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1、动物谚语动物谚语About DOG”1、 lead a dogs life 过着受折磨的日子2、 dog-eat-dog 狗咬狗,损人不利己3、 work like a dog 工作很努力的4、 dog-tired 累极了5、 Every dog has its day凡人皆有得意日6、 You can never teach an old dog new tricks 人老不学艺、失宠7、 let sleeping dogs lie 莫惹事生非8、 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨9、 Barking dogs do not bite吠犬不咬人10、Give a dog a b

2、ad/ill name and hang him. 一旦给人坏名声就永远洗刷不掉。11、 He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick 欲加之罪,何患无辞12、 Love me, love my dog爱屋及乌About “pig”1、You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. 指浪费时间去让一只猪变漂亮2、A hog in a silk waistcoat is still a hog 肉猪 3、You cannot make a silk purse

3、out of a sows ear 巧妇难为无米之炊4、in a pigs eye 俚语:永不,决不5、cast pearls before swine 明珠暗投6、high on the hog 美口 花钱很多地,奢侈地7、go the whole hog 俚语 彻底的干;完全接受8、hog-wild 无约束的9、bring home the bacon 俚语 成功;谋生About “fish”1、 like a fish out of water 感到生疏不适应2、 fish or cut bait要么全力以赴要么索性放弃3、 fishing expedition审前盘问或调查;非法调查4

4、、 red herring 鲱鱼 / draw a red herring across the track/ trail扯些不相干的东西来分散谈话的中心5、 green around the gills gil 垂头丧气6、 rosy about the gills (酒后)脸腮红润7、 turn red in the gills 发怒8、 white about the gills (吓得或病得脸色发白)9、be packed in like sardines 拥挤不堪10、drinks like a fish 牛饮11、a fine/pretty kettle of fish 混乱;尴尬

5、;困境12、a big fish in a small pond 矮子里头的长子 13、There are plenty of other fish in the sea/ Theres as good fish in the sea as ever came out of it. 海里的好鱼是取之不尽的 纵然失去一个机会不愁没有其他机会 14、All s fish that comes to his net. 凡是到手的他都要 来者不拒 15、Fish begins to stink at the head. 鱼要腐烂头先臭 上梁不正下梁歪 。16、Never offer to teach

6、fish to swim.不要班门弄斧17、The best fish smell when they are three days old. 再好的鱼三天也要变臭 久住招人嫌 About “birds”1、 for the birds 毫无意义;荒唐可笑2、 eat like a bird 吃得极少3、 a birds-eye view 俯瞰4、 Birds of a feather flock together物以类聚,人以群分5、 A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush双鸟在林不如一鸟在手6、 killing two birds with

7、one stone 一箭双雕7、 a feather in ones cap可以夸耀的事情;荣誉的标志8、 The early bird catches the worm 早起的鸟儿有虫吃,捷足先登9、clip ones wings 使某人无计可施 10、pecking order 禽鸟的等级 指最凶的可啄次凶的,次凶的可啄一般的,以此类推 11、 as the crow flies按直线地12、eats crow 美口 做使自己丢脸的事 如被迫收回成命,被迫承认错误 13、chicken feed 俚语 小额钱币;零钱 14、chicken-livered 胆怯的 15、Counts one

8、s chickens before they are hatched 过早乐观 16、come home to roost 得到恶报 17、like water off a ducks back毫无影响的18、lame ducks 任期快满但没有被重新选上的 落选官员或议员About “numbers”1、 put two and two together 根据事实推断,推理2、Two wrongs dont make a right Two blacks do not make a white 冤冤相报不可取3、Twos company, threes a crowd/none 两人成伴,三

9、人不欢4、at sixes and sevens 七上八下5、Six of one, half a dozen the other 半斤八两6、seventh heaven 天堂(宗教七重天上帝和天使居住的地方;极乐之地)7、on cloud nine 俚语 狂喜状态,极乐的心境8、Nine times out of ten 几乎每次,十有八九,常常9、dress to the nines 打扮得十分华丽10、forty winks 白天打盹 11、at the eleventh hour 在最后时候,在危急之时 About “horse”1、get off/come off ones hig

10、h horse 不再骄傲自大2、hold ones horses (俚语)忍耐3、horse around: play in a violent way (俚语) 哄闹,胡闹4、a one-horse town 乡村小镇5、wild horses could not drag sb away 没有什么能阻止某人做某事6、straight from the horses mouth 消息等 直接得到. 7、You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him drink. 带马到河边容易,逼马饮水难。8、beat/flog a dead h

11、orse白费力,徒劳;事后再作无益的议论9、a dark horse 喻实力难测的竞争者 10、Do not change horses in midstream 行到河中不换马,喻危难时不宜做大变动 About “insects”1、as busy as a bee 极忙2、a beehive of activity 熙熙攘攘3、makes a beeline 径直 4、the bees knees 想的入了迷 5、That is none of your beeswax (蜂蜡) 不关你的事 6、mad as a hornet 极度生气7、stir up a hornets nest 捅马

12、蜂窝;树敌招怨;惹麻烦 8、have butterflies in your stomach因害怕而发抖 9、have ants in your pants 因焦急、气愤等而 坐立不安,急欲行动 10、stop bugging (烦扰)me别烦我11、put a bug in your ear 事先给人暗示或警告 .12、snug as a bug in a rug 非常舒适 13、sleep tight - dont let the bed bugs bite晚安About“eyes”1、catch his eye 引人注目2、sets eyes on sb /make eyes at sb

13、 or give sb the eye (俚语)向某人做媚眼3、get hit between the eyes 被吸引住4、with stars in ones eyes 掌上明珠5、Ones eyes might be bigger than his stomach. 嘴馋6、Ones eyes might pop out : be very surprised 7、see eye to eye with sb.: agree on many issues 看法完全一致8、an eye for an eye: 以眼还眼;报复9、pull the wool over a persons eyes: try to trick a person by making him believe something that is false.10、keep an eye on 照看;密切注视

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