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中考英语模拟试题6 人教新目标版.docx

1、中考英语模拟试题6 人教新目标版2019-2020年中考英语模拟试题6 人教新目标版一、听力选择(共25小题,计25分)(一)录音中有5个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后在每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的答案。1.A.I rang him up last night. B.He called me last night.C.I had a call from him last night.2.A.Everything grows very fast in spring. B.Spring is the best season of the year.C.Spring las

2、ts from February to April.3.A.My aunt is ill. She can go there by herself.B.My aunt is not well. I mustnt leave her alone.C.My aunt is ill. I must send her to the hospital.4.A. Tom ran more slowly than Jim. B.Tom ran faster than Jim.C.Tom ran as fast as Jim in the 100-metre race.5.A. B.C. (二)录音中有5个句

3、子,每个句子听两遍,然后在每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答每个句子的正确答案。6.A.I did my homework. B.I was washing clothes. C.I was hungry and tired.7.A.You are welcome. B.It doesnt matter. C.Sorry! I wont do it again.8.A.I don t know. They re both quite difficult, I think.B.I prefer math. C.I agree with you.9.A.What about you? B.Le

4、t me go. C.What a good idea!10.A.Not too many. B.Not too much. C.That s not very clear.(三)录音中有五段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的答案。11.A.Yesterday morning. B.Yesterday afternoon. C.Last night.12.A.12 years old. B.13 years old. C.14 years old.13.A.Ann and Li Lei. B.Li Lei and Li Ming.

5、C.Ann and Li Ming.14.A.By bus. B.By car. C.By bike.15.A.8:00. B.8:20. C.8:40.(四)录音中有一段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的答案。16.A.Not well. B.Very well. C.Beautiful.17.A.She is tired. B.Shes worried. C.She has a cold.18.A.Take medicine. B.See a doctor. C.Stay at home.19.A.No. Because she

6、 hasnt seen a doctor.B.No. Because her cold is serious.C.Yes. Because she doesnt feel very bad.20.A.Visit a doctor. B.Have a good rest. C.Work at home.(五)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的答案。21.A.Eighteen. B.Thirty. C.Seventeen.22.A.At home. B.At school. C.In the office.23.A.A foolish ma

7、n. B.A nice boy. C.A good student.24.A.A piece of paper. B.A piece of bread. C.A chair and a desk.25.A.Every year. B.Sep. 23. C.Sep. 3.二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D中选出能填入各句空白处的最佳答案。26.There is _“r”in the word“art”.A.a C.the D. /27.The glass _ water soon.A.fill with full with C.will be filled

8、with D.filled with28.It was _ bad weather that the pilot(飞行员)could _ fly in the sky.A.such, hardly B.such as, / C.such a, hard, be hard29.Lets go to the park, _?A.will you we C.shall we D.may we30.There are trees on _ side of the street.A.either B.both C.every D.all31.Neither you nor I _ w

9、rong , _?A.are, are you, am I, are we, are you32.The farmers are _ in autumn.A.the busiest B.busier C.busiest D.more busy33.He is _ of the two.A.the stronger B.stronger C.the strongest D.more strong34.Is the football _ ?A.Toms and Bills B.Toms and BillC.Tom and Bills D.Tom and Bill35.

10、 Would you mind _ your bike ?A.use use C.using D.used36.Its raining heavily . But _ of the farmers are picking up the apples _ the trees.A.Every, in B.None, in C.None, on D.Some, in37.He has _ for an up B.up C.been got up D.been up38.I dont know if he _ if it _ tomorrow.A.comes, will

11、 rain B.will come, rainsC.will come, will rain D.comes, rains39.Oh, dear! The key _ the door _ in the room.A.with, forgot, is left, forgot D.with, is left40.I think the older people must be _ politely.A.talked about B.said with C.told about D.spoken to三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个

12、选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。The population problem may be the 41 one of the world today. The worlds population is growing 42 . Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people 43 the earth. Four hundred years ago, the number was 44 500 million. But at the beginning of the 45 century, the worlds pop

13、ulation was about 1,700 million. In 1970, this number was 3,600 million. In 1990, the number was five billion. A 46 report says that the world population will 47 six billion by the end of the 20th century. This is just ten 48 after it 49 five billion. People say that by the year 2010, 50 may be seve

14、n billion.41.A.great B.greater C.greatest D.greating42.A.faster and faster and fast C.fastest and fastest D.faster and B.on D.for44.A.nearly B.more C.almost D.over45.A.twenty B.twelve C.twentieth D.twelfth46.A.USA B.UN C.PRC D.PLA47.A.past B.pass C.passed D.passes48.A.weeks B

