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北师大版高中英语必修2 unit 4《cyberspace》lesson 12教学设计精品doc.docx

1、北师大版高中英语必修2 unit 4cyberspacelesson 1 2教学设计精品docUnit4 Cyberspace-Lesson1&2【教学目标】1. To read a text quickly to find specific information.2. To practice the present simple passive, present continuous passive, past simple passive, present perfect passive and past continuous passive, predictions will and

2、be going to.【知识梳理】课前 自主预习1. 词汇练习(1)Playing games on the Internet too much will a your study.(2)The c was arrested for killing an old lady.(3)Now there are about 50 million computers c to the Net.(4)I think v reality will become part of modern life. (5)Some exports are p about our future.(6)Do you f

3、going to have a swim? (7)Could you offer me some w to find more history information?(8)I know you are a little tired, but please h on a bit longer.(9)We gave him a s that he should keep the book forever.(10)In the big city there are a lot of e and amusement at night.课堂 互动探究1、掌握重点单词及词组的用法 词 汇 相关提示com

4、e true 实现,变为现实affect vt. 影响offer n.vt. 提供,提议as if 好像,仿佛suggestion n. 建议 ,提议 come构成的一些短语辨析 affect,effect和influence辨析 offer, provide和supplyas if 和as though的比较,as构成的短语 suggest表示建议时,从句中使用虚拟语气的现象。2、语法重点(1)熟悉了解信息时代网络发展的现状和未来,了解站的作用以及它们的优势和劣势,保持对网络使用的积极态度。(2)用will 和be going to 表达对将来的趋势的预测、描述将来事件、表达对将来的看法等。

5、(3)语言技能重点:运用听力策略听懂有关网站的基本介绍,能抓住关键词。三. 重难点词汇讲解:1. global adj 全球的,全世界的 of or about the whole world He has taken a non-stop global flight. 他做了一次环绕世界的不着陆飞行。global warming 全球变暖;global village 地球村2. come true 实现,变为现实 to realizeHer dream of becoming a famous actress came true after many years of hard work.

6、她想成为著名演员的梦想在经过多年的努力后成为现实。 come 的相关短语: come out of 出自 come out 出来;开花;出版;结果是 come along 进展;前进 come around 恢复;还原 come back 东山再起;复原 come up 显现;出现 come to 恢复知觉;涉及 come through 到达;经历;脱险 come about 发生 come up with想出(计划、回答);产生 come across 来到;不期而遇 come after 跟着来;跟在后面 come from 来自;出生于 come into 进入;得到;继承3. cli

7、mate n. 气候 the usual weather conditions in a placeBecause of the temperate climate,Kunming is called the City of Spring.由于温和的气候,昆明被称作春城。辨析 climate 和 weather climate表示气候,是可数名词,指一个地区在较长时间内的天气情况,包括气温、温度等。weather是不可数名词,表示短时间内的天气,包括天气的冷暖,是晴天还是多云、阴天、下雨等。climate 还可表示政界、学术界的气氛,weather没有这种用法。4. reality n 真实,

8、现实the state of things as they are ; a factWe have to face reality. 我们要面对现实。(1)同根词:real adj. 真的;realize vt. 实现;really adv. 真正地;realistic adj. 现实(主义)的(2)短语:in reality 事实上5. affect vt. 影响to influence or cause a changeIts a good idea to start a part-time job so long as it does not affect your studies.只要

9、不影响你的学习,做兼职是个好主意。辨析 affect,effect和influence三个词都含有“影响”的意思。effect,affect两者在拼法上仅一个字母之差,读音也很相似。affect常用作动词,相当于have an effect on。有多种含义:(1)使事物发生变化。如:An important decision will affect ones future.一项重要的决定会影响一个人的未来。(2)对某事物产生不好的影响。如:The Asian financial crisis seriously affect our exports.亚洲金融危机严重影响了我们的出口。(3)用

10、作引申义指引起某人的感情波动,意为“使感动”。如Music affects me strongly. 音乐能够强烈地感染我。effect 常用作名词,指由某种原因直接产生的结果;它还可表示“效果”等意思。如:The medicine has had no effect at all. 这药毫无效果。effect 也可作动词用,但不表示“影响”,而表示“产生、招致、实现”等。如:The change was effected quickly. 这种变化很快就出现了。influence用作引申意义,指对人的思想、观念、心情、情绪等内在的东西产生潜移默化的影响或对人的决定、行为等造成某种程度的影响。

