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1、过关卷答案初二(上)Unit 1 过关卷一、 翻译短语。做作业 do homework 看电视 watch TV 给写信 write a letter to 等车 wait for the bus 为而感谢 thanks for 在游泳池游泳 swim at the swimming 打电话 talk on the phone 谈论某事 talk about sth 在第二张照片中 in the second photo 看报纸 read a newspaper 与谈话 talk with 看电影 see the movies 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、Its 6:30 now. The

2、 Greens are having dinner.( have )2、Look! The Children are running . ( run )3、Jim likes to listen to music. He often listens to music. He is listening to pop music now. ( listen )4、My father goes to work by car every day. ( go )5、- Are the girls talking about the new TV show now? - Yes, they are. (

3、talk )6、Mike likes to playing soccer. He often plays soccer after school. Look! He is playing with his friends on the playground now. ( play )7、Nancy likes drawing . Look! She is drawing pictures now. ( draw )8、- What is she doing now. ( do ) - She is making a cake. ( make )9、Linda gets up at 6:00 e

4、very day. She is getting up now. ( get ) 10、I am writing to my pen pal in China now. ( write )三、翻译句子。1、-他正在做什么? -他正在看电视。 Whats he doing now ? He is watching TV. 2、-他们正在做什么? -他们正在做作业。 Whatre they doing ?They aer doing homework. 3、-你爸爸在哪儿? -他在车站等车。 Where is your father ? He is waiting for the bus at t

5、he bus stop . 4、那些孩子们正在谈论那部新恐怖电影。 These children are talking about the new thriller . 5、看!学生们正在学校打篮球。 Look! The students are playing basketball at school. 6、我奶奶正在和我妈妈聊天。 My grandmother is talking to my mother. 7、-你女儿正在做什么? -她正在打电话。 Whats your daughter doing ? She is talking on the phone . 8、-你正在打扫教室

6、吗? -是的。 Are you cleaning the classroom ? Yes ,I am . 9、-人们经常在哪儿看书? 在图书馆。 Where do people often read books ? In the library . 10、在第三张照片中,他们正在游泳池游泳。 In the third photo ,they are swimming at the swimming pool . 11、萨姆正在一家餐馆吃面条。 Sam is eating noodles in the restaurant . 12、她妹妹正在给她的笔友写信。 Her sister is wri

7、ting a letter to her pen pal now . 13、露西经常6:00起床。她现在正在起床。 Lucy often gets up at 6:00. She is getting up now . 14、他喜欢散步。他现在正在公园散步。 He likes walking . He is walking in the park now . 15、看!我正在和我的朋友一起踢足球。 Look ! Iam playing soccer with my friends now . 16、他妈妈没在看书。她正在看电视。 His mother isnt reading books no

8、w . She is watching TV now . 17、-他正在唱歌还是正在跳舞? -他正在跳舞。 Is he singing or dancing now ? He is dancing now . 18、-今晚你想去看电影吗? -当然。 Do you want to go to the mouies tonight ? Sure . 19、格林一家现在正在吃晚饭。 The Greens are eating dinner now . 20、我爸爸每天坐车去上班。 My father goes to work by bus every day . 21、我爸爸喜欢锻炼。他每天晚饭后锻

9、炼。看!他现在正在锻炼。My grandfather likes doing .He does sports after dinner every day . Look ! He is doing sports now . 初二(上)Unit 2 过关卷1.还行,不错 not bad 2.相当好pretty good 3.在度假 on vacation4.一群女孩a group of girls 5.在这么热的天气in this heat 6.戴着围巾 wear a scarf 或 wear scarfs7.看上去高兴 look happy 8.环游世界around the world 9.照

10、相 take a photo 或 take photos 10.玩得高兴have a good time 或have fun 或enjoy oneself 或have a great time 11.躺在沙滩上 lie on the beach 12.像往常一样 as usual 13.听起来可怕 sound terrible14.打沙滩排球play beach volleyball 15.上海的天气the weather in Shanghai 16.没有什么事 nothing much 17.玩电脑游戏 play computer games 18.不同种类的天气different kin

