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九年级英语The Snail and the Rose Tree同步检测.docx

1、九年级英语The Snail and the Rose Tree同步检测Unit 1 The Snail and the Rose Tree.I. 根据句意补全单词。*1. Do you have any _plan for the new school year? 2. I might _ the science club. I want to learn more about science. *3. A new year began. The rose tree _ into flowers. *4. Everybody watched the soldiers _ the flag s

2、lowly. 5. The doctor could do _ but waiting. Because his disease was too bad. *6. Dont _ me. Im afraid of nothing. *7. We have to give others the best of _. 8. The rose tree thought he would _ to produce roses. *9. The workers have _ many cars these days. *10. The children are playing games _ on the

3、 playground. *II. 从B栏找与A栏中对应的词语解释。A B1. continue A. think carefully about sth. 2. remain B. maybe 3. over and over C. power 4. reply D. pleasant or attractive 5. come to an end E. stay, keep 6. perhaps F. go on happening 7. consider G. make sb. afraid 8. strength H. again and again 9. sweet I. answe

4、r 10. frighten J. end III. 单项选择1. The coach said they need to choose four _for the football team. A. singers B. players C. farmers D. actors *2. Do you know the old man in the black jacket? Certainly. Hes Mr. Liu. He teaches _ history. A. ours B. our C. us D. we *3. What else do you want? _ else. I

5、think I have got all the things ready. A. Something B. Anything C. Everything D. Nothing *4. Mum. I made two cards. One is for you, _ is for my teacher. Nice boy. Thanks. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others *5. I like riding motorbike very fast. Its very exciting. Oh! Dont do that, _ you

6、may have an accident. A. and B. but C. or D. so 6. When are you going to meet your parents _ Sunday morning? At half past seven. A. on B. in C. to D. for *7. I cant find Dad. Where is he? Im not sure. He _ be in the study. A. must B. may C. need D. will *8. Please tell her the news when she _. OK, I

7、 will. A. comes B. will come C. come D. would come *9. The students didnt stop talking _ the teacher came in. A. if B. until C. that D. why *10. Its quite difficult to learn English well, but you cant _. A. put it up B. pick it up C. look it up D. give it up *11. Has she finished _ the novel? Yes, s

8、he has. A. reading B. to read C. read D. reads 12. Listen! What a beautiful song! Who _ in the next room? I dont know. Is that Mary? A. sing B. sings C. is singing D. has sung 13. Where is Judy? She _ the Amusement Park. A. has been to B. had been to C. has gone to D. had gone to *14. Jenny was very

9、 _ me just because I forgot to go to her party last Friday. A. excited at B. angry with C. afraid of D. sure of *15. Chinese people believe that on Mid-autumn Day, the moon is _ and _ than usual. A. big, round B. biggest, roundest C. bigger, rounder D. the biggest, the roundest IV. 根据中英文提示完成下列各句。*1.

10、 别着急,会议马上就要结束了。 Dont worry, the meeting _very soon. *2. 你们最好继续把教室打扫干净。 You _ clean the classroom. *3. 我们必须每天一遍一遍地读这些英语单词,否则就忘了。 We _ read these English words _ every day or well forget them. *4. 房间里仅仅有一张床。 There is _ a bed in the room. *5. 对于任何人来说,自信都是很重要的。 _for anyone _. V. 完形填空。1970 was World Cons

11、ervation(保护)Year. Everyone must know that the world is in danger. _1_is one example of the _2_. At one time there were 1,300 different kinds of trees and flowers in Holland(荷兰), but now only 866 remain(继续存在). _3_ have been destroyed by modern man. We are changing the earth, the air and the water, an

12、d _4_ that grows and lives. If we go on like this, we shall destroy ourselves. What will happen in the future? Perhaps _5_ is more important to ask “What must we do now?” The people who will be living in the world tomorrow are _6_ young of today. A lot of them know that conservation is necessary. Ma

13、ny are helping to save _7_. Now fifteen million young people in many countries are studying _8_ and the country around him. In some countries they spend much time as “conservation volunteers(志愿者)”. They plant trees and help to _9_ wild birds and animals. But everyone, _10_ young people, must work to

14、 save our world. ( )1. A. He B. It C. Here D. There ( )2. A. problems B. question C. trouble D. difficult ( )3. A. Some B. Others C. The other C. The others ( )4. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. all things ( )5. A. this B. that C. it D. one ( )6. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )7. A. ourselves B.

