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1、倾城之恋与飘的女性主义解读商务英语本科学位论文中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目:倾城之恋与飘的女性主义解读姓 名 : 00000000 班级、学号 : 0000、000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-11-4 2009 年 11 月 4 日目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-4正文5-13答辩委员会表决意见14答辩过程记录表15课 题 倾城之恋与飘的女性主义解读 一、 课题(论文)提纲0.引言1.女权运动在美国1.1女权运动的历史概观1.2女权主义对美

2、国文学产生的影响2.女性主义在中国的兴起和发展 2.1空白期 2.2引入期 2.3畸变期 2.4发展期3.倾城之恋与飘的女性主义思想的差异 3.1倾城之恋中的女性主义思想 3.2飘中的女性主义思想 3.3 女性主义意识的差异4. 结论二、内容摘要20世纪30、40年代,部分女性已经从沉睡中醒来,用文学创作的方式表达各自不同的女性主义思想。本文尝试从女权运动的发生与发展对女性主义文学产生的影响着手,分析具有代表性的美国女作家玛格丽特.米切尔与中国女作家张爱玲作品中的女性主义文学思想。从作品中女主人公的性格差异来剖析不同文化背景下的女性意识的表现。在比较中透视女权主义思想对中西方现代生活的影响。关

3、键词:女权运动;女性主义文学;文化差异; 女性主义思想三、 参考文献1 Taylor, Helen. Starlets Women: Gone with the Wind and Its Female Fans. Florida: International University, 19892 安冬. 两性的对立与和谐的女性主义解读.语文学刊, 2006年第6期.3 陈子善.阅读张爱玲书系之四 张爱玲的风气. 山东:山东画报出版社, 2004.4 丁伊莎.中国女性主义文学的兴起与发展. 中国文学研究, 2003.5 荆兴梅飘的女性主义解读. 江苏:江苏科技大学学报:社会科学版,2005.6 乔

4、以钢.多彩的旋律 中国女性主义主题研究. 天津:南开大学出版社, 2003.7 宋家宏.张爱玲的“失落者”心态及创作.文学评论, 1988.8 吴世娟.漫谈中的女权主义思想. 河南: 焦作大学学报,2006.Feminism in “Love of the City” and “Gone with the Wind”0000000Abstract:During 1930s and 1940s, some women deliver their feminist thoughts through literary creation. This paper attempts to begin wi

5、th the influences which produced by the occurrence and development of feminist movement on feminine literature, and tries to analyze the different feminist thought in the works of Margaret Mitchell in America and Eileen Chang in China. The heroines disposition differences symbolize the performance o

6、f feminine awareness under the different cultural background, and find the effect which produced by feminist thought on modern society in china and western countries through such comparison. Key Words:Feminist Movement; feminine literature; cultural difference; feminist though0. Introduction The mai

7、n purpose of Feminist movement is to get the equal rights with men, and then improve the social status and living conditions of women. Its also named womens liberation movement. Feminists insist that there should be an equal right about political, economics and culture, etc. between men and women. I

8、n 1930s, women aware of their own “without me” state, they began to express they understand and experience to the society, human beings and themselves. Eileen Chang, Margaret. Mitchell became the feminism representative of this era,“Love of the City” and “Gone with the Wind” became a classic of mode

9、rn literature. The idea of feminism is expressed in these two works. Though they were growing up in different countries, their works are to convey the desire and requirement of women, and admire the value of women. In this article, I have made a comparison about the idea of feminism which is express

10、ed in both “Love of the City” and “Gone with the Wind”, and try to start with the effect of the feminist literature that made by the occurrence and development of the feminist movement , analyzed the literature idea of feminism existed in the two works. From the character difference between these tw

11、o heroines, I have made an analysis about the representation of feminine consciousness under the different culture environment.1. Feminist movement in the United States1.1 Overview about the history of feminist movementThe western feminism mainly experienced two revolutions: The first time was in th

12、e late 18th and early 19th century. Under the influence of French bourgeois revolution, women began to leave their homes for participating in vigorous social revolution. The awakening of feminist consciousness, making feminist ideas quickly spread throughout the Western world.Influenced by the two s

13、cientific and technological revolutions and two world wars, especially the impact of the Second World War after the mid-20th century, the Western feminist movement has climax. The second wave of feminism from the United States and quickly spread to other countries in North America and Europe. It inh

