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1、九年级英语第11单元导学案Unit 11: Sad movies make me cry.第一课时(1a-1c)一:学习目标: 1:单词:rather 词组: would rather学习重难点:make 的用法二。预习导学:词组翻译:1.悲伤的电影_ 2.宁愿做某事_3.使某人做某事_ 4.某人被迫使做某事_:词形变脸:1.cry(pt)_(op)_ 2.make(pt/pp)_3.hungry(n)_(op)_ 4.environment(adj)_fortable(op)_ 6.sleep(adj)_: 难点释义:make的用法:(1)使某人做某事:make sb do sth(2)某人

2、被迫使做某事:Sb be made to do sth(3)使某物/某人出于某种状态:make sth/sb +形容词(4)由制成(可以看出原材料):be made of(5)由制成(看不出原材料):be made from(6)在某地制造:be made in +产地(7)被制成为:be made into由make引出的短语有:谋生:make a living 制定计划:make a plan/make plans 赚钱 :make money 铺床、整理床铺:make the bed做饭: make food 叠一架飞机:make a plane下定决心做某事:make up ones

3、mind to do sth取得巨大的进步:make a great progresswould rather的用法:宁愿做某事:would rather do sth宁愿不做某事:would rather not do sth宁愿做某事而不愿做某事:would rather do sth than do sth= prefer to do sth rather than do sth= prefer doing sth to doing sth三:展示交流:(1)Look at the two restaurants. Which would you like to go to? (2) L

4、isten and finish 1b (3) Role- play a conversation between Amy and Tina.四:达标检测:根据汉语,翻译下列句子。1.玩电脑游戏使我疯狂。考点: _ computer games _ me _.2.大声的音乐使我兴奋。考点: Loud music _ _ _.3.红色使人们吃的更快些。考点:The color red _ _ _ to eat faster.4.战争是和平远离。(go away) 考点:Wars _ the _ _ away.5.过去我们被迫整夜工作。考点: We _ _ _ _ all night in the

5、 past.6.昨天我被迫讲这个故事。考点: I _ _ _ _ the story yesterday.7.桌子是有木头制成的。考点:The desk _ _ _ the wood.8.这台电脑生产与中国。考点:The computer _ _ _ China.9.我宁愿呆在家里。考点:I _ _ _ at home.10.他宁愿不吃饭。考点:He _ _ _ _.11.我宁愿看电视而不愿做家庭作业。考点: I _ _ _ Tv_ _ the homework.12.安静的音乐使我瞌睡。考点: Quite music _ _ _.13.。她饿了。我也饿了。考点: She is hungry,

6、_ _ I.14.他们不饿,他也不饿。考点: They arent hungry,_ _ he.15.我们为什么不买一些吃的东西呢?考点: _ _ we get _ _ _.16.让我们走吧,好吗?(考点: ) Lets go,_ _? Let us go,_ _?一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. I have two _ (dictionary).One is English-Chinese dictionary, and the other is Chinese-English dictionary. 2. A: Whats the result of the race, Mary? B

7、: Jane is the _ (one) in the race, Barbara is the _ (two) and I am the _ (three).3. The Yellow River is the second _ (long) river in China.4. The boy is old enough to _ (dress) himself.5. The weather in Beijing is quite _ (difference) from that in Guangzhou.6. Im very _ (interest) in that _ (interes

8、t) story.7. Its more _ (convenience) to take a taxi to the station than take a bus, but too expensive.8. Be careful! Put the secret letter in a _ (safety) place.9. Lucy is _ (jealousy) of her friends beauty.10. Liu Xiang and Yang Liwei are _ (hero) in different fields.二、试试你的判断力,选择正确答案。( ) 1. Everyon

9、e in our class_.A. enjoys to swim B. enjoy to swim C. enjoys swimming D. enjoy swimming( ) 2.Both you and I _ wrong.A. was B. am C. were D. is ( ) 3. They _ many happy hours _ along the beach during that holiday.A. spend, walking B. spent, walking C. cost , walking D. gave, walking( ) 4. John _inter

10、ested in Chinese two years ago.A. is B. became C. are D. wereUnit 11: Sad movies make me cry.第二课时(2a-2d)一。学习目标: 1:单词:drive lately friendship 词组:drive sb crazy/mad the more the more be friends with sb leave out学习重难点:make 的用法二。预习导学:词组翻译1.等待某人_ 2.使人发狂_3.为了_4.如此以致于_ 5.越就越_ 5.做某事很高心、愉快_ 6.交朋友_7.共有的、共同的_

11、8.和往常一样_ 9.成为某人的朋友_ 10.对某人友好_ 11.为什么不做某事?_12.叫某人做某事_13.忽略、不提及_ 14.决定做某事_: 难点释义:spend/take/cost/pay的用法:(1)人+ spend+时间、金钱+doing sth=人+ spend+时间、金钱+on sth(注意:spend过去式spent 单三 spends)昨天这件毛衣花了我25元钱。I _ 25yuan _ /_ the sweater yesterday. (2) It takes/took +人(代词用宾格)+时间+ to do sth(注意:take单三takes 过去式 took)昨天

12、,做家庭作业花了我一个小时。 It_ _ an hour _ _ my homework yesterday. = _ _ an hour _/_ my homework yesterday.(3)物+ cost+人(代词用宾格)+ 金钱(注意:cost单三costs 过去式 cost)昨天,买这件毛衣花了我25元钱。The sweater _ _ 25yuan.(4) 人+pay+金钱+for+物(注意:pay单三pays 过去式 paid)这件毛衣花了我25元钱。_ _25yuan_ the sweater.三:展示交流:(1)Listen and finish 2a and 2b (2)

13、 Look at 2a and 2b,make conversations with your partners. (3) Role- play a conversation between Nancy and Bert.四:达标检测:()1.What a heavy rain!So it is.I prefer _rather than _on such a rainy day.Ato go out; stay at home Bto stay at home; go outCgoing out; stay at home Dstaying at home ; go out()2.He _

14、an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.Aprotected Bproduced Cjoined Dreceived()3._ our surprise, he failed the math exam.AIn BOn CTo DAt()4.He is an explorer(探险家) _ a sailor(水手).Aso Bbut Cor Drather than()5.We are made _ more confident by our teacher.Ato be Bbeing Cbe Dbeen()6.

