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1、高一英语Festivals教案高一英语Festivals教案目标导引.单词及短语dress up, honour, self-determination, purpose, faith, salute, reminder, care about, respect, trick, light, give away, as well as, in other words, take in, get together.语法:情态动词(2) must, have to, have got to的用法内容精讲.单词及短语精讲1.dress(1)vi. 穿好衣裳e.g. Have you finished

2、 dressing?你穿好了吗?(2)vt.给穿好衣裳 e.g. The child was too young to dress himself.孩子太小了不能自己穿衣服。(3)(日常的)穿着(打扮)vi.e.g. She dressed well/ badly.她穿得好/不好。注:多用过去分词作表语等,说明衣着情况e.g. She was dressed in white like a nurse.= She dressed herself in white like a nurse.她穿一身白像个护士。 dress up(1)打扮得漂漂亮亮,穿上最好的衣裳,打扮成某种样子e.g. Chi

3、ldren often enjoy dressing up in their parents clothes.孩子们经常喜欢穿上父母的衣服。He dressed up Father Christmas.他打扮成圣诞老人。(2)把打扮起来,给穿上某种衣服e.g. I dressed the children up for the party.我给孩子们打扮起来去参加派对。2. hono(u)r vt. (1)尊敬e.g. Children should honour their father and mother.孩子应该尊敬父母。They received me as an honoured

4、guest.他们把我作为一位受尊敬的客人来接待我。(2)对表示敬意e.g. Flowers were placed there to honour his memory.鲜花摆放在那里为了纪念他(3)使感到荣幸e.g. You honour us by being with us today.今天你和我们在一起这是我们的荣幸。I am honoured to be asked to speak.被邀请在此讲话是我的荣幸。honour n.(1)荣誉,光荣(不可数名词)e.g. They fight for the honour of their country.他们为祖国的荣誉而战。(2)(高

5、尚)人格,信誉(不可数名词)e.g. A man of honour would not behave in so cowardly a way.一个高尚的人行为处事不会这么懦弱。(3)尊敬,敬重(不可数)e.g. One must show honour to ones parents.一个人必须尊敬父母。(4)使感到光荣的人或事,荣幸(可数,多作单数)e.g. Its an honour to meet you.见到你十分荣幸。He is an honour to his family.他是家庭的光荣。比较:in honour of 为了(纪念或表示敬意而举行某活动)e.g. It is

6、only a dance in honour of her birthday.这只是纪念她生日的一个舞会。A memorial meeting was held in his honour.为了纪念他而举行纪念会。have the honour (of)有幸,荣幸地 e.g. May I have the honour of your company at dinner?我能有幸与您共进晚餐吗?I have the honour to introduce Prof. Wang.我荣幸地介绍一下王教授。3.determine vt.(1)决定e.g. His future has not bee

7、n determined, but he may study medicine.他还没决定好未来,但他可能学医。Can we now determine the date for our party?我们现在能决定派对的日期吗?(2)决心,决意,决定(作某事),(用过去分词)决心,下定决心determine+不定式to doe.g. She determined to go that very afternoon.她决心就在那个下午走。He determined to get there first.= He was determined to get there first.他决定第一个到那

8、儿。I was determined not to follow their advice.我决定不听他们的建议。determine+从句e.g. Have they determined where the new school will be built?他们决定在哪儿建新学校了吗?He had been determined that no one should know.他决意不让任何人知道。My mother is determined that I shall marry Jack.妈妈决定让我嫁给杰克。determined 过去分词作定语或表语,果断,坚定,坚决e.g. She

9、was a very determined woman who always gets what she wants.她是一个意志坚定的人,她总能得到她想得到的东西。His voice was determined, his eyes were flashing.他的声音很坚决,他的眼睛闪闪发亮。determination n.(1)决心(不可数)e.g. He came with the determination of staying/to stay one week.他决心呆一周。(2)决定(不可数,间或加不定冠词)e.g. The boy came to a determination

10、 to run away from school.男孩决定逃学。self-determination n.自主,自我决定4. purpose n.目的,意图,目标e.g. What is your purpose in doing this?你做这件事的目的是什么?The purpose of this meeting is to elect a new captain.这次会议的目的是选举一个新船长。His purpose was to graduate from medical school and become a great surgeon.他的目标是从医科学校毕业成为一名外科医生。比

11、较:forpurpose为了目的e.g. If I go there in future, it will be for the purpose of seeing you.如果我今后去那儿的话,就是为了见你。Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family, or for business purposes?你去伦敦是见家人还是出差?on purpose 有意地,故意地,特意e.g. Ive come on purpose to speak to you.我来是特意要与你谈谈。She did it on purpose.

