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1、英语四级高频词汇24cap kpn. 帽子生活用法bottle cap 瓶盖cap(capsule of a drug简称)胶囊cap in hand 毕恭毕敬地a feather in (ones) cap 非常好的事或者值得骄傲的事cap and gown 毕业服get/put (ones) thinking cap on 认真思考to cap it all 更有甚者He spilled red wine on the carpet, insulted my mother, and to cap it all, broke my favourite vase.他把红酒洒到了地毯上,辱骂了我

2、的母亲,更有甚者,打碎了我最喜欢的花瓶。常见考点cap主要考查名词形式The wind blew my cap off. ( n.)风把我的帽子刮跑了。bag bv. 把.装进口袋n. 袋,包生活用法a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人bag lady 无家可归的女人mixed bag 多元化多元素不同种类的事物或人air-bags 肺barf/air sickness bag 呕吐袋bag and baggage 一个人所有的财产常见考点bag的变形:baggage n.行李bag常作名词的物品考查tap tpn.龙头,塞子;轻叩,轻拍 v.轻叩,轻敲;利用,开发生活用法tap wat

3、er 自来水tap into 踏入on the tap 在乞讨东西tap house 酒馆tap shoes 踢踏舞鞋tap dance 踢踏舞beer on tap/draft 扎啤start a tab/run a tab/keep it open 最后一起结账常见考点tap既是动词也是名词:v. 敲打The branches tapped against the window. ( v.)树枝轻轻敲打着窗户。v. 水龙头Dont leave the tap running after use. ( n.)用后将水龙头关紧。lid ldn.盖生活用法blow the lid off 揭发内

4、幕,揭露丑闻put the lid on 把盖子盖上;禁止toilet lid 马桶盖eye lid 眼睑常见考点lid作名词考查:The lid flipped open.盖子“啪”的一声打开了。trash trn. 废物; 垃圾; 拙劣的文学(或艺术)作品; 断枝; vi. 捣毁; vt. 丢弃; 破坏; 贬低; 搞垮; 生活用法white trash 白人垃圾trash can/bin 垃圾桶 trash bag 垃圾袋 trash taxi 收垃圾的车Trash it! 把它丢了Cash is trash. 留着大量投资现金是不明智的One mans trash is another

5、mans treasure. 你所不珍惜的却是别人珍视的常见考点trash既是名词也是动词,注意区分:Hey! Stop that young lady she donated trash! ( n.)嘿!阻止那位小姐,她竟然捐垃圾!Two guys got in a fight and trashed the bar. ( v.)这些人一气之下把酒吧砸了个稀巴烂。sharp rpadj.锋利的;敏锐的;清晰的adv. 急剧地;锐利地;突然地生活用法knife with a sharp edge/blade 刀刃锋利的刀子sharp teeth/claws/fingernails 锋利的牙齿尖

6、利的爪子尖尖的指甲have a sharp tongue 刀子嘴 sharp pain 刺痛C sharp 升c调 sharp rise/increase 急剧上升,飞涨look sharp 赶快,注意常见考点sharp的变形:sharpen v. 削尖,磨快,使敏捷sharp作形容词有不同意思,注意区分:I have this sharp pain in my chest, doctor. (“刺痛”) 医生,我的胸口感到刺痛。 A sharp drop in temperature.(“急剧的”)气温的急剧下降。Birdwatchers need to have sharp ears an

7、d eyes.(“敏锐的”)观鸟者必须有敏锐的耳朵和眼睛。副词作为“立即”意思来考查:After the church, turn sharp left/right. 过了教堂,向左右急转弯。 ( adv.)wipe wapv.擦,揩;擦去生活用法baby wipes 婴儿湿巾disinfecting wipes 美国常见的消毒湿巾butt/ass-wipe 没用的或烦人的人;厕所用纸wipe the slate clean 勾销往事常见考点常见搭配:wipe away 擦掉,清除wipe out 消灭,彻底摧毁wipe off 除去,还清 wipe down 把.上下都擦干净wipe既是动词

8、也是名词:I hope youll wipe that thought from your mind. ( v.)我希望你打消那念头。Id better give the floor a quick wipe before someone slips on it. ( n.)在别人滑倒之前,我最好擦地板。waste westn.浪费;废物 v.浪费;消耗adj.无用的;废弃的;荒芜的生活用法medical waste 医疗废物waste disposal 废物处理waste recycling 废物循环a (complete) waste of time 完全是浪费时间Waste not, w

9、ant not. 勤俭节约,吃穿不愁wasted 吸大麻吸大了;喝大了waste your breath 白费口舌Honestly, youre wasting your breath - he doesnt want to hear what anyone else has got to say.说实话,你在白费唇舌他不想听其他任何人要说什么。常见考点常见搭配:a waste of 浪费.waste既是名词也是动词:To them, it is not only a waste of money, but also a waste of time. ( n.)对他们来说,这不仅是浪费金钱,也

