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Unit 1 How often do you exercise 第一课时教学设计.docx

1、Unit 1 How often do you exercise 第一课时教学设计Unit 1 How often do you exercise 第一课时教学设计鍗曞厓鍚嶇Unit 1 How often do you exercise?璇炬椂瀹夋帓绗 竴璇炬椂鏁欏 鐩 爣1锛庤兘澶熻皥璁鸿 浣欐椂闂寸殑娲诲姩骞惰皥璁哄仛浜嬫儏鐨勯 鐜囥?2锛庡 涔犲畬鎴愪换鍔墍闇瑕佺殑璇 锛?1) 璇嶆眹锛歨ow often; exercise; skateboard; hardly; ever; shop; once; twice; time; surf; Internet; program2) 鍙瓙锛

2、?What do you usually do on weekends? I play soccer.What does she do on weekends? She often goes shopping.How often do you exercise? I exercise every day/once a week. I hardly ever exercise.How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV three times a week.3锛庡畬鎴愯 鏈 1椤?a,1b,1c鍜岀 2椤?a,2b,2c鐨勬暀瀛换鍔?鏁欏 鐜 妭绐佸

3、嚭鍐呭 鏁欏笀娲诲姩瀛敓娲诲姩瀵煎叆鏂拌 鏉夸功鏍囬 鍗曡瘝鍗墖1. Good morning, boys and girls! Today we are going to learn Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 锛堟墜鎸囨澘涔爣棰橈級2. Do you know the meaning of exercise?銆浣犱滑鐭亾exercise鐨勫惈涔夊悧锛?You are right.Exercise means do sports.S1, do you often exercise?What kind of exercise do you often d

4、o?Very good.S2, do you often exercise?Why not?Then, what do you often do on weekends?Great! I love reading, too.锛? Look at this card. What does the boy often do on weekends?Yes. Read after me.skateboard, go skateboarding.Please read it one by one.1. Good morning, Ms/Mr .!2. Yes! 閿荤偧韬 綋锛?S1: Yes, I d

5、o.I play basketball.S2: No, I dont.Im not good at sports.I often do some reading at home.3. He goes skateboarding.skateboard, go skateboarding.瀛敓浠 緷娆 鍗曡瘝鍜岀煭璇 ?瀛範1a1a鐨勫浘鐗?锛戯紟Well done! Now please open your textbook and turn to page 1. Look at the picture.Guess. What are the children doing, S1?A good

6、guess. S2, what do you think?I think so. Now let鈥檚 do 1a. Look at the picture. Make a list of the different weekend activities. 鐜板湪鎴戜滑鏉仛1a閮垎銆傜湅鍥剧墖锛屽垪鍑轰笉鍚岀殑鍛湯娲诲姩銆?锛掞紟OK, lets check the answers. Please tell me the answers.1. S1: I think they are having a meeting.S2: I think they are making a survey.瀛敓

7、浠 紑濮嬪湪涔腑鍐欏嚭鍛湯娲诲姩銆?2. 瀛敓閫愪竴璇村嚭绛旀 銆?瀛範1b鏉夸功涓婄殑鐭 hardly ever鏉夸功涓 殑1b 閮垎锛戯紟Well done! Do you often go shopping, girls?What about boys?So you hardly ever go shopping, right?(鑰佸笀鎵嬫寚鐫鏉夸功涓婄殑鐭 hardly ever)hardly 鍑犱箮涓嶏紝鍑犱箮娌湁锛?ever 鏇剧粡hardly ever鏄 嚑涔庝粠涓嶏紝鍑犱箮涓嶆浘鐨勫惈涔夈?锛掞紟Now lets look at 1b.鍦?b涓 紝鏈変竴浜涜绀洪 鐜囩殑鍓 瘝鎸

8、夌収棰戠巼鐨勯珮浣庝緷娆帓鍒椼?S1, can you read them for us?銆銆S2, could you please tell me the meaning of each word?Quite good!3锛庤 鍚屽 浠 湅鍚勪釜棰戠巼鍓 瘝澶綋涓婁唬琛殑棰戠巼姣旂巼锛堟墜鎸囩潃鏉夸功锛夈?4锛嶵hen we will listen to the tape and write the letters from the picture above on the lines below. 閭箞鎴戜滑灏嗚 鍚 綍闊筹紝灏嗕笂闈浘鐗囦腑浠鍚勪釜娲诲姩鐨勫瓧姣峚-e鍐欏湪杩欎簺棰戠巼

9、鍓 瘝鏃佺殑妯 嚎涓娿?For example, what does a stand for?銆锝佹寚浠偅绉嶆椿鍔 紵Right. If you hear I usually go shopping, then you should write down a after usually. Understand?銆濡傛灉浣犲惉鍒颁簡鈥滄垜甯稿父鍘昏喘鐗? 閭綘灏卞簲璇湪usually鍚庨潰鐨勬绾夸笂鍐檃. 鏄庣櫧浜嗗悧锛?Lets begin锛侊紙鎾 斁褰曢煶锛?5锛?Have you got the answers?Who can tell me the answer? S3, please.

