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学年高中英语 专题Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 2 Lea.docx

1、学年高中英语 专题Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 2 Lea专题Unit 4 Wildlife Protection 2 Learning about Language Using language Key Words1. inspect vt. 检查;视察inspector n. 检查员;视察员inspection n. 检查;视察2. expected adj. 预期;预料的unexpected adj. 没料到的,意外的3. dust n. 灰尘;尘土;尘埃dusty adj. 满是灰尘的4. disappearance n. 消失disappear vi. 消失a

2、ppear vi. 出现;到场appearance n.出现;外表5. fierce adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的fiercely adv. 凶猛地;猛烈地;激烈地6. ending n. 结局;结尾end vt. & vi. 结束;终止 n. 结束;末端;尽头KeyPhrases1. as usual像平时;像往常一样2. long before很久以前3. come into being形成;产生4. for sure肯定地;确切地5. according to按照;根据所说6. in the last 500 years在过去的500年里7. so that以致;结果KeySentenceA

3、fter a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs. (with复合结构) 1. come into being形成;产生。为不及物动词短语,无被动形式,一般不使用进行时。It is said that such a custom came into being long ago. 据说这种风俗很早之前就有了。No one knows when the world came into being. 没有人知道,世界是何时形成的。【拓展延伸】come into fashio

4、n开始流行come into use 投入使用come into power 掌权,上台come into sight 进入视野come into existence 开始存在;产生;出现come into ones mind 某人突然想到come into effect/force/operation 开始生效/执行/实施1. 用come短语填空When did this hair style _(开始流行)? You see, its still popular with young ladies. When Hitler _(上台), many new laws _(开始生效)to en

5、courage young couples to have more babies.2. Perhaps it is true that nobody in the world knows exactly how the earth _. A. came up B. came outC. came into power D. came into being2. incidentn. 事件;事变。He told us some of the funny incidents that happened to him during the journey to Europe. 他告诉我们一些去欧洲旅

6、行时发生的趣事。There was a shooting incident near here last night. 昨晚这附近发生了枪击事件。【易混辨析】accident/incidentaccident是意外事件,通常指偶然发生的不幸事件或事故,如天灾人祸等incident是事情或事件,它既可以指日常生活中的小事情、小插曲,也可以指外交、政治方面的重大事件、事变【巧学妙记】图解大小事件:英汉互译1. 被汽车撞了是大事故,不是小事情。_2. Accidents are becoming incidents on this railway. _3. according to根据所说,按照。A

7、ccording to Ann, a true friend is a person whom you can trust. 按照安的说法,真正的朋友是你可以信任的人。【特别提醒】according to后可接名词、代词和what从句。according to用来引出来自他人或他处的消息,不能与me或my opinion连用。in my opinion表示自己的观点,意为依我看,在我看来。依我看,这部电影很不错。In my opinion, the film is wonderful.(正)According to my opinion, the film is wonderful.(误)Ac

8、cording to me, the film is wonderful.(误)完成句子1. _, the train gets in at 8: 27. 根据时刻表,火车8: 27进站。2. Each man will be paid _. 每个人将根据各自的能力获得报酬。【答案】1. According to the timetable2. according to his ability4. so that以致;结果。常见用法:so that目的状语从句结果状语从句意义为了;目的是因此;所以情态动词从句中常使用can/could/may/might/will/would/should等情

9、态动词从句中一般不用情态动词标点符号从句前不用逗号从句前常有逗号He worked hard at his lessons so that he could gain high grades in the exams. 他努力学习功课,争取考试中能获得好成绩。He worked hard at his lessons, so that he gained high grades in the exams. 他努力学习,结果考试获得了好成绩。完成句子1. I speak loudly _clearly. 我说话声音很,大目的是让所有的学生清楚地听到我。2. It was raining heav

10、ily last night, _. 昨晚雨下得很大, 因此我们没去参加聚会。【答案】1. so that all the students can hear me2. so that we didnt go to the party5. with复合结构After a while she saw some zebra with black and white lines going beneath their stomachs. 过了一会儿她看到了一些斑马, 它们身上有从上一直延伸到腹部的黑白相间的条纹。(教材P28)【句式分析】这是一个含有with复合结构的简单句。句中的with blac

11、k and white lines going beneath their stomachs作后置定语,修饰some zebra。【重点语法】with的复合结构为with +宾语(n. /pron. )+宾语补足语。在句中with复合结构多数充当状语, 表示行为方式、伴随情况、时间、原因或条件等。with复合结构在句中也可以作定语。with复合结构的具体形式:He often sleeps with the windows open. 他经常开着窗睡觉。The building looks more beautiful with all the lights on. 所有的灯都开着,这楼看起来

12、更加漂亮。The teacher went into the classroom with some books in his hand. 老师手里拿着几本书走进教室。用with复合结构完成句子1. _, I finished the work in time. 有了汤姆的帮助,我及时完成了这项工作。2. The thief was brought in _. 小偷双手被捆着带了进来。3. The guard stood at the gate _. 卫兵双手握枪站在门口。4. _, weve got more room. 约翰不在,我们有了更多的地方。6. notuntil结构He didn

