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1、奥巴马演讲原文2012 02 25Hello, everybody.In the State of the Union, I laid out three areas we need to focus on if were going to build an economy that lasts: new American manufacturing, new skills and education for American workers, and new sources of American-made energy.These days, were getting another pa

2、inful reminder why developing new energy is so important to our future. Just like they did last year, gas prices are starting to climb. Only this time, its happening earlier. And that hurts everyone everyone who owns a car; everyone who owns a business. It means you have to stretch your paycheck eve

3、n further. Some folks have no choice but to drive a long way to work, and high gas prices are like a tax straight out of their paychecks.Now, some politicians always see this as a political opportunity. And since its an election year, theyre already dusting off their three-point plans for $2 gas. Il

4、l save you the suspense: Step one is drill, step two is drill, and step three is keep drilling. We hear the same thing every year.Well the American people arent stupid. You know thats not a plan especially since were already drilling. Its a bumper sticker. Its not a strategy to solve our energy chal

5、lenge. Its a strategy to get politicians through an election.You know there are no quick fixes to this problem, and you know we cant just drill our way to lower gas prices. If were going to take control of our energy future and avoid these gas price spikes down the line, then we need a sustained, al

6、l-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, biofuels, and more. We need to keep developing the technology that allows us to use less oil in our cars and trucks; in our buildings and plants. Thats the strategy were pursuing, and that

7、s the only real solution to this challenge.Now, we absolutely need safe, responsible oil production here in America. Thats why under my Administration, America is producing more oil today than at any time in the last eight years. In 2010, our dependence on foreign oil was under 50% for the first tim

8、e in more than a decade. And while there are no short-term silver bullets when it comes to gas prices, Ive directed my administration to look for every single area where we can make an impact and help consumers in the months ahead, from permitting to delivery bottlenecks to whats going on in the oil

9、 markets.But over the long term, an all-of-the-above energy strategy means we have to do more. It means we have to make some choices.Heres one example. Right now, four billion of your tax dollars subsidize the oil industry every year. Four billion dollars.Imagine that. Maybe some of you are listenin

10、g to this in your car right now, pulling into a gas station to fill up. As you watch those numbers rise, know that oil company profits have never been higher. Yet somehow, Congress is still giving those same companies another four billion dollars of your money. Thats outrageous. Its inexcusable. And

11、 it has to stop.A century of subsidies to the oil companies is long enough. Its time to end taxpayer giveaways to an industry thats never been more profitable, and use that money to reduce our deficit and double-down on a clean energy industry thats never been more promising. Because of the investme

12、nts weve already made, the use of wind and solar energy in this country has nearly doubled and thousands of Americans have jobs because of it. And because we put in place the toughest fuel economy standards in history, our cars will average nearly 55 miles per gallon by the middle of the next decade

13、 something that, over time, will save the typical family more than $8,000 at the pump. Now Congress needs to keep that momentum going by renewing the clean energy tax credits that will lead to more jobs and less dependence on foreign oil.Look, we know theres no silver bullet that will bring down gas

14、 prices or reduce our dependence on foreign oil overnight. But what we can do is get our priorities straight, and make a sustained, serious effort to tackle this problem. Thats the commitment we need right now. And with your help, its a commitment we can make. Thank you.2012 02 18Hello, everybody.Im

15、 speaking to you this week from the Boeing Plant in Everett, Washington. Boeing has been in this community for half a century. But its what theyre doing here today that has folks really excited; because at this plant theyre building the plane of the future the Dreamliner. Its an impressive sight. An

16、d, to be honest, part of why I came was to see it up close. But I also came because this is a great example of how we can bring jobs and manufacturing back to America.You see, the last few decades havent been easy for manufacturing in this country. New technology has made businesses more efficient a

17、nd productive and thats good but its also made a lot of jobs obsolete. The result has been painful for a lot of families and communities. Factories where people thought theyd retire have left town. Jobs that provided a decent living have been shipped overseas. And the hard truth is that a lot of tho

