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1、英语课堂活动手册二年级上册英语课堂活动手册 二年级上学期用Unit One:Animals 动物Lesson 1 Listen and Say 听听说说Lets go and see the pandas and monkeys. 我们去看熊猫和猴子吧。This panda is old and fat. 这只熊猫又老又胖。That monkey is young and thin. They are so cute. 那只猴子又小又瘦。它们真可爱。Look and Say 看看说说a kangaroo一只袋鼠 a bear一只熊 a zebra一匹斑马 a giraffe一只长颈鹿Lets

2、practice 练一练This panda is old and fat. 这只熊猫又老又胖。That monkey is young and thin. 那只猴子又小又瘦。Lets say 说一说You see in the zoo, 看那动物园里,An elephant and a kangaroo, 有大象和袋鼠,Giraffes and monkeys, too. 还有长颈鹿和猴子。panda 熊猫 monkey 猴子 old老的;旧的 young年轻的;小的Lesson 2Listen and Say 听听说说Lingling, look at the four baby cats

3、. 玲玲,看那四只小猫宝宝。Oh, they are so cute. 哦,它们真可爱。Do you like cats? 你喜欢小猫吗?Yes, I do. I like dogs, too. 是的,喜欢。我还喜欢小狗。Look and Say 看看说说a pig 一头猪 a sheep一只绵羊 a horse一匹马 a donkey一头毛驴Lets practice 练一练Do you like cats? 你喜欢小猫吗?Yes, I do. I like dogs, too. 是的,喜欢。我还喜欢小狗。Lets say 说一说F-A-T fat, C-A-T cat,A fat cat

4、is sitting on the bed. 一只胖胖的猫坐在床上。four四 cat猫 cute可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的,伶俐的 dog狗Lesson 3Listen and Say 听听说说There are so many toys here. Look at those animals. 这里有好多玩具啊。 看这些动物(玩具)。Cool. There are nine bears and three lions. 真酷。有九只(玩具)熊和三只(玩具)狮子。There are eight tigers and five elephants. 还有八只(玩具)老虎和五头(玩具)大象。Thes

5、e toys are so lovely. 这些玩具真可爱。Look and Say 看看说说a rooster一只公鸡 a hen一只母鸡 a turkey一只火鸡 a goose一只鹅Lets practice 练一练There are so many toys here. 这里有好多玩具啊。These toys are so lovely/cute. 这些玩具真可爱。Lets say 说一说The dog chased the cat. 狗追赶猫。The cat chased the rat. 猫追赶鼠。The rat ran to Jack. 鼠跑向杰克。nine九 three三 li

6、on狮子 eight八 tiger老虎 five五Lesson 4 Read 读一读a / ai / aygame游戏;比赛 cake蛋糕 gate大门 lake湖泊wait等待;等候day天;白昼 play玩耍 today今天 Daves waiting for his Kate at the gate. Dave正在大门口等候Kate。Act 演一演Who can answer the question? 谁能回答这个问题。Let me try. 让我试试。 Ill try. 我来试试。Who can answer the question? 谁能回答这个问题。Let me try. 让我

7、试试。 Ill try. 我来试试。Unit Two:Body Parts 身体部位Lesson 5Listen and Say 听听说说I have two red eyes and two big ears. 我有两只红红眼睛和两只大大耳朵。 I have two big eyes and one small mouth. What color is your hair.我有两只大大眼睛和一张小小的嘴。你的毛发是什么颜色的?Look and Say 看看说说black黑 blue蓝 pink粉色 purple紫色Lets practice 练一练What color is your hai

8、r? Its white. 你的毛发是什么颜色的? 是白色的。Lets say 说一说Eyes and ears, 眼睛和耳朵,Mouth and nose, 嘴巴和鼻子,Knees and toes, 膝盖和脚趾,We all have those. 这些我们全都有。(注:those“那些”,为了符合汉语习惯及译文通顺,译成了“这些”。)two二 eye眼睛 ear耳朵 one一 mouth嘴巴 hair毛发;头发Lesson 6Listen and Say 听听说说I have a long neck. I am tall. 我有一个长脖子。个子高又高。I have a short nec

9、k. 我有一个短脖子。I have long arms. 我有两只长胳膊。I have a short tail. 我有一条短尾巴。Look and Say 看看说说a leg一条腿 a shoulder肩膀Lets practice 练一练I have a long neck. I am tall. 我有一个长脖子。个子高又高。Lets say 说一说Two little hands go clap, clap, clap. 两只小手拍、拍、拍。Two little feet go tap, tap, tap. 两只小脚踏、踏、踏。long长的 short短的 neck脖子 arm胳膊Les

