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1、考研英语语法重难点精解毙考题2015考研英语语法重难点精解 (真题)   2015考研英语语法重难点精解 (真题) 一般将来时(Simple Future Tense) 一般将来时表示将来的动作或状态,其形式和用法如下所述。 1. will/shall+动词,表示单纯的将来含义。 例句: Some day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could decline. (2001年第23题) 分析:

2、该句是复合句。written and spoken作定语修饰language;that后是一结果状语从句。 译文: 有朝一日,软件既能用来做文字翻译又能做口头翻译,而且能翻译得很好,以至于对任何通用的第二语言的需求都会下降。 例句: Hilton is building its own hotel there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth and will be very

3、expensive. (选自2006年Text 2) 分析: 该句是复合句。which引导的定语从句修饰its own hotel;从句中you may be sure是插入语,从句的主干部分为which will be decorated with.and will be very expensive。 译文: 希尔顿正在那儿建立自己的酒店,你或许可以肯定它将配有(以莎士比亚剧中人物的名字命名的)哈姆雷特汉堡包店、李尔王休息室、班柯宴会包间等,而且价格非常昂贵。 2. be going to+动词,表示按计划或打算在最近的将来做某事,也可表示对未来的预测。 例句: As long as po

4、or people, who in general are colored, are in conflict with richer people who in general are lighter skinned, there is going to be a constant racial conflict in the world. (1999年第18题) 分析: 该句是复合句。定语从句who in general are colored和who in general are lighter skinned分别修饰poor people以及richer people;从句的主干部分为p

5、oor people are in conflict with richer people。 译文: 一般来说,只要穷人与富人(也就是一般的有色人种和白色人种)之间有冲突,那么这个世界上的种族冲突就不会停止。 例句: Clearly, only the biggest and most flexible television companies are going to be able to compete in such a rich and hotly?contested market. (选自2005年Part C) 分析: 该句是简单句。 译文: 显然,只有规模最大、应变能力最强的电视

6、传媒集团才能够在这个精彩纷呈而又竞争 激烈的市场中生存。 3. be to+动词,表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作或要求别人去做的事,常用来表示官方的命令、决定、禁止、许可等。 例句:If Gilbert and the Philharmonic are to succeed,they must first change the relationship between America?s oldest orchestra and the new audience it hopes to attract. (选自2011年Text 4) 分析:该句是复合句。其中,在主句中,定语从句it hope

7、s to attract修饰audience。 译文:如果吉尔伯特和纽约爱乐乐团想获得成功,他们首先必须改变美国最古老的交响乐团和其想要吸引的新一批观众间的关系。 例句: But his primary task is not to think about the moral code, which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. (2006年第49题)

8、 分析: 该句是复合句,本句主干为his primary task is not to think about.any more than.。定语从句which governs his activity修饰the moral code;其中not.any more than意为“不也不”。 译文: 但是,他的首要任务并不是考虑支配自己行动的道德规范,就如同不能指望商人专注于探讨行业规范一样。 about to+动词,表示最近即将发生的动作,不接时间状语。 例句: Marlin is a young man of independent thinking who is not abou

9、t to pay compliments to his political leaders. (1999年第9题) 分析: 该句是复合句。定语从句who is not about to pay compliments to.修饰a young man。 译文: 马林是个有独立思考能力的年轻人,他不会恭维他的政治领导人。 例句: His brother, who was a school teacher, was broke, his stomach ulcers were troubling him, one of his children had to have a serious oper

10、ation, and his wife was about to have twins. 分析: 该句是并列复合句,其中定语从句who was a school teacher修饰his brother。主干部分为His brother was.,his stomach ulcers were.,one of his children had to., and his wife was about to.。 译文: 他的哥哥是一位老师,已身无分文,并患上了胃溃疡,他的一个孩子要接受一次大手术,他的爱人将要生一对双胞胎。 5. 位置移动动词,如: come,arrive,go,fly,catch

11、,start,leave,travel的用法是be+现在分词,表示按计划即将发生的一个动作,常跟较近将来时间状语连用。 例句: The Spring Festival is coming, and all the urban people are busy engaging in all kinds of preparations. 分析: 该句是由and连接的并列句。 译文: 春节就要到了,城里人都在忙着做各种各样的准备。 6. 动词come,go,start,leave,arrive,return,begin常用一般现在时表示将来,表示已经预先计划安排好的或肯定发生的动作,主语常为事物名词

12、。 例句: By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed in Europe for two weeks. (1994年第1题) 分析: 该句是复合句。arrive用一般现在时表示将来。 译文: 你到达伦敦时,我们将已经在欧洲待了两周了。 (五)现在进行时(Present Continuous Tense) 1. 表示此刻正在进行或在目前限定时间内不断进行的动作。 例句: That may change fast: lots of proposed data?security legislation is now doing the

13、 rounds in Washington D.C.(选自2007年Text 4) 分析: 该句是并列句,冒号后的内容是对前面所提内容的进一步说明。 译文: 这一切很快就会改变: 很多提议的信息安全法规正在华盛顿逐一讨论。 例句:It?s no surprise that Jennifer Senior?s insightful, provocative magazine cover story, “I love My Children, I Hate My Life,” is arousing much chatternothing gets people talking like the

