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新目标英语九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choo.docx

1、新目标英语九年级Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to chooUnit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.单元测试. 听力部分一、听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。( ) 1Will Jill go to the mall with Dave?A. Yes, she will.B. No, she wont.C. She has not decided yet.( ) 2Why cant the boy go out to play? A. Its very cold out

2、side.B. He has to do the dishes first.C. He needs to finish his homework.( ) 3How long can the girl keep the book? A. Thirty days.B. Three weeks.C. Three days.( ) 4Why should the boy get home by ten? A. Its too late.B. Its an order.C. Its a family rule.( ) 5What does the woman not agree? A. Teenager

3、s shouldnt be given many choices.B. Teenagers shouldnt always be encouraged.C. Teenagers are not old enough to make decisions.二、听一段独白,根据所听内容为句子排序。A. Turn off the lights and all electrical items and lock the door.B. Enter the lab with a teacher.C. Put everything back in cupboards and tidy the lab.D.

4、Use the basin to wash your hands.E. Follow the teachers instructions to do the experiments.1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_三、听短文,根据所听内容完成句子。1Many families have _.2Some parents dont allow their children to choose their own friends and meet them _.3For children, friends are an _ of life.4Children like to talk with frie

5、nds and find help when they have _ or _.5Children like to choose their own friends and _ with friends. 基础知识一、根据句子意思和首字母提示完成句子。1He was old enough to get a drivers l_.2His death was an a_ experience to his mother.3You should e_ your children to behave well.4Please do not e_ before knocking on the door

6、.5She has a t_ mole (痣) on her cheek.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1When will you get the TV _( repair)?2Its very important to teach the children about road_(safe).3I believe that he can make a right _(choose).4You must stop _(smoke). Its bad for your health.5I dont think mobile phones can _(play) by little childr

7、en.6My brother is really excited about _(see) the animals in the zoo.三、单项选择。( ) 1I dont think _ should be allowed to drive. A. sixteen-year-old B. sixteen-years-old C. sixteen-year-olds D. sixteen-years-olds( ) 2We managed _ the work ahead of time. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished( )

8、3I dont regret _ her what I thought, even if it upset her.A. tell B. to tell C. told D. telling( ) 4This room is _ for us to sleep in. A. big enough B. small enough C. enough big D. enough small( ) 5I dont like children who _to their parents. A. go back B. talk back C. come back D. look back( ) 6Don

9、t work too hard and _ late working. A. pick up B. turn up C. stay up D. set up( ) 7Be sure not to let your social activities _ your studies.A. get out of B. get in the way of C. get off D. get in touch with( ) 8I think these old buildings _. A. should protect B. shouldnt be protected C. should be pr

10、otected D. shouldnt protect( ) 9 How can I _ the animals _ my garden? You can make a fence.A. keep; from B. keep; awayC. keep; away from D. take; out of( ) 10 Do you believe there are aliens? Im afraid not. I dont think aliens _ in space.A. can find B. can be foundC. can be founded D. cant be found.

11、 交际运用从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: Dad, can I use your motorbike tomorrow afternoon?B: You are still 14, not old enough to ride it. A: (1) Sally asked me to go to her birthday party tomorrow. And her home is far, you know.B: Right. (2) Well, Ill take you there.A: Really? Thanks, Dad. By the way, can I bring yo

12、ur new camera?B: (3) But you have to promise youll take care of it.A: I promise. Ill be home by 10:00.B: Good, you know your rules. (4) A: Sure, Dad! I wont drink wine. Now I just cant wait for the party!B: (5) A: Thanks, Dad!. 完形填空阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。In Britain you are allowed to drive a car when

13、you are seventeen years old, but you have to get a special two-year driving license before you can start. When you are learning, someone with a full license always has to be in the car with you (1) you are not allowed to drive the car on the road (2) . You dont have to go to a driving school a frien

14、d can (3) you. The person with you isnt allowed to take money for the lesson (4) he has got a teachers license.(5) you are allowed to have a full license, you have to take a driving test. You can take the test in your own car, (6) it has to be fit for the road. In the test you have to drive round (7

