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1、形容词副词词形转换讲与练形容词、副词(词形转换)讲与练想一想I. 在下列句子的空格处填上适当的单词。1. The little boy was _ ill that nothing could be done to save him.2. When she heard the news, she was _ excited to say a word.3. _had she got to the staion when the train left.4. No _ had Tom got home when it began to rain heavily.5. It was _ a hot

2、day that many people went swimming in the river.6. Though he is not rich himself, he tries his best to help _ poor. 7. He was late time and again for his work. _, he got fired last week.8. She failed many times in the experiment. _, she wouldnt give up.9. Lily is one of _ most hardworking student in

3、 our class.10. Tommy can run much faster _ all of his classmates.11. Li Ming can speak English _ well as a native speaker does.12. Mary does her experiment _ carefully than all the other girls do.13. This building is three times _ height of the building on the other side of the road.14. Though this

4、hotel isnt the best one in this city, it is _ most comfortable hotel.15. Do you know _ shorter of the two girls? 1. so 2. too 3. Hardly/Scarcely 4. sooner 5. such 6. the 7. Therefore 8. However 9. the 10. than 11. as 12. more 13. the 14. a 15. the II用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1. Just then, the sick old lay down

5、 _(die).2. As we all know, English is _(wide) used in our daily life.3. The foolish farmer tried to help his crops grow _(high) by plucking them.4. The Changjiang River is ten times the _(long) of that one.5. She was so _(excite) that she couldnt say a word.6. It is known to all that the Changjiang

6、River is the first _(long) river in China.7. Would you please tell me the _(late) news about the incident?8. I dont think your demand is quite _(reason).9. She made so many _(care) mistakes that she failed the test this time.10. You must work hard so that you can make more _(contribute) to the count

7、ry.11. Youd better fill in the _(apply) form first if you want to apply for this job.12. There is no _(argue) as whether to put off the meeting till tomorrow. 13. Mr. Li has been interested in _(photo) when he was still a little boy.14. Each of us is able to enjoy _(free) of speech in our country.15

8、. His theory is of great _(significant) to our experiment.Keys: 1. dead 2. widely 3. higher 4. length 5. excited 6. longest 7. latest 8. reasonable 9. careless 10. contributions 11. application 12. argument 13. photography 14. freedom 15. significance讲一讲 对于形容词和副词,我们应侧重于下面几个方面的知识的复习与掌握:一注意掌握形容词和副词的基本

9、用法:1. 形容词常用作表语或定语;而副词则用作状语,修饰句中的动词,也可用于修饰形容词或其它的副词。如:The old man is always ready to help others.2. 形容词还可用在句中作状语,表示伴随、原因或结果等。如:He went to bed, cold and hungry. / The dog lay down, dead.3. 大多数以a-开头的形容词一般用在句中作表语,也可作后置定语。这类形容词有:alone、afraid、awake、alive、alike、asleep等。如:She is the only person alive in the

10、 accident.4某些形容词前面加上定冠词可以表示一类人或物。这类形容词有:rich、poor、old、young、beautiful、dead等。如:We should pay more attention to the old in cold days.二注意把握固定句型中的形容词或副词。在语法填空题中,我们常常发现会考查这些句型中的形容词或副词,因为它们的搭配都是固定的,不可更改。如:tooto结构、sothat结构、hardlywhen、no soonerthan、suchthat、so/asas。这些句型中的副词通常都是被考查的对象。三英语中,有相当一部分副词表示一定的逻辑关系。

11、这些词语往往也是被考查的对象。这类副词常见的有:A表示转折关系的副词:however、nevertheless、otherwise等。 B表示因果关系的副词:therefore、thus等。C表示递进关系的副词:besides、furthermore、moreover等。D表示次序的副词:firstly、finally、secondly、thirdly等。 四注意把握形容词和副词的三级及相关用法:1as/so.as结构中,只能用形容词或副词的原级。此外还要注意它所修饰的对象是名词还是动词,从而确定as/so.as结构中用形容词还是副词。as.as可用于肯定句和否定句中,而so.as结构只能用于

12、否定结构。如:1).She is not so/as careful as her brother. 2).She doesnt write so carefully as her brother.2表示两者或两部分进行比较时要用比较级。三者进行比较时,则要用最高级。单音节和双音节的比较级和最高级分别在词尾加-er或-est构成比较级或最高级。多音节形容词或副词的比较级和最高级则是在单词的前面加more或most构成最高级。如:1).Tom writes more carefully than Mike, but Green writes the most carefully in the t

13、hree.2).Tom is taller than Mike, but Mike is the tallest of the three.3在比较级前,常用much、little、a little、still、even、far、a lot等修饰。但more修饰一个名词时,意为“又,再,还”。这时,more前面的修饰语一定要能够修饰后面的名词.如:1).She runs even faster than her mother.2).Please give me two more apples.3).Would you like some more coffee?4最高级前通常用定冠词修饰,但副

14、词的最高级可不用the修饰。如: 1).Mike is the tallest boy in this class.(Mike是这个班最高的男孩。) 2).She runs fastest of the three.(在三个人当中,她跑得最快。)5在形容词的比较级和最高级前面还可用冠词修饰:1).“the+比较级”往往表示“两者中较.的那个”。 如:the taller of the two girls(两个女孩子中较高的那个); 2).“a/an+比较级+名词”则表示“一个更/较.的”。如:Give me a bigger apple.(给我一个更大一些的苹果.)3).“the +形容的最高

