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环境与人类健康 Environment and Human Health 英语作文.docx

1、环境与人类健康 Environment and Human Health 英语作文Environment and Human HealthEnvironment and Human Health Essay: Environment comprises of some major elements and a thousand minuscule elements that contribute to nature in some or other way. Environment goes far beyond the normal perception of nature and ther

2、e are many facts which are yet unknown about it. We have presented long and short essay samples to provide a proper idea about the environment and how it affects human health in various ways. Along with this, we will also provide ten pointers on the theme that will work as guidance for framing the e

3、ssay.Long and Short Essays on Environment and Human Health Essay We are providing a long essay of 400-500 words and a short essay of 100 to 200 words on Environment and human health essayLong Essay on Environment and Human Health 500 words in English Environment and Human Health Essay will be helpfu

4、l for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. For some people environment generally means nature. The environment is the surroundings in which a living being takes birth and evolves according to changes that happen from time to time. It is said that the environmental challenges, changes, and makes huma

5、n beings adapt to the state of the environment they live in. Thus, Environment visibly affects the humans living on it in many direct or indirect ways. The life on earth is interconnected in a way that proves that whatever we give in to the earth never simply disappears. Contaminants reach the human

6、s in the form of the food they eat, the air they inhale, and the water that they drink. In some or the other way, everything is connected. The most vulnerable to the harm of the environment are the children and the old age people as their immunity is in question for many reasons. The Food that we ea

7、t is not free of pesticides or chemicals as well. When the food is produced many chemicals are used for ensuring the proper growth of food and due to this, the modern additions damage the quality of the soil of the farmland. Moreover, they also degrade the quality of pollinators that help the food g

8、row naturally. They can cause many diseases like cancer and antibiotic resistance in the people who eat them. Maintaining the quality of water is important as well because only 2.5% of the total water on earth is drinkable. No matter how many clean water safety acts we put out, sometimes it will alw

9、ays slip through. Many plants rooted in water safety are under threat. We have made rivers and oceans into our dumping areas which at last dents a hole in our hygiene only. Air pollution is not any less dangerous to humans. It is already seen that outdoor air pollution is attracted to more than 1 mi

10、llion deaths and countless illnesses each year. The toxins transmitted from motor vehicles and industrial emissions dangerously impact human health as they contain pollutants like mercury and Sulphur dioxide. Illnesses like lung cancer, heart diseases, and asthma are results of unhealthy levels of p

11、ollution around the world. Rising global temperatures also play an active part in this. Indoor air can be dangerous as well as they also have chemicals present due to different reasons. Governments have tried to give solutions in the form of agreements and acts to commence a “greener approach” in in

12、dustries and businesses. However, governments are unable to maintain biodiversity as the world continues to lose species. Thus, Challenges keep on coming along with new improvements that are decided to give way to a healthier earth. What we can do to solve this? Each person would have to take indivi

13、dual responsibility in this mission. You can reduce your exposure to toxic environments by taking organic food and getting your water tested for metals or chemicals. The earth can do its part of healing you but the best way to deal with it is to take precautionary measures by avoiding a toxic lifest

14、yle, both mentally and physically.Short Essay on Environment and Human Health Essay 200 words in English Environment and Human Health Essay is useful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. The Environment consists of many facets, both known and unknown. The same is the case with the humans th

15、at reside on it. The environment causes many hazards that are harmful to humans in a long-lasting way. They are all caused in the form of the food they eat, the air they inhale, and the water that they drink. All organisms depend on necessities like food water and air to survive. But when these nece

16、ssities turn out to be polluted to a dangerous extent, there is a huge problem. The microscopic pollutants in the air can easily slip through our defenses and cause endangering respiratory diseases. Water pollution is the main problem and our body immediately reacts to it. The diseases caused by wat

17、er cause deaths of 3,575,000 deaths per year globally! Food pollution is no less dangerous as they can cause hormonal or metabolic problems to us and can trigger many forms of diseases. Thus, Earth does let us live on it, but it is solely our responsibility to keep it and ourselves healthy and in th

18、e best condition.10 Lines on Environment and Human Health Essay in EnglishThe environment can be simply called the nature that accommodates for us to live in. Environment and humans lives are interconnected, so nothing goes to waste. Whatever is given in to the earth, is returned. But various hazard

19、s are caused by the pollution of the earths basic resources. The air is polluted due to the toxins of motor vehicles and industrial emission. The food is polluted due to the different chemicals used in its production and it alters its natural healthiness. The water which is already in the scarce ent

20、ity is used in many polluting ways and by dumping our waste in it, we make it undrinkable. The Illnesses that arise due to these polluted resources are no ones fault, but ours. The government takes many steps to solve the situations in the form of cleaning the resources or lessening pollution. But,

21、If we do not stay alert about the same and do not put effort, there would be no change in these bad times. FAQs on Environment and Human Health Essay Question 1. Which are the organizations that work for human health at a global level? Answer: United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Wide

22、Fund for Nature, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), World Meteorological Organization, Greenpeace, Earth Day, and Green Panther are some of the organizations aiding in human health. Question 2. Which health hazard causes the most deaths globally? Answer: Air pollution causes the m

23、ost amount of deaths according to the UN. Question 3. Which tests are used to understand the water quality? Answer: Tests like temperature testing, salinity testing, Ph testing, and many more are used to determine water quality. Question 4. What does environmental health science mean? Answer: Environmental health science is the study of processes of the environment and how they affect life on earth.

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