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1、最新中考英语专题形容词和副词中考英语-专题-形容词和副词1. This kind of T-shirt looks _ and sells _ in the market. A. nice; good B. well; well C. nice; well D. good; nice2. Sometimes it often rains _ in my hometown. A.hard B.hardly C.heavily D.strongly3. If overweight people eat less and take more exercise, they will soon feel

2、 much _. A. fatter B. older C. bigger D.healthier 4. Emma looked after her pet dog _ of all her friends. A. careful B. most careful C. more careful D. the most careful 【知识点精讲】1、形容词的用法及位置 1. 作定语,放在名词之前 She is a pretty girl. 2. 作表语,放在系动词之后 The girl is polite. The cake tastes delicious. 3. 作宾补,放在宾语之后 Y

3、ou must keep the windows open.Dont make your mother angry.They found the door of the room closed.2、副词的用法及位置 1. 副词修饰动词时,放在系动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前 He is always ready to help others. I have already finished my homework. She was so moved that she could hardly say a word. She never stops talking. 2. 副词修饰形容

4、词和副词时,放在被修饰词之前 Your voice sounds rather strange today. The computer works much faster than before. 3. 副词修饰句子时,常放在句首 Luckily, he was not badly hurt.三、形容词和副词的比较级1. 比较等级的构成方法 【1】规则变化记忆口诀 比较等级要变化,一般词尾加er; tall - taller - tallest 词尾若有哑音e,直接加r就可以; nice - nicer - nicest 辅音加y结尾时,变y为i加er; heavy - heavier - h

5、eaviest 词尾若是辅元辅,双写末辅加er; thin - thinner - thinnest 单词若是多音节,其前加 more就可以。 delicious - more delicious - most delicious 【2】不规则变化原 级比较级最高级good / wellbetterbestbad /badly/ illworseworstmany / muchmoremostlittlelessleastfarfarther / furtherfarthest / furthestold older /elderoldest /eldest2. 形容词和副词比较级的用法【1】

6、两者相比较时用形容词或副词的比较级,其结构为“比较级+than”,than后加名词或代词宾格或主谓结构。 I am more outgoing than my sister. (名词) I am more outgoing than my sister is.(主谓结构) He runs faster than her.(代词宾格) He runs faster than she does.(主谓结构)【2】形容词比较级和副词比较级的选择:形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词。 Lily is more clever than Lucy,but Lucy studies harder than Lil

7、y.【3】在两者之间做选择,表示“哪一个更”时,用句型“which/who /what be + 比较级,A or B ?” Which sweater is cheaper, the red one or the yellow one? 【4】两者作比较时,用“the +比较级 + of the two” This bike is the better of the two. This girl is the kinder of the two girls. Lucy is the taller of the twins. 【5】表示“越来越”时,用“比较级+and+比较级”或“more a

8、nd more +原级”。 If you eat too much meat, you will become fatter and fatter. We should make our country more and more beautiful. 【6】表示“越,就越”时,用“the +比较级,the+比较级” The more you eat ,the fatter you will become. The more,the better. 【7】同一类人或物在某一范围内进行比较时,常用“比较级+any other+名词单数”,表示“比任意一 个都”或者用“比较级+the other+

9、名词复数”,表示“比其他都” I think Beijing is more beautiful than any other city in China. I think Beijing is more beautiful than the other cities in China. 【8】表示“比大(长、多、宽)几倍”,“重几斤,高几厘米,大几岁”等,都用比较级。 Our classroom is twice larger than yours. Tom is six years older than you.【9】“原级比较”用“as as”表示“和一样”,用“not so/as as

10、”表示“不及”。 “more +形容词”与“less+形容词”和“not so/as as”可互换。 English is as important as Chinese . Chinese is more important than English. =English is less important than Chinese . =English is not so/as important as Chinese .3. 易错点【1】比较级的替代词:使用比较级时,前后两个比较项要保持一致,若前一个比较项是可数名词单数,则后一个比较项要用the one来替代;若前一个比较项是不可数名词,

11、则后一个比较项要用that来替代;若前一个比较项是可数名词复数,则后一个比较项要用those来替代。 The hat on the shelf is not so expensive than the one on the table. The weather in Nanjing is warmer than that in Beijing in winter. The students of Class One study harder than those of Class Two.【2】避免重复使用比较级。 He is more cleverer than his brother. (

12、错) He is cleverer than his brother . (对) 【3】同一范围和不同范围作比较 同一范围 China is larger than any other country in Asia. China is larger than the other countries in Asia. 不同范围 China is larger than any country in Africa.【4】比较级的否定句实际表示肯定意义。 I couldnt agree with you more. 【5】“a+比较级”表示最高级的意义。 I have never seen a m

13、ore beautiful girl (than her). =She is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.【6】倍数表达法: (1) A is 倍数 as +原级+ as B Asia is four times as large as Europe. (2) A is 倍数 + 比较级 +than + B Asia is three times larger than Europe. (3) A is 倍数 + 名词 + of B 常见名词:the size/weight/height/width/length The tabl

14、e is twice the length of the desk. (4) A is 倍数 + what从句 The production is now three times what it was three years ago. 四、形容词和副词最高级的用法【1】三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用“最高级 + 介词 in/ of/ among”来表示范围。 He is the strongest of all the boys. Li Hua is the cleverest student in our class. 【2】三者作比较时,用“最高级, A, B or C ?” Wh