14、suggestion that child rearing is anything less than a completely fulfilling, life?enriching experience. (选自2011年Text 4) 分析:该句中,破折号前是一个复合句,其中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是Jennifer Senior?s insightful, provocative magazine cover story is arousing much chatter,引号中的内容与其前cover story为同位语关系;破折号后的内容是对前面陈述内容的解释,suggestion后

15、是一个同位语从句。 译文:詹妮佛森尼尔见解深刻、颇具煽动性的杂志封面文章我爱我的孩子,我讨厌我的生活引发了热烈的议论,这不足为奇没有什么比“育儿绝非完全是实现自我、丰富生活的体验”这样的暗示更能引发人们的讨论了。 2. 表示现阶段正在进行的动作,而此刻并不一定在进行。 例句: The future of this company is at stake: many of its talented employees are following into more profitable net?based businesses. (2001年第30题) 分析: 该句是并列句,冒号后的内容是对前面

16、内容的进一步解释。 译文: 这家公司的未来生死未卜,它的许多有才能的雇员正流失到赚钱更多的网络行业中去。 例句: “Data is becoming an asset which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset, ” says Haim Mendelson of Stanford University?s business school. 分析: 该句是复合句,定语从句which needs to be guarded as much as any other asset修饰an asset。 译文: 斯坦福大学商学院的海姆门德尔森

17、说: “信息已成为一种资产,需要像其他资产一样加以保护。” 3. 表示最近按计划或安排要进行的动作(这一用法见一般将来时用法5)。 4. 在时间或条件状语从句中,表示将来正在进行的动作。 例句: Take care when you are taking an exam. Put him up if he is still finding a dwelling place. 注意: 表示状态、感觉或情感的动词不用于现在进行时,如: forget, know, see, notice, love, like, hate, desire, believe, look, think, mind, h

18、ave, seem, sound, remain等。 (六)将来完成时(Future Perfect Tense)和将来完成进行时(Future Perfect Continuous Tense) 1. 表示将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作。 例句: It?s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory will have risen by about 10. 译文:据报道,到本月底这家工厂的水泥产量将要提升10。 例句: The conference will have lasted a

19、full week by the time it ends. 译文: 会议在结束前将持续整个星期。 2. 将来完成进行时则表示一个一直持续到将来某一时间的动作,可能还要持续下去。 例句: He pointed to the deserted house and said,“I will have been living there by the end of this year.” 译文:他指着那座被遗弃的房子说:“今年年底以前,我会一直住在那里。” (七)一般过去时(Simple Past Tense) 1. 表示在确定的过去时间里发生的动作或状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yester

20、day, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 2005等。 例句: It was within the computer age that the term“information society”began to be widely used to describe the context within which we now live. (选自2002年Use of English) 分析: 该句是复合句。其中It was.that是强调句型;which引导的定语从句修饰the context;within是定语从句中live后的介词,即l

21、ive within the context。 译文: 正是在这个计算机时代,“信息社会”一词被广泛用来形容我们所生活的环境。 例句: The Greeks assumed that the language structure had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse the language could be. (2004年第61题) 分析: 该句是复合句。that后是一宾语从句,作assumed的宾语;

22、which引导的定语从句修饰前面宾语从句中提到的内容,其中又套了一个由before引导的状语从句,宾语从句how diverse the language could be作realized的宾语。 译文: 希腊人认为,语言结构与思维过程之间存在着某种联系。这一观点在人们尚未认识到语言的千差万别以前就早已在欧洲扎下了根。 2. 表示过去习惯性的动作或状态用used to/would+动词,前者表示今昔对比,即现在已不存在的过去的情况;而后者表示重复的行为,也可用来表示不规则的习惯。 例句: The defining term of intelligence in humans still se

23、ems to be the IQ score,even though IQ tests are not given as often as they used to be. (选自2007年Text 2) 分析: 该句是复合句。even though引导让步状语从句:as often as后是比较状语从句。 译文: 虽然智商测试不再像以前那样频繁应用了,但是,界定人类智力的术语似乎仍然只是智商的得分。 例句: When the engine would not start, the mechanic inspected all the parts to find what was at fau

24、lt. 分析: 该句是复合句,其中what was at fault在句中作find的宾语。 译文: 当发动机启动不了时,机械师检查了所有的部件以便找出毛病。 注意: “be used to+名词或动名词”,表示“习惯于,对已感到习惯”,可以指现在, 也可指过去,不能与“used to+动词原形”表示“过去常常做(而现在不)”混淆。 例句: During his year in the hospital, Dr.Joan was not used to treating patient this way. 译文: 在医院那阵子,约翰医生还不习惯那样对待病人。 例句:The rough guid

25、e to marketing success used to be that you got what you paid for. (选自2011年Text 3) 分析:该句是复合句。介词短语to marketing success 在句中作后置定语,修饰guide;that you got what you paid for是一个表语从句,what you paid for作got的宾语。 译文:营销成功的大致策略过去常常就是你花钱买到自己想要的东西。 3. 用于日常对话中,可用来表示现在的动作或状态,口气上较为委婉。 例句: I wondered whether you?d attend to my sick daughter while I?m away. 分析: 该句是复合句。 译文: 我想知道在我外出时,你能否替我照顾生病的女儿。 2020-2-8

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