12、她是故意那样做。5. faith n.信心,信赖,信念(不可数)e.g. I have faith in his ability.我对他的能力有信心。I havent much faith in this medicine.我对这种药没有太大的信心。faithful adj.忠实的e.g. He was honest, and faithful, and industrious, and economical.他诚实,忠实,勤奋,节俭。He was faithful to his promise.他忠守诺言。6. salute v.(1)(向)敬礼e.g. We salute the flag

13、 every day at school.我们在学校每天向国旗敬礼。The officer saluted as the soldiers marched past.当士兵经过时,军官敬礼。(2)和打招呼,向表示敬意e.g. I saluted my opponents courage.我敬佩对手的勇气。n.(1)敬礼,致敬,表示敬意(可数)e.g. The officer gave a salute.军官敬礼。(2)招呼(可数)e.g. He waved to her and she returned the salute.他向她挥手,她回敬礼。7.reminder n.提醒的人(物),暗示

14、e.g. Please give me a reminder this afternoon to phone him.请下午提醒我给他打电话。remind v.使想起,提醒(1)+ of短语 e.g. That story you have just told reminds me of an experience I once had.你刚刚讲的故事使我想起了我曾经有过的经历。I may forget to repay the five pounds you lent me unless you remind me of/about it.如果你不提醒的话,我会忘了还你借给我的五英镑。(2)

15、+ do e.g. Please remind me to write that letter.请提醒我写信。Remind me to take my medicine tomorrow.提醒我明天吃药。(3)+从句 e.g. The sight of the clock reminded me that I was late.看见时钟使我想起我迟到了。I reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。8. care about (1)关心e.g. He used to care only about his

16、own family, but has greatly changed now.他曾经只关心他自己家,但是现在变了很多。The professor said that he was interested only in research; he didnt care about his students.教授说他只对研究感兴趣,不关心他的学生。(2)喜欢,对有兴趣e.g. He cares about music.他对音乐感兴趣。比较:care for(1)照顾,照料e.g. The mother cared for the sick child night and day.妈妈日日夜夜照料生

17、病的孩子。(2)喜欢,对有兴趣e.g. They do not care very greatly for art.他们对艺术不是很感兴趣。care v.在乎,在意(多用于否定结构)(1) +从句e.g. Ill go. I dont care what happens.我要走,我不在乎发生什么了。(2)后不接内容e.g. I dont care, so long as she let me be with her.我不在乎,只要她让我和她在一起。n.(1)注意,当心(不可数)take care从句e.g. Take care (that)you dont break it.小心别打碎它。ta

18、ke care of sth.e.g. Take care of what you are doing.注意你在干什么。with care 作状语,仔细地,认真地,当心e.g. Cross the road with care.过马路时要当心。(2)照顾,照管(不可数)under (ones/ the) caree.g. I must leave him under your care.我必须让你来照顾他。The library is under the care of Mr. Green.图书馆是由格林先生照管的。in ones caree.g. Mary was left in her s

19、isters care.玛丽被留下来由姐姐照顾。to ones care e.g. Ill leave this to your care.我将把这个留给你来照顾。take care ofe.g. It was I who was taking care of him.是我在照顾他。(3)忧烦,烦恼(不可数)e.g. Care had made him look ten years older.烦恼使他看起来老十岁。(4)烦人的事(可数)e.g. He seemed to be a little man without a care.他似乎是一个没有烦事的小人物。9.respect (1) v

20、t.尊敬,尊重e.g. All children should respect their parents.所有的孩子都应该尊敬父母。respect oneself有自尊心,自重e.g. If you dont respect yourself, how can you expect others to respect you?如果你不尊重自己,怎么能指望别人尊重你。(2)n.尊敬,尊重e.g. I had much respect for him.我很尊重他。You should have more respect for her feelings.你应该多尊重她的感情。respects n

21、.敬意,问候e.g. Please send my respects to your family.请代我问候你的家人。10.trick n.(1)骗人的办法,诡计,计谋,手法,花招e.g. Dishonest businessmen sometimes use tricks.不诚实的商人有时使用花招。We used several tricks to make the enemy believe that we were about to attack.我们用了几个计谋使敌人相信我们要进攻了。(2)戏法,把戏e.g. He taught the monkey to do tricks.他教猴