10、son 7Listen and Say 听听说说I have short arms and small hands. 我有短短的胳膊、小小的手。I have long arms but short legs. 我有长长的胳膊、短短的腿。I have six legs but no arms. 我有六条腿,但我没有胳膊。Look and Say 看看说说feet脚 a toe脚趾 a finger手指Lets practice 练一练I have short arms and small hands. 我有短短的胳膊、小小的手。I have long arms but short legs. 我

11、有长长的胳膊、短短的腿。Lets say 说一说Stop! Stop your feet, Before you cross the street, 过马路前暂止步,Look! Look into the street, Before you use your feet. 抬脚之前左右看。hand手 leg腿 six六 Lesson 8 Read 读一读e / ea / ee / ey we我们 he他 evening傍晚eagle鹰 leaf叶子 peach桃子week周,星期 see看见 queen皇后key键;钥匙;答案A peach for each and one for the q

12、ueen. 每人分个桃子,王后也分一个。You see a key on his knee. 你看他的膝盖上有把钥匙。Act 演一演Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日? I am. 我值日。Unit 3:Numbers 数字Lesson 9Listen and Say 听听说说My number is eleven. Whats your number? 我的数字是11. 你的数字是多少?My number is twelve. This is my luck number. 我的数字是12。这是我的幸运数字。Look and Say 看看说说10 dogs 十只狗 11

13、kittens十一只小猫 12 birds十二只鸟Lets practice 练一练Whats your number? 你的号码/数字是什么?My number is twelve. 我的号码/数字是12。Lets say 说一说Twelve good hours in every day, 十二小时每白昼,快乐学习和游戏,Time for work and time for play. 分分秒秒弥珍贵,紧紧抓牢莫放掉。ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二Lesson 10Listen and Say 听听说说I have fourteen roosters and fifteen

14、hens. 我有14只公鸡和15只母鸡。I have thirteen cows. 我有13头牛。I have sixteen turkeys. 我有16只火鸡。Look and Say 看看说说13 pigs十三头猪 14 snakes十四条蛇 15 horses十五匹马 16 chicks十六只鸡Lets practice 练一练I have thirteen cows. 我有十三头奶牛。Lets say 说一说Five plus ten is fifteen. 五加十等于十五。Five times three is fifteen. 五乘三等于十五。Fifteen is five plu

15、s five plus five. 五加五再加五等于十五。Lesson 11Listen and Say 听听说说Are there seventeen girls in our class? 我们班里有17位女生吗?No. There are eighteen girls. 不,有18位女生。There are nineteen boys in our class. 我们班上有19位男生。Look and Say 看看说说17 ducks 17只鸭子 18 ants 18只蚂蚁 19 flies 19只苍蝇 20 bees 20只蜜蜂Lets practice 练一练Are there se

16、venteen girls in our class? 我们班里有17位女生吗?No. There are eighteen girls. 不,有18位女生。Lets say 说一说One, two, whatever you do, 不论做什么,Start it well and carry it through. 善始又善终。Lesson 12Read 读一读i / yI我 hi嗨 tiger老虎 Friday星期五nine九 ice冰 like喜欢 nice好,漂亮 white白色 My我的 sky天空 try尝试ice cream冰激凌white ice cream 白色冰激凌nice

17、 white ice cream 香甜可口的白色冰激凌my nice white ice cream 我的香甜可口的白色冰激凌I like my nice white ice cream. 我喜欢我的香甜可口的白色冰激凌。Act 演一演Please turn to page 19. Lets read the words. 请(把书)翻到19页。 我们一起来读单词。Please turn to page 18. Lets read the words. 请(把书)翻到18页。 我们一起来读单词。Unit Four:What day is today? (1) 今天星期几?Lesson 13Li

18、sten and Say 听听说说How many days are there in a week? 一个星期有几天?There are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。Look and Say 看看说说a month一个月 a year一年Lets practice 练一练How many days are there in a week? 一个星期有几天?There are seven days in a week. 一个星期有七天。Lets say 说一说How many, how many, 多少,多少,How many days make a week?

19、 一个星期有多少天?Seven days, seven days, 七天,七天,Seven days make a week. 一个星期有七天。day天;白天 week星期 seven七Lesson 14Listen and Say 听听说说What day is today? 今天是星期几?Its Monday. I play ping-pong today. Tomorrow is Tuesday. 今天是星期一。我今天打乒乓球。明天是星期二。Look and Say 看看说说play football踢足球 play basketball打篮球 play games玩游戏Lets pra

20、ctice 练一练I play ping-pong today/on Monday. 我今天/星期一打乒乓球。Lets say 说一说Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 周日、周一和周二,Wednesday is the middle day. 周三排在正中间。today今天 game游戏 play玩耍Lesson 15Listen and Say 听听说说Its Wednesday today. 今天是星期三。I go swimming after school. 我放学后去游泳。I play chess today. I go swimming on Thursday. 今天

