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2、分)听下而5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有IO秒钟的时间来回答有关小題和阅读下一小題。毎段对话仅读一遍。例:HOW much is IhC shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18答案是c。C.95.1 Where does the COnVerSatiOn PrObabIy Iake place?A. In a supermarket. B. In the POSI office.2.What did Carl do?A. HC designed a medal. B. He fixed a TV set.3.WlIa

3、t does the Inan do?A. He,s a tailor. B. He,s a waiter.4.When Will the flight arrive?A. At 18:20. B. At 18:35.5.HOW Can the nan improve his article?A.By dclcling UnnCCCSSary words.B.By adding a COUPIC Of POintSC.By COrreCIing grammar mistakes.第二节(共15小题:每小题15分.满分22.5分)C. In the street.C. He took a tes

4、t.C Hes a ShOP assistantCAt 18:50.听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项。听每段对话或独口前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时 间。毎段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.What docs BilI OftCn do On Friday night?A.ViSit his parents. B. GO to the movies. C. Walk along BrOadWay.7.WhO WatCheS musical PIayS most of

5、ten?A.Bill. B. Aarah.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。& Why does DaVid Want to SPCak to Mike?A.TO invite him to a party. B. TO discuss a SChedUIC9.What do WC know about the speakers?A.ThCy are COlIeagUeS B. ThCy are CIOSe friends听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.What kind OfCamCra docs the man want?A.A TV CamCra B. A VidCO CamCra

6、11 WhiCh Iunction is the man IlIOSt interested in?A.UnderWliter filming. B. A IargC ncnoryr.12.HOW much WOUId the man Pay for IhC SCCOnd Camera?A. 950 euros. B. 650 euros.听第9段材料,冋答第13至16题。13.Who is Cliflbrd?A. A IittIC girl. B. ThC mans pct.14.Who SUggCSted that NOnnan Paint for ChildrCrfS books?A.

7、HiS wift B. Elizabeth.15.What is NOnnarfs StOry based on?A. A book. B. A Painting.16.What is it that ShOCked Norman?A. HiS UneXPeCted SUCCeSS B. HiS eftrts made in vain.听第10段材料,回答第17至2()题。17.C. BiIrS parents.C. TO Call Ofr a meeting.C. Theyve never met before.C. A movie CamCraC. Auto-focus.C. 470 eu

8、ros.C. A fictional character.C. A PLbliSher.C. A young woman.C. HiS editor s disagreement.Who WOUid IikC to HIake SlnalI talk according to Ihe speaker?. Relatives. B. SIrangCrS C Visitors.18.Why do PCOPlC have Small talk?A. TO express OPiniOns. B. TO avoid arguments C. TO ShOW friendliness.19.WhiCh

9、Of Ihe following is a frequent topic in SmalI talk?A. POlitics. B. MOViCS C. SaIariCS20.What does Ihe SPCaker recommend at the end OfhiS lecture?A.ASking OPen-Cnded questions B.FCCIing free to ChangC topicsC.Making SmaIl talk interesting.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从毎题所给的A. I人C和

10、D四个选项中.选出最隹选项。Train InfOrnIatiOnAll CUStOmerS travelling On TranSLink SenriCeS must be in POSSeSSiOn Of a Valid ticket before boarding KOr ticket information, PIeaSe ask at your IOCal StatiOn Or CaIl 13 12 30.While QUeenSland Rail makes every efibrt to ensure IrainS run as SChedUled, there Can be no

11、 guarantee Of COnnCCtiOnS between trains Or between train SerViCCS and bus SCrViCeSLOSt PrOPern (失物招领)CaIl LOSt ProPerty On 13 16 17 during business hours for items IOSt On QUeenSland Rail services. ThC IOSt PrOPerty OfTiCe is OPen MOnday to Friday 7:30 am to 5:00 PiTI and is IOCated (位干)at ROma Str

12、eet station.PIlbliC holidaysFOn PUbliC holidays, generally a SUnday timetable OPerateS On Certain major event days, iC AUStralia Day, AnZaC Day, SPOrtIng and CUItUral days, SPeCial additional sericcs Inay OPCrate ChnStmaS Day SCrViCeS OPerate to a CIlriStmas Day IinICIable. BCfbrC IIaVCI PlCaSC ViSi

13、t translink. coin, au Or CaIl TralISLilIk On 13 12 30 anytimeCUStOmerS USing mobility CieVlCeSMany StatiOnS have WheelChair access from Ihe Car Park Or entrance to the StatiOn platforms. FOr assistance, PICaSC CaIl QUCCnSIand RaiI On 13 16 17.GUardian trains (OUtbOUnd)DCPartOnginI)CStinationArriVC6:

14、42PmAltandiVarSity LakeS7:37Pm7:29pmCCntralVarSity LakCS8:52Pm&57PmFOrtitUdC VaIlCyVarSily LakCS9:52Pm11:02pmROma StreetVarSity LakCS12:22am2】 WIKH WOUId you do to get ticket information?A. Call 13 16 17. B. ViSit .au.C. ASk at the IoCaI Station D. CheCk the train SChedUle22.At WhiCh StatiOn Can you

15、 find the IOSt PrOPerty office?A. Altandi. B. ROma Street. C. VarSity Lakes. D. FOrtitUde ValIey23.WhiCh train WOUld you take if you go from Central to VarSity Lakes?A.6:42 pm. B.7:29 pm. C.8:57 pm. D.l 1:02 pm.BRetUrning to a book youve read many times Can feel Iike drinks With an Old friend. There

16、s a WeICOme familiarity but also SOmetimeS a Slight SUSPiCiOn that time has Changed you botn. and thus the relationship BUt books dont Changel PeOPle do. And lhals What makes Ihe act Of rereading SO rich and transformative.ThC beauty Of rereading IiCS in the idea that OUr bond With the WOrk is based

