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1、广西普通高考英语听力口语考试说明2020年普通高考英语听力口语考试说明壮族自治区招生考试院2019年12月2020年普通高考英语听力口语考试说明一、命题指导思想 英语听力口语考试遵循有助于高等学校选拔人才,有助于中学推进素质教育,有助于考试公平公正、科学、平稳、有效实施的原则,以普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语考试大纲为依据,反映中华人民国教育部2003年4月第1版制订的全日制普通高中英语课程标准(实验)对于听力技能培养的相关要求,并结合中学英语教学的实际,重视“新教材、新情境”的创设与运用,考察学生的综合语言运用能力,尤其是注重考查考生在某一语境下获取和处理信息,用英语进行思维和表达的能力,

2、以适应社会发展特别是我国改革开放和扩大对外交往的需要。英语听力口语考试坚持以科学性、准确性、客观性、公正性、规性为前提,使试卷有较高的信度、效度,必要的区分度和适当的难度,强调英语听力理解和口头表达的紧密联系,即听说合一,充分发挥考试对中学英语教育的积极导向作用。二、考试容和要求1语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、词汇、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题,考查考生在某一语境下获取和处理信息,用英语进行思维和表达的能力,要求掌握2500个单词及400左右常用短语。2. 语言运用听力考试部分,主要考查考生的英语听力水平,听懂用正常语速进行日常生活中所熟悉话题的对话或独白,在听的过程中,考生应能


4、,并全部在计算机系统中完成。听力题均为单项选择题,考生用鼠标在计算机屏幕上点击选项完成答题。口语题由考生口述计算机录音完成答题。整个考试过程约35分钟。听力部分共15小题,分为两节。考试用时约 25分钟第一节:听3个长对话。每听完一个长对话,回答3个问题,共9小题。每小题给出A、B、C、D四个选项,每小题考生有15秒的时间用鼠标点击最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。第二节:听2段独白。每听完一段独白,回答3个问题,共6小题,每小题给出A、B、C、D四个选项,每小题考生有15秒的时间用鼠标点击最佳选项。每段独白读两遍。注意:计算机考试试题不可回放,考生应在答题时间用鼠标点击所选的选项字母前的按钮,否则该

5、题无分。口语部分分为两节。考试用时约 10分钟第一节:模仿朗读。考生先听一遍朗读录音(配朗读文稿),接着考生有1分钟的时间作准备,然后按屏幕所给的朗读文稿用1分钟时间进行模仿朗读。模仿朗读要求 语音正确、语调自然、语速均匀、快慢适中。第二节:口头表达。考生先用20秒时间看屏幕中给出的话题和要求,然后用2分钟的时间作准备,最后根据给出的话题和要求用英语进行口头表达,回答时间为2分钟。口头表达要求 考生要充分发挥想象力和创造力,要紧扣所给出的话题容和要求,完整、连贯有条理地进行口头表达,若不按话题容说或套背文或只翻译屏幕中所给出的话题文字,该部分不能获得及格分。注意:考试录音时请考生看到屏幕下方红

6、色录音滚动条出现后再放声朗读或口头表达,因为红色录音滚动条没有出现时录音系统没启动,声音不能录入。考试容、题量、赋分和时间安排如下:序号 容题量赋分(分/题)小计(分)时间(分钟)第一部分1长对话9436 约152独白6424 约10第二部分3模仿朗读11010约44口头表达13030约6合 计17100 约35四、评分方式及评分参考英语听力口语全卷共100分。 (一)评分方式1听力部分的长对话或独白均为客观题(选择题),共15小题,每小题4分,共60分。2口语部分的模仿朗读、口头表达均为主观题。模仿朗读10分,口头表达30分,共40分。(二)口语部分评分参考1. 模仿朗读(10分) 评分要素

7、档 次语音、语调(权重5分)流畅度(权重3分)完整性(权重2分)一档语音、语调清晰、准确,很好地掌握了韵律特征朗读流畅,语速随段落 容快慢有致朗读了全部文本4-5分3分2分二档语音、语调基本清晰、准确,有个别地方出现错误有个别地方不流畅,或 没有随段落容改变语速基本朗读了全部文本, 漏读了几个单词2-3分2分1分三档多处出现发音困难或 语音、语调错误多处不流畅只朗读了大部分文本0-1分0-1分0分2. 口头表达(30分) 评分要素档 次 容(权重15分)语 言(权重8分)语音、语调 (包括流畅度) (权重7分)一档容丰富,完整、连贯能用合适的词汇、短语、 语法结构组织话语话语流畅,语音、语调正