21、我下棋。我星期四去游泳。Look and Say 看看说说play chess下棋 go skating去滑冰 go roller-skating去滑旱冰Lets practice 练一练I go swimming on Thursday. 我星期四去游泳。Lets say 说一说Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 周四、周五和周六,Saturday is the last day. 周六排在最后边。go去 swim游泳 school学校Lesson 16Read 读一读o / oaold老的;旧的 so如此;这么 go去 jello凝胶物;果冻 UFO不明飞行物(Unid

22、entified Flying Object)nose鼻子 Coke可乐boat船 coat外套You have a coat, I have a boat. 你有一件外套,我有一艘小船。Take your coat, go to my boat. 带/穿上你的外套,登上我的小船。Act 演一演Hand in your work, please. 请交作业。Here it is. 给您/在这儿 。Unit Five:What day it today? (2) 今天星期几?Lesson 17Listen and Say 听听说说Today is Friday. Do you have clas

23、ses tomorrow? 今天是星期五。明天你们上课吗?No, I dont. I dont have classes on weekends. 不,我不上。我周末不上课。I go to the park on weekends. 我周末去公园(玩儿)。Look and Say 看看说说a cinema电影院 a bookstore书店 a museum博物馆Lets practice 练一练I go to the park on weekends. 我周末去公园(玩儿)。Lets say 说一说Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 周日、周一和周二,Wednesday is t

24、he middle day. 周三排在正中间。Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 周四、周五和周六,Saturday is the last day. 周六排在最后边。Lesson 18Listen and Say 听听说说What do you do on Saturday? 你星期六做些什么?I often go to see my grandpa and grandma on Saturday. 我星期六经常去看我的爷爷和奶奶。I often go to see a film on Saturday. 我星期六经常去看电影。Look and Say 看看说说see u

25、ncle and aunt看叔叔和阿姨 go to a book fair去书展Lets practice 练一练I often go to see a film on Saturday. 我星期六经常去看电影。Lets say 说一说We are happy we can say, 我们快乐,我们会说,The special name for each day. 每一天特有的名字。see看 film电影 grandpa爷爷 grandma奶奶Lesson 19Listen and Say 听听说说What do you do on Sunday? 星期天你做些什么?I go to the p

26、ark or to the zoo on Sunday. 我星期天去公园或者动物园。Look and Say 看看说说draw pictures画画 sing and dance唱歌跳舞Lets practice 练一练I go to the park or to the zoo on Sunday. 我星期天去公园或者动物园。Lets say 说一说Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 周日、周一和周二,Wednesday is the middle day. 周三排在正中间。Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 周四、周五和周六,Saturday is the

27、 last day. 周六排在最后边。We are happy we can say, 我们快乐,我们会说,The special name for each day. 每一天特有的名字。Lesson 20Read 读一读uUFO 不明飞行物(Unidentified Flying Object) Uniform制服 U-turn U形转弯 cute可爱的;漂亮的;聪明的;伶俐的a cute UFO 一个可爱的不明飞行物You are wearing a cute uniform. 你(身上)穿的制服真漂亮。Act 演一演May I ask a question? 我可以问一个问题吗?Yes,

28、 please. 可以,问吧。Unit Six:Holidays 节假日Lesson 21Listen and Say 听听说说Its Christmas Day. Merry Christmas! 圣诞节到了。 祝你圣诞快乐!Look at this Christmas tree. How colorful it is! 瞧这棵圣诞树,五彩缤纷真漂亮!Merry Christmas to you, too. 也祝你圣诞快乐!Look and Say 看看说说a bell铃铛 a Christmas card圣诞卡 Christmas gifts圣诞礼物 Santa Clause圣诞老人 Le

29、ts practice 练一练How colorful it is! 五颜六色真漂亮!Lets say 说一说Jingle bell, jingle bell, 银铃轻响,银铃轻响,I wish you well, 祝你健康,身体棒棒。And I wish you well. 祝你健康,身体棒棒。I wish you all very well. 祝所有人如意又健康。Lesson 22Listen and Say 听听说说Its New Years Day. Happy New Year, Lingling! 今天是新年/元旦。祝你新年快乐,玲玲!The same to you. Guoguo

30、. 也祝你新年快乐,果果。Lets sing and dance. 我们一起唱歌跳舞吧。Look and Say 看看说说New Years Day新年/元旦 a red lantern一只红灯笼 Happy New Year!新年快乐 Colorful balloons彩色气球 Lets practice 练一练Lets sing and dance. 我们一起唱歌跳舞吧。Lets say 说一说Happy New Year! 新年好呀!Happy New Year! 新年好呀!For this happy day, 快乐的日子里,I say, Happy New Year 祝大家新年好。Lesson 23Listen and Say 听听说说Its my birthday today. 今天是我的生日。Happy birthday to you! How old are you? 祝你生日快乐。今年你多大了?Im seven today. 我七岁了。

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