11、如:Dont let others influence your decision.不要让别人影响你的决定。6. offer n.vt. 提供,提议to give; to express willingness to do something; something offeredWhich theatre offers the cheapest seat?哪个戏院的座位最便宜?offer 后只能接不定式作宾语,不能接动名词。辨析 offer, provide和supplyoffer 表示主动提供服务、工作等,常用于offer sb. sth. 或offer to do sth.的固定搭配。We

12、 offered him a high position in the company. provide 表示无主动慷慨之意地提供需要或有用的东西,尤其是生活用品。supply 通常指定期供应,含有连续不断地供给之意。7. as if 好像,仿佛as though; with the appearance ofIt looks as if it is going to rain. 天看起来像要下雨。(1)as if =as though 似乎是;好像是二者相比,as though 为系统正式的用法。若表达非现实的意思,用虚拟语气;若表达实际的事实关系,用陈述语气。如:She always ta

13、lks to me as if she were my sister.她总是以我妹妹的语气跟我说话。She looks as if shes going to cry.她看起来似乎要哭了。(2)和as 有关的搭配:as a matter of fact 事实上 as for 至于 as soon as 一就as long as 只要 as usual 通常 as well 也,还有8. harm vt. n. 伤害,损害injury, damage or wrong; to cause damage toDrinking too much can harm your health.饮酒过多会对

14、你的健康有害。(1)派生词:harmful adj. 有害的; harmless adj. 无害的(2)固定句式:do harm to 伤害There is no harm in sth./ doing sth. 做没有坏处。辨析 damage, harm, hurt, injure和wounddamage 指对物体造成伤害,也可指损害名誉。如:The car was badly damaged in the accident.The reputation of our school has been damaged.harm 可以泛指任何损害,而且经常是隐性的损害。如:She worried

15、 that her belongings might have been harmed.What you do may harm the cause of peace.hurt 可以指对肉体造成强烈的疼痛感,也指对感情造成伤害,伤害的后果往往是可以立刻明显地感觉到或表现出来的。如:My shoulders hurt.我的两肩有点痛。Shes hurt because you havent visited her.injure 含义较广,既可以指身体上的轻重伤害(如造成容颜、身体机能的伤害);也可以指对感情、名誉、机会等的不利影响。如:There were two people injured

16、in the car accident.The scandal has injured her reputation. 丑闻损害了她的名誉。wound 多指在战争、攻击中受到的伤害,一般有明显的伤口;有时也指感情上的伤害。如:a gun wound 枪伤。His sharp remarks deeply wounded her. 他尖刻的话使她感情上深受伤害。9. fashion n. 时髦,时尚 the way of dressing or behavior that is popular at a certain timeFashion goes in circle.时尚总是循环反复的。习

17、惯用语:in fashion 流行,入时;out of fashion过时;fashion show 时装表演;the latest fashion 最新式样10. hang on (电话用语)别挂断to wait as on the telephoneHang on! Ill be back in a minute. 等一下,我马上回来。习惯用语:hang up 挂断电话;hang up on sb.不等某人说完就挂断电话11. get in touch 和取得联系to communicate with sb.Hank is trying to get in touch with his b

18、rother.(1)和get有关的搭配:get along with 和相处 get down to 开始认真(做某事)get on 上车 get off 下车get rid of 去掉,处理 get into the habit of 养成的习惯(2)和touch 相关的词组:keep in touch with sb. 和取得联系 lose touch with 和失去联系be out of touch with 和无法联系 be in touch with 和有联系辨析 get in touch with 和be in touch with get in touch with 强调动作,

19、和某人取得联系,而be in touch with 则强调一种状态,联系已经存在。12. be up to 做,从事于to take up, to undertakeYour work is not up to standard. 你做的工作没达标。拓展 up to 表示:(1)多达;(2)由决定There are up to 5000 students at this school.Everyone works, from the lift boy up to the President.从电梯工人到总经理,人人都工作。Its not up to you to decide what to

20、do or what not to do.轮不到你来决定该做什么,不该做什么。13. fancy vt.(非正式)想要做;幻想imagination; would likeFancy meeting you here. 想不到在这儿见到你了。(1)fancy 作动词时,后接名词、代词和动名词,不能接动词不定式。(2)fancy 还可作名词。如:Children are always full of fancies. 孩子们总是满脑子奇异的幻想。(3)与fancy 有关的词组:have a fancy for 爱好,迷恋; fancy dress(化装舞会等的)化装服装14. suggestio

21、n n. 建议 ,提议something that is suggestedHe made the suggestion that we go by train. 他建议我们坐火车去。(1)suggestion 后的表语从句或同位语从句中,要使用虚拟语气,其谓语动词用should+原形(should可以省略)。He suggested that we go to school by taxi.(2)suggest v. 建议;暗示,表示建议时从句也要使用虚拟语气,其谓语动词用should+原形(should 可以省略)。They offered a suggestion that the ta

