百万计的对.有好处Unit 5中文英文中文英文滴 n. ;掉落 v.银行 n.旅行 n.找给的零头 n.数量 n.归还 v.实验 n.蒸气 n.淡的 adj.形成 v.盐 n.搅拌 v.表示已连接 adv.继续 v.嗓音 n.结晶(体) n.水库 n.关掉添加 v.把.加入.化学品 n.有点通过 prep.的一部分管道 n.零花钱宝贵的 adj.由.组成

4、一点 n.干涸Unit 6中文英文中文英文电 n.电池 n.谈话 n.厨灶 n.确认 v.冰箱 n.规则 n.电灯泡 n.任何人 pron.(用锁) 锁上 v.回答 v.愚蠢的 adj.使整洁 v.电线 n.触摸 v.(使)连接 v.发电站电缆 n.洗衣机瞬间 n.收拾妥Unit7 中文英文中文英文诗歌 n.建筑工地 n.普通的 adj.狭窄的 adj.感觉 n.高度 n.命令 n.超人 n.建议 n.卖方 n.大声地 adv.微笑 v. & n.组 ; 群 n.迅速移动 v.同意 v.人群 n.不同意 v.一点也(不)押韵词 n.为.担忧整个的 adj.报摊井 n.冲出去淋浴 n.

5、一群Unit8中文英文中文英文事业 n.达到 v.行星 n.驾驶帆船航行 v.卫星 n.决定 v.天鹅绒 n.训练 v.钻石 n.独自 adv.射 ; 冲 v.将来主持 n.曾经知识 n.外出生动的 adj.看起来像.持续 v.越来越多事实上 adv.长大任何人 pron.去进行帆船运动【词汇专练】(一)首字母填空1.Without their s_, I wouldnt be able to win the race. 2.Jacks best friend went abroad(到国外)three years ago.Jack now m_ him a lot. 3.Miss Wang

6、is a good teacher.She is s_ with her students. 4.She began to l_ when she heard the joke. 5.Eric is a s_ boy. He can learn everything very quickly. 6.The town l_ on a small island in Europe. 7.This postcard has no a_ on it. We dont know where it is from. 8. In winter, the s_ of China is warmer than

7、the north. 9. What fine weather! Its p_ for a picnic. 10. He usually drinks a glass of red w_ during dinner. 11. You can get a lot of useful information from this English TV p_. 12. The clerk a_ to his boss for being late for work this morning. 13.The doctor doesnt a_ my father to drink wine. 14.F_,

8、 they bought the magazine and left. 15.Its d_ in the room. Please turn on the lamp. 16. You can d_ this problem with your classmates. 17. How can we f_ against air pollution. 18. Mary d_ a hole in the garden and planted a tree. 19. Spending too much time playing computer games is h_ to both your eye

9、s and health. 20. He had a d_ and died a few months ago.21. - Mum, may I go to the park this afternoon? - Yes, but you must r home before eight oclock?22. My mother asked me to c reading English after the break.23. Its safe to put money in the b , not at home.24. Youd better to keep your v down when

10、 talking in public.25. Students in Class One are doing a physics e in the laboratory now.26. Although I have listened to the c three times, I still dont know who are talking.27. We can put the vegetables in the f to keep them fresh.28. Would you please r to my e-mail as soon as you receive it?29. Mi

11、ss Green will t our spoken English tomorrow.30. We always keep our classroom clean and t .31. A postal code is a g of letters and numbers to help postmen deliver letters.32. Whats your f after watching the film?33. We are all o people, but we can do something special.34. Danny is about 170 centimete

12、rs in h .35. A lot of fans r to the singer on the stage just now.36. Lily began her c_ as a teacher.37. You will a_ your goal if you work hard.38. I use my k_ to tell them how to keep safe.39. The games l_ only half an hour.40. Id buy a big boat and s_ around the world.(二)完成句子1.他从不嘲弄同学。 He never _ _

