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1、人教版高中英语必修一单元综合能力评估三Unit3高中英语学习材料(灿若寒星*制作整理)单元综合能力评估三(Unit 3)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节:(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What do you learn from the conversation?AJohn Smith isnt in right now.BJohn Smith cant come to the ph

2、one.CThe caller dialled the wrong number.2What happens to the cup?AIt is missing.BIt is broken.CIt is somewhere in the room.3When was the fire put out?AAt 2 oclock.BAt 5 oclock.CAt 3 oclock.4Which word can be used to describe the man?APoor. BGreedy. CForgetful.5To whom is the man closer?AHis mom. BH

3、is dad. CBoth. 第二节:(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第68题。6How often does the man visit his aunt?AAlmost once a week.BTwice a week.CEvery other day.7Where does his aunt live?AFar away

4、from the shops.BNear the shopping centre. CIn the countryside.8What doesnt the man do for his aunt?AWalking with her.BDoing some shopping.CHelping her carry heavy things.听第7段材料,回答第911题。9What does the man want to learn?AComputer science. BDriving. CEnglish.10How long does the course last?AAbout 20 da

5、ys. BAbout 35 days. CAbout 30 days.11When can he take the final exams?AFrom September 15 to 17.BFrom August 16 to 18.CFrom July 12 to 16.听第8段材料,回答第1214题。12What is the relationship between the two speakers?ANeighbour. BDoctor and patient. CFriends.13When did the woman cough most seriously?AIn the mor

6、ning. BIn the afternoon. CAt night.14What did the man do for the woman?AHe examined the woman carefully.BHe gave her some medicine and some advice as well.CHe just told her not to worry too much.听第9段材料,回答第1517题。15Whats wrong with the woman?AShe feels lonely though having many friends.BShe spends mos

7、t of her time studying.CShe doesnt have a good friend.16Which kind of classmates may the woman learn to talk to?AThose who have characters similar to the woman.BThose who are interested in the womans life.CThose who are ready to help the woman.17How can the woman solve the problem?ABy believing othe

8、rs.BBy talking more with her classmates.CBy helping friends.听第10段材料,回答第1820题。18When was the Beatles first hit song recorded?Ain 1962. Bin 1952. Cin 1965.19Which of the following is NOT true?AThe Beatles was formed in England.BThe Beatles got a great achievement in movie career.CThe Beatles is regard

9、ed as one of the finest jazz groups.20How many of the Beatles songs reached number one on the record charts?ASeventeen. BTwentyeight. CTwentyone.附:听力参考材料Text 1 W: Hello,may I speak to John Smith,please?M:Im sorry.Nobody named John Smith here.Text 2M: I cant find the cup.Do you know where it is?W: I

10、dropped it on the floor yesterday.Text 3W: I heard the fire broke out at two in the morning.M: Thats right.And it took the firemen three hours to put it out.Text 4W:Whats the most embarrassing experience that youve ever had?M:I invited a friend to a meal in an expensive restaurant and I left all my

11、money at home.Text 5 W:And so were you close to your parents?M:Yeah,with my mum,not so much with my dad.W:Why not?M:I dont know.I guess theres just always been this distance.I mean we both try to pretend it is not there,but it is.Text 6W:Are you doing anything special on Saturday?M:Well,I usually vi

12、sit my aunt.She lives alone and hasnt many friends.She looks forward to my visit.W:Do you visit her every Saturday?M:I tried to.Shes quite old and cant walk very far,so I often do some shopping for her.W:Does she live near the shop?M:Yes,but she finds it difficult to carry heavy things because of he

13、r poor health.She also has a lot of pain in one leg.W:Whats wrong with her leg?Did she have an accident?M:Oh,no.I think its just because shes old.Quite a lot of old people have aches and pains.W:Yes,I suppose they do.Im glad Im still young.Text 7M:Good morning,madam.W:Good morning.May I help you?M:Y

14、es.Id like to get some information about the summer course at the English training centre.W:What can I tell you?M:Can you tell me the starting and finishing time of the course,please?W:Yes,the course begins on July 15 and runs until August 20.M:What courses will we study?W:Well,you will have listeni

15、ng,speaking,reading and writing courses.There are classes in audiovisual training as well.M:OK,and what time will the classes be held?W:Well,most of them are in the morning.There are only a few classes in the afternoon.M:When will the final exams be held?W:At the end of the term.They begin on August

16、 16 and run until August 18.M:OK,thank you.W:Not at all.Text 8M:Good morning,Mrs Adams.How are you today?W:Oh,not very well.Ive got a bad cold.M:Have you got a temperature?W:Yes,Ive got a fever.M:Are you coughing?W:Yes,especially at night.Its quite bad then.And I cant go to sleep.M:Oh,I see.I can un