10、是浪费时间。You waste a lot of water by taking a bath instead of a shower. ( v.)泡澡而不洗淋浴,你会浪费大量的水。mat mtn.席子;草席;垫子生活用法judo/yoga mat 柔道垫瑜伽垫 door mat 门垫beer mat 啤酒杯垫mouse mat 鼠标垫take someone to a mat 让.卷入争论常见考点mat作为名词来考查:Wipe your feet on the mat before you come inside. 你进来前先在地垫上蹭蹭脚。slip slpv.滑倒,跌落;溜走n. 疏漏,差

11、错生活用法slippers 拖鞋slipcover 沙发套slip knot 活结slip dress 丝质吊带裙 slip of tongue 口误pink slip 辞退信;驾照的实习许可证He was in total disbelief when he received a pink slip from his boss today, as he had worked at the company for over a decade. 在公司工作了十多年的他完全不敢相信居然收到了来自他老板的辞退信。常见考点slip的变形:slipped adj. 打滑的slipper n. 拖鞋常用搭

12、配: slip away 逃走,悄悄溜走 slip in 悄悄溜入 slip into 溜进,滑入slip既是动词也是名词:Dont let such an opportunity slip. ( v.) 不要错过这个机会。 If you want to order a book fill out the green slip. ( n.) 如果想订购书,就填写那张绿色单子。flat fltadj.平坦的;浅的;单调的n.平面;公寓adv.干脆地生活用法flat 公寓 flat tyre 瘪胎be (as) flat as a pancake 非常平坦的 flat stomach/belly

13、平坦的小腹flat iron 熨斗flat white 馥芮白咖啡flat screen TV平板电视and thats flat! 就这样决定了Im not coming, and thats flat! 我不去,没二话可说!常见考点flat既是形容词也是副词和名词:adj. 平坦的An ice rink needs to be completely flat. ( adj.)溜冰场地必须十分平坦。adv. 彻底地Could you lend me some money, Im flat broke . ( adv.)你能借我些钱吗?我一个子儿也没有了。n. 公寓;平底鞋They share

14、d a small flat with their relatives. ( n.)他们和亲戚们一起共住在一个公寓里。plug plvi. 堵塞;插入(插头)vt. 塞n. 塞子;插头生活用法three-pin/two-pin plug 三相两相插头plug sth. in 给.接通电源 ear/bath/spark plug 耳塞浴缸塞火花塞plug away 坚持不懈 常见考点plug既是名词也是动词,注意区分:Put the plug in the sink and run some water. ( n.)把洗涤槽排水孔塞上,然后放些水。My nose was bleeding and

15、 I plugged it with cotton wool. ( v.)我鼻子流血了,便塞了棉球止血。bottle bt()ln.瓶(子)v.装瓶生活用法bottle up 隐藏 spin the bottle 转到谁就亲谁(游戏名)crack a bottle open (crack open a bottle)开酒vacuum bottle 热水瓶drift bottle 漂流瓶nursing bottle 奶瓶oxygen bottle 氧气瓶hit the bottle 喝醉了I was disgusted with myself for having hit the bottle

16、again.我对自己又喝醉这件事感到非常厌恶。常见考点bottle既是名词也是动词,注意区分:That drunkard flung out the empty bottle. ( n.)那个醉汉把空瓶扔了出来。The wine is bottled at the vineyard. ( v.)葡萄酒在葡萄园装瓶。sticky stkiadj.粘的,不慷慨的生活用法sticky notes 随意贴sticky tape 胶带sticky price 粘性价格sticky rice 糯米come to/meet a sticky end 死于非命 have sticky fingers 手脚不干

17、净be in a sticky situation 棘手的局面Ill be in quite a sticky situation if I arrive at the train station and dont have enough money for the tickets!如果我到了火车站发现钱没带够那就尴尬了。常见考点sticky的变形:stick v. 粘住,坚持,伸出sticky作为形容词来考查:The childrens faces were sticky with chocolate. 孩子们的脸上沾满了巧克力,黏乎乎的。wallet wltn.皮夹,钱包生活用法Virtu

18、al Wallet 虚拟钱包 Google Wallet 谷歌钱包Bitcoin Wallet 比特币钱包客户端常见考点wallet作名词的考查:He picked up a wallet in the street and gave it to a policeman. 他在街上拾到一个钱包,把它交给了警察。user juzrn.用户,使用者生活用法user login 用户登录常见考点user的变形:use n. 使用,用途v. 利用,耗费user做名词考查:The Windows allow a computer user to execute multiple programs sim

19、ultaneously.Windows允许计算机用户同时运行多个程序。underground生活用法underground pipeline 地下管道underground railway 地铁underground water 地下水常见考点underground既是形容词也是副词,还可作名词:Engineers have built a huge underground barrier to contain the water. ( adj.)工程师们建造了地下障碍物来阻挡水流。He built secret passages underground, and his secret hou