22、sk be put off to tomorrow.15. reject vt. 拒绝,不接受to refuse to take, or believeIm afraid I have to reject your offer of 10 000 for the property.我恐怕不能接受你对我这块地产一万美元的出价。四. 重点句式分析与拓展:Warm-up1977-2004The movies that make up star wars are about wars in space.1977-2004星球大战是讲述太空大战的系列电影。that make up star wars 是

23、一个定语从句,修饰movies,这是一个谓语部分为系表结构的句子。解析:make up 意思是“组成,构成”。“A make up B ”(A构成了B),它可以转换成“B is made up of A ”(B 由A 构成)。如:Twelve players make up a basketball team.12名运动员组成一个篮球队。A basketball team is made up of twelve players.一个篮球队由12名运动员组成。make up 还可以表示“编造,虚构;化妆;补充,弥补”等。Jake is good at telling and making up

24、 jokes.杰克擅长讲笑话和编笑话。You missed the final exam because of illness, so you will have to make it up.你生病错过了期末考试,所以你得补考。Do you think her beauty could make up for her stupidity?你认为她的美丽能弥补她的愚蠢吗?Lesson 1 Tomorrows world1. In 1983,there were only 200 computers connected to the internet; now there are around 5

25、0 million and this growth is clearly going to continue.1983年,只有200台计算机联网,如今大约有5千万台计算机联网,而且很显然这种增长将持续下去。connected to the internet 是一个过去分词短语作定语,修饰computers,相当于定语从句which were connected to the internet,在第二个分句中,million 之后承接上一句,省略了computers.million of 或a million of 是表示大概的数目,类似用法的词还有score(二十),hundred, thou

26、sand, billion等。与不具体的数字连用时,不用复数,且后面不接介词of.如:During the holiday, tens of hundreds of people enjoy themselves on Quancheng square.假日期间,许多人在泉城广场休闲。Three hundred students attended the meeting yesterday.300名学生出席了昨天的会议。2. In the future, terrorists may “attack” the worlds computers, cause chaos, and make pl

27、anes and trains crash.将来,恐怖分子会袭击世界上的电脑,引发混乱,使飞机坠毁,火车相撞。解析:这是一个简单句,主语是terrorists, may attack, cause 和make 是三个并列的谓语。crash 作宾语planes and trains 的补足语,在make (使)之后作宾语补足语的不定式要省去to。记忆要诀 巧记后接省去to 的动词不定式作宾语或宾语补足语的词(组):为什么不听不看(why not, listen to, hear, look at, see, watch, observe, notice);宁愿请,最好让(would rather

28、, would you please, had better, let; have, make 表使唤;feel表示触摸感。)3. She also believes that, in the future, we will get entertainment from the Net and that television will probably disappear. 她还相信将来我们会在网上娱乐,电视也许会消失。解析:谓语动词believes 之后接了两个宾语从句,宾语从句用and 连接。反意疑问句中,如果陈述部分是“I (we)(dont)think (believe, suppos

29、e, imagine)+宾语从句”时,疑问部分中的主语应与宾语从句中的主语保持一致,如果是否定句,否定意义还是要转移到宾语从句。如:I dont think he is forty, is he ? 4. Some experts see our future in virtual reality the use of computers with sounds and pictures that make you feel as if you are in a real situation.一些专家在虚拟现实里看到了我们的未来,使用带声像的计算机使你觉得你是在真实的情景中。that make

30、 you feel as if you are in a real situation 是一个定语从句,修饰sounds and pictures,其中as if you are in a real situation 是状语从句,修饰和说明动词feel。5. I see people living and working in a virtual world.我看见人们在虚拟世界生活和工作。living 和working in a virtual world 是现在分词短语作宾语people 的补足语。现在分词和不定式在作宾语补足语的意义上有些不同,不定式指事情的全过程,目的在于仅仅说明了这

31、件事;现在分词指正在进行的动作的一部分,目的在于将该动作当时进行的情景呈现于读者眼前,相当于进行时态。 I saw him go upstairs.我看见他上楼去了(强调上楼的全过程)。I saw him going upstairs.我看见他正往楼上去(强调上楼动作的进行)。【典型例题】综合阅读A school bus is a bus to take you from your house to school and back again.Its also a place to meet kids from other place, and a place to finish yesterdays homework if you forget to do it and finish todays homework before you get back home although homework done on the bus never gets good grades, no matter how hard you try.There are three things I d

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