13、 _ his classmates. 2.我们的英语老师喜欢在课堂上讲笑话。 Our English teacher likes to _ _ in class. 3.春天是植树的时候。 Spring is _ _ _ planting trees. 4.爸爸每天8点去上班。 Dad _ _ _ at 8 everyday. 5.杨丽萍以美丽的舞蹈闻名。 Yang Liping _ _ _ her beautiful dancing. 6.三亚坐落在海滨。 Sanya _ _ the coast. 7.我的奶奶喜欢在午饭后喝点茶。 My grandma _ _ drink some tea a

14、fter lunch. 8.多年以来,母亲把我们一家人照顾得很好。 _ _ _, my mother has taken good care of our family. 9.电梯故障,由于安全原因,请走楼梯。 There is something wrong with the lift. _ _ _, please take the stairs. 10.孩子们自己洗衣服。 The children wash the clothes _ _ . 11.她蹲下来在地上画画。 She _ _ and drew a picture on the ground. 12.拯救生命是消防员的职责。 To

15、 _ _ _ is the duty of every fireman. 13.你一到家就打电话给我。 _ _ _ you get home,call me. 14.他们不在这里。确切地说,他们是一小时以前走的。 They are not here. _ _, they left an hour ago. 15.她环顾四周却一个同学也没看到。 She _ _ but could not see any classmates. 16.他做了坏事并因此丢了工作。 He did something bad. _ _ _, he lost his job. 17.做你自己并经理做到最好,成功便会到来。

16、 Be yourself and _ _ _, then you will be successful. 18.这张桌子是由木材制成的。 The table _ _ _ wood. 19.咱们玩纸牌而不是看电视吧。Lets play cards _ _ watching TV.20.这个队是由十五个运动员组成。The team _ _ _ _ 15 players.21.跑完步后, 这男孩去冲了个澡。The boy went to _ _ _ after running.22.如果你不使用电脑,你应该关掉它。You should_ _your computer if you dont use

17、it.23.你的咖啡要加多少糖?How much sugar do you want to _ _your coffee?24.从某种程度上说,这工作做的不错。The work is well done, _ _ _.25.这台电脑必须连接到打印机上。This computer must _ _ _ that printer.26.这回该轮到你收拾房间了It is your turn _ _ _ the room 27.请不要关上收音机。我在收听新闻Dont _ _the radio, please. Im listening to the news28.请保持课室干净!Please _ th

18、e class _!29.到处湿漉漉的。天气真糟糕!Its wet everywhere. _ _ the weather is!30.时间过的真快啊!_ _ the time passed!31.那里有一个报摊。There is a _ _over there.32.从黎明到黄昏我从未停止过。_ _ _ _, I never stop.33.一群人在唱歌。_ _ _ _ are singing.34.当我看书的时候我会觉得很放松。I feel very relaxed _ I _ _.35.你过去常常熬夜吗?_you _ _ stay up late at night?36.顺便问一下,飞机

19、将于几点起飞?_ _ _, when will the plane take off?37.你长大后想做什么?What do you want to do when you ?(三)句型转换(1-6小题)+ 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空(7-18小题)1. Teachers often tell the kids not to talk in the classroom. (改为祈使句) in the classroom, kids.2. He does his homework at home every day. (改为一般疑问句) he his homework at home eve

20、ry day?3. The school trip is very exciting. (改为感叹句) the school trip is!4. We arrived there. The sky went dark.(合并句子)The sky went dark _ we arrived there. 5. We got there in time at last. (同义句转换)We got there in time _.6. We used to have a lot of trees.(变否定句)We _ _ _ _ any trees. 7. She collects more

21、than 100 cute_ (toy) . 8. She often buys her father a cake when his birthday _ (come) . 9. I decided _ (study) hard from now on. 10. Dont run _ (cross) the road. Its dangerous. 11. -Who is on duty today? - _ (my)13. I think it is very interesting to read the book, but my father find it (interesting).14. They make me _(finish)the job.15. Drive (care) or accidents may happen.16. He became (bore) when he saw the advertisement on TV.17. He used to _(have) much money.18. The sun shines _ (bright).

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