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1、中美文化差异对商务礼仪的影响中美文化差异对商务礼仪的影响 摘要: 作为世界上两大重要的国家和主要的贸易合作伙伴,如今中美两国的商务活动越来越频繁。然而,当两国进行贸易时,受文化差异的影响所产生的商务礼仪的不同是一个不可忽视的问题。如果不了解对方国家的文化礼仪,两国的商务进程很可能会失败。因此,掌握各国的商务礼仪知识是十分必要的,而且在进行贸易活动之前对这些差异进行研究也是十分值得的。 在本文中,作者首先对礼仪做出了定义和概念,介绍其基本的观点,然后再进行深入了解。但是本文的重心则从五个方面分析中美两国商务礼仪的差异,包括首次见面时的礼仪,餐桌礼仪,由于时间、价值观念不同看法,和思维方式的差异带

2、来的礼仪。本文的写作目的是帮助两国的商人了解彼此礼仪的差异,使他们能够在商务进程中做出得体的举止,并尽可能地取得成功。 关键词:文化差异,商务礼仪,影响 1. Introduction The rapid development of science and technology are making the world smaller. Therefore, the relationship among countries is becoming closer and closer, especially between China and America. During the econo

3、mic development of the globalization, the most obvious phenomenon is that the business activities between the two countries are becoming more and more frequent. However, because of the different economic backgrounds, values, and religious beliefs due to cultural differences, the business etiquette d

4、iffers from each other, which leads to conflicts and frictions in doing business. In order to reduce the conflicts, people should know the differences well in cultures and business etiquette between China and America. In the following studies, cultural differences and their influence on each country

5、s etiquette on different occasions are systematically presented. Besides, the author gives several cases to illustrate the differences of etiquette and shows how important for the business men in both China and America to understand those differences. 2. Literature Review Presently, more and more pe

6、ople have realized the importance of business etiquette, thus many scholars engage in studying in this field. Since this thesis studies the impact of Sino-American cultural differences on business etiquette, a review on the theories of predecessors from two aspects including culture and business eti

7、quette is indispensable. 2.1 Theories related to culture 2.1.1 Definition of culture There are many definitions of culture. The earliest and classic definition was put forward over 100 years ago by Taylor, a well-known British anthropologist, who defined culture as “that complex whole which includes

8、 knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” (Taylor, 1874:1) There are many other definitions from different perspectives, but nevertheless, we are concerned with those which are conductive to our understanding of the r

9、elationship between culture and business etiquette. Geert Hofstede, an expert on management and cross-cultural differences, defined culture as “the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another Culture, in this sense, includes systems of values,an

10、d values are among the building blocks of culture.”(Geert Hofstede, 1984) From this point of view, we can see that culture is a system of values and norms which are shared by a group of people. By those values and norms, people in one group can judge what is good, right, and desirable. 2.1.2 Cultura

11、l differences and their roots It is known that people across nations and cultures have different behaviors and beliefs. “Members of different cultures look differently at the world around them. Some believe that the physical world is real. Others believe that it is just an illusion. Some believe eve

12、rything around them is permanent while others say it is transient. Reality is not the same for all people.” (Samovar, Porter & Stefani, 2003:33) For instance, age is highly respected in China. Young people are taught to respect the old when they are children. On the contrary, Americans encourage and

13、 promote those who are qualified and competent regardless of age and the young dont see the old in the same way as Chinese do. American culture is considered to be individualistic, whereas Chinese culture is characterized by collective. Why cultures differ between these two countries? To answer this

14、 question, we should explore the roots of American culture and Chinese one. “In the United States, it is estimated that 86% of the population is Christian.” (Samovar, Porter & Stefani, 2003:94) Christians believe in God who is almighty and the Creator of everything, heaven, earth, moon, animals and

15、human. So they behave confidently and attach much importance to individualism. While in China, Confucianism is a philosophic thought that has spread not only in China but also in the whole East Asia for 2,500 years. “Confucianism can be conceived as involving six core values: (a) moral cultivation,

16、(b) importance of interpersonal relationships, (c) family orientation, (d) respect for age and hierarchy, (e) avoidance of conflict and need for harmony, (f) concept of face.”(Fang, 1999:109) According to this thought, individualism has negative meanings. It stresses on harmony, face, peace and so o

