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1、贵州贵阳中考英语真题解析2018年贵州贵阳初中学业水平考试英语第卷(选择题,共100分).(本大题共30分,每小题1分)A.听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑,读一遍。B. 听句子,根据所听句子,选择最佳应答,并将容题卡上该选项涂黑。(读一遍)7. A. Its five pounds. B. Its two kilometers. C. Its six meters deep.8. A. Thanks. B. Goodbye. C. Never mind.9. A. Sorry Im late. B. Sorry. Mr. Clark. C. No, I m not.10

2、. A. I have a toothache. B. I have a pet dog. C. I have a sister.11. A. Good luck! B. What a pity! C. Congratulations!12. A. Here you are. B. Thats right. C. Listening can help.C听对话,根据对话内容,选择最佳选项完成句子,井将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读两遍)13. Claire visits her grand parents a week. A. once B. twice C. three tithes14. Lau

3、ra has gone to the . A. zoo B. bookstore C. supermarket15. Mikes sister has . A. long curly hair B. long straight hair C. short straight hair16. Scott usually goes to bed at . A. nine oclock B. nine thirteen C. half past nine17. Its about from Lily s home to school. A. ten minutes ride B. ten minute

4、s drive C. ten minutes walk18. The relationship between the two speakers is “ ”. A. doctor and patient B. parent and child C. teacher and studentD听对话及问题,根据对话内容,选择最佳答案,井将答题卡上该选项涂黑。(读两遍)19. A. Bow. B. Kiss. C. Shake hands.20. A. Drawing. B. Skating. C. Swimming.21. A. Sitcom. B. Talk shows. C. Soup op

5、eras.32. A. On Bridge Street. B. On Green Street. C. On Great Street.23. A. Meet friends. B. Go shopping. C. Watch a movie.24. A. Speaking English. B. Telling stories. C. Playing chess.E短文及问题,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案,并将等题卡上该选项涂黑。(读三追)25. A. In a school. B. In a park. C. In a community.26. A. The kitchen was lo

6、cked. B. Her left leg was hurt. C. The smoke was heavy.27. A. He bandaged Mrs. Wangs left leg. B. He poured water over his cloths. C. He washed clothes for Mr. Wang. 28. A. Li Tao. B. Some firemen. C. Li Taos neighbor.29. A. For two days. B. For fourteen days. C. For twelve day.30. A. He is brave. B

7、. He is honest. C. He is silly.单词选择(本大题共15分,每小题1分)根据语境或句意,选择可填入句子的最挂选项,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。31. (2018贵州贵阳)Karl Marx, a great thinker and politician, was born in Germany ago. A. the two hundredth year B. two hundred-year C. two hundred years31. C 考查基数词修饰名词。句意:伟大的思想家、政治家卡尔马克思于200年前出生于德国。序数词用来表示顺序,排除A;合成形容词用来作定

8、语,排除B。“200年以前”固定表达方式为two hundred years ago,故选C。32. (2018贵州贵阳)The doctor advised Paul strongly that he should stop smoking, but didnt help. A. it B. he C. one32. A考查代词。句意:医生强烈建议保罗他应该停止抽烟,但是没什么效果。本句在didnt help后省略了动词不定式to do so。用it代替动词不定式作形式主语。故选A。33. (2018贵州贵阳) story of Change is regarded as a touchin

9、g traditional folk story about the Mid-Autumn Festival. A. A B. An C. The33. C考查冠词。句意:嫦娥的故事被看作有关中秋节的感人肺腑的民间故事。根据句意,“嫦娥的故事”为特指,故用定冠词the。故选C。34. (2018贵州贵阳) “ fast Guizhou Province is developing!” “Yes. It hosts the Big Data Expo every year.” A. What B. How C. What a34. B考查感叹句。句意:“贵州省发展的真快啊!”“是啊,它每年都主办

10、数据博览会。”用how修饰副词fast引导感叹句。what用来修饰名词。故选B。35. (2018贵州贵阳)Meatout Day is March 20th. Many people in the world dont eat any meat that day. A. at B. in C. on35. C 考查介词。句意:三月二十日是国际无肉日。全球许多人在那一天不吃任何肉类食物。表示在具体某一天,用介词on表达。故选C。36. (2018贵州贵阳) “Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy a guidebook?” “Sorry. I