10、Very good.1. Girls: Yes!Boys: No!Boys: Right!2. S: 1 Sure! (瀛敓1渚濇 璇诲嚭鍗曡瘝銆?S2: Sure! Always 鎬绘槸锛屼竴鐩达紱usually 閫氬父锛?often 缁忓父锛?sometimes 鏈夋椂锛?hardly ever 鍑犱箮浠庝笉锛?never 浠庝笉銆?3.銆瀛敓鐪嬫澘涔?4. Ss: go shopping.Ss: Yes.瀛敓鍚 綍闊冲畬鎴愪换鍔?5. S3 璇诲嚭绛旀 銆?Always a usually c often e sometimes d hardly ever d never aPairwo

11、rk1c绐佸嚭1a涓 殑澶浘鐗囥?1. Lets look at 1c. S1 and S2 , could you read the conversation for us?銆2. Quite good. Lets look at the picture again.S3, What does the girl often do on weekends? (鑰佸笀鎵嬫寚鍥剧墖a)Quite good.3. Now please work in pairs and talk about the activities they do on weekends. 涓嬮潰璇峰悓瀛滑涓汉涓缁勶紝璋堣 鍥

12、剧墖涓 殑浜虹墿鍛湯杩涜 鍝 簺娲诲姩銆?4锛嶰K! Which pair would like to do first? Please!Good. And this pair, please.1. S1: What does she do on weekends?S2: She often goes to the movies.2. S3: she often goes shopping.3. 瀛敓寮濮嬬粌涔犮備緥瀛愶細S1: What does the girl in a red T-shirt do on weekends?S2: She often does some reading.

13、4. S1: What does the boy with red curly hair do on weekends?S2: He often exercises.S3: What do they do on weekends?S4: They often go skateboardingS5: What does the boy with short straight hair do on weekends?S6: He often watches TV at home.2 a&2b绐佸嚭榛戞澘涓妕hree times a month杩欎釜鐭 鏉夸功涓 殑once鏉夸功涓 殑twice1.

14、 Do you watch TV锛孲2?銆How often do you watch TV?銆2. 褰撴垜浠 洖绛旀椿鍔 鐜囩殑鏃跺欙紝鎴戜滑闇瑕佺敤鍒扳滄 鏁扳濊繖涓 崟璇?time. It has another meaning. What is it? 瀹冭繕鏈変竴涓 惈涔夛紝鏄 粈涔堬紵Yes. 鍋氭椂闂磋閲婄殑鏃跺欙紝 time 鏄 竴涓 笉鍙 暟鍚嶈瘝锛涘仛娆暟瑙噴鐨勬椂鍊欙紝 time 鏄 竴涓 彲鏁板悕璇嶃侶ow can we say 鈥滀笁娆? 鈥滀簲娆濓紵鈥濅竴涓 湀涓夋 鈥濓紵鈥滀竴骞?0娆濓紵Right. 浣嗘槸鎴戜滑璇粹滀竴娆濈殑鏃跺欙紝鏈変竴涓 笓闂殑鍗曡瘝鏄 渙

15、nce鈥?Read after me, please. OnceHow can we say 鈥滄瘡澶竴娆濓紵鈥滄瘡骞翠竴娆濓紵Good.涓 涔熸湁涓涓 笓闂殑鍗曡瘝 twiceRead after me. TwiceHow can we say 鈥滄瘡鏄熸湡浜屾 鈥濓紵鈥滄瘡鏈堜袱娆濓紵Right.3. OK. Now open your books at page 2. Look at 2a. Listen. Cheng is talking about how often he does different activities. Number the activities you he

16、ar 1-5. 鐜板湪璇峰悓瀛滑缈诲紑涔 浜岄銆傜湅2a閮垎銆傜姝湪璋堣 浠栦綔涓嶅悓娲诲姩鐨勯 鐜囥傝 鎸夌収鍚 埌鐨勯搴忕粰杩欎簺娲诲姩鎸?-5鎺掑簭銆侺ets begin. 锛堟挱鏀惧綍闊?a锛?4. Have you got the answer?銆Who can tell me the answer?Very good.5. Now we will listen again. How often does Cheng do the activities above锛烳atch his activities with the number of times he does them.