17、n. All these have shaped Chinese traditional culture. Nowadays, the influence of Confucian can still be seen everywhere in China. With so many cultural differences, each countrys business etiquette must differ from each other. 2.2 Theories related to business etiquette 2.2.1 Definition of business e

18、tiquette Before discussing the definition of business etiquette, we should understand the meaning of the word, etiquette. Etiquette refers to a kind of standardized behavior in humans contacts and communications which means more than politeness. Here is a definition of etiquette as follows: “Etiquet

19、te means formal rules of correct and polite behavior in society or among members of a profession.” (Hornby, 1997:491) Accordingly, business etiquette can be defined as standardized behaviors and norms that should be abided by business people in their activitiesIn Mas opinion, he defines the business

20、 etiquette as follows: Business etiquette is the norms and criteria along with language, expression and behaviors, in different situation abided by two or more business parties, by which they express their recognition, show their respects to each other and exchange each opinion, in order to establis

21、h a friendly and harmonious business relationship. (Ma,2004:411) 2.2.2 Root of Chinese and American etiquette China, as the cradle of oriental culture, enjoys a reputation of the etiquette country. In China, etiquette is equal to courtesy and ceremony. As early as in Han dynasty, there were three gr

22、eat works, called “three li”, Yi-li, Chou-li and Li-ji, which together had a great influence in Chinese society. However, America history is short, so is its etiquette history. The word etiquette was originated from French “etiquette”, whose original meaning was laissez-passer in court. Later, peopl

23、e found not only in court, but in social community they should abide by some norms and regulations. So etiquette became the laissez-passer of personal intercourse nowadays. (Zhu, 2006: 3-6) Therefore, American etiquette is not as profound as Chinese etiquette. Thats why Americans dont care so much a

24、bout etiquette as Chinese people do. 3. Impacts of Sino-American cultural differences on etiquette Because culture influences etiquette, the values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors are vastly different from culture to culture. With such different cultural backgrounds between China and America, the

25、business etiquette of the two countries is different beyond question. The specific differences will be discussed from five aspects as follows. 3.1 On knocking up an acquaintance 3.1.1 Greeting Greetings can be roughly divided into language greetings and non-language greetings. For the non-language g

26、reetings, it means besides saying something, they greet through facial expression or body language, such as nodding, smiling or shaking hands. It is a common etiquette all over the world that people greet each other when they meet. But the ways or words they use to greet are different. In America, p

27、eople greet each other as simple as: “hello” or “how are you?” or “good morning”, “good afternoon” according to the time. These are quite different from our Chinas greetings. Take an example, a new American teacher in China was riding his bicycle in the campus when he met a Chinese student. The Chin

28、ese student asked him: “have you had your dinner?” Of course it is just a common Chinese greeting around meal time. But the teacher stopped and said: “Im going to. Lets go.” But the student had walk away, just leaving one word: “goodbye.” The American teacher felt surprised and embarrassed. Because

29、to Americans, the greeting might mean: “I havent either. Come on. Lets go to eat something together.” That is to say, if we greet Americans like this, they will consider we give them an invitation. The other greeting in China is that: “Where are you going?” This is also improper when greeting an Ame

30、rican. Because Americans put much emphasis on privacy and they think it is their privacy. 3.1.2 Personal space Personal space is variable from person to person, depending on the gender, age, cultural background, and relationship to the people with whom they are communicating. In China, people are co

31、mfortable with a closer personal space than that of Americans. They think a short distance can enhance the friendship between people. But when conversing with the opposite sex, the personal distance is bigger, because Chinese people have a conventional concept on it. According Chinese culture, peopl

32、e should keep a bigger distance between men and women. 3.1.3 Addressing In business activities, people are very sensible to the addressing others make to them. Chinese culture is a formal one. In China, Mr. or Ms. (surname) is popular addressing, and complete name is also acceptable. But title and status are extremely important. Using titles is a sign of respect in China. For example, its proper to address someone Mr. Zhang, but its better to address him as Chief Zhang if he is a chief of a company. Chinese people always avoid calling people by their first names, unless they are lon

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