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1、公开课教案杏南中学教师版(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)公开课教案授课者:厦门十中 高二年英语 林素芬授课时间:On December 3 , 2009授课对象:Students from Class _, Senior I, Xingnan Middle School授课内容:人教版英语必修2 UNIT3 COMPUTERS 第一课时教学设计一、教学内容分析:本课内容是普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语必修2第三单元第一课时.中心话题是计算机。作为人类历史上一项伟大的发明,计算机正在或已经影响了我们的生活方式。作为学生,了解计算机发展历史,预测未来会怎么样是十分有意义的。本单元

2、刚好给我们的学生提供了这样的机会。通过本单元的学习,使学生更多的了解电脑以及机器人的相关知识,引导学生不要沉迷于网络,并养成健康上网的习惯。作为本单元的导入教学,主要在本节课中对相关的背景知识进行介绍,让学生对单元主题有所了解,无须急于进入单元的Reading 部分。教师将课本中的warming up ,listening ,speaking整合在一起,构成本单元的第一课时,为本单元后面的学习奠定充分的背景知识。同时通过猜谜,抢答,小组讨论,调查,手抄报评比,小组竞赛等方式来调动学习本单元的积极性和热情。二、教学目标1知识目标:1)单词abacus, calculator, laptop2)

3、词组Have in common让学生掌握计算机和机器人方面的词汇,以及表达观点、进行简单推理和作出决定的短语和句型。2技能目标:1)培养学生的听力技能,尤其听取文章大意及获取具体信息并处理信息的能力。2)培养学生说的技能,即用英语表达自己的观点、进行简单的推理和作出决定的能力。3情感目标:能意识到技术革新已经对人类的生活产生影响。三、教学重点培养学生用英语获取信息和处理信息的能力。四、教学难点如何帮助学生掌握进行简单推理和作出决定的表达方式,并克服在他人面前讲英语的惧怕心理。五教学方法 1.主要采用“3P式”自主学习模式。这个模式是用 “第二语言习得论”、“建构主义理论”和“交际任务型教学思

4、想”发展原来的五步教学法。此教学模式在理解和具体操作上还不够成熟,但抛砖引玉,希望能引起大家进一步研究和探讨的兴趣。五. 教学用具( Teaching aids) The multi-media ,blackboard, some real objects( abacus, laptop)六教学过程:Step 1. self- introductionT: Hello, first thanks for giving me a chance to come waiting for the chance for 14 years. So I this lesson.Now I want to k

5、now is there anyone in our class whose family name is Lin? Shake the world? Because it is also my family name, so you can call me Ms Lin.You are studying in the same class. As classmates, you should learn from each other but at the same time ,you the blackboard. I will use Maliangs paintbrush to pai

6、nt it, and let us into reality.(在黑板上画)目的:轻松自然的开场白,是为陌生的我和学生们奠定良好的情绪和情感基础。Step 2 preparation 1Now lets do some funny guessing. 1) There are 3 birds in the tree. A man fired at them, and shot one bird. Question: How many birds are left in the tree now?2) As we know, Last May a terrible earthquake . An

7、d we realize will the future. Question: If a earthquake really t live without computers. Of course, it is just a joke, However, with the development of society, computers are playing more and more important in our daily life. Do you do you usually use it?( 个别提问)2. Discussion: work in groups and writ

8、e down their answers on a paper sheet.The topic is : What can you do with your computer?3. T: So a computer is very useful and important in our life. It we want.As the old saying goes: Each coin using it.Some boys may get addicted to playing computer games.If it is broken, you may lose your importan

9、t information.Step 4 Production1. T: As we know, it is so important and useful for our study and work. So it is necessary for us to learn some knowledge about computers. What knowledge do you want to learn? But do you know who invented it , the future?The development of computersSeveral tasks:Task 1

10、 2. A quiz for you to let me know :产出:完成任务5.) Progress :进步 ,通过小结和检查等评价方式巩固所获得的知识和经验,从而丰富学生的经历,取得进步。Step 7 consolidationIn this class, weve learned write down the first or two letters of a word first while listening, and will try to explain an English word in English. In a word, words are important.

11、We can get the meanings of some words with the . We know the differences between American English and British English. They are different in spelling, writing and speaking. There are a number of useful expressions in the text. You should remember them and use them in your everyday life. You should k

12、eep it in mind, if you keep working using English, you will make great progress in English in the near future. (鼓励性的话语给了学生信心和勇往直前的勇气)Step 8 HomeworkTask1. The Ss work in groups and make a project about the differences between American English and British English.(课堂上学生已经在小组讨论中说出英式英语与美式英语的区别,并且在课堂对话表

13、演中体现出来。要求学生通过合作学习和自主学习方式,共同完成这个 project,是让学生把稍微混乱的知识点进行整理和归纳,并把自己在课堂上编写的对话和表演内容整理在project中,体现了语言的展示和应用。同时这份project也是他们这单元集体英语档案夹材料。为了激发学生的热情,将此次项目当做年段项目竞赛,届时将学生作品给与张贴展示,并进行评奖。为了让他们能更充分的准备,可以给学生3-5天的时间) Project 的竞赛,我们年段组织过几次,效果都不错,不仅让学生有了展示自己才华的机会,也为学校创造了学习英语的浓烈氛围。2. Going to any of the websites may

