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本文(最新黄冈市春季市区学校八年级期末监测英语试题含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、最新黄冈市春季市区学校八年级期末监测英语试题含答案八年级英语期末测试卷二、语言知识运用(共二节,计30分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项。26Do you believe in Mary?Why not? She is _ honest girl. She has never cheated(欺骗) us.AaBan CtheD不填27Whats the matter with Ben?He hurt _ in P. E class, and then he was sent to the hospital.Ahis Bhim Chimself Dthemselves

2、28What will you do in the volunteer tomorrow?Ill volunteer _ the city park with my classmates.Aclean up Bcleaning up Cto clean up Dto cleaning up29_ we get something to drink after the movie?No, you cant. You have a basketball game tomorrow.AMust BWould CDo DCould30一I dont have any friends at my new

3、 school. What should I do?_ you dont have any now, you will soon make some.AAlthough BUnless CUntil DBecause31Where were you when I called you at 8:00 last night?I _ a shower.Atook Bis taking Cwas taking Dtake32Did you know that Qomolangma is the _ mountain in the world?Yes, I did. Its much _ than a

4、ny other mountain.Ahighest;higher Bhigher;highestChigher;higher Dhighest;highest33Have you decided which book to write about?Yes, I have. Ive _ finished reading it. It was really good.Aever Byet Calready Dnever34How long _ his son _ the train and railway set?Since his fourth birthday.Adoes;own Bwill

5、;own Cdid;own Dhas;owned35Jenny, I have never been to a science museum. What about you?_. Lets go this weekend, OK?AMe too BSo I have CMe neither DI have, either36What do you think of Mr. Lee?He is kind and helpful. He always helps the people _ need.Aby Bin Cfor Dabout37Im afraid l will fail(失败) in

6、the English exam again.Dont worry. I believe you will make (a) _ because of your working hard.Aprogress Bdecision Cresolution Dsituation38Look! What a mess your room is! _ now.OK, Mom. Ill do that right now.AWork out it BWork it out CClear out itDClear it out39Tom, do you like to try anything new in

7、 our city now?Yes, but I _ afraid of living in a strange one.Aused to be Bused to beingCam used to be Dam used to being40I cant go hiking with you this weekend. My grandpa is coming._! You have looked forward to it for a long time.ANo problem BIts a shame CIts greatDGood luck三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分

8、)阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的四个选项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。The problem of the “left-behind children”(留守儿童) is getting more and more serious. Thats because their parents leave them41work in the cities far away from them, and42have more time to care for their children.A program calledOn the Way to Schooldid a research432,00

9、0 children living in poor areas. The research44that 15.1% of the children were45to see their parents in a whole year, even during the Spring Festival. Only about 26.3% of the children could46their parents on the phone only once or twice a month.Yang Hai, a 12-year-old boy, lives in a village47his gr

10、andparents. His parents work in Fuzhou, a city48kilometers away. His grandparents love him and49him well. But he said he still50his parents.Now more people in the country51to work in cities and leave their children at home. The government is trying to do52to protect the children at home and free the

11、ir parents from53about their children. “Children cant be with their parents very often,54we should give them more55and love,” said one official(官员).41Asearching for Bto search for Cfinding out Dto find out42Amostly Balways ChardlyDsimply43Aamong Bduring Cbetween Dof44Akidded BshowedCcausedDguessed45

12、Aafraid BunfairCunhappy Dunable46Aargue with Btalk with Cremind of Dbelieve in47Aand Bas well Cwithout Dwith48Atwo thousands Btwo thousand of Cthousands of Dthousand of49Ahear from Blook after Cagree with Dtake after50Amissed Blost Chated Dcheated51ArefuseBfail Cforget Dchoose52Asomething Banything

13、Cnothing Deverything53Ainterests Bsatisfactions Cworries Dpreparations54Aso BorCunlessDuntil55Ahope BcareCdeal Dforce四、综合阅读(共二节,计32分)第一节阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分。满分24分)阅读下面三篇短文,根据短文内容,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(1)The Sunshine Bookstore()TitleAuthorPriceStorySales(销售量)Alicein WonderlandLewis Carroll$29.80A littl

14、e girl named Alice, in a dream, chases(追赶) a rabbit and falls into the rabbit hole, takes a long and thrilling journey.328Treasure IslandRobert Stevenson$21.95A ten-year-old boy named Jim, goes out to see and finds an island full of treasure.416CinderellaStanley Burns$32.90A sweet little girl Cinder