17、derstand that.Um,I think youve got the flu.I suggest you dont go to work,and take this medicine once every four hours.W:What else should I do?M:Drink some water and have a good rest.W:OK,thank you.Goodbye.M:Goodbye.Text 9W:Can I have a talk with you,now,Mr Smith?M:Sure,what is it?W:Well,I feel so lo

18、nely.How I wish I had a good friend! Could you give me some advice?M:Sit here,please.Take it easy.W:I spend most of my time studying.I hardly talk to my classmates.M:I see.Your problem is common among middle school students.First of all,believe in yourself.You just lack selfconfidence.The first thin

19、g you must do is to smile at your classmates.Your smile will show that you are friendly to them.W:But I do want to talk.I just dont know what to talk about and how to begin a conversation.M:You may try talking with a student who is as shy as yourself or who shares the same interests as you.You can a

20、sk a classmate about your studies,and you can also talk about the hobbies in common with him or her.If a classmate is in trouble in life or study,you should be ready to help.Once you have more confidence,you can make as many friends as you want.W:Im feeling much better now.Thank you very much,Mr Smi

21、th.Text 10M:The world of music has never been the same since the formation of a band in Liverpool,England in 1956.The Beatles was formed by George Harrison,Ringo Starr,Paul McCartney,and John Lennon.Their first hit song Love me do was recorded in 1962.The Beatles quickly became the worlds bestknown

22、pop music group and many people today still regard them as the finest band in the history of pop music.Lennon and McCartney were the authors of the songs the group recorded.Harrison also wrote songs,often using ideas from Indian music.The drummer of the group was the famous Ringo Starr and he occasi

23、onally sang.For six years The Beatles had hit after hit songs.Twentyeight of their songs were on the Top twenty record charts and seventeen of these songs reached number one on the charts.The group also had a successfully movie career.The comedies A hard days night and Yellow submarine became very s

24、uccessful movies.People imitated their hairstyles,clothing,and humour.Almost all later pop bands learned from the Beatles.Beatlemania is the word used to describe how strong and loyal the fans were.答案15 CBBCA610 ABACB1115 BBCBC1620 ABACA第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,

25、选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Even on a cold day my father prefers _ out to play football _ at home.Agoing; rather than stay Bgoing; to stayingCto go; rather than staying Dto go; rather than to stay解析:考查固定搭配。根据句意可以使用prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.和prefer doing sth. to doing sth.这两种搭配。答案:B22Alice trusts you

26、; only you can _ her to give up the foolish dream of climbing the tallest tower.Asuggest BadviseCpersuade Dorganise解析:考查动词辨析。句中the foolish dream暗示了答案,即应“说服”她放弃这一梦想,因而使用persuade。advise仅仅表示“建议,劝说”,不强调是否成功;无suggest sb. to do sth.这一用法。答案:C23(2012金华十校期末)Youd better put on heavy coat.Sometimes it _be very

27、 cold here at night.Ashould BcanCwill Dmust解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意:你最好穿上大衣。在这里晚上有时很冷。这里表示客观可能性,意思是可能会。答案:B24(2012太原市测评)Alice is fond of playing_piano while Henry is interested in listening to_music.A/;the Bthe;theCthe;/ D/;/解析:play the piano弹钢琴;第二空为泛指,不需冠词。答案:C25After the earthquake, the injured were _ in t

28、he local hospital or taken by air to larger hospitals in the neighbouring cities.Acared for Bcared aboutClooking after Dtaken care解析:考查动词短语辨析。由句意看,care for, look after, take care of这三个短语均表示“照顾”,文中应是被照顾,所以C项错, 而D项缺少of,故选A。答案:A26(2012黑龙江大庆实验中学期末考试)_I think disappoints the Smiths is that their child is

29、 crazy about online games.AThat BWhyCWhat DWhether解析:what引出主语从句,作从句中的主语。答案:C27In China for most people, the bicycle is still their main _ of transport.Away BmethodCmeans Dpurpose解析:考查固定搭配。means of transport是固定用法。答案:C28They _ to give up the opportunity.Amade up their mind Bmade up their mindsCtook th

30、eir minds Dchanged their minds解析:考查固定短语。make up ones mind中的mind随主语的形式而变化;表示“改变某人做某事的主意”应使用change ones mind of doing sth.这一结构。答案:B29Have you known each other for long?Not really. _ we started to work in the company.AJust after BJust whenCEver since DJust before解析:考查状语从句。问句中的现在完成时暗示答语应使用ever since(自从以来),即We have known each other ever since.。答案:C30What about the person?Seldom in all my life _ such a _ person.AI met; determining BI have met; determiningCdid I meet; determined Dhave I met; determined解析:考查时态和倒装。seldom位于句首时,句子使用倒装语序;in all my life暗示使用现在完成时;表示“坚决的,有决心的”应使用形容词dete

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