20、se on the lake. ( adv.)他建造了地下秘密通道和他的湖上秘密居所。He was a member of the underground, harassing the invading army.他是袭扰侵略军的地下组织成员。( n.)artistic rtstkadj.艺术的;艺术家的生活用法artistic conception 意境常见考点artistic作形容词考查:Artistic merit scholarships require that applicants excel in a given artistic area.艺术奖学金要求申请者在一定艺术领域有突

21、出表现。guidance ad()nsn.引导,指导生活用法guidance system 制导系统career guidance 就业指导常见考点guidance的变形:guide n. 指南,向导,入门书vt. 引导,操纵常见搭配:under the guidance of 在.的指引下guidance作名词考查:Under his fathers guidance, he learned how to swim.他在父亲的指导下学会了游泳。ash n. 灰生活用法ash tray 烟灰缸cigarette ash 烟灰rise from the ashes 拆掉后重建volcano as

22、h 火山灰常见考点ash做名词考查:Ash and cinders blazed down from the erupting volcano. 炽热的火山灰和火山渣从爆发的火山纷纷喷发落下。core krn.核心,果心,要点生活用法core muscle 核心肌肉群core competencies 核心竞争力core values 核心价值观常见考点常见搭配:at the core of 在.的中心core既是名词也是形容词:What is the core of your app? ( n.)你的应用程序的核心是什么? They are more likely than women to

23、 cry when their core identities-as providers and protectors, as fathers and fighters-are questioned. ( adj.)当他们的核心身份作为提供者和保护者,作为父亲和战士受到质疑时,他们比女人更有可能哭泣。five favnum.五,五个,第五生活用法give me five 击掌five star 第一流的nine to five 朝九晚五Five Guys 美国牛排店five star hotel 五星级酒店常见考点five除了作数词考查,还有“击掌问候、庆祝胜利”的意思peach pitv.揭

24、发,检举n.桃子,桃树 生活用法juicy peach 水蜜桃peach tree 桃树You are a peach! 你真好You brought me coffee? Ah, youre a peach. 你给我买了咖啡?啊你真是个好人!常见考点peach主要作名词的考查:The peach trees cast all their blossoms after the heavy rain. 大雨过后,桃花全部落掉。insist nsstv.坚持,坚持要求,坚持认为生活用法I insist! 我坚持常见考点insist的变形:insistent adj. 坚持的,迫切的,显著的insi

25、stence n. 坚持,强调常用搭配:insist to do sth. 坚持做某事insist on 坚持,强调They insist on sticking to the letter of the law.他们坚持严守法律条文。draft drftn.草稿,汇票,征兵 v.起草;征兵生活用法beer on draft 扎啤 draft board 酒馆draft a document 起草文件rough draft 草稿常见考点draft既是动词也是名词,作名词还有“选秀征兵”的意思:They began to draft legislation. ( v.)他们开始起草法规。I re

26、ally enjoyed the TV special about drafts last night. ( n.)我很喜欢昨晚关于选秀的特别电视节目。install nstlv.安装,放置,安置生活用法install driver 安装驱动程序常见考点install的变形:installation n. 安装,装置install作动词考查:They will install a heating and lighting system in our house.他们将在我们家装上供热供电系统。effective fektvadj.有效的,有影响的 常见考点effective的变形:effect

27、iveness n. 效力effectivity n. 有效,功效effective作形容词考查:Do you think what you do to relax is an effective way to beat stress? 你觉得你这样休息能有效缓解压力吗?dozen dz()nn.一打,十二个生活用法Cheaper By the Dozen 儿女一箩筐(电影名)a dozen of eggs 一打鸡蛋常见考点常用搭配:dozens of 几十,许多by the dozen 成打地dozen既是名词也是形容词:The refugees arrived by the dozen/i

28、n their dozens. ( n.)难民们成群结队地到来。Crystal drops were dripping from a dozen lotus buds in the lake. ( adj.)湖中有十来枝荷花。corner krnrn.角落;拐角;困境生活用法cut corner 抄近路turn the corner 出现转机corner man 流氓corner stone 基础,奠基石back oneslef into a corner 把某人逼到绝境常见考点常用搭配:in the corner 在角落around the corner 即将来临,在拐角处corner作名词

29、考查:He was slighted in the corner. 他被冷落在屋里的角落。correct krektadj.正确的,恰当的,合适的v.改正,纠正,矫正生活用法politically correct 政治上的正确I stand corrected. 我承认错了常见考点correct的变形:correction n. 改正,修正correct既是动词也是形容词,注意区分:Please correct my pronunciation. ( v.)请纠正我的发音。Correct spelling is so important that both students and the teachers should spare no efforts to achieve correct spelling. ( adj.)正确的拼写是如此的重要,学生和老师们应该不遗余力地获得正确的拼写。assign

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