11、m new here. You ask the policeman over there.” A. shall B. can C. must36. B考查情态动词。句意:“打扰一下,请问在哪能买到旅行指南书?”“抱歉,我也是新来的。你可以去问问那边的警察。”shall用于第一人称;must表示“必须”,用情态动词can提出建议,应答could引导的表示请求的一般疑问句。故选B。37. (2018贵州贵阳)Im going to choose some online courses with a friend of to improve our English. A. me B. my C. m

12、ine37. C考查代词。句意:我将和我的一个朋友一起选择一些在线课程来提高我们的英语水平。a friend of mine“我的一位朋友”,双重所有格,介词of后用名词性物主代词作宾语。故选C。38. (2018贵州贵阳)The doctor looks tired and sleepy he stayed up late to look after his patients yesterday. A. because B. if C. unless38. A考查连词。句意:这位医生看起来又困又累,因为他昨天因照顾病号而熬夜了。根据上下文意义,stayed up late“熬夜”是又困又累的

13、原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故选A。39. (2018贵州贵阳)“Do you know the school library closes, Susan?” “Ten oclock at night.”A. when B. why C. who39. A考查连词。句意:“苏珊,你知道学校图书馆什么时候关门吗?”“晚上十点。”由题干语境提示ten oclock at night“晚上十点”可知问的是时间,故选择时间连词when。故选A。40. (2018贵州贵阳) “Tom, would you please take out the rubbish?” “Just a minut

14、e, mom. I a phone call.” A. make B. makes C. am making40. C考查时态。句意:“汤姆,把垃圾扔了,好吗?”“稍等一会,妈妈。我正在打电话呢。”上文的Just a minute起祈使句Just wait a minute的作用,提示下文动作正在进行。用现在进行时表达。故选C。41. (2018贵州贵阳)Chinese parents always try their best a good education environment for their kids. A. provide B. to provide C. providing4

15、1. B考查非谓语动词。句意:中国的父母总是尽他们最大的努力为他们的孩子提供一个好的教育环境。try ones best to do“尽力做某事”,动词不定式作目的状语,故选B。42. (2018贵州贵阳)Reading books a bridge between our lives and the unknown world. A. built B. build C. builds42. C考查动词的时态及变形。句意:读书为我们的生活架起了一座通往未知领域的桥梁。用一般现在时表达客观事实;动名词短语作主语表达的是一件事情,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故选C。43. (2018贵州贵阳)Am

16、y is a creative lady set up a website to sell handbags made of old jeans. A. who B. which C. where43. A考查定语从句的关系词。句意:艾米是一个很有创意的女孩,她建立了一个网站来买她用旧的牛仔裤做的手提包。本句中,先行词lady为人,故定语从句的关系词用who。故选A。44. (2018贵州贵阳)China has a history of over 5,000 years. It is one of the countries in the world. A. biggest B. riche

17、st C. oldest44. C考查形容词。句意:中国有超过5000年的历史。它是世界上最古老的国家之一。前文“五千年多年”提示用形容词old表示年代久远。故选C。45. (2018贵州贵阳) We should more time talking with our teachers so that they can understand us better. A. pay B. spend C. take45. B考查动词辨析。句意:我们应该花更多的时间与我们的老师沟通,以便他们能更好的了解我们。spend(in) doing“花费时间做某事”,固定搭配,故选B。(2018贵州贵阳)情景交

18、际(本大题共10分,每小题1分)A从右栏选项中找出左栏各句的最佳应答,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。46. Where are my toys? A. They must be Carlas.47. Whose books are these? B. Its under the desk.48. I think Ill walk to the party. C. No, thanks. Im full.49. Would you like some more rice? D. Theyre on the sofa.50. Have you ever been to the Great Wall? E

19、. If you do, youll be late! F. Yes. I went there last year.题干分析:46. 我的玩具在哪? A. 它们一定是卡拉的。47. 这些书是谁的? B. 它在课桌下面。48. 我想我将走路去参加聚会。 C. 不用,谢谢!我饱了。49. 你想再多吃些米饭吗? D. 它们在沙发上。50. 你曾经去过长城吗? E. 如果你这样做,你会迟到的。F. 是的。我去年去过那里。46. D。本题根据人称的单复数判断,本题提问的是地点,toys是复数形式,故与D选项的they与on the sofa相匹配。故选D。47. A。本题发问书是谁的,答语应对此疑问作

