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1、暑期社会实践报告 西北师范大学知行学院20*年暑期赴靖远县双龙乡北城小学 支教报告 报告人: * 报告时间:20*年*月奉献即为收获 我的支教感言去年暑假我参加了赴靖远县双龙乡北城小学的三下乡支教活动。今年我再一次踏上旅途,加入了支教的队伍,再赴北城小学。两次支教的不同在于我成为本次支教的领队了。这对于我来说是个小挑战。但我享受了这个过程,我受益匪浅。 当我第一次见我的队友的时候,我还在犯嘀咕。不知道能否带好这支年轻的队伍。事实上,我们成功了。我们的队员真的很不错。第一天我们出发的时候,我们还走错了路,带领大家花费了好长时间才寻找到了正确的路。我想着也算是我们支教的一个小插曲吧!能够寻找到正确

2、的道路,哪怕是走弯路,也是很好的鞭策。后来我们的支教就很顺利了。到达了那里,我们的心情就很激动。对于我们两个领队,这是我们怀念了许久的地方,感觉就像自己的家一样亲切。而对于我们的小队员来说,这里充满了想象,充满了希望。或许对我们大家而言,都是一个全新的开始。我喜欢这里清新的空气,夜晚的繁星点点和那群可爱的人。当我踏入教室的那一刻,我就急切的想把自己所学的都教授给他们。 当然,我的专业是英语,我教给他们英语。同时,我也用我仅有的课外知识,教给他们一些常识,即为视野课。因为有去年的支教经验,我带了很多资料给他们。我清楚的知道他们的英语学习并不是那么好。没有好的师资力量,没有好的办学条件,我也知道十

3、天的时间也改变不了什么,但我仍然在用心的教。经过十天的英语教学,我发现孩子们的英语在不断地提高,这也让我感觉我这十天的努力并没有白费,我自己的英文水平也随着教学在渐渐提高。我的内心也变得强大了起来。我喜欢我的孩子们,尽管他们有的时候很淘气。我的队友们也特别喜欢这些孩子。大家都在用自己的实际行动在传递着爱心。也许教学很难开展,也许孩子们很淘气,也许我们交流很难,但我们帮助了他们。我们都做好了自己应该做的,很充实。 我们十天的教学之余,还给学生们教了很多其他的东西。比如体育课上的军体拳,音乐课上的舞蹈,歌曲,还进行了一次乙肝知识宣传。这些东西丰富了孩子们的业余生活,也让我们的支教活动变得更加有意义

4、。在操场上,看着那些孩子用心的学习军体拳,真的很欣慰。要知道那些孩子们在课堂上永远的都是淘气捣乱的。练习舞蹈的孩子们更是认真,甚至有些孩子在放学之后也不肯回家,留在学校继续学习。我们所在的村子很注重文艺,去年我们成功的举办了一次支教汇演,得到了村民们的一致好评。今年我们也不甘示弱,又举办了一次晚会,也受到了大家的欢迎。作为组织者的我们,用自己的爱心将支教推向了最高潮。一首歌唱出了我们的心,一支舞跳出了我们的活力,一首诗将我们对北城的爱展现在了大家的面前。我喜欢这里,我们做到了我们本来想做的。这就是支教吧! 或许我应该说一下我们的生活了。今年的条件明显比去年要好很多。因为去年是第一次,很多东西都

5、是我们到了之后才慢慢准备的。今年校长和学校的老师将所有的必需品都准备好了,看到这些我真的很感动。校长还专门找人为我们做上热腾腾的饭,吃到嘴里的都是感动。偶尔,我们也会自己做些吃的,满足大家想做饭的愿望。当然,作为东北人的我也毫不含糊做了很多好吃的给了大家。其中还发生了很多好玩的事情。去年就很开心的自己做饭,今年我们还包了一次饺子。事实上,让这些90后去做饭,很难得。总之,支教的生活真的很愉快。 接下来那就是家访了。我们的家访都开展的很顺利,我们花费了两个晚上的时间做了一些家访。我们了解了些孩子们在家的情况,以及家里对孩子学习的态度。大部分家长很关心孩子的学习,并适当给予孩子们关心。从家访中我了

