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优质宁波市届高三 十校联考试题英语.docx

1、优质宁波市届高三 十校联考试题英语(word版)浙江省宁波市2011届高三 十校联考试题英语第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1- Well, its getting late. I must be going. Thank you for inviting me to the evening party of the Rabbit Year.- .AOh, its so late. BThank you for coming.CAll right. DI reall

2、y had a happy time.2In January, 2011, leader of the Chinese Communist Party Hu Jintao was warmly received by Barak Obama, who was elected president of the US two years ago.A/; / Bthe; / Cthe; the D/ ; the3Youd better not leave the football club. If you do, most probably you will not be back in.Aturn

3、ed Breceived Cadmitted Dabstracted4“Unbelievable” is so new an English word coined on the Internet is forbidden to appear in official media or documents at present.Athat Bwhich Cit Das5If you havent had enough sleep, your actions will give you during the day.Aaway Bup Cin Doff6The teacher was absorb

4、ed in writing something, only now and then to refer to a book or another.Ato stop Bstopped Cstopping Dhaving stopped7No doubt she will be late. Its of her to keep all the other guests waiting.Aoriginal Blogical Cnormal Dtypical8My uncle in Taiwan for 20 years. Now he has settled down in mainland.Ali

5、ved Bhad lived Chas lived Dwas living9 you work hard, you wont solve this problem.AEven BAs CUnless DSince10The illness of her son is so that she cannot go to sleep at night.Asatisfying Bworrying Csurprising Dpuzzling11Usually an adult man can grow about 1.7 meters tall, a few may grow as short as 1

6、.3 meters.Awhile Bor Cfor Dso12- Ill buy you a ten speed bicycle as a birthday present.- Is that a ? I wish you would not disappoint me.Adecision Bpresentation Cpreference Dpromise13According to our school regulations, you arrive at school before 7 A. M.Amay Bcan Cwill Dshould14The case is rare a ma

7、n can be cured of such a terrible disease.Awhen Bwhere Chow Dthat15- Could you be so kind as to pass me the cell phone?- .AWith pleasure BA pleasure CYes, please DGo ahead.16We will give a gift to comes first.Awho Bwhomever Cwhom Dwhoever17 what I had previously thought, my new deskmate turned out t

8、o be a very interesting guy.AInstead of BIn spite of CContrary to DBecause of18He is considered to be a gifted manager, with a quick mind and good humor.Aone Beach Cthat Dwho19I dont think it easy, even if we work hard, the South Korea and the North Korea to sit down to talk at present.Apersuaded Bt

9、o persuade Cpersuade Dpersuading20What a pity. If I had caught that flight, I over the Pacific Ocean now.Awould fly Bwould have flown Cwould be flying Dwere flying第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项My friend John always has something to tell me. He knows so much tha

10、t 21 men have to have older and more worldly wise men to tell them, 22 , who to trust, how to care for others and how to live life 23 the fullest.Recently, John lost his 24 Janet. For eight years she fought against cancer, but in the end her sickness had the last 25 . One day John took out a folded

11、piece of 26 from his wallet. He had found it, so he told me, when he 27 up some drawers at home.It was a 28 love letter Janet had written. The note could look like a school girls scrawls (潦草地写,乱涂) about her dream guy. 29 the letter was written by a woman who had had seven children, a woman who fough

12、t for her life and who 30 only had a few months left to live.It was 31 a beautiful recipe (处方,食谱) for how to keep a marriage together. Janets 32 of her husband begins like this, “Loved me. Took care of me. Worried about me.”“Helped me when I was ill.” The next 33 reads. After that she turned 34 the

13、paper and added “Warmth. Humor. Kindness. Thoughtfulness.” And then she writes about the husband she has 35 with and loved most in her life. “ 36 there when I needed you.” The last words she wrote 37 all the others. I can see her for me when she added thoughtfully “Good friend.”I stand beside John n

14、ow, and cannot pretend to know how it feels to lose someone who is as close to 38 as Janet was to him. I need to 39 what he has to say much more than he needs to talk.“John,” I ask. “How do you stick together with someone through 38 years not to mention the sickness? How do I know 40 I can bear to s

15、tand by my wifes side if she becomes sick one day?”“You can.” he says quietly, “If you love her enough, you can.”21Aold Bwise Cyoung Dfoolish22Afor instance Bat no time Cin that case Das a matter of fact23Ain Bto Cat Dfor24Afriend Bcolleague Cwife Dsister25Apossibility Bchance Chope Dword26Ahandkerc