8、确13-15分8分6-7分二档 容基本完整、 偶尔不够连贯基本能用合适的词汇、 短语、语法结构组织话语,只有个别地方出现错误话语基本流畅,语音、语调有错误,但不影响理解10-12分6-7分5分三档有部分述不够 完整,有时不连贯使用的词汇、短语、语法结构有少量错误部分话语不够流畅,语音、语调有错误,且有时影响理解7 -9分4-5分4分四档大部分述不完整,或不连贯使用的词汇、短语、语法 结构大部分不正确话语大部分不流畅,语音、语调有多处错误,且影响理解4-6分2-3分3分五档容严重缺乏完整性和连贯性不能使用合适的词汇、 短语、语法结构组织话语话语不流畅,表现出较严重的发音困难,且严重影响理解0-3

9、分0-1分0-2分六档考生不按话题规定容表述或套背容毫不相干的文0分五、英语听力口语考试成绩的使用英语听力口语考试考生试题卷面分采用百分制,报告考生成绩统一采用等级制,共分A、B、C、D、E五个等级。85分及以上为A等级;70分84分为B等级;55分69分为C等级;40分54分为D等级;39分及以下为E等级。考生成绩当年有效,不计入高考总成绩,以等级形式在考生高考档案中呈现,提供给招生院校作为外语专业和要求进行外语口试专业的录取参考。六、试题示例普通高考英语听力口语考试(多媒体电子样题文本)屏幕序号考试程序电 脑 屏 幕 容1听阅总指导语欢迎参加英语听力口语考试。考试由听力和口语两部分组成。听

10、力部分分为两节,共15小题,均为单项选择题。第一节,3段长对话。每段长对话后有3个小题,共9小题。第二节,2段独白,每段独白后有3个小题,共6小题。口语部分分为两节。第一节,模仿朗读。先听一遍短文录音,然后进行模仿朗读。第二节,口头表达。根据给出的话题及要求用英语进行口头表达。2听阅指导语听力部分。第一节:听下面3段长对话。每段对话后有3个小题,从题中给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听完每段对话后,各小题你有15秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。3听阅指导语请听第一段对话,回答第13小题:4听对话(考试时只显示上面图片,下段对话文字不显示)W: Hello, Lu

11、xair.M: Hello, Id like to know the times of Sunday flights, please, erfrom Luxemburg to Paris.W: From Luxemburg to Paris on Sundays? M: Yes, please.W: Yes, well, at the moment we have two flights a day at weekends. And, eryou may care to know that we have four a day at weekdays.M: Mmm.W: Now, the fi

12、rst flight leaves at 7:40 a.m. and arrives at 8:40 a.m. Thats flight number LG 201. And the second one, the evening flight, leaves at 6:45 p.m. and arrives at 7:45 p.m. The flight number is LG 203.M: MmmThanks very much. And, ermwhat is the airport of arrival, please?W: Well. Erall arrivals are at P

13、oissy Charles de Gaulle in Paris.M: Thank you very much.W: Not at all.M: Bye.W: Bye. 5听阅问题1.How many flights are there from Luxemburg to Paris on Sundays?6考生作答1.How many flights are there from Luxemburg to Paris on Sundays? A. 2. B. 3. C. 4. D. 5.倒计时:15s7听阅问题2. How long will the flight take from Lux

14、emburg to Paris?8考生作答2. How long will the flight take from Luxemburg to Paris? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. D. Four hours.倒计时:15s9听问题3. Which flight is at 7:40 on Sunday morning from Luxemburg to Paris?10考生作答3. Which flight is at 7:40 on Sunday morning from Luxemburg to Paris? A. Fligh

15、t LG 204. B. Flight LG 203. C. Flight LG 202. D. Flight LG 201.倒计时:15s11听阅指导语请听下面一段对话,回答第46小题:12听对话(考试时只显示上面图片,下段对话文字不显示)M: Can you tell me something about your first job?W: Well, yes. It was with a large international company. They have a trainee programme for people from university and, well, that

16、 was my first job, trainee marketing manager.M: What exactly did you do?W: Well, the programme lasted eighteen months. During that time I worked in different departments in personnel, purchasing, marketing and such things. I also went out with the sales representatives to visit customers.M: Did you

