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1、英语六级B卷真题与解析2010年6月英语六级真题与答案(题目在后)答案: Due Atte ntio n Should Be Give n To the Study of Chi nese1近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象;2出现这种现象的原因和后果;she or Bing3针对这种现象,我认为 Do you remember these famous litterateurs: Lu xun, Zhu zi qing, Laoxi n? How familiar these n ames are! Unfortun ately, coun tless stude nts pay no

2、atte nti on to the study of Chin ese. Nowadays, Intern et, En glish and game occupy students time and attention. For the majority of students, the study of Chinese has become a remote memory.Why such a phe nomenon emerges? Educators attribute it to the ignorance of uni versity adm ini strati on. Chi

3、n ese is an esse ntial course for college stude nts in China. However, for a long time there has been快速阅读部分1.D ) Relieved2.B ) she could go as far as she wan ted in life3.B ) The power of role models4.D ) Obamas success impacted blacks performanee in Ianguage tests5.A ) The change in bias against bl

4、ack is slow in equalityC) people are now less ready to support policies addressing racial7.C ) racial in equality still persists in America n society8.our views of wome n9.political sen time nt10.stereotypes听力部分:Sectio n A11.A) The man failed to keep his promise.12.C) The woma n should sp

5、e nd more time outdoors.13.D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt.14.B) Most readers do not share his viewpo in ts.15.A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being.16.A) Batteries.17.D) The man can get the ticket at its original price.18.A) The speakers will dress formally for the con cert.19.D) He i

6、s un decided as to which job to go for.20.C) They are all adults.21.B) Varied and interesting.22.C) Host ing a televisi on show.23.A) He lost his mother.24.B) He got seriously into acting.25.B) He has long bee n a lege ndary figure.26C) It crashed whe n it was circli ng to land.27A) He was kid nappe

7、d eight mon ths ago.28A) The man ageme nt and union represe ntatives reached an agreeme nt.29B) rai ny30C) Very few of them knew much about geology.31B) By noting where the most severe earthquake in U.S. history occurred.32C) Stop him whe n he had difficulty un dersta nding.33D) It is a tool of com

8、muni cati on among speakers of differe nt Ian guages.34D) It has supporters from many countries in the world.35D) It has had greater impact tha n in any other coun try.36.i ntellige nt37.foun dati ons38.roma ntic39.reflects40.profo und41.dramatically42.deprived43.h in dered44.research shows that com

9、 muni cati ng with others promotes health, whereas social isolati on is lin ked to stress, disease, and early death.45.A group of researchers reveal scores of studies that trace the relati on ship betwee n health and in teract ion with others.46.loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vul

10、nerable to a range of miner and major ill nesses.仔细阅读部分:Sectio n A47a grade above 94/ a higher grade48select the method of gradi ng49improvi ng50effort and accomplishme nt51discuss his concern52A) America is now the only developed country without the policy.53D) The oppositi on from bus in ess circl

11、es.54D) Children need continuous care55B) They fail to provide eno ugh support for pare nts.56D) It is basically a social un dertak ing.57A) More young voters are going to the polls tha n before.58C) Whether young people will continue to support Obama s policy.59D) Their lives in relation to Obama s

12、 presidency.60C) Their utilization of the In ternet.61D) They are in differe nt to politics.完形填空部分:62.A findings63.B attribute64.D with65.B related66.D shri nking67.A published68.B to69.B simply70.A vital71.Ctoo72.A ben efits73.D outside74.C Exposure75.B less76.C an alysis77.C n ecessarily78.C appro

13、ved79.B always80.A adva ntage81.D grateful翻译部分:82.Their only son has n ever thought83.weigh your decisi on aga inst its possible con seque nces.84.would he break his commitme nt to pay back the money.85.should not be addicted to computer games.86.n ever con sidered work ing as a salesma n.附加:完形填空题源S

14、len der in the GrassTIME 2008.12.08 Vol. 172 No.23By SANJAY GUPTA, M.D. with reporti ng by Shahreen AbedinThere s one place my young daughters love so much that we have to spell out the word in their prese nee, lest they go berserk: the p-a-r-k. We regularly use a trip to the park as a bribe, and wh

15、ile that may not be the best parenting technique, in this case it comes with in credible rewards.A new study found that inner-city kids living in neighborhoods with more green space gained about 13%less weight over a two-year period than kids living amid more concrete and fewer trees. Such findings

16、tell a powerful story. The obesity epidemic bega n in the 1980s, and many people attribute it to in creased portion sizes andin activity, but that can t be everyth ing. Big Macs and TVs have bee n with us fora long time. “ Most experts agree that the changes were related to something in the environm

17、ent, ” says social epidemiologist Thomas Glass of the Johns Ho pkinsBloomberg School of Public Health. That something could be a shrinking of the green.The new research, published in the America n Journal of Preven tive Medici ne, isn t the first to associate greenery with better health, but it does

18、 get us closer to identifying what works and why. At its most straightforward, a green neighborhoodsimply means more places for kids to play which is vital si nee time spe nt outdoors is one of the strongest correlates of children s activity levels. But green spaceis good for the mind too ; research

19、 by environmental psychologists has shown that it has cog nitive ben efits for childre n with atte nti on-deficit/ hyper activity disorder (ADHD). I n one study, simply read ing outside in a gree n sett ing improvedkids symptoms.Exposure to grassy areas has also been linked to less stress and a lowe

20、r bodymass index amongadults. And an analysis of 3,000 Tokyo residents associated walkablegree n spaces with greater Ion gevity among senior citize ns.Glass cautions that most studies don t necessarily prove a causal link between greenness and health, but they re nonetheless helping spur action. In

21、Septemberthe U.S. House of Representatives approved the delightfully named No Child LeftIn side Act to en courage public in itiatives aimed at expos ing kids to the outdoors.Finding green space is, of course, not always easy, and you may have to worka bit to get your family a little grass and trees.