15、ella, with the help of the mice, goes to the party that the prince holds. The prince falls in love with her and in the end they have the happy life.239Tom SawyerMark Twain$26.85A boy Tom who lives in the United States, many exciting things happen to him.26956The information about the seller of the b

16、ooks is provided(提供) by _.AA magazine BA newspaper CA TV ad DA shopping website57The book which has sold best is _.AAlice in WonderlandBTreasure IslandCCinderella DTorn Sawyer58Sally wants to buy the top three books, she has to pay _.A$84.65 B$81.70 C$78.60 D$89.5559Which of the following is TRUE?AT

17、he rabbit helps Alice find the treasure.BTreasure Island was written by Stanley Burns.CCinderella is fin old and traditional fairy tale.DTom is ten years old, he experiences many thrilling things.(2)Its the day of Big Bangs concert in Seoul Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium. In front of the stadium, t

18、here are lots of rice towers from over 60 countries. The staff members(工作人员) are putting ribbons(丝带), photos and messages from fans around the rice towers to make them more beautiful. Whats happening at the concert?Fan rice, usually in bags, is rice from fans. Fans of Korean pop (K-pop) stars give b

19、ags of rice to their favorite artists. Then, the artists donate(捐赠) the bags to the hungry. This started in 2011. Before that, fans usually sent food or flowers to their favorite stars. Now, more and more fan clubs are making these donations. They do this to show their love and support(支持) for their

20、 favorite stars.There are even businesses that buy and deliver(递送) bags of rice for fans. They buy rice from South Korea farmers. And then they make sure the rice is at places of the K-pop concerts. It is common that staff members in the business spend hours setting up towers with the bags of rice.

21、A businessman who does this says that more and more fans are donating rice, and sales have grown very fast.60What are staff members putting around the rice towers?photos ribbons flowers messagesA B C D61Who get the rice from the K-pop stars?AFarmers. BFans. CHungry people. DBusiness staff members.62

22、What do staff members spend hours doing?ABuying bags of rice. BPutting rice in a car.CSending rice to a concert. DSetting up rice towers.63How might the businessman feel?AExcited. BWorried. CBored. DRelaxed.(3)Many years ago, I was a shy boy and lived a very peaceful life. I liked school but I felt

23、bored.And then I started the fourth grade. My teacher, Mrs. Gerlip, was a young woman who was good at writing, art and music. Her class was very interesting. With her help, I started Fun Club with some boys in my class. I also wrote a book calledThrough the Forest. And lots of my classmates like it.

24、However, I was surprised when fifty years later I got a letter about a reunion(聚会). A few days later, we had a reunion at Mrs. Gerlips home. Reconnecting(重新联系) with Mrs. Gerlip was a journey back in time. Fifty years have passed, but my teacher still remembers every student. She even doesnt forget t

25、he class bully(欺负)a boy used to hit me with snowballs on my way to school. Lots of teachers thought bullying was nothing serious at that time, but Mrs. Gerlip didnt agree. She put a stop to it at once when she found out about it.Now, in my mid-fifties, Iappreciatethe gifts Mrs. Gerlip has given me e

26、ven more. Its never too late to say thanks to this fantastic teacher. I hope you are lucky enough to have one teacher like Mrs. Gerlip.64How did the writer know there would be a reunion at Mrs. Gerlips home?AHe got a letter. BHe got a phone call.CHe saw a notice on the Internet. DHe met his classmat

27、e on the street.65What does the underlined word “appreciate” in the last paragraph mean in Chinese?A祝贺 B原谅 C感激 D同情66Which of the following isTRUEaccording to the passage?AThe writer started Fun Club with some girls in his class.BMrs. Gerlip stopped the writer from bullying others.CThe writer often v

28、isits his teacher.DMrs. Gerlip has a good memory.67Why does the writer write this passage?ATo show his love for a teacher.BTo describe what a teachers job is.CTo describe his primary school life.DTo show his great changes in the past years.第二节任务型阅读(共4小题,每小题2分,满分8分)(4)Have you heard of homesickness(思

29、乡病)? Homesickness can be a terrible feeling for anyone who is away from their hometown or simply away from their house for a long time.If so, what should you do? You can choose to talk with your parents on the phone. This may be a good idea for you to feel that you are not alone. It also reminds you that the people you love are still there and yo

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