22、子作戏法。(3)恶作剧,开玩笑e.g. Telling someone his shoe is untied is an old April Fools trick.告诉某人他的鞋带开了是愚人节常开的玩笑。(4)窍门e.g. Theres a trick to making good coffee.煮咖啡有一个窍门。(5)play a trick/ tricks on 开的玩笑,捉弄,耍弄计谋e.g. These boys like playing tricks on their teachers.这些男孩喜欢捉弄他们的老师。11. compare v. (1)compare with比较,指

23、同类事物的具体比较e.g. Compare these two languages, and we can see there are differences as well as similarities.比较这两种语言,可以发现它们有同有异。Parents like to compare their own children with other children.父母们总喜欢把自己的孩子与别的孩子进行比较。(2) compare to 比作, 指非同类事物的抽象比较e.g. Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。Peo

24、ple often compare girls to flowers.人们经常把女孩子比作花朵。(3) compared to/ with与比起来,常在句中作状语,可位于句首或句尾,to和with可通用。e.g. In the 1619 age group, 32% of women smoke, compared to/ with 28% of men.在1619岁这一年龄段中,女的吸烟者有32%,而男的有28%。It was a small place then compared to/ with what it is now.和现在比起来,那时它还是个小地方。12. similar ad

25、j.类似的,相似,差不多相同的(similarly adv.)e.g. My wife and I have similar tastes in music.妻子和我音乐品味上差不多。The two dresses are similar but not identical.这两条裙子差不多但不完全相同。be similar to 和差不多(相近)e.g. His views are similar to mine.他的观点和我的差不多。A gas-stove is similar to an oil-stove.气炉和油炉差不多。similarity n. e.g. There is not

26、 much similarity between the two brothers.两兄弟之间没有多少相似之处。Have you noticed any similarities between them? 你注意到他们之间有什么相似之处了吗?13. base n. (1)基础,底座e.g. It measures 400 square metres at the base.底座有400平方米。(2)基地,根据地e.g. Marx went to England and made London the base for his revolutionary work.马克思去英国并把伦敦作为他的

27、革命工作的根据地。vt.(1)把建立在,以为基础e.g. Alice always bases her opinions on the facts.爱丽斯总是把她的想法观点建立在事实基础上。Teaching is an art based on a science.教学是以科学为基础的艺术。(2)把(总部基地等)设在e.g. The companys headquarters is based in Paris.公司的总部设在巴黎。.句子精讲14. No arguments or fights are allowed.不许争论或打架。allow v.允许,准许(1)allow do

28、 sth.e.g. Please allow me to introduce Prof. Wang.请允许我介绍一下王教授。The boy wasnt allowed to play football.这个孩子不允许踢球。(2)allow (ones) doing e.g. No smoking is allowed in offices.办公室里禁止吸烟。Do you allow my speaking now?你允许我现在讲话吗?15. The week following Christmas Day, many African-American families get together

29、 to greet the new year and think about the past.在圣诞节这周,许多美国黑人家庭聚会来迎接新年并回想过去。(1) get together动词短语指为讨论或社交活动而进行的某种聚会e.g. Its a long time since I got together with my family.我已经很久没有与家人相聚了。Students got together for an English evening.学生们聚在一起开英语晚会。收集e.g. Get your things together. Well start off.快收拾好东西,我们就

30、要出发了。The little boy got together all kinds of seashells.小男孩收集了各种各样的贝壳。(2)greet vt. 向打招呼e.g. Everyone greeted him with a smile.每个人都微笑着向他打招呼。欢迎,迎接,欢呼,祝贺e.g. She greeted her guests at the door.她在门口迎接客人。greeting n. 招呼,称呼(可数,不可数)e.g. The greeting of all the guests took more than an hour.同所有的客人打招呼花了一个多小时。

31、(复)问候,祝贺e.g. In his letter my father sends you his greetings.我的父亲在他的信中转达了对你的问候。16. We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.我们必须尽可能使我们的社会变得更美好。(1) as as one can = as as possible “尽可能地”,中间是形容词或副词。e.g. The boy ran towards school as fast as he could (possible).孩子飞快地向学校跑去。You must be as careful as possible wh

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