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学年新人教版高中英语专题练习必修2 阅读理解二.docx

1、学年新人教版高中英语专题练习必修2 阅读理解二阅读理解(二)1、 Is dark chocolate healthy? Yes,dark chocolate has compounds(化合物) that offer health benefits and can be enjoyed without guilt, even on a daily basis. But the amount matters, since too many bites can contribute to extra fat, sugar and calories and get rid of its health

2、 benefits.Dark chocolate is rich in cocoa, which contains compounds known as flavanols(黄烷醇). At high levels, cocoa flavanols have been shown to help lower blood pressure and the risk of diabetes. Dark chocolate has the highest amount of cocoa flavanols: milk chocolate has lens, and white chocolate h

3、as none. But while cocoa flavanols in dark chocolate make it a healthful treat they give it a biter flavor. Producers may process chocolate to make it more delicious, but doing so can remove some of these beneficial compounds,said Matt Hartings, an American professor. In spite of this,dark chocolate

4、 is still a healthier choice than milk chocolate, which tends to have more sugar. Additionally, cocoa powder contains minerals. So you can enjoy a piece of dark chocolate even after a meal. Just keep the following in mind. First, buy chocolate that has at least 60% cocoa. Generally speaking,the high

5、er the percentage, the more flavanols. These higher-percentage chocolates have the added benefit over the lower percentages and milk and white chocolates because they contain less sugar and less fat,” Hartings said. Second, if possible, choose natural cocoa over Dutch processed cocoa, which is treat

6、ed with an alkali(碱). This gives chocolate a milder flavor but removes healthful flavanols. And finally, to keep weight in check, limit to 30 grams of dark chocolate daily, or about 150 calories.1.Dark chocolate is healthy mainly because of the existence mineralsB.less sugarC.cocoa flavan

7、olsD.fewer calories2.What does the underlined word “treat” in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Something enjoyable.B.A salt-free diet.C.Food paid by others.D.A cure for an illness.3.What can we learn from the text?A.Cocoa flavanols leads to high blood pressure.B.White chocolate is good for health.C.One can feel f

8、ree to eat dark chocolate.D.Alkali can affect flavanols content.4.Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To show his love for dark chocolate.B.To promote the sales of chocolate.C.To provide facts about dark chocolate.D.To make a distinction among chocolates.2、 Many of us have reached in our

9、 pockets,feeling a vibration(振动), wrongly believing our mobile phones have just rung. The phenomenon even has a name: phantom vibration syndromeand found it is surprisingly common. Now scientists believe that we are so alert(警觉) for phone calls and messages we are misinterpreting slight muscle spasm

10、s(痉挛) as proof of a call. Robert Rosenberger, an assistant professor at the Georgia Tech Institute of Technology has studied the delusional calls. He said sufferers describe a vague tingling feeling which they think is their mobile phone indicating it has received a text message or call while on “si

11、lent”. But when the device is retrieved,there was no one on the other end. Dr. Rosenberger said, “ I find so many people say, This happens to me, but I thought I was the only one. I thought I was odd.” It seems that the syndrome particularly affects people at the beck and call of mobile phones or pa

12、gers. A 2010 study by Michael Rothberg and colleagues found that nearly 70 per cent of doctors at a hospital in Massachusetts suffered phantom vibrations. A more recent study of US college students found the figure was as high as 90 per cent. While the odd feeling is widespread, it does not seem to

13、be considered a grave problem. Dr. Rosenberger said,“Its not actually a syndrome in a technical sense. Thats just the name thats got stuck to it. He added, “Only 2 per cent of people consider it a problem. While widespread, the scientific community has not yet invested much effort in getting to the

14、bottom of why we suffer phantom calls. Dr. Rosenberger said, People are guessing it has something to do with nervous energy. The cognitive(认知的) scientists are talking about brain chemistry, cognitive pathways changing. But its not like they have brain scans to go on. He said, “We have a phone call i

15、n our pocket all the time and it becomes sort of an extension of ourselves. We have this sort of readiness to experience a call. We feel something and we think, OK, that could be a call.”1.Why do some people mistake slight muscle spasms for a call?A.They all have a vivid imagination.B.They are sensi