15、.months C.seasons D.years49.A.get B.gets C.reached D.reach50.A.this B.its D.it四、阅读理解(共20小题,计20分)阅读下列短文并做每篇后面的题目。从各题A、B、C、D中选出能正确回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AKen and Patty got off their bikes to look at the old house at the top of the hill. Trees almost hid the house, but they saw that nobody lived in i

16、t. Many of the windows were broken, and the door was open. The wind blew black clouds across the sky and shook the trees around the house. It was Saturday, and there was no school. Ken and Patty liked to go out of the city on their bikes on their free days. Ken was sixteen years old, and Patty was s

17、ix months younger. They were both in the same class in high school. They started out this morning under a sunny sky and went farther than usual. Now, however the clouds and the wind were going to bring rain here.“Id like to stop and take a look inside that place,” Patty said. “We dont have time,” Ke

18、n said. He looked up first at the black clouds and then at the old house. Something about the old house made him feel afraid. “Its getting cold and its going to start raining in a few minutes. Its time for us to start back home.” He got on his bike and started to go away.“Well have to come out here

19、some other days,” Patty said, and followed after him.They went only a little way and then they began to feel the first rain. Soon the rain was coming down harder and harder. There was no place on the road for them to get out of the rain. “Well have to go back,” Ken called. “We can go up to the house

20、 on the hill and waited the rain to stop.”51.Ken and Patty saw _ at the top of the hill.A.a new house with broken windows old house with the door closedC.many trees around the new house old house with broken windows52.Ken and Patty lived a day a schoolC.on the top of the hill D

21、.sixteen miles away from the hill53.Patty didnt go to see that old house because _.A.something about the house made him feel afraid was going to rainC.Ken wanted to go away D.They had no time54.They had to go to the old house because _.A.they could see nobody B.the rain was too heavyC.the rain

22、stopped D.someone called them55.Which of the following is right?A.Wind was blowing when they got off their bikes to have a look at the old house.B.Patty was older than Ken.C.Ken wanted to take a look inside the old house.D.Before they got home the rain stopped.BA young man walked into an office in L

23、ondon. Over the door were the words SCROOGE AND MARLEY. Mr Scrooge was the young mans uncle. Everybody in London knew Mr Scrooge. He was very rich but also very mean(吝啬). The most important thing in his life was money! Mr Marley was dead. “Good morning, Uncle. Merry Christmas.” “Pardon? Did you say

24、Merry Christmas?” “Yes, Uncle, I did. Tomorrow is Christmas Day.” “I dont like Christmas,” said Scrooge, “People spend money at Christmas. I hate spending money!”“Come and have dinner with us tomorrow.” said Scrooges nephew. “No,” Scrooge answered. “But its Christmas.” said the young man. “No, I wil

25、l not pass the day singing and dancing like an idiot(白痴),” said Scrooge. “Very well, Uncle,” and the young man went out. In the corner of the office there was a man working. This was Bob. He was a very nice person. He had a big family and he worked very hard for Mr Scrooge, for a little money. He wa

26、s very cold because old Scrooge never bought much wood for the fire. He was wearing a coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves!At six oclock Bob went to Mr Scrooge. “Excuse me, sir. Tomorrow is Christmas Day, can I stay at home?” “Stay at home,” shouted Scrooge. “I dont pay you to stay at home!” “But it i

27、s Christmas,” said Bob. “Very well,” said Scrooge, “But you must work double hours on Boxing Day!” “Yes sir, certainly sir, Merry Christmas, sir.” “Get out!” shouted Scrooge. “Christmas! Everybody talks about Christmas!” said Scrooge. “Its just an excuse not to work. People want money too. Always mo

28、ney! For doing nothing!” Scrooge put on his hat and coat and left the office.56.When did the story happen?A.On a Sunday. B.On a Saturday. C.On Christmas Day. D.On Christmas Eve.57.Who was the head of the office?A.Bob. B.Mr Scrooge. C.The young man. D.Mr Marley.58.Which day does the words “Boxing Day

29、” mean?A.25th of December. B.24th of December. C.26th of December. D.30th of December.59.Why did not Mr Scrooge go to his nephews home for dinner?A.Because he was afraid of spending money. B.Because he had too much work to do.C.Because Bob was working in the corner of his office. D.Because Mr Marley

30、 died.60.Which of the following sentences is wrong?A.Mr Scrooge thought the most important thing in his life was money.B.Bob worked very hard, but he got a little money.C.Christmas Day was just an excuse for Bob not to work.D.Bob was so cold that he had to work in the coat, a scarf and a pair of gloves.CBill and the TargetBill liked shooting very much, but he was never good at it.One day some of his friends visited him. The guests were interested when they saw a

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