18、se jobs arent coming back.But that doesnt mean we have to settle for a lesser future. I dont accept that idea. In America, theres always something we can do to create new jobs and new manufacturing and new security for the middle-class. In America, we dont give up, we get up.Right now, thats exactly

19、 what were doing. Over the past 23 months, businesses have created 3.7 million new jobs. And manufacturers are hiring for the first time since the 1990s. Its now getting more expensive to do business in places like China. Meanwhile, America is more productive than ever. And companies like Boeing are

20、 realizing that even when we cant make things cheaper than China, we can make things better. Thats how were going to compete globally.For Boeing, business right now is booming. Last year, orders for commercial aircraft rose by more than 50 percent. To meet that rising demand, theyve put thousands of

21、 folks to work all over the country. We want to see more of this. We need to make it as easy as we can for our companies to create more jobs in America, not overseas. And that starts with our tax code.No company should get a tax break for outsourcing jobs. Instead, tax breaks should go to manufactur

22、ers who set up shop here at home. Bigger tax breaks should go to high-tech manufacturers who create the jobs of the future. And if you relocate your company to a struggling community, you should get help financing that new plant, that new equipment, or training for new workers. Its time to stop rewa

23、rding businesses that ship jobs overseas, and start rewarding businesses that create jobs here in America. And Congress should send me that kind of tax reform right away.Another thing were doing is to make it easier for companies like Boeing to sell their products all over the world, because more ex

24、ports mean more jobs. Two years ago, I set a goal of doubling U.S. exports over five years. And were on track to meet that goal ahead of schedule.We have a big opportunity right now to build not only an economy that will help us succeed today, but an economy that will help our kids and their kids su

25、cceed tomorrow. We know what we need to do. We need to strengthen American manufacturing. We need to invest in American-made energy and new skills for American workers. And above all, we need to renew the values that have always made this country great: Hard work. Fair play. Shared responsibility.We

26、 can do this. Ask the folks in Everett. Right here, a few years ago, the first Dreamliner took off on its maiden trip. Thousands of employees came to watch. One was an executive office administrator named Sharon OHara. As Sharon saw that first plane take flight a result of so much hard work she got

27、goose bumps. In her words, she said, “We said we would do it and we did.” Thats the story of America. We said we would do it, and we did. Thats the can-do spirit that makes us who we are. Weve seen challenging times before. But we always emerge from them stronger. And thats what were going to do aga

28、in today. Thanks, and have a great weekend.2012 02 11Hello, everybody.In recent weeks, weve seen signs that our economy is growing stronger and creating jobs at a faster clip. While numbers and figures will go up and down in the coming months, what cannot waver is our resolve to do everything in our

29、 power to keep stoking the fires of the recovery.And the last thing we should do is let Washington stand in the way.You see, at the end of the month, taxes are set to go up on 160 million working Americans. If youre one of them, then you know better than anyone that the last thing you need right now

30、 is a tax hike. But if Congress refuses to act, middle class taxes will go up. Its that simple.Now, if this sounds familiar, its because weve been here before. Back in December, Congress faced this exact same predicament. Ultimately, thanks to your voices, they did the right thing but only after a g

31、reat deal of bickering and political posturing that put the strength of our economy and the security of middle class families at risk. We cant go through that again.Congress needs to stop this middle class tax hike from happening. Period. No drama. No delay. And no ideological side issues that have

32、nothing to do with this tax cut. Now is not the time for self-inflicted wounds to our recovery. Now is the time for common-sense action. And this tax cut is common-sense. If youre a family making about $50,000 a year, this tax cut amounts to about $1,000 a year. Thats about $40 in every paycheck. I know there are some folks in this town who think $40 isnt a lot of money. But to a student or a senior whos trying to stretch the budget a little bit further? To a parent whos filling up the tank and looking at rising gas prices? To them, $40 can make all the difference in the world.And

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