6、解到有些孩子在学校很淘气,但回到家里却很孝敬长辈。其实孩子们毕竟还是小,有时候不懂事很正常,只要正确的引导就能够成才。途中我们还看了家长忙碌摘枸杞的场景,感受到作为农民的那份辛苦。也想到了自己的父母,虽然没有那么辛苦的耕作,但依然用自己的双手在供我们上学。我们更应该好好学习,去报答自己的父母。 还有一个话题我想我应该提一下,那就是团结。十天的支教生活让我深深的体会到了这个词语所蕴含的意义。其实无论在哪里,在什么情况下,团结都是最重要的。我们每晚开会到深夜,每天互相帮助着上课,只要有一个人没在,大家都会很着急。我们体验了一起包饺子的快乐,体验了大家一起跳舞的美好,体验了大家一起守夜的恬静。这些都

7、是我们拥有的美好回忆。即使我们现在已经恢复到了自己本来的生活后,我们还依然保持着联系。因为我们是一个集体。 本来很想再介绍一下我的队友们,但这些是我们是无法用语言去描述的。我只想说他们都很棒。十天支教以前,我们是陌生人;十天以后,我们是可以同吃一锅饭的好朋友。这就是支教,给了我们一个认识彼此的平台。我很珍惜这份缘。一年以后,我就毕业了,怀揣着心中的梦想,去更为广阔的地方,以后可能再也没有这样的机会去参加这样的实践活动,也没有机会遇到像我的队友们那样的人了,我会很怀念这样的生活。亲爱的的队友们,我会记得的。 志愿者,是不求任何汇报的人。而现在我明白了志愿活动不仅仅是个人的一次性行为。它对每个人来

8、说都应该是终身的行为。我们当中的很多人都曾经对那些需要帮助的人提供过帮助,我们的努力都得到了认可。无论我们是帮助孩子们学习,还是在孤儿院照顾孤儿,或者是在世博会做志愿服务,我们不仅是为了这个社会的和谐,同时我们也提高了自己。我会永远记得那些可爱的脸,那些求知的眼神,那些我曾经经历过的生活,那些和我一起并肩作战的战友们,还有我对北城的爱。请记住我们的爱。北城,我永远的牵挂!Giving is Receiving Last summer, I volunteered to work as an English teacher in Beicheng Primary School Shuanglon

9、g village Jingyuan town. And this summer I went there again. The difference between these two trips is that I was one of the leaders. It was really a challenge for me to come across. Althrough I can help our teacher to manage the Student Union. I had to admit that at first I had little confident to

10、do good. But I succeeded. Im really happy to have this trip. Its my honor. I get a lot. When I met my partners for the first time, I didnt know what to say. Because they were almost freshmen and they were younger than me. After a while, I believed that we could have a good trip to the primary school

11、. Some boys were very shy, and girls were very good ( because I didnt know how to express my feeling ). And then, we started our way to our destination- Beicheng Primary School. At first, we went the wrong way in Lanzhou. It was our fault. We spent almost 2 hours going to the station. After 4 hours

12、trip, we arrived at our destination. For we two leaders, it was the place we missed for a long time. But for these guys, it was new for them. It was a new beginning for everyone. I enjoyed all there. I like the fresh air, the beautiful stars and the lovely people. We started our ten days teaching. S

13、ome children there knew that we had come, they took some plums(李子) to us. I was moved. I made up my mind to teach these lovely children as much as possible. Of course, my major is English, so I teached them English. I knew clearly that their English was not very good. It was difficult for me to teac

14、h them. But I wanted to teach these lovely children. I belived I can. And after ten days teaching, my English was improved. I was able to teach it althrough was not very professional. Inside myself a heart is growing, a heart that not only beats for myself, but cares for others as well. I liked my s