17、 On OUr PreSCnt InCntaI rcgistcr. Ils true, the OldCr I get, Ihe more I feel Iime has WingS BUt With reading, itl all about the present. Its about the now and What OnC COntribUtCS to the now. because reading is a give and take between author and reader. EaCh has to PUII their OWn WCightThere arc thr

18、ee bks I reread annually. The first, WhiCh I take to reading CVery spring, is EmCSt Hemingways A MOVeabIe Feast. PUbliShed in 1964, its his ClaSSiC memoir Of 1920s Paris. The IangUage is almost intoxicating (令 人陶醉的) an aging WritCr IOOking back On an ambitious yet SinIPlCr time. AnOthCr is AnniC DiI

19、Iard,s HOIy the Firm. her PoetiC 1975 ramble (随笔)about everything and nothing. The third book is JUIiO Cortazar1S SaVe Twilight. SeIeCted Poems, because poetry. And because Cortazar.WhilC I tend to buy a IOt of bks, these three WCrC given to InC as gifts, UhiCh Inight add to the meaning I attach to

20、them BUt 1 imagine that, WhiIC money is indeed WOnelCrfUI and necessary, rereading an authors WOrk is the highest CUrrenCY a reader Can Pay Ihem The best books are Ihe OneS that OPen further as time PaSSeS Bllt remember, it5s you that has to grow and read and reread in OrdCr to better UndCrStand you

21、r friends24.Why does the author like rereading?A.It evaluates the WTiter-reader relationshipB.ItWS a WindOW to a WhOle new WOrld.C.IteS a SUbStiIU(C Ibr drinking With a friendD.It CXtCndS Ihe UnderStanding OfOnCSclf.25.What do WC know about the book A MOveahle Feast?A.Ils a brief account Of a IriPB.

22、S about HCmingWayS Iife as a young man.C.Its a record Of a historic event.D.ItM about I ICmingways friends in Paris.26.What docs IhC UndCrIinCd WOrd , CUrrCnCy , in ParagraPh 4 refer to?. Debt. B. ReWard C. AIIOWanCe D. FaCe value.27.What Can WC infer about the author from the text?A. Hc IOVeS poetr

23、y. B. Hes an editor. C. Hes Very ambitious. D. Hc teaches readingCRaCe Walking ShareS Inany fitness benefits With nnning, research ShOWSt While most Iikely COntribUting to fewer injuries. It does, however, have its OWn problem.RaCe WalkerS are conditioned athletes. The IOngeSt track and field event

24、at Ihe SUnimer OlymPiCS is the 50 kilometer race walk. WhiCh is about five miles IOnger than the marathon. BUt the sports rules require that a race walkers knees Stay Straight IhrOUgh most Of Ihe ICg SWing and One foot remain in ContaCt(接触)WiIh Ihe ground at all times ItM this Strange form that make

25、s race WaIking SUCh an attractive activity, however, SayS JaCIyn Norberg, an assistant PrOfeSSOr Of exercise SCienCe at Salem State UniVerSity in Salem, MaSSLike running, race Walking is PhySiCany demanding, She says. ACCOrding to most CaICUIations, race VValkerS moving at a PaCe Of SiX miles Per ho

26、ur WOUld bum about 800 CalOries( K各里)Per hour, WhiCh is approximately twice as many as they WOUld bum VValking, although fewer Ihan unnine, WhiCh WOUld PrObably burn about 1,000 Or more CalOriCS PCr hour.HOWCVCn race Walking docs not POUnd the body as much as running does, Dr. NOrbCrg says. ACCOrdin

27、g to her research, runners hit the ground With as much as four times their body WCight PCr step, WhiIC race walkers, WhO do not IeaVe the ground, Create OnIy about 1.4 times their body Weight With each StePAS a result, She SaySt SOIne Of the injuries associated With running, SUCh as runner knee, are

28、 UnCommOn among race WaIkCrS. BUt the sports StrangC form docs PIaCC COnSidCrablC StrCSS On the ankles and hips. SO PCOPIC With a history Of SUCh injuries might Want to be CaUtiOUS in adopting the sport. In fact anyone WiShing to try race WaIking ShOUld PrObabIy first COnSUlt a COaCh Or experienced

29、racer to Ieanl PrOPer technique, She says. It takes SOme PraCtiCe28.Why are race WalkerS ConditiOned athletes?A.They must run IOng distances.B.ThCy are qualied for the marathon.C.ThCy have to follow SPCCiaI rulesD.ThCy are good at SWinging their legs.29.What advantage docs race WaIking have OVCr run

30、ning?A.It s more POPUIar at the Olympics.B.Its IeSS ChaIlenging PhySiCally.C Its HlOre CfleCtIVe in body buildingD III ICSb IikCly to UaUSC KlICU ijurics.30What is Dr. Norbergs SUggCStiOn for SOmCOnC Irying race walking?A. Getting experts OPiniOns. B. HaVing a InediCaI CheCkUPC.HirilIg an CXPCriCnCC

31、d COaCh D. DOing regular CXCrCiSCS31 WhiCh Word best describes the author,s attitude to race walking?A. SkCPtical. B. ObjCCtiVC C. TOICrant D. COnSCrVratiVCDThC ConlKCtiOn between PCOPlC and PlantS has IOng been Ihe SUbJeCt Of SCiCntifiC rcscarcl RCCent StUdiCS have found POSitiVC CfICCtS. StUdy COndUCtCd in YOUngStOWnf OhiOf for example, discovered that greener areas Ofthe City CXPCrienCCd ICSS Crime .In another, CmPlOyCeS Were ShOWn to be 15% more PrOdUCtiVC WhCn their WOrkPIaCCS Were decorated With houseplan

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