11、ds of weather 19.举办生日聚会have a birthday party20.走遍中国around China 二、翻译句子。1.-天气怎么样?(两种) -在下雨。 Hows the weather ? 和Whats the weather like ?Its raining . 2.-波士顿的天气怎么样? -阳光灿烂。 Hows the weather in Boston ?Its sunny . 3.-萨拉姨妈在做什么? -她在做饭。 Whats Aunt Sarah doing ?Shes cooking . 4.-他们在做什么? -他们在学习汉语。 What are t

12、hey doing ?They are studying Chinese. 5.嗨!我是鲍勃。(打电话用语) Hi! This is Bob . 6.-情况怎么样? -相当好。 Hows it going ? Pretty good . 7.重庆春天的天气温暖而潮湿。 The weather is warm and humid in spring in Chongqing .或 Its warm and humid in spring in Chongqing . 8.法国的冬天多风而且寒冷。 The weather is windy and cold in winter in France

13、. 或Its windy and cold in winter in France 9.王磊正为中央电视台环球世界节目做报道。 Wang Lei is reporting for CCTVs Around The World show . 10.感谢你收看中央电视台的天气预报。(weather forecast) Thank you for joining CCTVs Weather Forecast . 11.有很多人正在莫斯科度假。 There are many people in Moscow on vacation . 12.一些人在照相,还有一些人正躺在沙滩上。 Some peopl

14、e are taking photos , others are lying on the beach 13.看!一群人在打沙滩排球。他们看上去很酷。 Look ! A group of people are playing beach volleyball . They look cool 14.我很惊奇他们能在这样热的天气中打排球。 Im surprised they can play volleyball in this heat . 15.萨姆很吃惊在多伦多见到我。(be surprised to do sth) Sam is surprised to meet /see me in

15、Toronto . 16.周末我们大家都很放松。 All of us are very relaxed on weekends 17.当下雪时,人们穿着外套,戴着围巾。 People wear coats and scarfs when it is snowing .18.聚会上每个人都玩得很开心。 Everyone is having a good time at the party .19.我没正在看电视。我正在看今天的报纸。 Im not watching TV, Im reading todays newspaper. Wheres your father ?Hes cooking d

16、inner for us 21.他喜欢游泳。他每天都游泳。他现在正在游泳池里游泳。 He likes swimming . He swims every day . Hes swimming at the pool right now . 22.今天阳光明媚但有点寒冷。 Today is sunny and a little cold .或 Its sunny and a little cold today . 23.我的家乡在海南,冬季天气不是太寒冷。 My hometown is in Hainan ,its not too cold in winter .24.他家每个人都喜欢听音乐。

17、Everyone in his family likes listening to music . 初二(上)Unit 3 过关卷一、翻译短语。1.有一点儿文静 a little bit quiet 2.中等身高 medium height 3.不再. no more not any more 4.中等体形 medium build 5.下棋 play chess 6.看起来像 look like 7.停止唱歌 stop singing 8.金黄色的卷发 curly blonde hair 9.一点儿牛奶 a little milk / a bit of milk 10.一个戴眼镜的男人 a

18、man with glasses 11.两只大大的蓝眼睛two big blue eyes 12.停下来接电话 stop to answer the phone 13.用英语讲故事tell a story in English 13.留着长胡子have a beard 14.开玩笑 tell jokes 15.的队长the captain of二、翻译句子。1.你知道我在四班有个好朋友吗? 1 Do you know I have a good friend in Class Four ? 2.-你的母亲长什么样? -她中等身材,留着短而直的头发。 What does your mother

19、look like ? -She is medium build and has short straight hair . 3.他的弟弟喜欢看书和观看电视上的足球赛。 His brother likes reading and watching soccer games on TV. 4.托尼是我们的足球队长,他的足球踢得相当好。 Tony is the captain of our soccer team , he plays soccer pretty well .5.那个女人中等个子,留着一头美丽的黑长发。 That woman is medium height with beauti

20、ful long black hair . 或 That woman is medium height and has beautiful long black hair .6.-他父亲胖吗? -不胖,但有点瘦。 Is his father heavy ? No, he isnt ,but he is a little bit thin . 7.你记得那个留长胡须、大眼睛的男人吗? Do you remember the man with a beard and big eyes ? 8.姚明是一个体格健壮的篮球运动员。 Yao Ming is a basketball player of s

