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1、论文模板示例教务办二 一 五 届 毕 业 论 文供应链XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX研究学 院:经济与管理学院专 业:物流管理姓 名:方XX学 号:2307100219指导教师:刘XX完成时间:2015年6月二一五年六月摘 要(空1行,小四)供应链分销系统是多级库存控制方法应用的重要领域,它是供应链管理的一个非常重要的环节,它不仅是衡量供应链管理水平高低的标志,而且是决定供应链竞争能力的最关键因素。控制库存成本主要是通过合理控制供应链上各节点的库存量来实现的,而库存水平的确定是以满足顾客需要为主要前提的,即在满足一定服务水平的条件下,保证库存量最低,从而使整个库存成本降至最小。本文在分析供应链

2、库存管理基本理论的基础上,研究了需求随机、提前期不确定的供应链环境下的库存控制系统建模。分析了各企业所面临的需求情况和提前期状况,建立各个成本中心的库存模型;以成本和时间最小化作为优化目标,具有一定的约束条件,构建了供应链分销系统二级库存优化的多目标模型。通过模型求解方法研究,将多目标函数采用加权法转化为单目标函数;选择用遗传算法对模型进行求解,并进行了库存优化模型遗传算法设计。最后,通过一个数值算例证明了该模型的可行性。(空1行,小四号)关键词:供应链,分销网络,成本,库存优化,遗传算法ABSTRACT(空2行,小四号)Distribution System is the important

3、 area of the single-echelon inventory control methods. It is the most important linkerge, which is not only the sign to measure the level of supply chain management but also the most key factor to determine the competition capabililty of supply chain. The main method of controlling the cost of the i

4、nventory is to control the amount of the inventory. The amount must be controlled both in preconditon of reaching the serving level and by minimizing the cost of inventory.After analyzing the background and significance of inventory management under the environment of the supply chain, this disserta

5、tion studies the model of inventory control system when the factors as random demand and lead time are uncertain. Analyze the demand situation of each enterprise faced and the condition of the lead time,establishing the inventory model each cost center. Regard the minimal cost and time as the objiec

6、tive,and make a certain constraint conditions to establish the optimization model of the two-echelon supply chain distribution network iventory system. After studying on models solving,a multiple objective is transformed into a single objective function by weighting method. This paper has also desig

7、ned the genetic algorithm for the inventory. Finally,testified the feasbility of this model through a evaluated example.(空1行,小四号)KEY WORDS: supply chain, distribution system, cost, inventory optimization, genetic algorithms(除缩略语外,字母全部小写)目 录(空1行,小四)1 绪论 41.1研究背景及意义 41.2国内外研究现状 41.2.1国外研究现状 41.2.2国内研究

8、现状 41.2.3研究现状评述 41.3本文研究内容 42 相关理论综述 42.1多级库存分析 42.1.1多级库存成本分析 42.1.2库存补给策略 42.2.3基于流程优化的多级库存控制策略 42.3供应链库存模型 42.3.1经济订货批量模型 43 供应链分销系统库存优化控制模型研究 43.1问题描述 43.2模型假设 43.3参数说明 43.4各企业面临的需求分析 43.5基于成本优化的库存分析 43.5.1区域分拨中心库存分析 43.5.2零售商库存分析 43.6基于时间优化的成本分析 43.7分销系统多目标优化模型 44 供应链分销系统库存优化控制算法研究 44.1模型求解方法研究 44.3遗传算法工具箱 45 算例验证 4结论与展望 4致 谢 4参考文献 4附录 4(章及同级别标题前空0.5行)

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