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Module 3 Unit 2 Shopping教学设计4.docx

1、Module 3 Unit 2 Shopping教学设计4Unit 2 Shopping教学设计. 教材单元分析:1. 学生情况分析通过一二年级的学习,三年级的学生对单词和句子都已经有了一定的基础。对教材上的四会单词基本都能达到听,说,读,写,拼背的程度;听,说,运用所学句型,对话;能进行基本的日常用语交流;能掌握简单的语法知识点。因此,三年级的教学重点除了最基本的词汇和课文掌握之外,更多地放在了对句型掌握程度的提高,语法的掌握和阅读能力的培养一节写话的培养上。在课堂上可以尝试简单的阅读,完成简单的题目,并培养他们能够初具阅读能力。2教材分析本单元是进行情景的创设Shopping,课文中出现了

2、很多句型,虽然在一二年级差不多都接触过,但是到了三年级要求不同了,要求能读、能背,能默,能或用于对话中,或用于生活中,特别是小故事中的There be _句型,比较难。本单元的语法重点是帮助学生区分单复数和不可数名词,这是比较容易混淆的。3单元目标分析: 知识与能力:1 四会单词:apple, orange, banana, peach, peaches, yuan, many, how much, buy, sure .2 能用新句型进行询问和回答:How many ? How much ? yuan.Do you like _? Yes, I do. / Yes, I like No, I

3、 dont. No, I like There is /are 3 能正确区分单复数和不可数名词在句型中的运用。4 掌握字母o的发音。 过程与方法: 1通过歌曲、对话、游戏、小组表演等形式,鼓励学生连续说话的能力。2通过卡片,多媒体,情境创设等方式鼓励学生之间进行对话的创编,培养学生的口语表达能力。3 通过让学生听语音材料帮助学生理解故事内容,培养学生听的能力。 情感态度与价值观: 1学会在不同的语境中进行对话的创编,养成礼貌购物的好习惯。2. 培养学生英语连续说话能力,鼓励学生发现身边人的特点,并能说出和写下来。 3培养学生良好的语音语感,并能正确读出和辨识音标。教学策略分析1激活旧词句、学

4、习新词句,组织新旧知识交融操练,采用词、句、段整合拓展的模式,努力体现语言交际的互动功效。2将单词、句子组织成节奏明快的rhyme,并要求学生通过模仿创编简单的儿歌进行吟诵,操练所学单词与句型,激活他们已有的语言能力。3创设学生熟悉的语言情景,让学生从身边挖掘可用的语言,培养学生连续说话的能力。4. 采用TPR全身反应法,调动学生多种感官,听一听,说一说,动一动,演一演,激发学生的参与性与主动性。. 教学实录(4课时)Period 1ContentLook and say & Look and learnAims1. To identify singular and plural 2. To

5、learn the sentence “May I have , please?” 3. To use simple sentences to make some short dialogues.Language focus1. The usage of some to make sentences.2. The usage of possessive adjectives to describe people.Teaching aidsmedia, mask, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPur

6、posePre-task preparation1. Sing a song.2. Say a rhyme.3. Count the number.4. Ask and answer. Do you like ? Can you .?1. One, one , oneSing a song.2. Say a rhyme.3. Count.4. Answer.利用歌曲,让学生进入学习状态。复习之前学习的数字,以及一些问句,为本课做好铺垫。While-task procedure1. T: Please look at the picture. How many ? (Show the media

7、)a. Make a short chant.Bag, bag, bag.Red, red, red.How many, how many?Five, five, five.b. Read the singular of the words. Then show the students the plural of them.c. Give the students some pictures. An / A _ . _ _s. Some _ (s). And show them some cards.d. Exercises. 2. T: Now, Ill bring you to go t

8、o the fruit shop. Lets count more fruit.(Show the picture)a. T: Were now arriving at the fruit shop. Look, a woman is shopping. Listen, what are they talking?b. May I have., please? Listen and repeat.Ask and answer.May I have , please?Here you are.Thank you. c. T: Look, when we finish shopping. How

9、to pay for? T: How much? _ yuan.d. Show the whole dialogue. 3. Please according to the picture and make some short dialogues.4. We use yuan in China. But other countries use other currency(货币). Eg: HK, , U.S. ,etc.1. Answer. One. Two,.a. Make some short chant.b. Follow the teacher and read the plura

10、l all class.c. Look and apple applesan orange orangesa banana bananasa peach peaches2. Look the media.a. Listen to the tape.b. Repeat the sentences. Ask and answer. Work in pairs.c. Ask and answer in pairs. d. Look and say with each other.3. Choose one picture to say in pairs or in groups.Say

11、 and act.从数物品,过度到复习以前所学“How many?”的句型,同时利用自编的儿歌来加深记忆。区分单复数型式引出下面的问答,让学生更不容易混淆。创设情境,利用媒体带领学生去感受实际生活中怎样用英文表达买卖商品。切入新句型May I have ,please?同时让学生利用图片操练问答。加入拓展句型How much?为下一教时做准备。展示整个对话内容,给学生两张图片巩固一下刚才所学的对话。同时告诉他们中西方货币的差异。Post-task activity1. Choose the right answer.2. Copy and write the sentences.3. Say

12、and act. Choose one picture and try to say 1. Choose.2. Write the sentences.3. Say and act. In the _.利用选择题型,让他们能清晰分辨差异。然后抄写句子,读写跟上。最后加以各种场景让他们操练对话,并进行表演,达到本课的高潮。Homework1. Listen and read 3A M3U2 P30 2. Copy new words and sentences.3. Say and act with your best friend.养成课后复习、坚持听录音的学习英语的好习惯。完成一些书面和口头