16、hief Bcloth Cleather Dpaper27Afixed Blooked Ctidied Dput28Asmall Blong Cdescriptive Dtalkative29ASo BBut CAnd DWhile30Aprobably Bsurely Ccertainly Ddefinitely31Aonly Bfirstly Clastly Dalso32Aimagination Bdescription Cdream Dexpectation33Aletter Bnote Cline Dparagraph34Aaway Bdown Coff Dover35Alived

17、Bdealt Cquarreled Dargued36AConstantly BAlways CNever DSeldom37Atake the place of Bget rid of Ctake away Dsum up38Ame BJanet CJohn Dyou39Aspeak up Brepeat Cdiscuss Dhear40Awhy Bwhere Cif Dwhen第二部分:阅读理解(共25小题,每题2分,满分50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AToday, in many high schools,

18、teaching is now a technical miracle of computer labs, digital cameras. DVD players and laptops. Teachers can e-mail parents, post messages for students on online bulletin(公告,告示) boards, and take attendance with a quick movement of a mouse.Even though we are now living in the digital age, the basic a

19、nd most important element of education has not changed. Most students still need that one-on-one, teacher-student relationship to learn and to succeed. Teenagers need instruction in English, math or history, but they also want personal advice and encouragement. Kids talk with me about their families

20、, their weekend plans, their favorite TV shows and their relationship problems. In my English and journalism class, we talk about Shakespeare and persuasive(富有哲理的) essays, but we also discuss college basketball, the war in Iraq and career choices. Students show me pictures of their rebuilt cars, the

21、ir family vacations, and their newborn baby brothers. This personal connection is the necessary link between teachers and students that no amount of technology can improve upon or replace.A few years ago I had a student in sophomore English who was struggling with my class and with school in general

22、. Although he was a humorous young man who liked to joke around, I knew his family life was far from ideal. Whenever I approached him about missing homework or low test grades, he always had the same reply: “It doesnt matter because Im quitting school anyway.” Even though he always said this in a ha

23、lf-teasing way, I knew he needed to hear my different opinion and my “value of a high school education” lecture. He needed to hear this speech from me. After he left my class, he struggled through the next two years of school. But, he did finally graduate because we kept telling him to hang in there

24、. Wed cared about him finishing school.Recently, I saw this former student working at a local Italian restaurant. I told him again how proud I was of him. He said that he was hoping to go back to school to become a certified electrician. I encouraged him to get that training.Students rely on compass

25、ionate teachers to guide, to tutor, to listen, to laugh and to cry with them. Teachers provide the most important link in the educational process the human one.41The first paragraph mainly discusses _.Athe variety of modern teaching methodsBthe wide use of modern technology in educationCthe importan

26、ce of teacher-parent relationshipDthe importance of using modern technology42The underlined word “compassionate” in Para 5 means .Aambitious Bknowledgeable Csympathetic Dgenerous43According to the text, the most important element in education is .Ateachers good instruction Badvanced technologyCteach

27、ers encouragement Dpersonal connection44The author states his view of education by .Aexample Bdescription Cfigure DcomparisonBAustralia The vote for euthanasia (安乐死) was finally taken at 3:45 this morning. After six months argument and final 16 hours hot debates. Australias Northern Territory became

28、 the first legal authority in the world to allow doctors to take the lives of incurably ill patients who wish to die. The bill was passed by the vote of 15 to 10. Almost immediately world flashed on the Internet and was picked up, half a world away, by John Hofsess, the director of the Right to Die

29、Society of Canada. He sent it on through the groups on line service, Death NET. Hofsess says, “We posted it all day long, because this isnt just something that happened in Australia. Its world history.”The full import may take a while to understand. The NT Rights of the Terminally Ill law has left p

30、hysicians and citizens trying to deal with its moral and practical implications. Some have breathed sighs of relief; but others, including churches, right to life groups and the Australian Medical Association, bitterly attacked the bill and the haste of its passage. But the tide is unlikely to turn

31、back. In Australia-where an aging population, life-extending technology and changing community attitudes have all played their partother states are going to consider making a similar law to for euthanasia. In the U. S. and Canada, where the right to die movement is gathering strength, observers are waiting for the dominoes (多米诺骨牌) to start failing.Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death-probably by a deadly injection or pill-to put an end to suffering. The patient must be diagnosed as

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