15、How does your mother like your presents for Mothers Day? Well, _this sweater_ that one is fit for her. Theyre too big.Aboth; and Beither; or Cneither; nor Dnot only; but also()7.If you _ to the party, youll have a great time.Awill go Bwent Cgo Dgoing()8.The teachers hope all of us can hand _ our hom

16、ework _time every day.Aup; in Bout; on Con; in Din; on()9.It is reported that a lot of adults take lessons online _further education.Aafter Bto Cwith Dfor( )10._ of volunteers will be needed for 2014 International Horticulture Exposition in Qingdao.Lets go and _ them.AThousands; join BThousand; be a

17、 member ofCThree thousand; take part in DThousands; be in()11. My dream hometown is an amazing place_ any pollution.Awith Bwithout Cout Din ()12.Its dangerous _ a close look at the tiger in the zoo.Afor us taking Bof us to take Cof us taking Dfor us to take()13.At present, lots of people would rathe

18、r _ in the country because there is _ pollution in the city.Alive; more Bto live; less Clive; less Dto live; more( ) 14. _ adults began to learn English in this small town. A. Thousand of B. Thousands of C. Thousand from D. Thousands from( ) 15. Which one has the same meaning as “Take your time”?A.

19、Take it easy B. No hurry C. Hurry up D. Be quick( ) 16 Can you tell me _?A. how much does it cost B. how much it isC. how much it costs D. Both B and C ( ) 17. Yao Ming is a _ boy who is helping the Houston Rockets in NBA.A.2.16-metres-tall B. 2.26-metre-tall C. 2.16 metres tall D. 2.26 metres( ) 18

20、. He was _by her beauty.A. fascinate B. fascinated C. fascination D. fascinates( ) 19. I feel _after a good sleep.A. relaxation B. relaxed C. relaxes D. relaxs三、请你来当翻译家根据所给的汉语提示,完成下列句子(横线处不限字数)。1.晚会上我通常是喝茶而不是喝咖啡。 I often _at the party.2.这是一个从真实生活中取材的真实故事。This is a _story of _life.3.虽然她不再年轻了,但她有一颗年轻的

21、心。Though _, she has a young heart.4.我们的英语老师正站在学生中唱英文歌曲。Our English teacher _, singing an English song.Unit 11: Sad movies make me cry.第三课时(3a-3c)一。学习目标: 1:单词:king power prime minister banker fame pale queen examine nor palace wealth 词组:neithernor call in prime minister学习重难点: 读课文并能复述课文二。预习导学::请背诵词汇表,

22、并默写单词。名词:1.f_友谊;友情 2k_ 国王;君主3p_权力;力量 4m_ 大臣;部长5b_ 银行家 6f_ 名声;声誉7q_王后;女王 8p_ 王宫;宫殿9w_财富动词:1.d_迫使 2e_(仔细地)检查;检验副词:1.r_相当;相反 2l_最近;不久前形容词:1.p_首要的;基本的2p_苍白的;灰白的兼类词:n_ conj.& adv.也不:词形变脸 4.weath(adj)_5.careful(adv)_:短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1would _宁愿 2_ sb.crazy/mad使人

23、发疯/发狂3the _.the _.越越;愈愈4have _ 过得愉快 5get to_渐渐了解6have a lot_ _有许多相似之处7be friends _ sb.成为某人的朋友8leave _忽略;不提及;不包括9feel_想要10call _召来;叫来11_ones mind在思想中12neither._既不也不13prime _ 首相;大臣14be worried _担心 15. long_很久以前16. _ sth_ sb向某人解释某事 17. _ 许多财富三:合作探究。keep用法总结keep doing sth 一直做某事keep on doing sth 继续做某事kee

24、p sb doing sth使某事一直做某事keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事keep sb/sth+ adj使某人或某物处于某种状态keep away from远离四:展示交流:.Read 3a and answer the questions.:Read 3a again and finish 3b.:Role-play the story with your group.五:达标检测用所给词适当形式填空并注明原因。1.He slept _(bad) and _(not feel) like _(eat).2.This made the queen and his

25、people _(worry).3.A doctor _(call) in _(examine) the king one day.4.Im always _(worry) about_(lose)my power.5.Many people are trying _(take) my position.6.Someone _(try) to steal my money every day.7.Everyone _(love) my songs.六句型转换1.1.He didnt feel like eating.(同义句) I _ _ _ _. =I _ _ _ _.2.The King

26、called in the doctor to examine.(被动语态)The doctor _ _ in to examine by the King.3.Neither medicine nor rest can help him.(肯定句) _ medicine_ rest can help him._ _ medicine_ _ rest can help him.4.The king called the prime minister to the palace. (被动语态)The prime minister_ _ to the palace by the King.5.Although I have a lot of money, it doesnt make me happy. 同义句)I have a lot of money, _ it doesnt make me happy.6.Im always worried about losing my power. 同义句)I always _ _ _ my power.7.Im afraid Im not happy either. (肯定句)Im afra

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