14、erits the idea of feminism has always been against the traditional inequality between men and women against men, discrimination against women and gender oppression, but whats different with the first wave of is that feminist criticism no longer simply pointing the finger of blame men, but began to r

15、eflect on and self-criticism.As to the feminism of United States, what we are familiar with is the black womens liberation movement. White women also fight for electoral rights, political participation and the same rights as man. These shared the oppressed and their campaign to make the traditional

16、feminist aware of: their gender and identity is not the most important, nor is it unique, what really matters is the rights of gender equality. The awakening of feminist consciousness help them to win more rights and opportunities, they occupies a place in the political, economic, and cultural field

17、s.1.2 The impact of Feminism on AmericaThe appearance and development of feminist movement has much influence on American literature, the rise of womens literature is confirmed by this, woman suffered discrimination because of their gender, and their special needs are still not be met, and in order

18、to meet these special needs, they needs innovation in the rule of social, economic and political, As their literature reflected this demand head. The feminist movement making the U.S. literary scene alive, there have appeared a group of writers loves to think that represented by Margaret. Mitchell.

19、In their eyes, American society has become very complicated, and the values are confused. They generally feel that do not know how to explain this reality, so they adopted bizarre, fantasy, exaggerated way to reproduction the chaos, terror and madness of life.2. The rise and development of feminism

20、in China2.1 Blank periodBefore Western feminist ideas came into China, there have been almost thousands of years. Although the Chinese history has emerged many outstanding women, there are not so fierce, wide-ranging implications of feminist thought like western countries. Therefore, we can regard i

21、t as the interregnum of feminist thought during this long period.2.2 The introduction of phaseWhen western feminist thought entered into China for the first time, China is experiencing a feudal liberation movement. In the early 20th century, the New Culture Movement has injected a lot of fresh air i

22、nto Chinese society. The Chinese womens literature of the New Literature Movement developed a slogan to make response to “personality liberation”, they pursue the liberty of their own marriage, or advocated love supreme, or join a full-fledged social revolution which obviously reflected that era.2.3

23、 Variation periodThe feminist thought was introduced to China in early 20th century, it began a special “localization” of the variation after experiencing the national democratic revolution, feminists thought deviated from its original purpose for a very long period of time. The opposite side of the

24、 struggle for Chinese womens liberation movement in the 20th century is not the inequality between men and women on political, economic, cultural hegemony, but three great mountains: imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, which pressed all the Chinese people. Therefore, the advocators and

25、 leaders of the Chinese womens movement are not women themselves, but the opposite sex - men.2.4 Development periodChina has gradually reintegrated with the world, after the reforming and opening up in the 1980s. The rights of women gradually lost to a certain extent in political and legal protectio

26、n. The Government implemented policies which is based on the status of men to protect women, but the problems of their poor self-independence, consciousness and sense of community gradually exposed under the loosening of the control of the whole country.3. The differences of feminism thought between

27、 “Love of the City” and “Gone with the Wind”3.1 The Feminism Thought in “Love of the City”In1940s, several modern women had wakened up, and spare no efforts to get away from the shackles of feudal families to seek a free and bright life. However, its difficult for them to get rid of social discrimin

28、ation and persecution. Bai Liusu, for example is a representative in Eileen Changs article. But the more important thing is her realization of female awareness that deny an arranged fate. In our tradition, women are living in a patriarchal society. The society did not require them to have much knowl

29、edge, Social Moral and ethical. Bai Liusu who is in the “Love of the City” did not take the way that the social morality and ethics required, different from those submissive woman, Liu made a resistance.Whether the women can liberate themselves is all depend on if they have an Economic independence.

30、 The women has been suppressed and discriminated for a long time that they are confused about their own gender roles and resistance, a large number of women were not still realized that they should liberate themselves from the gender rather than accept the liberation. Bai Liusu is a good example, in

31、 the front of traditional ethics and morals ,she is aware of her position and try to change it ,but when she is fight against the ethics , she make a mistake again, and then become a subsidiary of a man at last.3.2 The Feminism Thought in “Gone with the Wind”American women are the same as the Chines

32、e women in the same period that they are a subsidiary of men. But what make Scarlett who is in Mitchells article interested is “One day, I do what I want to and say what I wanted to say, even if people do not like, I will not care about.” From her words we can see her fortitude as well as her passion and rebellious spirit, and she di

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