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高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists教案.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists教案浙江省诸暨市草塔中学高中英语 Unit 1 Great Scientists教案. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about science and contributions of scientistsPractice expressing will, examining a new scientific ideaLearn to organize a scientific researchLearn to use the past participle as the predicative & attrib

2、utePractice describing peoples characteristics and qualitiesDevelop the skills of persuasive and descriptive writing. 目标语言功 能 句 式Describing people What nationality is this scientist?When was ?When did did luck?词 汇1 四会词汇engine, characteristic, theory, scientific, examine, conclude, conclusion, analys

3、e, repeat, defeat, attend, expose, cure, control, absorb, test, severe, valuable, pump, pub, blame, immediately, , link, announce, instruct, virus, construction, contribute, positive, strict, movement, god, backward, complete, spin, enthusiastic, cautious, reject, view2 认读词汇infect, infectious, chole

4、ra, deadly, outbreak, clue, Cambridge, germ, certainty, creative, cooperative, Nicolas Copernicus, revolutionary, calculation, loop, privately, bright-ness, persuasive, logical3 词组put forward, make a conclusion, in addition, link . to ., apart from, be strict with, lead to, make sense, point of view

5、, expose to, absorb into, be to blame, physical characteristic结 构The past participle as the predicative & attributeFind out the functions of the past participle in sentences.Discover the similarities and differences between the passive voice of the predicate and the past participle used as predicati

6、ve & attribute.重点句子1. John Snow was a famous doctor in London so expert, indeed, that Victoria as . P22. But , John Snow suggested that the source of all water supplies be examined. P35. Although : that the earth was not the center of the solar system. P66. Only if you put the sun there did the move

7、ments of the other planets in the sky make sense. P77. To himself. P44. 教材分析和教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元主要话题是How to organize scientific research。旨在通过本单元的教学培养学生探究科学、崇尚科学的精神和正确的科学观;帮助学生了解科学的本质和科学家的特质,使学生懂得科学探究的基本步骤和要素;指导学生如何对科学家及其所从事的科研工作进行描述、发表看法,并针对自己的个性特征和兴趣专长,畅谈个人的职业志向和人生规划。 1.1 Warming Up 通过问答形式使学生回顾不同领域不同时

8、代的10位科学家,了解他们对人类的贡献及其成果。 1.2 Pre-reading 通过对几个问题的讨论,使学生了解传染病和“霍乱”的基本常识,并了解科研过程中验证某些观点的基本程序和方法。 1.3 Reading 介绍英国著名医生John Snow是如何通过考察分析、探究的科学方法,发现并控制“霍乱”这种传染病的。通过课文学习,使学生了解科学发现的全过程及其严密性;学习描述性文体的基本写作框架。 1.4 Comprehending 共设计了四个题型。 1.5 Learning about Language 共设计了两大部分,8个练习,对本单元的重点词汇和主要语法项目进行训练。第一部分的1-4题

9、旨在训练学生对重点词汇、短语的运用;第二部分旨在练习过去分词作定语和表语的用法。 1.6 Using Language 由两部分组成:Listening and speaking 是一段关于中国著名科学家钱学森先生的生平介绍的听力材料;Reading and writing是一段关于伟大天文学家哥白尼发表“日心说”过程的短文。 2 教材重组 2.1 将Warming Up,Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending三部分整合为一节“精读课”。 2.2 将Using Language中的Copernicus Revolutionary Theory和Workbook中的

10、FINDING THE SOLUTION整合为一节“泛读课”。 2.3 将Learning about Language中的Discovering useful structures和Discovering useful words and expressions以及Workbook中的USING STRUCTURES和USING WORDS AND EXPRES-SIONS整合为一节“语言学习课”。 2.4 将Using Language中的Listening与Workbook中LISTENING和LISTENING TASK三个部分整合为一节“听力课”。 2.5 将Using Langua

11、ge中的Speaking与Workbook中的TALKING和SPEAKING TASK三个部分整合为一节“口语课”。 2.6 将 Using Language中的Reading and Writing以及Workbook中的WRITING TASK整合为一节“写作课”。 3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Reading 2nd Period Extensive Reading 3rd Period Language Study 4th Period Listening 5th Period Speaking 6th Period Writing. 分课时教案The First

12、Period ReadingTeaching goals教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语attend, control, severe, pub, immediately, , expose tob. 重点句式To prevent this from , John Snow suggested that . P32. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about science and scientists.3. Learning ability goals学能目标 Enable the stu

13、dents to learn about some famous scientists and their contributions and Ask the students to think of some great inventions and inventors in you tell me the scientists who invented the lights, the gramophone and the computer?S1: Edison invented the lights and the gramophone.S2: The first computer was