17、鎴戜滑灏嗗啀鍚 竴杈瑰綍闊筹紝绋嬪 涔呭仛涓娆笂闈殑杩欎簺娲诲姩鍛 紵璇峰皢杩欎簺娲诲姩鍜岄 鐜囪繛绾裤傦紙鎾 斁褰曢煶2b锛?6. Please tell me the answer like this: 璇疯繖鏍峰憡璇夋垜绛旀 锛欳heng watches TV twice a week. Understand?Excellent!1. S2: Yes. I watch TV three times a week.2. 鏃堕棿锛?Three times. Five times. Three times a monthTen times a year.OnceOnce a day. Once

18、 a year.TwiceTwice a week Twice a month3. 缈诲紑涔?鍚 綍闊筹紝瀹屾垚浠诲姟銆?4. S4: 3 1 5 4 25. 鍚 綍闊筹紝瀹屾垚娲诲姩銆?6. Yes.S1锛欳heng goes to the movies once a month.S2: Cheng watches TV twice a week.S3: Cheng shops twice a month.S4: Cheng exercises three times a week.S5: Cheng reads every day.2c鍗曡瘝鍗墖(姝 鍏辨湁涓夊紶锛屾牴鎹 瑙繘搴愪竴绐佸嚭

19、)绐佸嚭2c涓 殑琛牸銆?1. Before we go into 2c, lets learn some new words.鍦垜浠 繘鍏?c閮垎涔嬪墠锛岃 鎴戜滑鍏堝 涔犱竴浜涘崟璇嶏細锛堟墜鎸佸崟璇嶅崱鐗囷級Read after me :surf. Can you surf?I think its difficult and dangerous. But maybe exciting.Lets look at the second word: Internet. (鎵嬫寔绗 簩寮犲崱鐗? Do you know the Internet?What do you often do on t

20、he Internet?Yes. We can do many things on the Internet.But what does surf the Internet mean?銆锛堣佸笀灏嗕袱寮犲崱鐗囧苟鎺掑睍绀猴級You are right. Lets look at this word: programWhats your favorite TV program?2. OK. Please look at this form. Here are some activities that we can do. How often do you do them? Write them

21、down.3. S3 and S4 Could you please read the conversation for us?銆4. Well done! Please work in pairs. Try to know how often your partner does those things and get more information. 涓嬮潰璇蜂簩浜轰竴缁勬椿鍔備簡瑙綘鍚屼即澶氫箙鍋氫竴娆繖浜涗簨鎯咃紝鏈濂戒簡瑙洿澶氱殑淇伅銆?5锛嶴top here. Who would like to present your conversation to us锛?1. Surf.N

22、o.Yes.Internet.Yes.S1:I get news.S2:I look for some information.S3: I play games.S4: I listen to the music.S5: I chat with my friends.娴忚 浜掕仈缃?Animal World.Total Soccer.Lucky 52.Super Girl.Sports game.2. 濉 啓琛牸銆?3. 锛? and S4 read the conversation on the right of the form in 2c.4. 瀛敓涓汉涓缁勫 璇濈粌涔犮?5. S5:

23、How often do you surf the Internet?S6: I surf the Internet twice a week.S5: What do you do on the Internet?S6: I read news. And sometimes I listen to music.Sum-mary鏉夸功1. See what we have learned today. 鐪嬩竴鐪嬫垜浠 粖澶 鍒颁簡浠涔堛?Read the activities here.OK. 鎴戜滑鎬庢牱鎻愰棶鍔綔鐨勯 鐜囷紵Yes. And we can use the ways on th

24、e blackboard to answer this kind of question. 鍥炵瓟鍏充簬棰戠巼鐨勯棶棰樻垜浠 彲浠噰鍙栭粦鏉夸笂鍑虹幇鐨勮繖浜涙柟寮忋?2. S5 Please read these words.S6 Read these phrases. .1. 瀛敓榻愯 鏉夸功宸晶閮垎銆?Ss: How often .2. S5 reads the things in the middle of the blackboardS6 reads the things on the right.Hom-eworkBoys and girls, what do you do on

25、weekends? Could you write a short passage about it and about how often you do them? That is your homework after class. 鍚屽 浠 紝浣犱滑鍛湯鍋氬摢浜涙椿鍔憿锛熻 鍐欎竴绡囧皬娈垫枃浠嬬粛浣犵殑娲诲姩鍜屾椿鍔 鐜囥傝繖鏄 綘浠 殑璇惧悗浣滀笟銆?It was nice leaning English with you. Goodbye, everyone. 鍜屼綘浠 竴璧峰 涔犺嫳璇 緢鎰夊揩銆傚悓瀛滑锛屽啀瑙侊紒Bye-bye!鏉夸功璁捐 Unit 1 How often do you exercise?Skateboarding Always usually often every dayShopping 100% 80% 30%-50% once a dayReading sometimes hardly ever never twice a weekExercising 20% 5% 0% three times a monthWatching TV

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