13、t realize who had killed many of his friends until he saw how his friend was being killed by Man. 他没意识到谁杀害了他的许多朋友, 直到他看到他的朋友怎样被人类杀死。(教材P30)【句式分析】该句为复合句,who引导宾语从句;how引导宾语从句,how在从句中作方式状语;not until直到才引导时间状语从句。【重点语法】not until的用法:(1)当not until位于句首时,句子要倒装。其结构为:Not until+从句/表时间的词+助动词+(主句)主语+谓语+。(2)notuntil

14、句式的强调句型为It is/was not untilthat。It was not until yesterday that I noticed it. 直到昨天我才注意到此事。Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talking. 直到老师进来学生们才停止讲话。【拓展延伸】until与not . . . until. . .until直到,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间。用在肯定句中,句子的谓语动词必须是可延续性的;notuntil 直到才,表示直到某一时间,某一行为才发生,之前该行为并没有发生。用在否定句中,主句中的谓语

15、可以是延续性动词,也可以是短暂性动词。I studied English until 9 oclock last night. 我昨晚学英语一直学到9点。I did not study English until 9 oclock last night. 我昨晚直到9点才学英语。一句多译直到下周才开运动会。_【答案】The sports meeting will not be held until next week.Not until next week will the sports meeting be held.It is not until next week that the sp

16、orts meeting will be held. I. 单句语法填空1. Many animals have _(disappear) during the long history of the earth.2. They lived on the earth tens of millions of years ago, long before humans came into _(be). 3. There were many different kinds of dinosaurs and _ number of them used _(live) in China.4. Dinos

17、aurs died _ suddenly about 65 million years ago.5. Some scientists think it came after an _ (expect) incident.6. Others think the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs _(live) on any more.7. According _ a UN report, some 844 animals and plants have disappeared in the last 500 years.8. In pairs discuss

18、 the possible reasons for the _(disappear) of dinosaurs.9. It is _pity that in the story nobody helped the dodo.10. First, I suggest _(make) a special park for them.11. _to the weather report, theres a heavy rain this evening.Thank you. I will bring an umbrella.12. In China, _ number of people are s

19、tudying English now, and the number _ (grow) year by year.13. These bags cant be taken before _ (inspect). 14. Hello, John. Im sorry to tell you that Im too busy to go to the exhibition with you.Its _pity. The artist is said to be a very good one.15. How do you like your college life?Terrible. Not o

20、nly _I enjoy less spare time, but I find myself even busier than before.16. He had worked in this school long _ the war broke out, but before long he had to leave the school.17. Is it _ that the professor will come for the conference?Yes, thats for sure.18. I am surprised _(meet) him in Tibet.19. Mo

21、st children need encouragement in time of failure _ that they can cheer up again.20. No one knows when exactly the lake _ into being.II. 选词填空according to, incident, come into being, so that, for sure1. _ the old story, Romulus was the founder of Rome.2. There was no _ happening during the holidays.3

22、. A new rule about smoking in public will _ next month.4. I think he lives there but I couldnt say_.5. She studies very hard _ she may not fail in the coming exam. 语法填空Many wild plants and animals have died out during the long history of the earth. And dinosaurs are the _1_(much) famous of the anima

23、ls. They came into being much earlier than humans. There were many different kinds of dinosaurs. Eggs and bodies of dinosaurs _2_ (discover) in some places of China. However, dinosaurs died out _3_ (sudden). Maybe _4_ is because of a(n) _5_ (expect) incident _6_ a huge rock from space hit the earth.

24、 Maybe that the earth got too hot for the dinosaurs to live on any more caused their _7_ (extinct). No one knows _8_ sure why and _9_ dinosaurs disappeared from the earth in such _10_ short time.I. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Where did all the tigers go? Thats what Indian Prime M

25、inister Manmohan Singh wants to know. Indias Sariska Project Tiger Reserve, once home to 26 tigers, is now home to none. Singh has ordered a police investigation into the 1 , and created a new task force(特别工作组) to save the 2 animals.Tigers are an endangered species (物种). Half of the worlds tiger 3 l

26、ive in India. For years, tigers have been disappearing from Indias national parks, but Sariska may be the last straw. And the government has to _4_.On Thursday, Singh held the first meeting of 5 officials, wildlife experts, and related leaders, aiming to 6 the nations remaining tigers, and to 7 a pl

27、an to keep them safe.It is not hard to guess why the tigers are disappearing. Poachers (偷猎者) can 8 the big cats for $50, 000 each. Tiger skin and bones are popular in Chinese 9 . A single tiger tooth can fetch $120. Recently, a group of poachers admitted killing ten tigers in Sariska and were 10 .In

28、dian tiger poaching is probably the 11 conservation problem in modern times, said Belinda Wright, the head of the Wildlife Protection Society of India.However, poaching isnt the only 12 . Many poachers use advanced technologies, like night glasses and long-range binoculars(双筒望远镜). Forest security officers are paid so 13 that few of them _14_ to track down the poachers. Even if security guards were to find a

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