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1、高考英语单项选择基础训练题72014高考英语单项选择基础训练题(7)及答案【2014高考英语安徽省皖南八校二模】 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,兵在答题卡将该项涂黑。例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child he or she wants.A. However B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever答案是B21. His _ of the incident approximates to that of the other w

2、itness.A. account B. introduction C. instruction D. explanation22. It is an accepted _to pay a deposit(定金) with your order, which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer. A. action B. behavior C. habit D. practice23. Universal _ to education is the ability of all people to have equal

3、 opportunity in education, regardless of their social class, ethnicity, background or physical disabilities.A. application B. access C. admission D. attempt24. He hardly gets by on the low allowance of around 400 yuan per month, which is impossible to_ the basic needs of his family. A. afford B. cov

4、er C. offer D. support25. When it _ cooking, Grandma would become excited, talking to us fluently and endlessly. A. came to B. came about C. came up with D. came across26. -How long would you like me to heat the oil?-Heat it till it _ to smoke. A. would start B. starts C. will start D. start27. -Wha

5、t does the sign on the door say? - Only to the staff. That is to say, no person _ enter the room without permission.A. shall B. may C. must D. will28. - What were you up to then, Mr Smith ?- I suppose I was conducting an experiment in the lab, _ I was chatting over a cup of coffee with my friends .

6、A. or else B. and then C. even so D. or so 29. It is a great honor to be invited to the evening party, thus _ me to feast my eyes on your excellent performance. A. allowing B. to have allowed C. allows D. to allow 30. Next door to ours _, who seem to have settled into life in China. A. where live a

7、foreign couple B. where do live a foreign coupleC. live a foreign couple D. do a foreign couple live 31. -_ the Internet plays such an important role in our daily life? -Its a long story. A. Why it is B. Why is it C. Why is it that D. Why it is that32. I owe my success to all your hard efforts the o

8、ther day. I dont believe I _ it without you. A. can have made B. could make C. could have made D. can make33. - Its said that Matthew used to live in South California and now his home is in Italy.- Thats no surprising. He prefers to live _ the climate is mild.A. when B. where C. in which D. while34.

9、 - Do you think he will come to my birthday party? - _ A. Thats wonderful. B. You can count on it. C. Surely he does. D. Why not?35. When I watch baseball, because I dont understand any of the rules, I can say, “_”A. Curiositykilledthecat. B. Its all Greek to me! C. Youlearnsomething neweveryday. D.

10、 Somepeoplehavealltheluck.【参考答案】21-25 ADBBA 26-30 BABAC 31-35 CCBBB【2014高考英语安徽省联考模拟试题】 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21. It is hard to imagine more embarrassing occasion when you fail to understand single word said by someone Athe; a Ba; a Cthe; / Da; /22. Companies has been gi

11、ven licenses to operate in Shanghai Free Trade Zone, which _ 28.78 square kilometersA. takes B. has C. covers D. makes23. The party, _ I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable. A. by which B. for which C. to which D. at which 24. The technological advances made it possible for the middle cl

12、asses to enjoy what had once been _ only to the very rich.A. manageable B. acceptable C. affordable D. measurable 25. It is reported that a new school hasbeenbuilt in_wasadeserted village a few decadesago.A.which B. what C. that D.where 26. Your teacher might find out about it. _? Im doing nothing t

13、hat breaks the rules. A. What for B. So why C. Why not D. So what 27. We expected their house to be very large, but it is _than ours.A. still bigger B. bigger by far C. no bigger D. a lot bigger28. It was not until dark _ he was aware of _ he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.Awhen; w

14、hat Bthat; that Cthat; what Dwhen; that29. It is very important for us to employ a word or a phrase according to the in language learning. A. situation B. expression C. comprehension D. translation30. To be honest, I wonder why you are so late.Sorry, I _ that you were waiting for me.A. dont realize

15、B. havent realized C. wont realize D. didnt realize31.Peter, you take down the result of the experiment, ? Oh, no problem, but I need to find my pen and notebook first. Awill you Bshall you Cdont you Ddo you32. Nobody but doctors or nurses and those by Dr. Longman to enter the patients room.A. invit