22、 If you live in a suburb or a city with good parks, take advantage of what s there. Your childr en in particular will love it and their bodies and minds will thank you.以下为真题:V rilingminutes)映1,1S;此部分试骊在药题卡 上“ * M 讪 时r itw八r卅为m/ j 和m tr tn理卄叶 帀制kin严,“期A耐“F Sh&t 1卜艸比們7严*严M勾zwh叭吃亦 曲妙电咿i* 營畑“严 側川DJ. % f

23、lUp Jf-山 Sw r- g” ti MrV. thi ififttniran vw 】m 川和心心划 * 州伽 I武 ti/tltrr the n n-6l)amii*s success tenl al! g(KKi newifbr bln tnur .加Whn心曲 he 畑itffl rults head畑心vktmv伽u 爲上益畔 lnm her stiouldcrs. “In tli beapweHifl model MX zi 5er門哼逹0血 血问甲riseiepr伽论吟為曲诃轴“毎 i runnel i whin Amertciiras- whiH曲凶呷 lhoj sLill

24、 Imrbcur racist sentimunl Th* io险 山 al 曲1眈忙魂麗 him -pre 7 忙(jdfitra die lory tolh建 racT steraotyps, ihai btek pcnp-lc w a$rtv mul iLmuhicniW “ 训小 stih Phri of Florida Sttte Uni verity *Ht( v吐厂y lolfllieiitGd c|(MxnLi 小小 Ser J who seized on Obama1 candidacy W*t:.iF rdc; modds Their wkisalicady st;诵咚io

25、ca週”昨0艮阿s let i ie J bcvk?ui. Pcrhups wuipri洒尅齐 订閉破小帘tiirK Obaim really is a peshiva roienux电师却更曲晒 讪他,他朋伽血飘to he White House.吋曲h诜辭ffd f obarn时、pressdtfniial Jimpaign Ewh知iiig in the I 阀AShhy Hunt i=s 殆皿聲 hj pDtheses abuvl l血 曰能亡广记chailyl!:;-.片 there is a sting in Tffc wii 血 Ob、nw 皿zBut tlU Um 誹羸1 w

26、齿 肿也帕駅吐詁吧加 - abe 汕 rp/i阳,吨 1、iiriiaiE nkmEM 刖 Ray 卜 nt dm 鬥 IcaiEy disco vecedj 一 TK L 爲;亍!匚血st 品!娠0 1砧group tsnibkd irund 12。sdnils 哪 心;|阳【伽 wuim 应 fanguatc ikJIs Ai li(.jI stujics. hen Obanlii 秽h】r& mant口丹日巧朗沁旳百zt I】Clear diITetenet! bclween 血 H:orvs o型讣 1 吧鷲 frver ,Tas 期加 height* 札醐ever, U f 20.

27、compared to 8 , for example. W)|3 吋 I , t 血佃工;iccpwicc 申ccyb 蚂Uack pmcipanB pertaTmed much Thzc 典 hu 卿师护 as thv * hi蠅 ubjecti.the OcmraK preside nxi a I Cflndidak 卩拆旳何小严 丫山二伽尙 為 1亦 his ckciion vsvuua . *hi* 枝命 ti tie nf aH the b!avc s 血sirsc讪orgised by his kciory. so ihv Mcrcotypt 由世鼻 s 6B-1 JJa(lfr

28、i*iR FJichm ,II th* Obanw nTccl 前 positzu 血 Alrron k ”站(fl*)? Is血柿阿w*gin畀石售 槪/拙欝efibgih品碉皓亦吨raci巴nicu吨Hk举i“口旳誘需霊瞪豐盅烈靛严don nuMJifyinSi what 严严阿严 Pliw 揄3, udn. compii忙“bajLKi W 霊駕严珂 aea呼他吓“严丁 and g严t严nfe “h %心讥駕腺穿严刖抽彈 Gce Asrrnilartest eisrul . rwnsnrc qunkk MjbjLTis, sck t 卩论祀k 品前谁 血m skills nr menta

29、l 3biLiy - with :l阳器山认山;婆 仲呎怔曲吶口1皿血“呜翻E .! study tKst v Eh appear in Iht 皿和诃凶 爲机皿F - r u .,P严d 22警峙常由id叱曹he罟hr桢恤阳爲爲 g iL,辭怨熬円弋?竝 專皺常瑟严嗣,Ub in bin in the ion 监蟹严*呼点严问嘗咖,which呷n be吨曲b圧溜豐咼嚮踹1艦存毎 Wmn叭心汕u吨时:i阳ek;ngi-询|恥r计h心w uming叽汨化恥 心“鳥石詰Talking hcnertlv一土比豐比进:嘤吧1叭郭时 阳存伽畔皆呼Did I-,1 iircics trie coruxrn that people nwy now! Nhi、n Aircr:

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