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1、11年阅读和仔细阅读材料XIUDINGPart Reading (Reading in Depth)Section APassage 1The world will miss its agreed target to stem biodiversity loss by next year, according to experts gathering in Cape Town for a landmark conference devoted to biodiversity science.The goal was agreed at the 6th Conference of Parties

2、 to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity in April 2003. Some 123 world ministers _1_ to “achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction of the current rate of biodiversity loss at the local, national and regional levels, as a _2_ to poverty alleviation and to the benefit of all life on Earth.”“We wi

3、ll _3_ miss the target for reducing the rate of biodiversity loss by 2010, and therefore also miss the 2015 environmental targets with the UN Millennium Development Goals to _4_ health and livelihoods for the worlds poorest and most _5_ people,” says Georgina Mace of Imperial College, London, and Vi

4、ce- Chair of the international DIVERSITAS program.“It is hard to image a more important _6_ than protecting the ecosystem services underpinned by biodiversity,” says Mace. “Biodiversity is _7_ to humans having food, fuel, clean water and a habitable climate.”“Yet changes to ecosystems and losses of

5、biodiversity have continued to _8_. Since 1992, even the most conservative estimates agree that an area of tropical rainforest greater than the size of California has been _9_ mostly for food and fuel. Species _10_ rates are at least 100 times those in pre-human times and are expected to continue to

6、 increase.”A. applied B. priority C. fundamental D. committed E important F. converted G. accelerate H. improve I. contribution J. made K response L. certainly M. extinction N. accordingly O. vulnerablePassage 2Future automobiles will take many forms, with electricity and alternative fuels certain t

7、o play an _1_ role. Toyota has made many advances to improve fuel economy, creating breakthrough _2_ used in many current models, and in coming tomorrows. At the core of its efforts is the Toyota hybrid system, which_3_ fuel efficiency, and performance in a wide range of vehicles today. Toyota engin

8、eers are developing the technologies that will continue to advance fuel economy, reduce emissions and lessen the environmental _4_ of transportation, all while delivering the comfort, convenience and performance that drivers demand.Toyota_5_ the automobile industry in 1997 when it introduced the wor

9、lds first mass-produced gasoline-electric hybrid vehicle-the Prius. Since the _6_ of the Prius, engineers have been building on the proven hybrid technology and have now developed a plug-in hybrid vehicle (PHV). Using existing battery technology, a PHV can _7_ improve fuel economy and can be easily

10、recharged, without requiring infrastructure changes or special equipment.Toyota believed that to make a true impact on the environment, the solution needed to be both affordable and _8_. This principle guided Prius development. The Prius has always been a fully hybrid, with the ability to run on the

11、 motor alone, or on a _9_ of the motor and the engine. So far Toyota hybrid have made a _10_ impact on the way cars are designed and the expectations drivers have in the 21st century.A. combination B. tremendous C. dramatically D. introduction E. involved F. available G. impact H. increasing I. tech

12、nology J. improves K. automatically L. conclusion M. factor N. practical O. revolutionizedPassage 3Lets face it: Spending hours in crowded lecture halls and commuting to a college campus just arent options for most working women. But that doesnt mean you have to _1_ your dream of getting a degree. S

13、ign up for online classes and you can complete your course work at your _2_ and at your own pace- all while keeping your days job.Demand for this appealing _3_ has exploded: Of the more than 3 million Americans over 35 who are _4_ in degree-granting schools, nearly a third do some of the work off ca

14、mpus. In response, colleges and universities have begun offering an ever-wider _5_ of online curricula and courses. You can earn degrees as _6_ as an associates in healthcare administration, a bachelors in medieval philosophy, or a masters in public policy, largely from the comfort of your living ro

15、om. _7_, even fields that require on-site training-such as nursing, _8_ therapy, and teaching- allow you to do most of the work online.Among online educations biggest_9_ is Robert Franek, vice president of publishing for the Princeton Review college and grad school guides. “Its no longer a class of

16、15 students sitting around one faculty member,” he says. “Think of the diversity of ideas, backgrounds, and ages you get. That really _ to the depth of learning!”A. alternative B. reinforces C. physical D. involved E. diverse F. abandon G. enrolled H. obviously I. accomplish J. increasingly K. conve

17、nience L. important M. supporters N. array O. addsPassage4The workplace-research group Catalyst studied 353 Fortune 500 companies and found that those with the most women in senior management had a higher _1_ on equities-by more than a third.Are the women themselves making the difference? Or are the

18、se smart firms that make smart moves, like promoting women? There is growing _2_ that in todays marketplace the female management style is not only distinctly different but also_3_. Studies from Cambridge University and University of Pittsburgh suggest that women manage more cautiously than men do.

