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2、兵实验中学)。初中担任班级里面的班长,并取得了一项项骄人的奖项,如:其次, 我酷爱英语。我从小就爱说爱笑,中学时开始初学英语,就为英语悠久深厚的文化内涵和在国际社会中的独特地位深深的着迷了,那时就立志要学好英语。201X年,中国加入世贸组织,国内经济在逐步加快国际化的步伐,国内熟悉国际贸易规则、掌握双语的人才更显紧缺。中国政府也不断加快教育改革的步伐,对课程进行了大幅度的调整,并逐步在小学开设英语课程。形势变化再一次激起我深造英语的梦想,也更坚定了我学习英语的决心,因为我热爱英语,对英语更有深厚的兴趣。英国是个发达国家,在社会政治、经济、文化、教育等许多领域均取得了辉煌的成就,而且有悠久的英语

3、文化,到贵国深造英语是最理想的选择。 我中考时以优益的成绩成功考入新疆最好的高中乌鲁木齐市第一中学。丰富多彩的高中生活让我在一次次的挑战与机遇中不断的完善自己,也让自己一步步的走向成熟。我最喜欢的行业是金融业,金融业是一个传统行业,同时在我国也是一个发展中的行业,与我们的生活息息相关。之所以选择英国是因为英国一直在全球保持着其无法摆荡的金融大国地位。作为世界三大金融中心之一,伦敦金融城聚拢了500多家外国银行、180多个外国证券交易中心;每日外汇交易量达6300亿美元,是当今世界上最大最集中的金融服务和交易市场;外汇交易额、黄金交易额、国际贷放总额、外国证券交易额、海事与航空保险业务额以及基金

4、治理总量均居世界第一。名列世界500强的企业,有75%在金融城内设立分公司或办事处,它因此被称为“世界经济的发动机”。 而且留学生活能快速提高英语能力,锻练自立能力,在一个国际化多元化教育背景下培养一些常人没有的优势。我的想法得到了父母的理解和大力支持。我非常渴望在一个不同文化背景下找寻到自己人生的意义。从小我不但喜欢学习,而且我还喜欢参加社会公益活动,每个周末我会利用自己的课余时间去学校附近的养老院做义工,帮那些没有家人在身边的老人整理内务,尽自己的微薄之力去帮助那些需要帮助的人们。初三暑假为了更加深刻的了解西方文化和提高自己的英语口语水平,我参加了一期去美国的英语夏令营。恢宏的金门大桥,让


6、,为我以后的发展奠定更好的基础。我的长期规划是在英国学习金融后,将英国先进的金融理念带到中国来,中西合璧,创造出一些国际性思维的运作方式,为我们的生活增添便利。等我有一定的经验和基础之后,我想有自己的金融机构,有属于自己证劵公司。非常希望您能给予我这次珍贵的机会,您会看到一定是非常出色的我。非常感谢。申请人:李语嫣110201X第二篇:成功出国英语自荐信personal statementto summarize all m strengths, “ never giving up” ould be the best one. for one thing, it represents m st

7、amina and onfidene, for another, it is also a kind ofresponsibilit for others as ell as for me. i ould persistentl ork till the end to ahieve m goals. undoubtedl, intellegen and apabilit also pla an indesipensable role in m suess. ith this spirit, i am alas the one ho laughs the best at the end. hat

8、 gives me the strong illpoer?m famil, i value most, determined the ore of mself from m haraters to m dream. both m parants are exellent engineers, espeiall m father. he hasdeepl influeed me in m life. at m junvenile time, oning to povert, i had no poket mone to bu something i anted like other hildre

9、n, but i lived a happ life. the unique tos made b father made me so heerful and proud that up to no i stillherished a little radio. hats more, he as a skillful repairman, from small household artiles to m bile, even ashing mahine. graduall, i as ultivated from a urious observant to an enthusiasti pa

10、rtiipant in repairing some small artiles. it is from m father that i understood povert is not fearful pared to nesiene, and a person an labor for his progress independentl. thanks to his teahing in austerit, ive developed into a girl ith good haraters of independene, deligene and arefulness, hih inf

11、luened both m private life and m future XXdemi life.oning to these, i as able to enter “the middle shool of northestern poltehnial universit”, one of the best in prestige in shXXnxi provine. hat attrated me most as its unique didatis inspiring students to sueed in ever realm apart from lassroom stud

12、ing, for example, it provided lots of experiments to help us put our ne ideas into pratie. as a result, i, a juvenile full of uriosit, as fasinated b those fantasti phsial experiments. moveover, our teaher alas applied a heuristi teahing method and informed us the latest development oftehnologies. t

13、hus, the thought of innovation ingrained earl in m mind. additionall, various ativities i partiipated in helped me a lot in m uniaiton and ooperation. meanhlile as the monitor of m lass, m responsibilit and leadership ere further developed.six ears later, after taking the extremel stiff petition, na

14、tional ollege entrane test , i as admitted bu xidian universit ith an exellent mark of 653. the statistis indiated i as among the best 100 seleted from nearl 130,000 freshmen applied for this major, miro-eletronis, ranking top three in hina. atuall i had given up some better universities like tongji

15、 universit or jiaotong universit. during four ears ollege stud, i enjoed the eletronis sllabus and harvested a lot ith annual sholarship. in addition, the extraurriular ativities enrihed m experiene and ampus life. m love for daning drove me to enter for daning ontests and ere XXrded the first prize

16、 and the best performerseveral times. as the vie- monitor of m lass and the leader of publi relation setion of student union, i as XXrded the titles of best student and exellent leader for the responsibilit i exerted. in the ampus talent petition and debating petition, i on the first plae, gaining honor for m department. espeiall in 201X olmpis in beijing, i, an amateur athlete, as eleted the esort runner of olmpi torh rela. in retrosp

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