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1、08年北京高考英语95个新增词汇训练08年北京高考英语95个新增词汇训练 1. Water can _ and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a stable environment.A. absorb B. adopt C. annoy D. approach2. So _ was she that her husband didnt dare to make a sound.A. absorbed B. adopted C. annoyed D. approached3. -

2、 Having no children of their own, they decided to _ an orphan. - Anyway, they are leading a happy life now, arent they?A. absorb B. adopt C. annoy D. approach4. - She refused to _ the idea, however ever clever it sounded. - It was stubborn of her to do so.A. absorb B. adopt C. annoy D. approach5. Hi

3、s grandfather died from abuse of _ and smoking, do you want to follow the same old disastrous road?A. alcohol B. approach C. ancestor D. angle6. - The _ of spring brings warm weather, and many parents take their children to the parks to enjoy natures gift. - Sounds interesting.A. alcohol B. approach

4、 C. ancestor D. angle7. His _ came to America from Europe, which they often dreamed to return to until the last minute of their lives.A. alcohols B. approachs C. ancestors D. angles8. The reporter wrote the story from the political _.A. alcohol B. approach C. ancestor D. angle9. The professor _ his

5、report to suit the audience he was speaking to.A. absorbed B. adopted C. angled D. approached10. People react to advertisements in different ways. Some people find ads useful and entertaining; others think that they are _.A. absorbing B. adopting C. annoying D. approaching11. _ the town, you can see

6、 the bell tower, waving in the howling wind. A. absorbing B. adopting C. annoying D. approaching12. - Son, since the old Santana often breaks down, the time is _ when we must think about buying a new car. - Dad, you are so great!A. absorbing B. adopting C. annoying D. approaching13. - He studied _ a

7、t college, where he met what is called his beautiful wife. - How romantic!A. architecture B. building C. construction D. structure14. - It is said that _ comes after the Duke of Beauforts country seat(乡间别墅) in western England, who liked it very much. - Just like Sandwich? A. badminton B. band C. bas

8、is D. border 15. As soon as the _ started playing, the audience in the concert went silent.A. badminton B. band C. basis D. border 16. Dont evaluate a person on the _ of appearance, and that often spoils everything.A. badminton B. band C. basis D. border 17. - Im on the _ of fifty now, and most of m

9、y friends are now living with their children in the town. - I am sorry for that.A. badminton B. band C. basis D. border 18. There used to be _ incidents in the 1960s between China and its neighbours.A. badminton B. band C. basis D. border 19. - I put on the _ before the car knocked into the fire eng

10、ine. -Thank goodness.A. brake B. brand C. burden D. border 20. The taxi driver _ hard as the boy ran onto the road ahead of her, which avoided a terrible accident.A. braked B. branded C. burdened D. boredered 21. - The company is developing a new _ of toothpaste. - So we will enjoy its products.A. b

11、rake B. brand C. burden D. border 22. - Do you find homework a _? - I cant agree more.A. brake B. brand C. burden D. border 23. - Was her husband one of the _ in the election? - No, he used to be president of the USA, he is now helping his wife to run for it.A. candidates B. debates C. champions D.

12、conflicts24. Whether we are out to set a new record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about _, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading.A. candidates B. debates C. champions D. conflicts25. - What are the college students doing in the lecture room? - They are having a _ on th

13、e question whether they should work while studying.A. candidate B. debate C. champion D. conflict26. - He works with both companies and there is obviously a _ of interest. - Poor boy.A. candidate B. debate C. champion D. conflict27. - The government is _ the education laws, and it is hopeful that th

14、e entrance examination will be canceled. - Long lives the Communist Party of China!A. debating B. conflicting C. calculating D. concentrating28. - The two stories _, so I did not know what to believe. - Just believe your eyes. A. debated B. conflicted C. calculated D. concentrated29. - Thanks to mod

15、ern schince, scientists _ when the Shenzhou would return to the earth. - It cant be better.A. debated B. conflicted C. calculated D. concentrated30. - Can you _ on your studies with the music going on? - Sorry, I will turn it off. A. debate B. conflict C. calculate D. concentrate31. - If you dont _