15、 our world C. our lives D. living things ( )8. A. man B. men C. a man D. the men ( )9. A. find B. protect C. catch D. keep ( )10. A. not only B. except C. also D. together with VI. 阅读理解。A Manners(礼貌)are much more than just saying “Please” and “Thank you”. They are ways of showing kindness. My husban

16、d, Bob, is a pilot, and one day we were invited to a potluck(百味餐)at his flying squadron(飞行中队). The noisy room was filled with mouthy kids and their chatting moms and dads. Our son, Daniel, was only two years old. We let him play with the other kids because it was a safe environment. After a while, h

17、e came back with a package of peanut butter crackers and proudly held them out to us. A pilot who asked “Do you know whose this little boy is?” followed him. “He is mine,” I answered, wondering what Daniel might have done. “Well,” replied the pilot, “Ive been passing out crackers to the kids for alm

18、ost two hours, and your son is one of the youngest guys I gave them to. Hes the only one who said Thank you. What he did makes me pleased.” Daniel smiled and proudly repeated, “Thank you.” 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. Who were invited to the potluck? A. Only pilots. B. Pilots and their wives/ husbands. C. Pilot

19、s and their family. D. Pilots wives/ husbands and their kids. 2. How did Daniel feel when he showed his crackers to his parents? A. Excited. B. Sorry. C. Proud. D. Nervous. 3. How long had the pilot served at least at the party when he found Daniel? A. For a whole evening. B. For nearly two hours. C

20、. For half an hour. D. The passage doesnt tell us. 4. How many kids said “Thank you” to the man when he gave the kids crackers? A. Only one. B. All the kids. C. Most of the kids. D. None. 5. How did the pilot feel when he heard the boy said “Thank you”? A. Sad. B. Worried. C. Surprised. D. Pleased.

21、BCan you remember the day when you spoke your first word? If you can, you are unusual. Try to imagine what first few months of your life were like. I am sure you just spent most of your time eating, sleeping and crying. As you grew older, you were awake more of the time. It took your parents more ti

22、me to play with you and talk to you. You watched and listened curiously. You began to know that people made certain sounds to go with certain things. Then you began to try making the sounds you heard. And step by step you were able to make the right sound for one thing. On that day you came to under

23、stand the secret of language. The secret is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound might be as good as another. But it is no good as a word unless everybody agrees on its meaning. Only when a group of people use the same set of sounds of things, they can understand each other. Then an

24、d only then these people have a LANGUAGE. After you found the secret of language, you learned words. Some of the words meant things, such as BOOKS, CHAIRS and SHOES. Some words meant doing things, such as GO and SWIM, and other words describe things, such as GOOD and DIRTY. Soon you learned to put w

25、ords together to express your idea, such as “I want to go out and play with my friends.” This is language, By means of language people can communicate. So we say languages are means of communication. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1. _ can remember the day when _. A. One; he spoke his first word B. No one; he spoke

26、his first word C. Most people; they spoke their first words D. None; they spoke their first words 2. When you were a little baby, you _. A. made sounds to let people know that you wanted to eat B. spent most of your time playing with your parents C. could not hear any sound around you D. spent most

27、of your time eating, sleeping and crying 3. The secret of language is that _. A. one sound might be as good as another B. people can understand each other C. a certain sound is for a certain thing D. there is a special sound for each person 4. You could learn words _. A. before you knew what the lan

28、guage was B. after you knew what the language was C. before you knew the secret of the language D. when you were a baby 5. The aim in using language is _. A. to get everything one wants from others B. to say what one wants to know C. to share ideas, opinions, news, etc. with one another D. to make o

29、neself understood by others CWhen you feel unhappy or forget how great you are, these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself. 1. Look in the mirror(镜子)and say to yourself, “I am a special person and theres no one in the world like me. I can do anything!” It may not sound so good, but it really works. 2. Do something nice for someone. Helping others always makes you feel good. 3. Smile! Be friendly to the people you meet. Look for the good things in your friends and family. 4. Learn something new! Have yo

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