20、出判断或结论,与A选项意思承接。故选A。48. E。本题语境提示走路,与E选项的迟到相关,故选E。49. C。本题发问“多吃些”,与“我饱了”相互关联,故选C。50. F。本题发问“去过吗”,与F选项“去过那里”相关联,故选F。B. (2018贵州贵阳)补全对话 根据对话内容,选择方框内最佳选项完成对话,并将答题卡上该选项涂黑。A: Hi, Jane. Could I ask you a few questions?B: Certainly.A: We all know that youre working for an organization that protects the envir

21、onment. 51 B: Well, my main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environment. For example, the three Rs-reduce, reuse and recycle. 52 A: So what can we do at home to protect the environment?B: 53 For example, we should use both sides of paper and reuse plastic bags.A: What can stud

22、ents do at school?B: 54 So we encourage students to collect waste paper and soft drink cans. Then we sort them so that they can be recycled.A: 55 Thank you!B: Its a pleasure.A. Wonderful ideas!B. All of them are important.C. We should reduce the waste we produce.D. Can you tell us what you are doing

23、 there?E. What should people do to protect the environment?F. Recycling can protect the environment and save money.【解析】题干分析:A. 想法太棒了!B. 所有这些都很重要。C. 我们应该减少我们制造的废弃物。D. 你能告诉我们你们在那做什么吗?E. 人们应该做些什么来保护环境呢?F. 循环利用能保护环境和节省开支。51. D。下文语境提示my main job is to help spread the message about protecting the environm

24、ent“我的主语工作是帮助散发有关保护环境的信息”,与D选项“做什么”想关联。故选D。52. B。前文提到“三R”即reduce,reuse和recycle,故下句C选项为对前文的强调,符合语境要求。故选B。53. C。上午提示what can we do at home“我们在家能做些什么”,与选项We should reduce the waste we produce.“我们应该减少我们制造的废弃物。”在内容和人称方面相照应,故选C。54. F。后文提示Then we sort them so that they can be recycled.“然后我们将他们分类以便循环利用。”与F选

25、项中的recycling相关联,故选F。55. A。根据上文提到了垃圾分类和循环利用,故本句应为对这种做法进行肯定。故选A。.完形填空(本大题有15小题,每小题1分)通读下面短文,掌其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。(A) (2018贵州贵阳) When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol in 56 culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse

26、with two large round earsMickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first 57 in the cartoon Steamboat Willie. When this cartoon came out in New York in November 1928, it was the first cartoon with sound and music. The 58 behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the 1930s, he 59

27、 87 cartoons with Mickey. Some people might ask how this cartoon animal became so 60 . One of the main reasons is that Mickey was like a common man, but he always tried to face any danger. In his early films, Mickey was 61 and had many problems such as losing his house or girlfriend, Minnie. However

28、, he was always ready to try his best. People went to the 62 to see the little man” win. Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. In November, 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Todays cartoons are usually not so simple as little Mickey Mouse,

29、 63 everyone still knows and loves him. Who has a pair of ears more famous than Mickeys?56. A. Canadian B. American C. Japanese 57. A. married B. smiled C. appeared58. A. man B. actor C. animal59. A. made B. watched C. invented60. A. smart B. kind C. popular61. A. unlucky B. dishonest C. impolite62.

30、 A. cinema B. library C. museum63. A. and B. but C. or体裁记叙文话题语言与文化词数216【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。本文描述了象征美国文化的动画角色之一的米老鼠的创作和发展历程。56. B 考查文化常识。后文有came out in New York“在纽约发行”的提示,故可知是美国的文化象征之一。故选B。57. C考查动词。married结婚,smiled微笑,appeared出现。文中意为“第一次露面是在电影汽船威利”,故选动词appeared。58. A考查名词。沃尔特迪士尼是米老鼠的创作者,所以在米老鼠的背后的人是指迪士尼。故选A

31、。59. A考查动词。创作动画片用动词make,创作动画角色用动词invent。故选A。60. C考查形容词。smart聪明的,kind和蔼的;popular流行的,受欢迎的。从后文提示he always tried to face any danger“他总是尽力去面对各种困难”可推断出Mickey在当时“很受欢迎”,故选C。61. A考查形容词。unlucky不幸的,dishonest不诚实的,impolite不礼貌的。从后文losing his house or girlfriend“失去家园和女朋友”可知他非常“不幸”,故选A。62. A考查名词。去看动画与电影院相关。故选A。63. B考查连词。前文的not simple与后文still knows and loves him提示,用but表示转折句意。故选B。(B) (2018贵州贵阳) That was many years ago, yet it is still fres

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