15、) about half an hour and then answer a few questions. (8) you dont pass the test, you are allowed to take it again a few weeks (9) if you want to. When you have passed your test, you dont have to take it again, and you are allowed to go on driving (10) you like.( ) 1A. because B. unless C. but D. be

16、fore( ) 2A. lonely B. alone C. again D. twice( ) 3A. tell B. drive C. teach D. pass( ) 4A. if B. besides C. unless D. when( ) 5A. Before B. After C. Unless D. When( ) 6A. and B. but C. unless D. until( ) 7A. together B. in C. at D. for( ) 8A. When B. After C. Before D. If( ) 9A. ago B. before C. aft

17、er D. later( ) 10A. as B. if C. as long as D. if only. 阅读理解一、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Many teens think that they are old enough to make decisions regarding their life, but they dont have the knowledge or experience that their parents or other adults have. They also dont realize till many years later how

18、 little they actually know. I look back on my teen years and realize how simply I thought and how young I really was. I thank God my parents were there to push me in the right direction. Teens need to feel like they have some control over their own destinies (命运), which is understandable, but adults

19、 have a responsibility to step in at any time their teen is making a choice that can have serious effects. Drug or alcohol use, poor grades in school, smoking and hanging out with someone who is having a negative impact (影响) on a teen are just some situations in which a parent has the right to step

20、in and take control. Whether the teen likes it or not, every one of those items will have a long term impact on their lives. Poor grades in school will have an impact on their entering college or force them to take additional classes to make up for it. I have seen questions on job applications (申请)

21、that ask, “Have you ever been convicted of a crime (犯罪), even as a juvenile (少年犯)?” or “Have you ever had a drug or alcohol problem?” In conclusion, teens should be allowed to make some nonlife changing decisions, and parents should discuss the important decisions with their kids to help them unders

22、tand how things will affect their future.( ) 1Why shouldnt teens make all their own decisions?A. Teens need their parents to push them.B. Teens get into trouble easily.C. Teens are too young to have any experience.D. Teens have less knowledge than their parents.( ) 2How many things does the writer m

23、ention as possible results from bad decisions?A. Three. B. Four.C. Five. D. Six. ( ) 3Which might influence a persons job applications?A. If he smoked a lot in school.B. If he got poor grade in school.C. If he had alcohol problems.D. If he often spent time with friends.( ) 4What might the writer dis

24、agree with?A. Teens can choose their own hairstyles.B. Teens can choose what to wear to school.C. Teens can make decisions with adults help.D. Teens can get had grades at school sometimes.( ) 5What can we infer from the passage?A. Parents should step in when their teen needs to make an important dec

25、ision.B. When he was a teenager, the writer thought he was very simple and young.C. Its necessary for teens to feel like they have control over their own destinies.D. Teens are old enough to understand how things will affect their future lives. 二、阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。Restaurants have become part of

26、the American landscape. A good rule for parents is not to take young children to expensive restaurants; save that for when they are eight or nine and able to sit quietly at the table and practice good table manners.Even in the most kid-friendly places, children should be taught to speak softly and t

27、o be on their best behavior when eating out. With some clear reminders(提醒) and careful attention, eating out can be a good learning experience for children of all ages.Before going, remind your child of whats in store. Shell be given a menu, the waiter will take her order, and everyone will stay at

28、the table until the meal ends.Keep children seated in their chairs. If they run near waiters who are carrying heavy and hot dishes, they risk harming themselves and others.If your child spills something or makes any other mess, do whatever you can to clean it up. Because cleanup for your party will

29、be larger than for those without children, be generous to the wait staff with both your appreciation and your tip.If your child starts bothering other diners say, by peering over the back of a booth or jumping dont wait to put a stop to the behavior. (As obvious as that seems, it is amazing the numb

30、er of parents who are willing to let mischief slide.) If the other diner mentions your childs behavior first, apologize and say that it wont happen again. Then try your best to see that it doesnt.Know when to leave. Children find it hard to sit still for long periods, and its unrealistic to expect them to. Unless dessert and coffee are served right away, youd be wise to give up them.( ) 1When is it suitable to take children out to eat?A. When they can sit by themselves.B. When they can run

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