15、ich is the biggest, the earth ,the moon or the sun?【3】表示“最的之一”时,用“one of the + 最高级 + 名词复数”。 Tiananmen square is one of the largest squares in the world. 【4】表示“第几最”时,用“the+序数词+最高级+名词单数”。 The Yellow River is the second largest river in China. 【5】在句型“Ive ever seen /heard ”句型中,一般用最高级形式。 She is the most

16、beautiful girl Ive ever seen. It is the most interesting story Ive ever heard.【6】形容词最高级前通常加the, 如果最高级前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格等修饰时,则不用the;副词最高级前,the可有可无。 My oldest daughter is 16 years old. 我最大的女儿今年16岁。 Yesterday was her happiest day in her life. 昨天是她一生中最幸福的一天。 He studies (the) hardest in our class.【7】形容词最高级

17、前若有不定冠词a时,不表示比较,而表示“非常”的意思。 Spring is a best season. 春天是一个非常好的季节。五、形容词和副词各等级前的修饰词【1】原级前:very(非常), quite(十分), rather(相当), so(如此), too(太), much too(太), enough(足够地),really(的确), pretty(很,非常)等。 My mother is very busy everyday. The problem is quite difficult. It is rather/really/ pretty foggy today. We we

18、re so excited that we sang and danced all night. He spoke ( much) too fast. I couldn t catch him. The boy is brave enough to finish the task. 【2】比较级前:much(得多), even(更、还要), still(要、还要), far(远为,得多), any(更), a little(稍微), a lot(得多), a bit(一点), three years (三岁),twice(两倍),a great deal(得多)等,这些词常用来表示比较级的程度

19、,表示强调。 He plays the piano much better than me. I am not feeling any better. I feel even worse. The gloves are a little bigger for me. Travelling by train is far more enjoyable than travelling by air. My sister is three years older than me. This room is three times bigger than that one.【3】最高级前:by far

20、(到目前为止), nearly(将近),almost(几乎),形容词性物主代词,名词所有格,序数词等。 This is by far the best book that I have read. He runs nearly fastest among the students. Mr. Chens oral English is almost the best. 【典型例题及相似题练习】1. The prices of the houses at the moment are still very _ . A. high B. expensive C. higher D. more exp

21、ensive2. -Why do people there _ use umbrella in the sun? -Because they would rather enjoy the sunshine. A. hardly B. usually C. always D. often3. -How are you getting along with your English study? -Much better. I dont feel it was as _ as before. A. easy B. difficult C. much D. interesting4. Ma Yun,

22、 head of Alibaba, is one of _ person in the world. A. rich B. richer C. richest D.the richest【课堂综合练习】1. The more careful you are, the _mistakes you will make. Afew Bfewer Cfewest D. more few2. Its summer now. The weather is getting _ . Ahigher and higher Blower and lower Chotter and hotter Dcolder a

23、nd colder3. The seats in the middle of the cinema are _of all. A. better B. Good C. the best D. well4. Xian is one of _capital _in China. A. older, city B. the older, city C. oldest, cities D. the oldest, cities5. Bob often says that swimming is _than hiking in reducing weight, but he always spends

24、more time on swimming. A. less useful B. more useful C. more interesting D. less interesting 6. Young boys really grow fast. Both of my suns are already_than I am Ashorter BSmaller Ccleverer Dtaller7. Did Kate do best in the final exam? No, but of all the students she did _. Athe most careful Bmore

25、careful Cmost carefully Dmore carefully8Some studies have shown that students who eat good breakfast stay _and do _ than those who dont. A. thin, well B. thinner, better C. the thinnest, the best D.thinnest, best9. Can a dog run _a horse? A. so fast as B. as fast as C. as faster as faster than1

26、0. Li Hua studies English very _and her English is _in her class Acareful ,good Bcarefully, wellCcareful, best D.carefully, the best【课后限时作业】1. In our city ,it is hot in July, but its even _in August. A. hot B. hottest C. hoter D. hotter 2. -Wait until we get a satisfactory reply, will you? -I couldn

27、t agree _.The idea is great to me. A. much B. more C. Worse D. at all 3.The_you study, the _youll be in it. A. hard; interested B. harder; interesting C. harder; more interested D. hardest; more interested4.The patient isnt out of danger. He is _ than he was yesterday. better B. worst C. not wo

28、rse D. not more 5. Li Fang studies much better than _ student in his class. A. any B. any other C. the other D. other 6. I dont think Chinese is _ English. A. as important as B. less important C. not so important 7. In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the fart

29、her we go, _. A.our holiday will be better B. our holiday will be better C. the better our holiday will be D. the better will our holiday be 8. -Are you satisfied with his answer? -Not at all. It couldnt have been_. A. any better B. worse C. as good D. bad 9. I jump higher than _in my class. A.any o

30、ther boys B. the other boys C. any boy D. another boy10.Which is the _season of the year? Winter. A.cold B.coldest C. colder D. more colder11. Which subject is _, physics or chemistry? Ainteresting Bmore interesting Cmost interesting Dthe most interesting12.Im getting fatter and fatter. What should I do, doctor? Youd better eat _meat and take_exercise. Aless; less Bmore; more Cm

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