15、tudents, they were really good. Althrough sometimes they were very naughty. I knew my partners love these children too. I have some words for my students. I knew they had enjoyed themselves during the ten days teaching. Maybe students of low grades seemed to be naughty, maybe my partners felt very d

16、ifficult to deal with them. But after our teaching, they seemed to be a little sensible. We were happy to see their changes. We were proud of the childrens achievement. The day before we left, we had a performance to everyone.Also, some of the students performed their programme. Such as Count the Du

17、ck by Grade 1 , Mothers Kiss by Grade 3, andPara Para Sakura by Grade 6, etc. They were excellent actors. We young teachers acted also. We sang for them, danced for them, and elocnted for them. I was really an excellent performance. We enjoyed ourselves. I want to say something about our ten-days li

18、fe. We came therewith the welcome of the headmaster. The headmasters wife cooked for us. It was really unforgetable. after then, we cooked by ourselves. One of my partners, Zhang Guangwen, cooked good. We all like his cooking. And another partner, Zheng Kaizhou, seemed to be not very nice. But we st

19、ill happy that day. Two days before we left, we wrapped dumplings. Proudly to say, my dumplings were perfect.And our partner Huang Yans dumpling were very beautiful. We enjoyed ourselves. Before our wrapping, I wanted to say our cook Zhang Guangwen prepared for the dumpling wrappers. It was really a

20、 hard work. It took him all noon to prepare for it. That day we ate a lot, it was really delicious. I still remembered the shape of these dumplings, it was very interesting. Actually, it was really difficult for these young guys to cook. You know, I know. Another thing Id like to say is unity. I loo

21、ked up the dictionary, its defination likes that the state of being in agreement and working together, the state of being joined together to form one unit. But it seemed to be difficult for us to comprehend. Ten-days work helped me to comprehend this word, and let me know the power of unity. We work

22、ed together, ate together, played together and sang together. How great the trip is! I still remembered the day we went to the Yellow River, our sincere smile, our photos, and our sweet memory. So great! Now, I want to introduce my partners. Zheng Kaizhou, another leader of this group. Last time we

23、had worked together. After one years learning, Id to say that he has grown up. He is a good leader. Huang Yan, my roommate, she is a kind girl(I dont know how to express again), but shes little cowardice. We are now good friends. Li Yuanyuan, the first thing I want to say is her sweet songs. Its so

24、fantastic. And her dancing is also excellent. Shes brim with talent. Yao Meng, one of my roommates. Her major is english too and we are junior. She likes sleeping, but her class is lively. She rehearsed the drama Snow White is very interesting. Ren Yuan, a very interasting girl.We had done home visi

25、t together. We met snake together, we almost cried. It was really unforgetable. Yuan Rui, a girl with smile. My students described her as a gentle girl. Shes also a sensitive girl. Maybe she is not outstanding, but she is excellent enough to be outstanding. Chen Hairong, he has another nameDoudou, a

26、 shy boy. We always make fun on him. He is the chief of children. Many students like him. Lu Weilin, another shy boy, my students said that Mr. Lu was gentle and soft. Wed to say his Martial Art is excellent, and his hand writing is pretty good. Duan Xiaofeng, I had to say he is another shy boy. He

27、is the tallest among these five boys.He is the emcee of the performance. Zhang Guangwen, I had mentioned before, his cooking is excellent, he is also a boy with strong responsibility. These ten guys are my partners, we are a group. We are a unit.Ten days ago, we almost strangers. But now, we are sin

28、cere friends.I enjoyed all we had experienced together. Volunteer- a person who does a job without being paid for( from dictionary ). Now, I realize that volunteering is not just a one-time personal experience. It should be a lifetime activity of everybody. Many of us are now offering our assistance

29、 to the needy and to each other. Our efforts have indeed made a difference. Whether we are helping children with their schooling, or caring for the elderly in nursing homes, and help out in important events, we will not only contribute to the harmony of the world but also elevate ourselves as well. Ill remember the lovely face, the life I had experienced, the people I had worked with, and my feeling in Beicheng. Remember we are volunteer. 支教队员:* 20*年*月

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