19、They _4_ on the long term. Men thrive on risk, especially when surrounded by other men. Wouldnt the economic crisis have unfolded a bit _5_ if Lehman Brothers had had a few more women on board?Women are also less _6_, in a way. Theyre consensus builders, conciliators and collaborators, and they _7_

20、what is called a transformational leadership style-heavily engaged, motivational, _8_ well suited for the emerging( 新兴的) , less hierarchical workplace. Indeed, when the Chartered Management Institute in the U.K. looked ahead to 2018, it saw a work world that will be more fluid and more virtual, wher

21、e the _9_ for female management skills will be stronger than ever. Women, CMI _10_, will move rapidly up the chain of command, and their emotional-intelligence skills may become ever more essential.A. recommend B. differently C. essential D. initiative E. focus F. employ G. occasionally H. evidence

22、I. demand J. extremely K. predicts L. return M. competitive N. emphasize O. concludesPassage5If an animal is moved from its home in the tropics to a cold climate, it will die if it is not kept warm. And animals _1_ to cold climates will die if they are moved to the tropics. Many plants, too, will di

23、e if they are removed from the place where they _2_ grow and are transplanted into an unfamiliar soil .Almost every species is adapted to life in a particular place by its organs and their functions and by _3_ habits .The specialized adaptation has great advantages, for it _4_ many organisms to surv

24、ive under different conditions. It also has disadvantages, for it means that the life if most species is controlled by _5_ conditions.Living things are not _6_ over the earth freely, most species have definite habits for living places .Ecology is the study of how organisms live in their environment

25、.This means finding out how an organism survives and _7_ in species and other species, plant or animal. Most living things are _8_ to their environment .Some can _9_ certain features of their environment to suit themselves, a braver, for example, can make ponds by building dams, many birds and insec

26、ts can build elaborate nests to provide _10_their young. But these skills are restricted and highly specialized .Most organisms must adapt their bodies to fit on with their surroundings, and since they can adapt only for particular surroundings, they are found only in places where they can live succ

27、essful with the least effort.A normally B shelter C assigned D accustomed E scattered F abundant G surely H alter I reproduces J permanent K slaves L approach M enables N alternative O local Passage 6 Health information and communications technologies (HIT) will play a viatal role in the creation of

28、 a 21st century health care system that is safe ,effective , patient-centric and fair .For doctors ,HIT brings the promise of advanced knowledge at the point of care .For patinets ,HIT _1_ their passove role into one of collaboration and partnership with their health care team .While the _2_ of tech

29、nology into health care has been slower than hoped for ,the transition is well under way in health care systems around the country , For example :Electronix health records (EHRS) are _3_ paper records .while many still experence the frustration of a paperdriven system that is only slightly more _4_

30、than black-and-white trruns of Marcus Welby ,M.D., EHRs give leading health care providers a complete and _5_ medical history as well as links to practice guidelines and best practices .Doctors can _6_ a wide range of tools that support prevention ,care management and compiance with protocols.Electr

31、onic Prescribing (eprescribing )_7_ cuts down the errors that can arise in the chain from doctor to pharmacy to patient . Its not just about sending a prescription electronically to ensure legibility .A good ePrescribing system automatically flags potentially harmful drug interactions and checks a h

32、ealth plans reimbursement schedule to _8_ costs for patients .Personal Health Records (PHRs) are patient-owned and controlled eletronic health records that allow people to store access and coordinate their complete health history and make appropriate parts _9_ to those who need it .The key here is that individuals are in _10_ of their own information .A s

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