14、enable the students to learn more about the differences between American English and British English. Websites recommended to the students 推荐网站 Step 9 小组课堂评价表(课后完成)非测试性评价:小组互评,了解学生的学习情感、策略,由组长负责,组织小组反思,填写下表(以5分制计),并存入学习档案。ReflectionI learnt_I would like to know about_Im still not sure about_2 Group

15、Assessment姓名小组发言次数全班发言次数提出问题次数解答问题次数查找资料次数与人合作次数总评价Teaching Procedures:Step1: GreetingsStep2: Leading in (3 mins)Use a short video to lead in.T: As we know, the topic of Unit 3 is computers and from the reading passage, weve already learnt something about computers. Today we will talk about somethin

16、g new. We will learn a special thing that is connected with computers. What is it? Now, lets watch a short video first. Then you may guess the answer. ( Play the video.)T: Is it interesting? (Ss respond) (Yes? No? Maybe you will find it interesting after this lesson. ) So, whats the special thing? W

17、hat do we call this? (Point at the screen)(Ss respond)T: Yeah, its a robot or an android. Its playing a ball with a man. Very clever, right? (Ss respond.) T: So what is a robot or an android? Let me tell you the definition. A robot is a machine that can move and do some of the work of a being and is

18、 usually controlled by a computer. While an android usually refers to a robot in form. Understand?T: Are you interested in robots? Would you like to buy one? Now, lets come to the robot sale(机器人销售). Turn to Page 55.Step 3: Listening (12 mins)1. Show the four pictures one by one and ask the Ss to tal

19、k about them, one or two sentences for each picture.2Ss learn the new words and expressions that appear in the listening passages.3. Ss listen to the three passages and match each of them with a picture.4. Ss listen to the three passages one by one again and fill in the three forms.5. Ss read the th

20、ree passages aloud together and try to memorize the features of the three robots.1.T: In this part, we will listen to three passages about three robots for sale. First of all, look at four pictures of robots. I would like you to talk about them. One or two sentences for each picture.T: Picture 1. Wh

21、at is umbrella, a racket, a pen and a book. It seems that this android is very clever. He can read and write. He can play badminton. And maybe it is raining. Picture 3. (S2 responds.)It is singing. Maybe it can sing as beautifully as a real bird.Picture 4. How many arms does this robot a word, the n

22、ew words and expressions that appear in the listening passages. ()personal 私人的, 个人的 store 存放,存储 enterinto a keyboard 把输入键盘()make a mess拉屎(尤指婴儿, 动物) cage (鸟) 笼 to three passages and match each of them with a picture. Clear?Passage 1. Listen carefully, and try to understand the main idea. ( Listen to

23、Passage 1.)Well, Passage 1 talks about ? (Ss respond.) Right, Picture 4. T: Passage 2. Listen! ( Listen to Passage 2.) How about this passage? (Ss respond.) Good, Picture 3.T: Passage 3. Listen!( Listen to Passage 3.) Picture 1 or 2? (Ss respond.) Good, Picture 1.4. T: Well done! Now, listen again a

24、nd fill in the forms.Passage 1, the personal robot. Look at the form first. While listening, please take notes about these four aspects. Its size. What it looks like. What it can do. And its price. Now listen and write down the four key words!( Listen to Passage 1.)T: Ok, did you catch all the infor

25、mation? Who would like to answer? (Ss respond.)1Personal robot InformationSize35 cmWhat it looks like robot with five armsWhat it can do all the work around the housePrice50 yuan a dayT: Youve done a good job. Now Passage 2, the bird-like android. Listen and take notes. ( Listen to Passage 2.)Ok, wh

26、o knows the answer? (Ss respond.)2Bird-like android InformationSize10 cmWhat it looks like bird-like androidWhat it can do sings beautifullyPrice600 yuanT: Youve done a good job. Now Passage 3, the lonely android. Listen and take notes. ( Listen to Passage 3.)Ok, who knows the answer? (Ss respond.)3

27、 Lonely android InformationSize2 mWhat it looks like large, energetic robotWhat it can do climbs mountains, playsguitar, sings karaokeTelephone number ROB-1234T: Well done! Now lets read the three passages together. Try to remember the features of the three robots. I would like you to talk about the

28、m later. Sit up and read as louder as you can.(Ss read aloud.)Step4: Talking ( role play ) (15 mins)Ss work in groups of three ( Father Mother and Son Daughter) and discuss the following question: Which of the three robots will your family choose to buy? Why?Ss . Assign the role-play task. Then show

29、 the Ss the useful expressions and an example, and give the Ss time to prepare for a role play.Some groups of Ss put on performances.1. T: So much for the listening. Now, come to the next partrole play. And lets . Clear? For example, I like the bird-like android because it can sing as beautifully as

30、 a real bird.Now, from you. (Ss respond.)2. T: Now, Work in groups of three and form a family ( Father, Mother and SonDaughter) , then discuss the question: Which of the three robots will your family choose to buy? Why? Remember to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each android. Then make

31、your choice and give reasons. Try to use the following expressions in your discussion.T: Read them together!(Ss read.) Now look at a sample dialogue among Father, Mother and SonDaughter.S D: Dad, I want a bird-like robot.F: Oh, why?S D: I believe that a bird-like robot would bring us a lot of fun. I like bird song.D: But I think the lonely android is better because play

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