14、 invented by a group of American scientists.Step Warming upFirst, ask some questions about great scientists. Second, ask all the students to try the quiz and find out who knows the most. T: You know our life is closely related to science and scientists. We benefit a lot from them. Can you name out a

15、s many scientists as possible?S1: Newton.S2: Watt.S3: Franklin.Sample answers: 4. Gregor Mendel, Czech, a botanist and geneticist.5. Marie Curie, Polish and French, a chemist and physicist.6. Thomas Edison, American, an inventor.7. Leonardo da Vinci, Italian, an artist.8. Sir Humphry Davy, British,

16、an inventor and chemist.9. Zhang Heng, ancient China, an inventor.10. Stepper Hawking, British, a physicist.Step Pre-readingGet the students to discuss the questions on page 1 with their partners. Then ask the students to report their work. Encourage the students to express their different opinions.

17、 T: Now, class, please look at the slide. Discuss these questions with your partners. Then Ill ask some students to report their work.Show the following on the screen.What do you know about infectious diseases?What do you know about cholera?Do you know scientific research?What order would you put th

18、e seven in? Just guess.Sample answer 1:S1: Let me try. Infectious diseases can be spread easily. They unknown cause and may do great cholera.S2: It infects peoples intestines, causing diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps.S3: The most common cause of cholera is people eat food or drink water that contam

19、inated by the bacteria.S4: Cholera can be mild or even without symptoms, but a severe case can lead to death without immediate treatment.Sample answer 3:S1: I know sth. about it. First we should find the problem. Then, think of a solution.S2: We should collect as much information as possible.S3: Ana

20、lyzing results is the most important stage.S4: Before we make a conclusion, it is necessary for us to repeat some stages or processes.Sample answer 4:S1: I think “Find a problem” should be the first stage.S2: “Make up a question” should follow the first stage.S3: “Think of a method”, “Collect result

21、s” and “Analyze results” are after that.S4: Of course, before “Make a conclusion”, we should “Repeat if necessary”.T: Well done! When we want to solve some problems, first we should find out the problem, do some research on it, prove your findings, and then make a conclusion. This is a scientific an

22、d objective way of researching. Now lets see Snow did the nineteenth century London was devastating. Many people died without knowing the reason. It was doctor John Snow who saved the people. Please look at the screen. Lets read the whole passage and find answers to the questions.Show the questions

23、on the screen.1. What conditions allowed cholera develop?2. Why do you think people believed that cholera multiplied in the air without reason?3. What evidence did John Snow gather to convince people that idea 2 was right?Sample answers:S1: The dirty water made the cholera develop quickly.S2: Becaus

24、e people could not understand its cause and could not get it cured. So people imagined that some poisonous gas in the air caused the deaths.S3: He found that many of the deaths were near the water pump while some areas far away from the water pump people were asked not to use the water pump, the dis

25、ease began to slow down. In this way, John Snow that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.Step Text analyzing Ask the students to analyze the text in groups. T: Please look at the chart on the screen. The chart shows that each paragraph of the text explains John Snows stages in grou

26、ps, and then report your answers. Paragraphs StagesGeneral ideas1234567Sample answers:S1: My groups opinion is this: stage one “Find a problem” is expressed in paragraph one. The general idea is like this: John Snow wanted to find the causes of cholera.S2: Our answer is like this: paragraph two expr

27、esses the second stage “Make up a question”. The general idea is like this: John Snow wanted to prove which theory was correct.S3: “Think of a method” is the third stage. And it is contained in paragraph three. The general idea is like this: John Snow collected data on those who were ill or died and

28、 where they got their water.S4: The fourth stage “Collect results” lies in paragraph four. Its general idea is like this: John Snow plotted information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.S5: Our group believe paragraph five contains the fifth stage of John Snows research. The gene

29、ral idea is like this: John Snow analysed the water to see if that was the cause of the illness. So this stage is to “Analyse the results”.S6: The sixth stage is “Repeat if necessary”. It is contained in the sixth paragraph. The general idea is like this: John Snow tried to find other evidences to c

30、onfirm .S7: The last paragraph is about the seventh stage “Make a conclusion”. Its general idea is like this: The polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London cholera.Ask some students to put their answers in the chart.ParagraphStagesGeneral ideas1Find a problemTh

31、e causes of cholera2Make up a questionThe correct or possible theory3Think of a methodCollect data on where people were ill and died and where they got their water4Collect resultsPlot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die5Analyse the resultsAnalyse the water to see if that is the cause of the illness6Repeat if necessaryFind other evidences to confirm 7Make a conclusionThe polluted dirty source of drinking water was to blame for the cause of the London choleraT: Now class. Can you tell me what style of the passage belongs to?S1: I thi

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