15、级+名词”表示“最的”。如:This is the most interesting film I have seen this year.(这是我今年看的最有趣的电影。)4).“a most+形容词+名词”则表示“一个十分/很.的”。如:This is a most comfortable restaurant.(这是一家十分舒适的饭店。)6. 倍数常用的表达方式有如下几种:1).倍数+ as .as结构。如:This river is three times as long as that one.2).倍数+比较级。如:The elephant is three times bigger

16、 than the pig.3).倍数+the+名词(这类名词通常是表示长、宽、高、大小、尺寸等的名词,如age、size、height、weight、length、width等)+of。如:The elephant is three times the weight of the pig. 五注意掌握所学单词的相关的派生词,注意各个派生词的词性。此外,还应掌握各类词性在句子中的用法。掌握一定的构词法是我们扩大词汇量、学好英语的有力武器之一。因而在广东省的高考试题的语法填空题中,专门设置了一题用来考查同根词或者派生词,这也是与新课标的要求一致的。练一练I. 在下列各句的空格处填上一个适当的单词

17、1. The old goat was _ weak that it was dying fast in the cave.2. The young man is still not mature _ to do the work.3. She was _ nervous on the stage to go on with her performance.4. _had she got to bed when she heard a knock on the door. 5. No _ had Tom heard the words when she hurried to the hospi

18、tal.6. It was such a freezing cold day _we could see few people in the street. 7. I wont go to the film this evening. Its so late now. _, I have seen the film already. 8. The government called on _ rich to contribute more money to help the poor people.9. She smokes too much at work. _, she has damag

19、ed her health.10. She failed again in the test. _, she didnt lose heart.11. He couldnt have attended the meeting yesterday. _, I would have seen him.12. As we all know, China is _ most populous country in the world. 13. I can hardly believe that Betty can speak Chinese _ fluently as we do.14. The so

20、oner you finish your work, _ better it will be. 15. This square in three time _width of the previous one. Keys: 1. so 2. enough 3. too 4. Hardly/Scarcely 5. sooner 6. that 7. Besides/ Furthermore/Moreover 8. the 9. Therefore/Thus 10. However 11. Otherwise12. the 13. as 14. the 15. theII. 用括号中所给单词的适当

21、形式填空1. As time went on, the old mans health is getting from bad to _(bad).2. The _ (tall) of the two girls is the girl I always talks about with you.3. The _(much) exciting news is that our team has won 100 medals in the Olympics.4. Can you tell me something about the _ (classify) of the plants?5. T

22、he police are still not so sure about the _ (identify) of the dead body. 6. His friends gave him a lot of help in his_ (promote) in the company. 7. It is said that Mr. Smiths new _ (appoint)will be announced next week. 8. The young man has gained a great amount of wealth and his _(accumulate) in wea

23、lth has attracted great attention from the public. 9. They want to put on an _ (advertise)in the local newspaper so as to help sell their products. 10. On my _(arrive) in Beijing, I began to hunt for a job all over the city.11. Five police are assigned to watch over the _(move) of the young man.12.

24、You dont have to be so neatly dressed because it is only a(n) _(form) meeting.13. Only _(environment) problems are discussed at the meeting.14. In recen years, _(employ) is getting from bad to worse in that country.15. It is a well known fact that smoking is too _(harm) to our health.Keys: 1. worse

25、2. taller 3. most 4. classification 5. identification 6. promotion7. appointment 8. accumulation 9. advertisement 10. arrival 11. movement12. informal 13. environmental 14. unemployment 15. harmful代词讲与练想一想I在下列句子的空格处填上适当的单词1. The information on the Internet gets around much more rapidly than _ in the

26、 newspaper. 2. Little joy can equal _ of a surprising ending when you read stories. 3. Jim sold most of his things. He has hardly _ left in the house. 4. There is still a copy of the book in the library. Will you go and borrow _?5. Which driver was to blame? -Why, _! It was the childs fault, clear a

27、nd simple. He suddenly came out between two parked cars.6. We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month. 7. My grandma still treats me like a child. She made _ her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.8. Who called me this morning when I w

28、as out? -A man calling _ Robert.9. Are the two answers wrong? -Yes, _is not correct.10. _did he care about his own health though he was seriously ill.11. Either the boy or his sister must have taken _ dinner here.12. Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _ didnt help. 13. Mr A

29、lcott, headmaster of the school, refused to accept _of the three suggestions made by the Students Union.14.-Do you want tea or coffee? -_.I really dont mind.15. It was so hot a day that Lily treated _ with a cold drink at the supermarket. Keys: 1. that 2. that 3. anything 4. it 5. neither 6. another

30、 7. it 8. himself 9. either10. Little 11. their 12. it 13. none 14. either 15. herself讲一讲 在广东省的高考试题中,语法填空题同样也会测试到代词这一语法项目。特别是在近两年的高考试题中,代词是广东高考试题中的一个热点的测试项目。下面主要谈一谈最可能出现在语法填空题中的代词及其用法。I. 注意掌握和正确使用各类人称代词的主格、宾格的拼写形式及用法。人称代词的主格在句中作主语;宾格在句中作宾语或表语。 单 数 复 数 格 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们主格 I you he she it we you they宾格 me you him her it us you them II. 物主代词有形容词性和名词性的区别。注意掌握它们的形式及用法。物主代词常常放在名词的前面对这个名词进行修饰或限制。这一用法在近两个的广东高考试题中均有考到。 单 数 复 数 我 你 他 她 它

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