13、练习可以帮助学生更好的巩固课堂知识。板书设计Module 3 Unit 2 Shoppingan apple some apples an orange some oranges a banana some bananas a peach some peachesHow many apples?May I have some apples, please?教学反思(建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)附:作业: 一Read and write1. how many apples six please2. may i have some peaches please二Choo

14、se the right answer.1. May I have _, please? A. an orange B. a orange C. some orange2. _, please. A. a banana B. some banana C. Some bananas3. Can _ help _ ? A. you, me B. I, you C. my, your4. How _ blackboards ? A. much B. some C. many5. Do you like _? A. sheep B. sheeps C. a sheep三 A short dialogu

15、eS1: Can I help you? What can I do for you?S2: May I have _ please?S1: How many _?S2:_, please .S1: How much?S2: _ yuan.S1: Here you are.S2: Thank you. /Thanks. Period 2Content3A M3U 2 Shopping Say and actAims1. To identify singular and plural 2. To use the sentences “How many? / May I have ,please?

16、/ How much?”3. To learn the sentences “What do you need? I need”4. To make a shopping list and act.Language focus1. The usage of “How many ?” or “How much? “2. The usage of “May I have, please? “and its answer.Teaching aidsmedia, cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose

17、Pre-task preparation1.Sing a song 2. Listen and circle.3.Ask and anwer: How many ? How much? May I have ., please?1. Sing a song.2. Listen and choose the correct one.3. Answer _.(Number) _ yuan. 在歌曲和听力练习中让学生对旧知进行适当的复习和回顾。While-task procedure1. T: Today, Alice and her father go shopping in the fruit

18、shop. Lets go with them.a. Do you like ?(kiwi, lemon, watermelon) Yes, I like No, I dont like. How many (s)?b. Look at the picture about the assistant and Alice or her father. If youre customer or shop assistant, what can you say?c. T: Now, theyll pay the bill. What will they say? How much?_ yuan.Th

19、ank you. / 2. T: OK, Now, Alice,Kitty and Miss Fang will go shopping. Lets go with them .(Show the media)1. Look and listen.a. Ask and answer with deskmates.b. Choose a picture and try to say.S1: Can I help you?S2: May I have _, please?S1: Sure. S1: What do you need?S2: I need _.c. Say in pairs.S2:

20、How much?S1: _ yuan.S2: S1: Thank you. / 2. Choose one people and shop to say.S1: Can I help you?S2: May I have ., please?S1: Sure.S2: How much?S1: .S2: Here you are.S1: Thank you.用特定人物去Shopping 的场景贯穿全课,适当拓展新的水果类单词,利用不同的水果来复习”Do you like ?” 句型。学生饰演不同角色来巩固之前所学句型。同时拓展新的句型,鼓励学生用不同方式来进行询问。给予学生更多角色挑选,更多场

21、景来进行实际对话演练,这样可以提高他们的兴趣。Post-task activity1. Play a game. Make a shopping list.(Show the example)2. Ask and answer.3. Say and act.1. Make a shopping list by oneself.2. S1: Can I help you?S2: May I have ., please?S1: Sure.S2: How much?S1: .S2: Here you are.S1: Thank you.3. Use the hint to make a dialo

22、gue with best friend.制作一张购物清单来巩固本课对话,同时可以适当增加些句型来拓展他们的知识面,温故而知新。Assignment1. Listen and read 3A M3U2 P31.2. Copy and write the sentences.3. Make a shopping list.板书设计Shopping Say and actDo you like . ? Yes, I like / No, I dont like How many (s)? _ .Can I help you?May I have _ , please ?Sure. How much

23、?_ yuan.Thank you. / 教学反思附:练习.Listen and circle(听录音,选出听到的句子,圈在字母代号上)1. A. Can I help you? B. Can you help me?2. A. Whats this? An apple? B. Whats that? An orange?3. A. How much? B. How many?4. A. I have ten yuan. B. I have nine yuan. Read and choose(看图,选择合适的单词,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)( )1. May I have_oranges,

24、 please? A. three B. four C. five( ) 2. Do you like _? A. pear B. peach C. pears( ) 3. How_? Five yuan. A. many B. much C. old ( ) 4. _bicycles? Two. A. How many B. How much C. How old. Read and number(应答配对,在括号内写上相应答句的编号)( ) 1. May I have an apple, please? A. Two yuan.( ) 2. How many apples? B. Than

25、k you.( ) 3. How much are the apples? C. Sure, Here you are.( ) 4. Heres your apples. D. Two apples, please.Period 3 Content3AM3U2 Period3 P32 Read a storyAims1. To review the words and the pl. learned last lesson.2. To use modelled sentences with “There be” to identify existence. 3. To use learned

26、sentences to request things, responds to requests and express ones likes when go shopping.Language focus1. To understand the main idea of a story. 2. To retell a story and act out the story.3. To be polite when go shopping.Teaching aidsMultimedia ,cards, etc.ProceduresStepTeachers activitiesStudents

27、 activitiesPurposePre-task preparation1. Greeting. 2. Ask some questions.Whats this? How many ?3. Say and act. 1. Greeting.2. Answer the questions.3. Make a short dialogue about shopping.整合上节课所学的句型,为今天的学习奠定基础。While-task procedure1. Teach: There are .1). T: Look. How manyapples? Where are they?T: The

28、re are on the table.2). Show some pictures.2. Read a story.1). Its a story book. Lets read it. OK? 2). Title: at the supermarket.3). Show the story.Peter and his mum go to a supermarket. There are many toys in the supermarket. They buy a football. (teach: buy)They buy some apples too. They are happy.4). Mix the pictures.3. Retell the story.1). Show the story again, do “True or False”.2). Ask some questions about the story. 3). T: T

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