16、more on your work, youll be dismissed! - Sorry, I wont.A. debate B. conflict C. calculate D. concentrate32. I dont like the _ arguments with you, Id like to read in the library.A. constant B. contact C. contract D. content 33. Friendly _ between different peoples promote the cultural and economic in

17、terchange.A. constants B. contacts C. contracts D. contents 34. Their firm have _ to build a double-purpose bridge across the river.A. constanted B. contacted C. contracted D. contented 35. Im under _ to teach here for one year, but Id like to work here all my life.A. constant B. contact C. contract

18、 D. content 36. His father was _ to hear that his only girl was admitted into Qinghuo Unversity.A. constant B. contact C. contract D. content 37. It is advisable to look at the _ page of a book, before buying it.A. constant B. contact C. contract D. content 38. Did you go to the show of the photos o

19、f some _ from outer space?A. create B. creative C. creatures D. creations 39. Weve _ a beautiful new house from an old ruin.A. created B. creative C. creature D. creation 40. Human beings are _ animals.A. create B. creative C. creature D. creation 41. Economic conditions may lie responsible for the

20、_ of social unrest.A. create B. creative C. creature D. creation 42. - Before Christmas came, Jane brought some beautiful pictures to _ the walls of her room. - No wonder most of the girls went to her room to play.A. decorate B. decrease C. delete D. differ43. - In order to increase the income of it

21、s staff, he company _ the number of workers. - That is not too goood.A. decorated B. decreased C. deleted D. differd44. - If you _ 80 words, we can put the whole passage on two pages. - Exactly.A. decorate B. decrease C. delete D. differ45. - On the right stand rows of big houses _ one from another

22、in the color of their front door. - But how can we find Mr. Smiths house.A. decorating B. decreasing C. deleting D. differing46. - My wife prefers to buy a _ camera. - Why not go to Dazhongshi, where you can buy nice and cheap electric equipment.A. digital B. discount D. disc D. dormitory47. - The v

23、ests are $1 each but if you buy a dozen, well give you a 20% _. - What if I buy all of them?A. digital B. discount D. disc D. dormitory48. - She found some of her computer _ missing the next day. - It must be Tom, I found he came out your room secretly.A. digital B. discounts D. discs D. dormitories

24、49. - A new _ building for girl students has been built in our college. - Great! So we dont have to rent rooms out.A. digital B. discount D. disc D. dormitory50. - How much on average do you _ to charity per year? - It depends. About 5,000 $ each year.A. discriminate B. distinguish C. donate D. down

25、load51. - Remember to restart the computer after you finish the _. - All right. I will.A. discriminate B. distinguish C. donate D. download52. - What is wrong with Mary, she has been crying for half an hour. - There was a power failure when she was _ a new song.A. discriminating B. distinguishing C.

26、 donating D. downloading53. - They are trying to get rid of the laws that _ anyone. - The coloured people will have a better life.A. discriminate B. distinguish C. donate D. download54. - Young people should be educated to be able to _ right from wrong. - It seems that the schools are doing somethin

27、g else.A. discriminate B. distinguish C. donate D. download55. - The accident was caused by human _. - So the officer on duty should be responsible for this? - I am afraid so.A. error B. essay C. export D. expression56. - Professor Kent, he refused to mark my _ because I handed it in a bit late. - I

28、 afraid that you should appoligize to him first.A. error B. essay C. export D. expression57. He carefully examined their _ licence before he let them out.A. error B. essay C. export D. expression58. - What do you think of the performance of the concert last night? - Beyond _.A. error B. essay C. exp

29、ort D. expression59. - For the second time they _ Lincoln president. - Because he devoted himself to the American people.A. elected B. evaluated C. embarrassed D. expanded60. - I was a bit _ by her comments about my clothes. - Just forget that. She is that kind person. A. elected B. evaluated C. embarrassed D. expanded61. - Is the exhibition a great success? - The exhibition has just been open for thre

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