16、ed; are allowed B. are invited; are allowed C. are invited; is allowed D. invited; is allowed33. We didnt plan our exhibition like that but it _ very well.A. made out B. turned out C. worked out D. carried out34. The students expected there _ more reviewing classes before the finals A. is B. being C

17、. have been D. to be35. I want you to be my girlfriend, Sara._! I have somebody in my mind already.A. You bet B. Youre kidding C. Come on D. As if【参考答案】21-25BCDCB 26-30 DCCAD 31-35 ADCDD【2014高考英语湖北省汉阳市联考试题】 单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Often looking at your dail

18、y behavior from a different _ will help you change your actions for the better. A. procedure B. perspective C. principle D. prediction2.On no account can parents always _ with the children, otherwise they will become more greedy and come up with more unreasonable requests. A. compromise B. overlook

19、C. disapprove D. cooperate3.In business negotiation, an _ attitude may result in breaking the relationship with our partner while a too frank communication may bring a company into an unfavorable situation. A. accessible B. aggressive C. allergic D. alternative4.It seems _ to our modern world, where

20、 everything is a rush and we try to cram as much into every minute as possible, but if not busy, we feel unproductive and lazy. A. controversial B. conventional C. contemporary D. contradictory 5.Nowadays, a lot of children have less time to play and communicate with their peer due to extra studies.

21、 _, it is difficult to develop their character and social skills. A. Consequently B. Occasionally C. Eventually D. Dramatically6.In order to get happiness, many people chase after reputation or money aimlessly. However, in most cases, real happiness is actually _. A. at ease B. at hand C. at length

22、D. at random7.If not going through the thunder and the storm, you wont see the rainbow, so you should not be _ by temporary setbacks in our life. A. cast down B. put away C. taken in D. given out8.In this age of information overload and abundance, those who get ahead will be the folks who figure out

23、 what to_, so they can concentrate on whats important to them.A. carry out B. turn out C. bring out D. leave out9.At the initial stages of postwar, _ maintaining of cooperative relationship with USA and strengthening Soviets interest, Stalin adopted negative attitude to the Communist Party of China.

24、 A. in the possession of B. for the sake of C. at the mercy of D. on the occasion of10.We human beings experience a great liberalization and open-mindedness, which is _ in our daily attitude to the disabled, olds, females, especially homosexual populations. A. distinguished B. mirrored C. declared D

25、. substituted 【参考答案】21-25 BABDA 26-30 BADBB 【2014高考英语安徽省六校联考】 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. Ive decided not to go to my sisters wedding. Youre not going? _?A. So what B. Why bother C. And how D. How come 22. This company was _ of using misleading advertisemen

26、ts in its promotion of the weight-loss pills A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. approved23. I am _ about the new model, and I firmly believe that there will be a good market for it. A. concerned B. doubtful C. confident D. particular24. After three months of hard work, Id like to travel in a nice sm

27、all town, especially _ with an ocean view. A. one B. that C. the one D. this25. According to this survey, some TV programmes should take _ for teenagers negative behavior. A. influence B. responsibility C. credit D. explanation 26. Tuhao, dating back perhaps as far as the Southern Dynasty, _ its new

28、 meaning last September. A. put on B. took on C. carried on D. depended on 27. Linda looks happy. She must have performed well at the job interview yesterday. But in fact she _.A. have B. did C. havent D. didnt 28. Have you watched Gravity, _ the best film in 2013?Yes. It is a survival story _ in sp

29、ace. A. considered; setting B. considered; set C. considering; set D. considering; setting29. People often dont appreciate what they have, do they? No, _ they lose it. A. if B. after C. until D. when30. Pointing to the hospital on _ roof there is a parking garage, Granny told me that was _ I was bor

30、n. A. whose; what B. which; what C. which; where D. whose; where31. Why do we get up so early? If we _ the flight we would have to stay here for another day. A. will miss B. miss C. missed D. would miss32. Could you give me a ride to the railway station? Im going to be late. Ill take the nearest route. You _ be in time for the train.A. shall B. can C. may D. need33. _ more effe

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