21、trong build . 9.她留着长长的黑发看上去很酷。 She looks cool with the long black hair . 10.李丽总是起床很早,这学期她上学从来没迟到过。 Li Li always gets up early , she is never late for school this term . 11.那个戴着滑稽眼镜、留着长卷发的男士是谁? Who is than man with funny glasses and long curly hair ? 12.-他正在看什么? -他正在看黑板。 What is he doing ?-He is look

22、ing at the blackboard .13.你的笔友留着卷发还是直发? Does your pen pal have curly or straight hair ? 14.我表妹长大后想成为一名流行歌手。 My cousin wants to be a pop singer when she grows up . 15.她最喜欢的音乐家是约翰.杰克逊。他又瘦又高,留着短而卷曲的褐色头发。 Her favorite musician is John Jackson . He is thin and tall with short curly brown hair . 16.这座建筑物的

23、高度是多少? Whats the height of the building ? 17.吃太多垃圾食品对你的身体不好。你应该停止吃。 Eating too much junk food is bad for your health .You should stop eating it 18.杰克既不胖也不瘦,他喜欢运动。 Jack isnt heavy or thin , he likes sports 19.我认为人们不喜欢她的新形象。I dont think people like her new look .20.我父亲不喜欢流行音乐,但我妈妈喜欢。 My father doesnt

24、like pop music , but my mother does .21.哈利.波特在中学生中间很受欢迎。 Harry Potter is very popular with middle school students . 22.你离开学校时请记着关灯。 Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the classroom .23.他是新来这儿的。没人认识他。 He is new here . Nobody knows him .24.他累了,他想停下来好好休息一下。 He is tired ,he wants to stop to

25、have a good rest . 25.那个男孩子很滑稽,他经常给别人讲笑话。 That boy is very funny , he often tells jokes to others .初二(上)Unit 4 过关卷一、翻译短语。 1.网上冲浪 surf the Internet 2.多久一次how often 3.当然;自然of course 4.与.不同be different from 5.他的饮食习惯his eating habits 6.帮助我做作业help me (to )do my homework 7.学习得更好 study better 8.每年三四次three

26、or four times a year 9.照看他们 look after them 10.取得好成绩get good grades 11.对.有益be good for 12.放学回家come home from school 13.每周两次twice a week 13.和.一样be the same as 14.保持身体健康keep in good health 或 keep healthy 15.几乎没有、很少hardly ever 16.去玩滑板go skateboarding 17.设法做某事try to do sth二、翻译句子。-1.-你周末通常干什么? -我通常和我妈妈去购

27、物。 What do you usually do on weekends ?- I usually go shopping with my mother . 2.-你爸爸多久看一次电影? -他一月看一次。 How often does your father go to the movies ?He goes to the movies once a month . 3.-你最喜欢的电视节目是什么? -动物世界。 Whats your favorite TV program?Its Animal World . 4.大量的蔬菜有助于你保持身体健康。 A lot of vegetables h

28、elp you keep in good health 5.在周末他总是尽力帮妈妈干点家务。 He always tries to help his mother do the housework on weekends 6.-他多久看一次英语节目? -每周两次。 How often does he watch the English programs?-Twice a week . 7.因为他爸爸几乎不锻炼,所以他的身体看上去有点不健康。 His father hardly ever exercises ,so he looks a little unhealthy . 8.我奶奶要我每天喝

29、牛奶,她说对我的身体有好处。 My grandmother wants me to drink milk every day ,she says its good for my health . 9.他的生活方式和你的一样还是不一样? Is his lifestyle the same as yours or different ? 10.大多数学生每天做作业。没有学生一周做一两次作业。 Most students do homework every day ,no students do it once or twice a week 11.这儿有一中学生活动调查的结果。 Here are the results of the student activity survey at No.1 Middle School . 12.尽管他很年轻,但是他却对中国历史了解很多。 Although he is very young ,he knows a lot about Chinese history . 13.我喜欢吃垃圾食品,而我妈妈从不吃。 I like junk food ,but my mother never eats it 14.至于水果,我们每天尽量多吃点。 As for fruit

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