16、tive to calls and messages.C.There are few calls and messages in their life.D.Sight muscle spasms affect them more than other people.2.Which of the following are more likely to have phantom vibration syndrome than others?A.Doctors.B.University professors.C.College students.D.The cognitive scientists

17、.3.In Dr. Rosenbergers opinion, phantom vibration syndrome_.A.isnt a kind of disease considered a problem by most a serious problem ignored by peopleD.has something to do with brain chemistry3、 It goes without saying, but bears repeating, there are too many cats and dogs with

18、out homes. While there are countless shelters and rescue centers that exist, some potential pet owners look to pet shops to find their furry friends. All too often, however, these animals come from puppy and kitten mills (繁殖场) that treat the creatures in cruel ways. San Francisco, however, is doing

19、their part to stop this abuse with pet store adoption. Officials recently voted to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats in local shops. The effect is two-fold. One, it will stop the popularity of the large-scale mills, which are famous for the miserable conditions cats and does are kept in. Two,

20、 it will help facilitate the adoption of thousands of animals that are waiting for their forever homes in San Francisco shelters. District 4 Supervisor Katy Tang, who serves on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, supported law-making on the ban. “Dogs and cats sold in pet stores often come from

21、inhumane puppy and kitten mills that treat animals with no regard for their health or well-being”, she wrote on Facebook. In her message, she also called on the U. S. Agriculture Department to reinstate information on its website that documents these types of animal cruelty casesit was removed earli

22、er this month. San Franciscos law-making is a victory for those concerned about animal rights, and they arent the first city to pass this type of measure. Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, and Austin also have similar laws in place, with hopefully more places to follow suit.1.Wh

23、at happened to some dogs and cats before they got in the pet stores?A.They were treated cruelly.B.They were abandoned in streets.C.They received warm welcome.D.They were raised in shelters and rescue centers.2.Which of the following may Katy Tang agree with most?A.People should adopt the dogs and ca

24、ts.B.Animals are too cruel to humans being.C.Government can choose to kill all the dogs and cats.D.It is not right to ban the sale of non-rescue dogs and cats in local shops.3.What does the underlined word “reinstate” in Paragraph 2 mean? againD.download4.What does the last pa

25、ragraph mainly focus on?A.No Chinese city joins this type of movement.B.San Francisco is the last city to ban pet stores.C.Americans care about animals more than humans.D.More and more cities are involved in animal rights.4、 In todays global world, more and more people travel to foreign countries. C

26、ross cultural awareness and an understanding of foreign etiquette is important if you want to succeed as an international business person. Behaviour that is polite at home may be considered rude in another country. In particular, by learning about dining etiquette and table manners, you can avoid of

27、fending people and this can directly influence your business success. John Smiths book The Perfect Guest is a goldmine of information for the globe - trotting business person. There are chapters dedicated to all the main problem areas of dining etiquette and entertaining in different countries and t

28、ips on how to cope with embarrassing situations. These are some of the areas which are covered in the book. Seating arrangements Whether you are eating at a restaurant or at someones home, there may be a fixed protocol of who sits where. Do men and women sit together? Is there a hierarchy according

29、to age or status? Rules vary greatly. For example, inKorea, it is customary to offer the best seat to the most senior person; in theUS, there are no specific seating rules. If you dont know where to sit, wait until your host shows you. Conversation Is the dining table the right place to have a conve

30、rsation or is the meal taken in silence? In France, for instance, the meal is a social affair with loud animated conversations and most topics are acceptable, including business. In Japanor Vietnam, on the other hand, only quiet conversation is acceptable and business is never conducted at the dinne

31、r table. Food What type of food is popular? Is it polite to remark on the food? Should you eat everything or leave some food on your plate? Is it polite to ask for the salt and pepper if it isnt on the table? And how can you deal with a food delicacy that you find disgusting? In Europe, it is polite

32、 to eat everything on your plate whereas this would be considered rude in Egypt. If you clean your plate, it will be filled up again immediately.1.Who is most likely to find the information useful?A.A business person.B.A scientist.C.A student.D.A soldier.2.When you are a guest in the US, where should you sit?A.In the best seat.B.Where your host shows you to sit.C.Wherever you like.D.Next to the senior.3.You

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