17、enjoy it?W: Yes, I did. I didnt really know what I wanted to do when I left university, so it was good to see what the different departments did. It was really practical.M: It sounds interesting.W: Yes, it was. But it was very badly paid. I did the same work as other people. I think a lot of the tra

18、inees feel they are a cheap source of labour.M: Would you do it again?W: Sure. I learnt a lot. And found out where I really wanted to work. 13听阅问题4. What are the speakers talking about?14考生作答4. What are the speakers talking about? A. The womans company. B. The womans school life. C. The womans manag

19、er. D. The womans first job.倒计时:15s15听阅问题5. What did the woman do after she left university?16考生作答5. What did the woman do after she left university? A. She worked for a marketing program. B. She worked in a large company as a worker. C. She worked as a trainee marketing manager. D. She worked in di

20、fferent departments as a saleswoman.倒计时:15s17听阅问题6. Why did she enjoy her first job?18考生作答6. Why did she enjoy her first job? A. Because it was exciting. B. Because it was really practical. C. Because she couldnt find another job then. D. Because it was a large international company.倒计时:15s19听阅指导语请听

21、下面一段对话,回答第79小题:20听对话(考试时只显示上面图片,下段对话文字不显示)Woman: Hey Jack. You look tired. Whats going on?Man: Its finals week and I have been up all night studying.Woman: How many exams do you have left?Man: Three more to go?Woman: Have you been keeping up, or are you cramming everything?Man: If I was keeping up,

22、I wouldnt need to stay up all night.Woman: Ha ha ha. Looks like you are in for a tough week.Man: Tell me about it. How about you? What have you been up to?Woman: I finished my last final this morning.Man: So youre completely done?Woman: No. I have one more report that is due this Friday. I havent st

23、arted it yet, but it shouldnt be too tough. If you need help with your chemistry class, I can help you over the weekend.Man: That would be great.Woman: Lets get together Saturday around lunch time.Man: You dont know how much this means to me. Thanks.Woman: Dont mention it. Ill see you on Saturday.21

24、听阅问题7. Why is Jack so tired?22考生作答7. Why is Jack so tired? A. He was up all night drinking at a party. B. He was up all night studying. C. He got sick and is feeling tired all the time. D. He just finished his last final this morning.倒计时:15s23听阅问题8. What does cramming mean in this dialog?24考生作答8. Wh

25、at does cramming mean in this dialog? A. To drink as much as possible. B. To pack things using one small bag. C. To do last minute studying. D. To have muscle pain from running too much.倒计时:15s25听阅问题9. Why are they going to meet on Saturday?26考生作答9. Why are they going to meet on Saturday? A. Because

26、 the woman will help the man in Biology. B. Because the man will help the woman in Chemistry. C. To share notes in the history class. D. To study together for the exams.倒计时:15s27听阅指导语第二节:听下面2段独白。每段独白后有3个小题,从题中给出的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并用鼠标点击该选项。听完每段独白后,各小题你有15秒钟的作答时间。每段独白读两遍。28听阅指导语请听第一段独白,回答第1012小题:29听

27、独白(考试时只显示上面图片,下段对话文字不显示)W: Well, for those of you who went out today, I dont have to tell you it was clear, but muggy for most of the state, with the high temperatures in the low to mid 90s. The city of Elkview had the high for the day of 97 degrees. And thats hot. Im glad Im working indoors today!F

28、or those of you planning outdoor activities tomorrow, you can expect sunny skies for most of Saturday with temperatures in the high 90s. However, things might change by Saturday evening with a storm front moving in. We can expect light scattered showers over the northern part of the state bringing s

29、lightly cooler temperatures in the eighties, but this rain should stop by mid Sunday morning. It will be partly cloudy for most of the morning, but these clouds should move out by mid-afternoon. Skies should be clear Sunday night for those wanting to catch a glimpse of the partial lunar eclipse. It

30、should start at 10:47 pm. And thats all for todays weather.30听阅问题10. What was Fridays weather like?31考生作答10. What was Fridays weather like? A. sunny and windy. B. warm and dry. C. hot and cloudy. D. cold and rainy.倒计时:15s32听阅问题11. What is Saturday evenings weather forecast?33考生作答11. What is Saturday evenings wea

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